Mother - Settling the Score Ch. 12

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Epilogue: Honeymooners.
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Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/29/2021
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Claire kicked and swam toward the smear of silver light. Her head broke the ocean surface. She floated and took a breath of warm, salt air, shaking the water from her eyes. She was a few hundred yards down the beach from the Chandlers and her husband, and she swam back toward the canopy and torches.

A young couple strolled along the flat wooden bridge that connected their strip of beach to the cluster of bungalows across the lagoon. They were heading over from the wedding reception to join her group. Claire recognized them and swam faster.

After fucking Burke for an hour she'd gone swimming, both to rinse away the sweat and sand and cum and because she knew that the Chandlers intended to make Herb a career offer tonight. She'd already put in her two cents on that score and wasn't didn't care to sit through that conversation.

She waded out onto the hard damp sand. So long after sunset, the air was a few degrees colder but still tropical.

I wonder...if you lived here, would you ever need to wear clothes at all? The notion intrigued her. The lights of the big island, Kai'ulau, were just visible through the mist on the horizon. When Simone had offered the use of this little private isle for the wedding, Claire had asked if she and Burke owned it. "Oh, no. Friends, darling--clients, actually, the Novaks. I adore them. They make Konstantyn look positively Amish."

She could hear Burke giving Herb the bad news as she approached the group. "I think Grigor was leaning toward you until it became clear that Claire and Robyn would not be accompanying you to Europe," he said. "Andrei, I'm afraid, always favored Loretta."

"You're giving the satellite office to Murphy," Herb repeated slowly. He looked stunned and slurred his words as if he'd gone a couple of losing rounds in a prizefight. "You always intended to give it to her."

"Not true," Simone interjected sharply. "Not entirely true. It was the client's call. And frankly, it's easy enough to understand the son's preference for Loretta, if you've seen her sandwiched between him and his father."

"You can take some pride in that, you know," Burke added. "If I recall, Loretta was nearly a newlywed when she started working with you, wasn't she? It didn't take you long to turn her out and recruit her into your style of client service. So, fruits of your labor, right? She's showed the Konstantyns that there is nothing she won't do to satisfy them. I don't think you'd suit their expectations nearly so well."

"You said that the decision was mostly theirs," Herb objected. "What about the other part?"

"Afraid that was me," Claire spoke up. "I made my preference clear to Simone. I lobbied for Loretta."

"But why? To torment me? To keep punishing me?"

"Torment you? Me? Don't be silly." Claire laughed. "I didn't want you gone off alone so far away. We're a family and you're my husband, dearest. I mean, goodness, think of the kids."

"Yeah, Dad. Think of us." Noah and Erika Tan stepped into the torchlight together. They were the couple Claire had seen walking across from the hotel. "I guess that'd be a stretch for you, huh?" he sneered, letting go of Erika's hand and embracing Claire. He cupped her bare breasts in his hands and leaned down to kiss her on the mouth. Herb could only stare at them, disconsolate and disbelieving.

"Get hold of yourself, man!" Burke snapped. "You look like somebody shot your damn dog." Erika perched herself on his knee. Her fingers wandered teasingly through the forest of dark curls on his chest. His tone softened ever so slightly as he continued, "Now, to be fair...I'll grant that perhaps we've put you through something of a wringer these last few months. And I know this seems like a big setback and a disappointment right now. But you can either mope about it or move forward. We do have another offer for you."

"With Loretta Murphy moving on to other things, your wife is going to need a new assistant," Simone chimed in. "We expect Claire will become quite the rainmaker. I suppose we could assign a junior person to run her office and, you know, the day-to-day...but we want someone special to manage her social contacts and engagements with an eye to business potential. Someone devoted to her success. Someone with the right kind of experience."

"Excuse me?" Herb's chest grew tight with horror at Simone's implication.

"We want you to do your thing again." Burke waved his hand casually. He could not completely disguise his wolfish satisfaction at sinking the knife. "See to it that Claire is fucking the right people. You may be working with Robyn as well, Claire has suggested that we bring her on as--"

"You want me to pimp for my wife. And my daughter." Herb's voice was flat and toneless. He looked disbelievingly from Burke to Simone and then to Claire.

"Come on, you're good at this." Burke sounded for all the world as if he were encouraging a youngster in a volunteer softball program. "You've always had the knack..."

