Moths to a Flame

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Is big tobacco lacing their products?
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Moths to a Flame

This story was started by the great and wonderful Blackbladder back in 2019 as an interactive story on another website. I then picked it up and did a couple of extra chapters and no one else got involved and so it sat gathering dust.

A few years later I thought I might be wise to try and actually finish the story.

The story does clunk a bit between Blackbladders and this authors parts, I think I forgot a couple of characters and plots I should have used plotfilla rather than Polyfilla, but hey ho!

I have also kept to Blackbladders original idea to have the interactive element but having two routes halfway through the story. So yes, midway you do get a choice of A or B routes. As Literotica does not allow links, you will have to scroll forward. I hope they are slightly different enough!

So yes, it includes smoking, drinking etc sorry if you do not like it.

For everyone else- I hope you enjoy.


Part One

Olivia Jones had finished her university lectures for the day and after popping home briefly as she forgot her notes. She was in the process of walking the short distance across the back streets to her friend Abigail's house. Olivia loved fresh air, walking everywhere she could. Especially now that she was living in town. It was so easy. Mentally it all the walking helped keep her figure slim. It was as she cross over the road and used the short cut across the local park that she then noticed her other classmate Madison Budron sitting on a bench. That was in itself not surprising, as she lived at her parents' house not far away.

The sitting and having a rest were not different for Madison either. Since her parents had left 6 moonths, she had got a little un-fitter and had proudly stated on several occasions that she did enjoy a sit down.

What was confusing for Olivia, was that Madison was surrounded by a plume of grey exhaled cigarette smoke that was hanging between the branches of a tree in the still early summer air. She paused with confusion. She contemplated turning around and walking the long way there. Madison was sitting there, her shoulders hunched, elbows leaning on her knees over taking drags on a cigarette.

This part was totally not within her character.

After what felt like hours Olivia got her breath back and could move her legs. Curiosity got the better of her and with a deep breath, and a wince at the potent smell she walked over to her.

"Hey Madison what are you doing?" She tried to ignore the obvious before she could not any longer and politely stifling a cough as she took a step back, as she could not stand in the potent cloud.

Madison looked up and lifted a cigarette to her lips and took another drag and smiled. "I just had to sit down. You see the other day my sister got me to try smoking and, well, yup I really love it, there is no point standing to smoke when you can sit!" Madison said with excitement running through her voice as she excitedly flicked the grey ash on the edge of the green park bench.

"Madison this is mad, and totally disgusting, you're like the biggest anti smoker I know - what's happened to you?" Olivia was completely agog.

Madison cackled a laugh, "I guess I'm just getting older and wiser." She smiled as she sat up straighter, adjusted her top down a little, and then again brought the filter back to her lips.

"Oh right, this is mad, but I have got meeting Abigail, but please quit that shit, would you, please, for both our sakes?"

"Why?" Madison cackled.

"Eh, you're scaring me." Olivia panicked.

"Whatever. Have fun with the nerds." Madison laughed smoke jumped from between her lips.

Olivia turned on her heels and practically ran along the path.


A few blocks away the still disbelieving and rightly confused Olivia finally arrived at Abigail's. She sniffed her hair to check it did not reek of Madisons cigarettes and then believing she was clear headed in to meet up with her whole crew. The last two terms, every week Abigail had a study session with who she perceived to be the top students in her university class. Madison normally came too.

"Guys I want to talk to you all about something..." The blonde ponytail swished as she looked around the room as Abigail announced from the front of her room. She adjusted her thin rimmed glasses that sat in front of her blue eyes, as if making a point. "I am doing a research paper with the top scientists in the country and have discovered something scary". The chairs squeaked as the girls leaned forward as they listened with interest. "It seems that cigarette companies have enhanced the chemical nicotine to a highly addictive form. A cigarette now on the market in the area has the ability of confusing a host and taking control of its mental thought pattern, so you desperately want another cigarette".

