Mother - Settling the Score Ch. 01

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Prologue: On the Beach.
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Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/29/2021
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Author's disclaimer and warning: There are no nice people in this story.


"I do feel sorry for you, Herb."

Gazing at his wife Claire's beautiful features bathed in the mingled glow of Polynesian moonlight and the flickering beach torches, for an instant Herb Henderson thought he saw a trace of real concern. Perhaps her fiery hazel eyes even held a shadow of regret for what she had done. Not long ago he'd have clutched at her words as a fragile thread of hope.

He knew better than that, now.

"Just remember that this was all your own fault." Claire rose from her seat in the beach chair next to his and sauntered a dozen steps across the sand to stand before their employers, Simone and Burke Chandler.

The four were alone on the beach. Herb could barely make out the distant sounds of revelry from the reception back at the restaurant, borne across the lagoon by the warm night breeze. An hour ago Simone had suggested that the Chandlers and Hendersons wander off from the party together for a while. "Just a little private celebration among old friends, away from the crowd." Among the attorneys and staff at Travis & Chandler, Simone's "suggestions" carried more than the force of law. After all, at T&G the law was nothing but a medium to be deformed and reshaped by sharp attorneys to secure the interests of their international clients. In contrast, the Chandlers ruled their domain like sovereigns.

Claire wore a black micro bikini that was no more than three tiny triangles of mesh fabric held in place by a web of thin elastic cords. It barely covered most of her large dark nipples and the little mouth of her vagina. When she walked, the flimsy garment failed at even that limited mission: with every swaying step forward across the white sand, her taut thighs parted and the pink of her moist labia winked tauntingly back at him.

But then, she'd chosen the suit not to conceal but to tantalize. It served as both provocation and as an invitation. She had worn it to the reception and had not worn much more at the wedding itself that morning. She hadn't stood out in that regard among the group of sybarites that the Chandlers numbered as close friends and professional associates.

Claire leaned forward and pressed her open mouth to Burke's, sealing their lips in a long, deep kiss. Burke's hands came up under her arms as if he were going to lift her off her feet, which Herb was sure the big man could do even at such an awkward angle. Instead, he ran his thick fingers along the sides of her delicate rib cage, over her tiny waist, and on down to caress her buttocks. He cupped the firm cheeks and spread them wide. The little mesh triangle of the G-string slipped forward, completely exposing her vulva. The cord that secured it rode up between her rosy, engorged cunt lips. Her open pussy gleamed in the torchlight, wet and dark and as inviting as the ocean lapping at the island shore.

Simone watched their clinch with more than mere approval. Her tongue flicked out between her teeth to dab hungrily at her upper lip, her hands slipping into the folds of the loose sarong that was her only cover. She lightly touched her nipples, excited by what she saw and what she knew was yet to come.

Burke wasn't handsome. He had a brutish magnetism that set him apart from and intimidated many of his Ivy League colleagues in the boardrooms and courtrooms that were his world. He was tall and built like a draft horse, his shoulders and chest corded masses of muscle. In mid-life his dark hair was salted with steel gray and he had gone a little soft in the waist but he still projected an aura of masculine power.

Claire unbelted his beach robe, exposing his stiffening penis. His dick matched the rest of him: as big around as Herb's forearm and nearly as long, heavily veined, a great bludgeon of a cock. He was not yet fully hard. She moved her hand to his crotch, her fingertips danced lightly along the underside of his prick from the balls up to the blunt, apple-sized glans. Taking a step backward, she undid the ties at her hips and let her suit bottom fall to her ankles. She kicked it carelessly away into the dark. She pivoted with a dancer's grace, planted her feet wide apart in the sand, and bent forward from the waist. Hands braced on her knees, she presented her hairless pussy to her boss—all the while gazing directly into her husband's tortured eyes.

"This was all your fault."

The words burned in Herb's consciousness, searing him to his core. What Claire said was true enough. Yet his own sins seemed trivially banal when taken against the magnitude of her retribution.

His wife, daughter, and son had all turned against him. He didn't expect better from Noah; Herb had written the kid off years ago as a hoodlum and a loser. But what Claire and Robyn were doing was unfathomable and obscene.

For over twenty years Herb Henderson had poured all his life's energy, skill, and ingenuity into his career to become an equity partner at Travis & Chandler. Claire had often accused him of caring about nothing else, and he had to admit that he couldn't refute that based on the evidence. He'd pursued success ruthlessly and by unconventional means and, when at last the dice had fallen against him he'd learned that his allies were not his friends. Alliances were only transactions. He'd arrogantly dismissed more durable qualities such as trust and personal loyalty. If he had any defense at all to offer, it was that he had emulated Burke Chandler's own example through all of it.

All of which had finally led him here tonight, to this private island on the far side of the world from New Derby, agreeing to participate in a humiliating travesty of a wedding. It was his last desperate bid to salvage something from the ruins of his life.

Burke sipped at his Bacardi, then leaned forward on the rattan couch and inserted a blunt finger into Claire's pussy. Her lips formed a surprised little "O" that quickly widened into a lewd smile. She shoved her hips back, wordlessly inviting him to probe her more deeply. He slid another finger into her moist, hot depths and worked them casually in and out. "Awwwhhh," she sighed, breathing in little gasps. "Oh! Oh, fuck..."