Herb stood up and took two steps toward Burke, fists raised...then something finally snapped inside him, that last thread of hope. He broke down in helpless laughter, the mirthless, mindless screech of a madman, and miserable tears ran down his face. What they proposed was at the same time too awful to fathom and yet somehow had an inevitability to it: this was where it had all been leading from the beginning.

Somewhere inside Herb the last vestige of his old self--the schemer, the strategist--clawed at his attention with the futile question: What are your options?

He had no answer. There was nowhere he could go to start over--nowhere that the Chandlers could not find him, nowhere that he would not be forever haunted by the events of this year, and by this morning's wedding and by what was happening now.

Hysteria faded into hoarse sobs. Herb bowed his head.

"You'll do it, then."

"Oh, what the hell," Herb surrendered, only half-suppressing another manic titter. "Why not?"

"Excellent. And to celebrate, I brought you a little gift." Simone handed Herb a black leather case that looked something like a holster. It had a snap closure and bore his initials in monogrammed gold script. He opened it.

It held black steel handcuffs.

"Oh, how adorable!" Claire leaned over Herb's shoulder and took the case from him. "Here, let me." She clasped a metal strand around each of his wrists; they closed with the ka-snick! of well-made lock tumblers clicking resolutely shut, securing his arms in front of him. Six inches of heavy chain joined the cuffs. They were lined with velvet; he supposed he ought to be grateful for that.

Claire gently pushed him to his knees on the sand in front of Simone. She planted a kiss on the top of his head. "Consider him on temporary loan. Don't break him." She winked mockingly down at Herb. "He's mine."

"Have fun, Dad." Noah swept Claire up in his arms, managing to bump against his father and knock him sideways into the sand. "Oops!" He and his mother laughed together as he carried her off into the darkness. Herb struggled to push himself back up to his knees.

Noah laid Claire on her back at the edge of the surf, kissing her eyelids and cheeks and yielding lips. His lips traveled lower, over the hollow of her throat, lingering briefly on the arch of her collar bone before finding the full high hills of her breasts with their stiff caramel nipples. "Oh yes," she whispered. "Suck my titties, baby." She groped and fondled his cock. Then his mouth resumed its journey down her body's lush terrain. He buried his head between her thighs. She rocked against him as his tongue traced a wet line around the outer edges of her sex lips. He teased her clitoris until she came.

"My turn."

Claire pushed Noah onto his back and plunged her head down, taking every inch of his monstrous cock all the way into her mouth. She swallowed him easily. Each time her lips slid down his prick he let out a guttural moan. "God, Mom, you're the best cocksucker in the world." He arched his hips up into her mouth. Her heart swelled at his words. Throating big cocks was as natural to her now as breathing, and there was no cock she loved sucking as much as her son's.

After a few more long sucks she pulled his prick from her mouth and licked it teasingly. "Would you like to come in Mommy's throat or do you want to fuck my pussy?" she asked. "Or maybe my hot little asshole? They're all yours for the taking."

"Pussy first," Noah grunted. He turned her onto her side and got into position behind her. She cocked one leg in the air, offering him easy access to her cunt. He reached around to squeeze the pliant tan flesh of her huge tits, rolling her nipples between his fingers and thumbs as the thick column of his cock entered her hot, liquid fuck-hole. The warm ocean tide lapped at her thighs like a thousand small wet tongues.

It was Herb's curse that seeing Claire fuck another man always got him hard, but he was still shocked and shamed by the intensity of his arousal as he watched Noah penetrate her. He knew that he would not forget the look on his wife's face as she squirmed on their son's cock, at the unbridled animal pleasure that the unthinkable act ignited in her. In years to come, this memory would surface as he hovered at the edge of sleep, night after restless night, startling him awake to rise and pace the floor for hours in anger and despair.

"Mmm...not bad." Simone examined Herb's erection with amusement. "I believe I may want to play for quite a while, though." From one of the loose pockets of her sarong, she produced several pills. She fed them to him like dog treats, one at a time, offering him a sip of wine from her glass to help choke them down.

"There now, that should keep your engine running." Simone balanced her ass on the edge of her seat and held her labia open with two fingers. She nodded curtly. Without a word or any further instruction, Herb crawled obediently forward, opened his jaw wide, and pressed his face hard against her cunt.