"There's no way that's true." Olivia screwed her face up in disgust. As her mind drifted back to the park earlier.

"I'm afraid it is and soon I'll have enough research to expose all of this and then try and find a way of stopping it." Abigail informed.

The girls seemed hesitant to believe such a crazy conspiracy but being as they all hated smoking knowing how bad it was for them. It was there and then they all decided to help Abigail in her mission.

"Am I supposed to believe that all smokers are under some type of mind control just because you talked to some people?" Their friend Riley asked.

"No - just people whom you know that have recently started smoking. Don't say anything just yet. All I can say is, be really careful until I know more, OK." Abigail warned.

"Abigail is the smartest person out of all of us I doubt she'd lead us on...this sounds serious." Chloe spoke up.

The girls continued to talk and fret until it was time leave. Olivia was walking home lost in her own thoughts making sure that she kept under the streetlights to stay safe, when she started to hear footprints behind her, getting closer and closer. She got out her mobile as if to ring someone, and she increased her pace trying to stay away from the thudding footsteps, until she heard a recognisable voice.

"Yo, what's up nerd?" Madison asked in a rather intimidating way.

Confusion and relief flowed through her body, she pivoted and stared. "OK enough Madison you're being a jerk." Olivia grizzled angrily and her voice tinged with annoyance.

"I'm sorry I'm just kidding, how was your study session?" Madison tried to be all sweet and nice.

"It was OK didn't study though because Abigail spent the whole time trying to get us to join some anti-smoking cause."

"Still sounds nerdy," Madison laughed, "I'm kidding but really what did she say?"

Olivia explained everything to Madison she'd learned, knowing Madison was her best friend and always kept a secret.

"Wow you actually believe that shit?" Madison questioned.

"I don't know why she would make it up" questioned Olivia.

"Probably to be controlling and get you to be lame like her." Madison huffed. "Besides I smoke now and I'm not walking around like some zombie or any different than before, am I?" Madison smirked before holding her arms out in front of her and slowly walking forward with her eyes wide open like a zombie.

Confusion crossed Olivia's face. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'd still like you to quit until I know more for certain."

Madison shook her head. "Well, I now love smoking, but to be honest, I love you more, so I'll make a deal I'm going to smoke one last cigarette right now then I stop until we know your friend is crazy." Madison laughed as she pulled out a cigarette from her bag and placed it to her lips.

Olivia nodded in agreement and watched intently in the dim light as her friend lit up.

"Look out Olivia! The ciggy is gonna get you" Madison's eyes widened showing the whites of the eyes as she taunted Olivia waving the cigarette in front of her.

Olivia screwed her face up and coughed as the smoke circled in front of her and then laughed. It was then that she began to think maybe Abigail was wrong, it did sound crazy after all.

Madison brought the cigarette to her lips and her cheeks collapsed as she then took a large drag of her cigarette and exhaled a huge plume of smoke into Olivia's face. Olivia again could not help but screw her face up as she coughed. "Madison, what the fuck?"

Concern crossed Madisons face, "I'm sorry I thought it would be funny." She tried to smile.

"No its gross and now I stink!" Olivia stuck her tongue out in disgust as she moaned.

"Don't worry Olivia you will learn to love it. Even the smell!" Madison smirked, with a hint of menace in her voice.

It was then that Olivia began to feel weird and lightheaded. "Madison what the fuck did you just do to me?"

Madison smiled as she nodded, "It looks like you want to try this cigarette, Olivia..." She held out her hand with cigarette between her fingers to Olivia.

"No... I... yes maybe... wait what is happening to me?" Olivia asked shaking her head in confusion.

"Don't fight it Olivia, just let go and take a drag." Madison taunted.

Olivia's hand outstretched on its own accord and soon took the cigarette. Her mind kept screaming not to do it, but it seemed something in her body was compelling her to carry on.

"Now put it to your lips." Madison again ordered.