"Soon." Burke's free hand roamed over her large round tits, still restrained by the webbing of her swimsuit top. When he rolled the ball of his thumb over one nipple she shivered from head to toe, moaning deep in her throat.

"Fuck..." Claire repeated. "Fuck...please...fuck...fuuuuck..." her words began as a plea, became a chant, and finally came to sound like a kind of prayer to whatever lustful deity she had come to worship.

Burke pushed a third finger into Claire's cunt. Herb knew that those three fingers together were bigger around than his own dick. Burke glanced over at Simone. "She's quite wet."

"Isn't she always?" Simone rose from her seat and stood close to Claire, kissing her lightly on the cheek. "Aren't you, darling? How badly do you want to feel that hot meat raging up inside your slick little cock socket, hmm?" She gazed into Claire's lust-drunk eyes, twirling a finger in her perspiration-matted, dark red curls.

"Don't put her off too much longer, Burke. We both know our girl can't do without it." Simone laughed and walked over to sit down in the vacated chair beside Herb. "The view's so much better over here, don't you think?"

Simone was a tall, elegant woman who moved with the grace she'd learned as a teen on the fashion runways of Europe before turning to the study of law. She was fifty, five years older than Claire, slender and still youthful with high cheekbones, china-blue eyes, and platinum hair streaked by arctic white. Her white knit beach sarong was completely open in the front, displaying every lean curve of her small round breasts, girlishly flat stomach, and long, lean legs.

"Your wife is a remarkable woman, you know?" Simone touched Herb's shoulder and spoke as if they were long-time confidants. "Really something special. I never weary of watching her take cock—Burke's or any other man's."

Herb clenched his jaw until it ached, determined not to respond to any of their sadistic prodding.

"Now," Burke told Claire. She immediately straddled his hips, reached down between her thighs, and eagerly guided his prick to the luscious target between her legs. She lowered her pelvis until his huge purple glans nudged at the entrance to her pussy. Her inner lips spread around the dome, clinging to the invading fleshy wedge as it slowly disappeared inside her.

Her expression as Burke penetrated her was a mixture of joy and relief. She paused in her descent when her cunt had swallowed his entire cockhead, twisting her head back to look down into his dark eyes and kiss him again. "Thank you," she murmured. She rotated her hips and started easing her way down his prick. Herb winced at the way his wife's pussy stretched and distended as she descended that cudgel-like shaft, so fat that her delicate coral pussy lips rolled up inside her as it entered.

Claire climaxed for the first time before Burke was halfway inside her. Her entire frame shuddered and her mouth gaped silently open, so completely consumed by her pleasure that she could not even summon a moan. Looking at that lush, full-lipped mouth, Herb fought the urge to leap up and fill it with his own prick. That was forbidden. Claire would have none of him; she'd made that plain in a thousand agonizing ways. Yet after so many months she still loved to torment him, and the Chandlers were too glad to aid and abet her in that.

"Why the long face, man?" Burke mocked, flashing a sardonic smile. "This is a celebration, after all!"

To hell with him, Herb thought suddenly, rising from his chair. The humiliation was too much. To hell with the job. To hell with all of them. Simone's musical laugh interrupted his moment of inner defiance. She placed her hand possessively on his crotch.

"Oh, don't let that sour look fool you, Burke. Mister Henderson here has quite a hard-on. I believe that despite himself he's enjoying this performance as much as I am." Simone rubbed her palm over the erection tenting Herb's trunks. He sank back into his seat, cursing himself for his weakness.

It was true: debased and infuriated though he was, Herb was still helplessly aroused to see Claire fucking another man. Her face was a mask of savage lust, lips drawn back to bare her perfect white teeth, eyes rolled up under fluttering, long-lashed lids. Her pulse throbbed visibly at her throat and forehead in time with the wild pounding of her heart. Fire and moonlight highlighted the smooth contours of her hips and trim legs. Her red-painted toenails dug into the sand as she flexed her high, sculpted calves to slowly lift and lower herself on the end of Burke's cock.

"He's really stretching her out, isn't he?" Simone whispered to Herb. "Claire has such a small, tight pussy. When I suck her I can get that entire, yummy little slit in my mouth. And Burke is so big...I imagine you're wondering if taking him isn't a little painful for your sweet little wifey, aren't you?

Herb nodded mutely, unable to tear his eyes from the lewd spectacle of his wife continuing to push herself relentlessly onto their boss's huge cock; seeing Burke's manhood gradually disappearing into his wife's body both appalled and fascinated him. That swollen pillar of flesh looked far too large to even begin to fit any woman's pussy...yet not only did Claire crave his penetration but Herb knew many women who competed for the opportunity. Attorneys and clients, the eager wives of associates and partners; Burke had virtually any woman that he wanted and accepted their carnal attentions as his due.

"I can tell you exactly what she's feeling." Simone continued. "To be that completely filled is the most exquisite thing. It's a challenge, yes, but the reward is more glorious than you can ever know. Poor Herb."