If Erika felt slighted by Noah's abandonment she gave no hint of it. She was on her knees in front of Burke, grasping the base of his straining prick and jerking him off several times before aiming it at her mouth. "Fuck my face, Mister Chandler? You know how much I love the taste of your jizz." She swallowed his cock and moaned happily.

Claire noticed that, rather than immediately granting Erika's suggestion, Burke leaned down to slip his thick fingers under the red triangles of her bikini top. He pinched and pulled at her turgid nipples, milking the stiff mushroom-like teats in a more tender fashion than Claire had come to expect from him. His sardonic little smile had slipped, too, the one with which he customarily accepted tribute from the women in his entourage. It gave Claire pause to wonder if this girl was getting to him in some unexpected way. She remembered a line of dialogue from a very silly, very old movie. "Twas Beauty killed the Beast."

Judging from the set of Simone's features, limned in the torchlight, Mrs. Chandler was untroubled by whatever schoolboy crush hubby might have on his latest ingénue. Her satisfaction was evident as she observed Erika and Burke, though much of that was probably to do with the way that Herb was eating her pussy. She sat with one leg draped over his shoulder, her heel lightly beating against his buttocks like a metronome dictating the pace at while she wished to be tongue-fucked. The toes of her other foot tickled and played with his throbbing cock and balls.

Claire emphatically did not want Burke for her own. He was as Simone had described him: a useful stud. A bull, blinkered and confident in his dominion, he would always charge the waving scrap of cloth believing that the cheers of the crowd were for him.

No, Claire had her career and her freedom and most importantly her family all together again. Simone had the wealth and power to indulge her every evil whim. Erika was a proper protégé and would learn from Simone what she needed to learn and then she would take what she wanted. Maybe what she wanted was Burke. Maybe one day Simone would hand him off to her, trading up for a tower even higher in the clouds and for younger, harder cocks.

Noah came inside Claire suddenly, with the powerful force and pressure that she so loved in young studs. His cum fountained into her spasming cunt. She screamed as a sharp series of orgasms went off like little rockets in her loins.

Simone kept sliding her instep up and down the underside of Herb's cock until, with a cry at least as much of pain as of pleasure, he ejaculated into the empty air. Long spirals of cum spouted from his jerking prick, falling in dark splatters on the dry silver-gray sand. She climaxed as well.

Herb's erection did not subside. Simone languidly stirred his balls with her foot and licked her lips.

"Again," she said.


The bridal suite had French doors leading out onto a broad flagged balcony with carved stone railings overlooking the beach a hundred feet below. The doors were open to the night, and ocean air bearing the mingled fragrances of untold species of tropic blossoms wafted into the bedroom where the newlyweds lay together. At the other end of the room was a luxurious bath featuring a sunken round soaking tub. Kelsey Ellis knelt in the warm, waist-deep water, a jacuzzi jet bubbling deliciously against her naked pussy as she played with the cocks of the four men seated on the tub's rim.

The cock she was sucking at the moment was her uncle Brian's. It was very much like her father's cock, which she thought only stood to reason, and in the several days since Brian had arrived for the wedding she'd gotten several chances to play guess-the-stud when one or the other had entered her bedroom in the dark of night and wordlessly penetrated her always-ready snatch. At the bachelor party last evening her father had fucked her in the ass at the same time that Brian pumped into her pussy while half a dozen other guys had cheered them all on.

Two of the other men in the tub were also groomsmen. The fourth was Jacques, a hotel worker Kelsey had encountered while the staff had been setting up for the wedding. Jacques was a local, an islander from Kai'ulau. He was at least six and a half feet tall and dark-skinned, with shoulder-length straight black hair and of such a solemn demeanor that he seemed much older than his nineteen years. When Kelsey had seen him straining to haul timbers for the beach pavilion into place, lean muscles rippling in the morning sunlight, she'd also noticed the remarkable bulge that rippled in his pants. She'd immediately recruited him to participate in the rituals of the wedding night.

It was Jacques' cock that Kelsey most looked forward to using this evening, but she made sure not to neglect the other men, fingering their full balls and mouthing and stroking each of their pricks in turn, priming them to fulfill their duties to the bride.

The quickening cadence and rising pitch of the breathy feminine sighs and squeals coming from the bedroom told Kelsey that the time had arrived for her to put aside her own indulgence for a short time. She stepped from the tub, lightly toweled herself and the studs, and led them to form a line at the bedside.