Olivia's whole body tensed up and began to resist her hands shook with fear. "No Abigail was right." She said out loud. The spell was broken in a fit she threw down the cigarette.

Madison huffed and tutted as she hurriedly bent down and picked up the burning cigarette as if it was the most important thing in the world. Ignoring that had smeared black ash on the grey concrete below them. "Okay Livvy so, then we do this the hard way..." Madison grabbed Olivia's cheek while taking a drag and forced open her lips, breathing out the whole drag into Olivia's mouth.

Olivia instantly bent over double and fell to the ground coughing and spitting out the potent toxic smoke from her longs. She gasped as her eyes glazed over. She could feel the rush of nicotine flowing through her veins as she slowly brought herself back to her feet.

Madison smiled and as Olivia stood up again breathing deeply, she again placed her cigarette between Olivia's lips. For a moment, Olivia stood with the cigarette dangling between her lips. Looking at her friend, she sucked deeply on the filter. The ember glowed red as Olivia inhaled her first actual drag, cheeks caving in. The nicotine continued to probe her pink lungs as the buzz surged through her body. Reluctantly, Olivia tilted her head back and pursed her lips, watching as a neat cone of smoke ascended skywards.

"How do you feel?" asked Madison

Olivia blinked hard keeping one eye shut, before opening both. She ran her tongue along her lips, then smiled. "Amazing..." She beamed as she took another deep drag, basking in the glow of nicotine. Madison removed her pack and lit up another cigarette, content that Olivia was now fully enslaved, addicted, and willing to help advance their cause.

The two girls sat they in almost silence and soon finished their cigarettes together.

"I want you to keep your smoking a secret from the others. We need to know what Abigail is planning." Madison stated with the final whisps of smoke from her lungs.

"Not sure I am really smoking, but I will do, but when its time I will be the one to turn Abigail into one of us." Olivia grinned as she took the last drag.

"Great, come out with me tonight?"


An hour later, after frantically going home and getting dressed Olivia and Madison were sitting outside area of a nearby bar on the high stools and tables looking over the other patrons, each with their bottle of blue Alcopops with a straw.

"You are looking foxy this evening Livy!" Madison purred compliments in her direction, "That short summer dress with low cut top really suits you!" She grinned as, yet another cloud of smoke drifted out of her mouth as she spoke. "I forget how good your tits are, you should show them off more."

Olivia nervously smiled as she accepted the compliments and sat there in an almost trance and watched the smoke cloud dissipate above their heads in the gentle breeze, she was pining for something, she was confused, she just didn't know what.

"Thanks Mads, I was thinking of wearing a kami top and leggings to cover up, but you know it's so hot at the moment, and as the adage goes if you've got it, flaunt it!" She shrugged her shoulders and then adjusted her bra strap as she nervously smiled and then sucked hard on her straw.

"Short is definitely the way to go!" Madison said she tugged down at the hem of her frayed short denim skirt hem as she balanced her chunky thighs on the high bar stool. She then lifted her head and inhaled on the cigarette. She smiled then exhaled, "shall we finish these, and go and find the others in 'Sailors'?" She asked as she stubbed the cigarette out in the ashtray in front of her and then sucked on her straw coming out of the blue drink.

Olivia then sucked hard on her straw and as she slurped up the last of the drink that was left in the corner of the bottle, she swallowed then suggested "I was thinking maybe have one more drink, then go and find them, the club won't really have got going yet?".

"Oh, ok, good idea, as that means I can have another cigarette!" Grinned Madison and she opened her purse and pulled out her pack, and between her red painted fingers pulled out the cigarette and placed it between her lips.

Olivia watched in awe, "Guess I will get these drinks then!" She said as she hopped of the stool and tugged her skirt down too as Madison exhaled another cloud to the sky.

"Thanks, I will have another of these!" Madison grinned with the now bouncing cigarette perched in the corner of her mouth as she picked up her empty bottle and offered it to Olivia.