At Simone's words, Herb's cock reared up still higher, jerking and straining against its confinement...just as she had intended. "Take it out." She savored his horror and shame as he reluctantly yanked his swimsuit down to his knees. To her mind, his was an acceptable if unremarkable prick. It would suffice for present purposes. She swiped her hand across the head, collecting drops of pre-cum, and licked her fingers clean.

Simone and Burke had found Herb Henderson's amoral ruthlessness

useful—he'd earned them a great deal of money. His unconventional customer retention tactics were unusually successful. Unfortunately, his ambition had posed a modest challenge to their own power. Simone preferred to neutralize such problems before they could become more substantial threats. Turning Claire had solved the Herb Henderson problem neatly.

Tamed and broken, he still had his uses. Simone closed her saliva-slick fingers on his prick and slid them along the shaft. He gritted his teeth, clearly struggling to hide the excitement her skillful hand job caused. That didn't matter, as the exercise was entirely for her own amusement. Whatever he might feel was unimportant, as long as he learned what she required of him and accepted it.

Claire's pussy had swallowed most of Burke's cock. She cried out as she came again, her second orgasm in as many minutes, wriggling and squirming and bearing down in the effort to take the rest of him. She knew how fantastic it would feel, having his whole prick in her again, but she'd have to work for it. Taking a deep breath and holding it, she rose up a few inches and then plunged down with all her might. She had to have it all. She had to have it now!

Her inner muscles fully dilated and she felt the flaring helmet of Burke's prick glide smoothly all the way up her cunt, triggering every nerve ending in her joy tunnel in its passage until it bumped her cervix. She came a third time, a bone-rattling climax that made the first two seem like mere sneezes by comparison. Her screams were so loud that she was sure they could hear her across the lagoon, and she didn't care. Claire was willing at that instant for every man and woman on the island to line up between her legs, to fuck her over and over for the rest of the night.

She rested for a moment with her pussy mound grinding deliciously against Burke's balls before flexing her thigh muscles, intending to rise up again to ride him. Burke had other ideas. He wrapped his powerful arms around her slender waist, crushing her soft body against his chest. With a guttural laugh, he grabbed her suit top in both hands and pulled until the straining elastic reached its limit and snapped in two. Her huge round breasts sprang free at last.

Claire trembled in anticipation.

He closed his broad hands over the sensitive fleshy globes.

There was no tenderness in Burke's touch as his broad hands closed over Claire's tits, roughly squeezing and molding the sensitive pliant globes. He pinched her large dark areolae and pulled hard on her stiff inch-long nipples as if to milk them. Holding her in place on his lap he rocked his hips to pull completely out of her cunt; the cool ocean breeze played over her swollen labia and she felt a brief, aching emptiness before he slammed all the way back in. She reached between her legs to cup and lift and play with his balls, urging him on.

Burke bucked his hips, driving rhythmically in and out of Claire's clinging, creaming pussy. He loosened his grip on her waist just a bit and she started humping up and down, meeting him thrust for thrust. "Harder!" she screamed. "Fuck me harder! I need it, I need it, I need it..."

Claire climaxed again, convulsing and flopping like a ragdoll as his enormous cock pistoned relentlessly in and out of her tightly stretched fuck tunnel. Waves of pleasure cascaded through her, ebbing away only to surge and crest again like the tide that crashed a few hundred feet down the shore. Her head lolled back to one side. She drooled, thrashing and gyrating mindlessly as she was impaled repeatedly on her boss's cock.

"The more of that kind of fucking a woman like your wife gets, the more she craves it." Simone whipped her hand up and down Herb's prick. "It truly becomes an addiction. I've seen Claire take on bigger cocks than Burke's, and more than one at a time. So have you. Remember?"

The reminder pushed Herb over the edge. Sensing that he was about to come, Simone let go of his cock completely. He grabbed reflexively at his prick, to jerk himself off, but she batted his hand away as well. His balls tightened painfully, and he ejaculated without the release of orgasm. Ropes of hot semen spurted from the tip of his cock, arcing into the night air. Simone caught some of it in her outstretched hand. She tipped her palm upward and drained the thick fluid into her mouth.

"Good boy." Simone spoke as she might to a performing dog. She patted Herb's head.

Witnessing her husband's degradation charged Claire's excitement to a fever pitch. She rode Burke faster, humping and grinding against him, and it didn't take long before he slammed balls-deep into her a final time and came with a roar. His massive cock pulsed and throbbed against her inner walls as jism pumped up its length and shot explosively into her fuck tunnel. She came again.

Everything is perfect, now, Claire thought. It was hard to believe that a year ago she had been so miserable, isolated, and bereft. She had lifted herself out of that depression and forged a new life. She had reunited her family, if in a most unconventional way. And she had Herb just where she wanted him at last.

All in just one year...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LechemanLechemanless than a minute ago

Hmm yes, I'm lost and hoping the story will fill in current gaps.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Mmmm for once I can’t quite see where this is going, bit short but not bad descriptions

BigPopsBigPopsalmost 3 years ago

seemingly very devious plot to be laid out in coming chapters - another brilliant output from the naughty duo Tad Overdon.

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