White candles in tall brass holders shed their flickering yellow light over the bed where Robyn Ellis lay naked on her back, resting atop her husband of twelve hours. Her legs were spread wide, her ankles pinned to the mattress beneath Matt's strong calves. He kissed and nuzzled her neck, hands tugging gently at the golden rings piercing her long nipples. Wedding gifts from Kelsey, they complemented the new jeweled pierce in her clitoral hood.

Matt's cock was far up inside Robyn's pussy. He rolled his hips slightly beneath her, barely moving, stirring his prick around inside her clasping fuck tunnel just enough to reach every pleasure-giving nerve.

Now and again he let his hands roam down across her ribcage and tender belly to her cunt. He held her pussy lips apart with the fingers of one hand and stroked her stiff clitoris with the other until she hovered on the verge of orgasm. But then he took his hands away, pulling her back down from the brink. He would return to simply kissing her, running his hands along her slender hips and torso, and playing with her tits.

Robyn had been on the edge of coming and had been denied more times than she could count this evening. She'd long since lost conscious control of her body, her hips automatically twitching in little thrusting motions as if to capture more of Matt's prick...but he was already all the way inside, his swollen ball sack jostling against her slender buttocks.

"Here you go, Sweetness." Kelsey turned Robyn's head to the side and guided Brian's prick to her lips. Robyn's mouth lolled slackly open and he eased his big purple cock-head into her mouth. Robyn did not even open her eyes to see whose cock she was sucking. Kelsey shivered in sympathetic arousal. She knew that feeling well, herself; that state of need in which the identity of the man whose prick she sucked was meaningless. All that mattered was to draw long and deeply on the shaft, craving the reward of hot semen spurting down her throat.

Brian went off in Robyn's mouth. She gulped his cum down like a starving woman. He pulled out and stepped aside to make room for the next man.

"I promised you a wedding night you'd never forget," Matt whispered in her ear. She tried to answer but only a keening, delirious whine of need escaped her mouth before another cock slid into it.

Kelsey led Jacques to the other side of the bed and mounted him. She swiveled her hips and corkscrewed her pussy down onto his giant cock. Bracing her hands on his big shoulders she rode him hard, squeezing her cunt muscles around him every time she lifted up on his juice-slathered prick. She would throw this stud such a fuck that when he tried to boast to his coworkers later about the tiny blonde who had drained the last drops of cum from his balls and still demanded more, they would laugh and call him a damned liar.

In addition to the wedding of Robyn and Matt, Kelsey celebrated her own success this night. The loyal and determined young woman had at last fulfilled the secret vows she'd made to herself.

Long ago, she'd promised herself that she would have Robyn for her own. They would be together forever. She had made that happen. Together they would make a happy family with Matt.

As for Matt, Kelsey had sworn to see that her wonderful, heavy-hung father had everything he deserved. She would look after him.

And Daddy definitely needed looking after. He was a brilliant man, but too passive. He hesitated to go after what he wanted the way that he should. If Kelsey had not found those pictures on his computer, guessed his intentions, put them on a thumb drive, and dropped it on Claire Henderson's desk that morning on her way in to see Simone Chandler, who knew how long it would have taken him to carry out his scheme against Herb? Perhaps he never would have, and that would have been such a shame.

Kelsey believed that it was important to Daddy's pride that he never discover her maneuvering on his behalf. Still, now that the deed was done maybe she could be a little self-indulgent.

Maybe she'd at least stop letting him win all the time at chess.

Undulating up and down Jacques' massive ebony cock, she reached between her new stepmother's legs to barely touch her clitoris. Half to herself, she murmured, "Team Ellis for the win."

Robyn came.


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LechemanLechemanabout 20 hours ago

Unfortunately, while the story was well written in developing the characters, they were not really a likeable bunch by any means.

I felt obliged to read the story to the end hoping some of the characters would redeem themselves but alas no.

TadOverdonTadOverdonover 2 years agoAuthor

Wargamer, you seem an unhappy fellow.

I'd recommend either Librium or Viagra, or both.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Fucked up story, no redeeming features no redeeming characters, in essence a cuck story.

No fun at all.

Scores 1/5. Deservedly so.

TadOverdonTadOverdonover 2 years agoAuthor

Y'know, Herb fucked around and found out. LOL

other2other1other2other1over 2 years ago

Sad, so very sad, felt like Herb should have done something too all of them

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