Olivia nodded, turned and rolled her eyes. "On my way!"

"Thank you!" Madison said before then focusing on drawing hard on her cigarette.

Ten minutes later Olivia returned with the two drinks in her hand and placed one in front of Madison before hopping up on to the stool and readjusting her skirt.

"Madison, err, this is a little strange request, do you think I could have another cigarette?" Olivia asked after sucking hard on the straw.

Madison grinned, as she gently shook her head, "No, I think we need to keep you waiting, you will soon desire a cigarette more, it will make it worth it, just wait until a little later, when we need and enjoy it most!"

"Oh Madison, you tease, if you are sure? May be just a tiny little drag?" Olivia asked her index finger and thumb highlighting how small.

"Later Olivia!" Madison cackled a laugh and then rubbing salt into the wound, inhaled on her cigarette making a point to exhale straight in the direction of Olivia bathing her in a cloud of smoke.

"Oh, are you sure?" Olivia breathed it all in dejectedly before having a cheek caving suck on her drink.

Madison exhaled a cloud of grey smoke up into the dusky sky "Absolutely!"

"Mads, I could so do with a little suck on a cigarette?" Olivia asked hopefully after swallowing her latest drink.

Madison laughed, and looked as a guy walked past the table, she whispered loudly "Maybe you should ask that guy to suck on his cock!"

"Oi Maddy," Olivia squealed as she went bright red and gently punched Madison in the arm. "I was only asking for a cigarette."

"As I have said you can have one later!" Madison said before exhaling her latest cloud of smoke at Olivia.

"You know Maddy, you were right," she frowned, "that cigarette earlier has got me!" She sighed and winced again and after licking her lips sucked hard on her straw.


"Its 10pm. I think we have preloaded well enough to have some fun this evening!" Madison chuckle as she exhaled the latest cloud of smoke straight at Olivia.

"Mads, hold my hand, those drinks have gone straight to my legs!" Giggled Olivia as she swivelled off the stool and unsteadily stood up, her short skirt riding high up her thighs.

"Think we are going to have a fun night!" Cackled Madison as stubbed the latest cigarette out amongst the dozen other butts and then took Olivia by the hand and they strolled off towards the night club.

"Abigail has Whatsapped to say she is going to be there!" Grinned Olivia looking down at her phone as she walked arm in arm unsteadily along with pavement with Madison.

"Oooh little miss goody two shoes is going out for a dance, great!" Smiled Madison.

They approached the queue to the club, the fake gold posts with the red rope strung between them keeping the punters separate from the pavement.

"Do you want your cigarette now? Or should we wait until we find Abigail" Madison mused as they approached the end of the queue.

Olivia bounced excitedly nodded and smiled as Madison opened her purse and brought out the red pack, and flipped the lid and took out two cigarettes as Olivia looked on excitedly "Can I have one now?" She asked.

"You should be careful, it's only your second cigarette!" exclaimed Madison as Olivia practically grabbed the cigarette out of her hand and placed it between her lips.

"I know, but I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime for it!" Olivia exclaimed.

Madison laughed with the unlit cigarette between her lips and removed it, "It's been what eight hours?" She replaced the cigarette between her lips and promptly lit it with a cheek caving inhale. As she exhaled out the corner of her mouth, she offered the flame to Olivia, who hungrily sucked on the cigarette, as the flame caught the end of the cigarette; she drew hard on the cigarette as she had done on the straw earlier.

"Woo! Careful" exclaimed Madison as she watched her friend drag hard.

"Oooooh wow!" I needed that Olivia said as the smoke tumbled out of her mouth and nose as she spoke.

"You didn't cough!" Madison almost shrieked.

Olivia shook her head, and smiled, "No, I needed that cigarette! Thank you!" She replied as she stared at the cigarette between her fingers before dragging hard on the cigarette again.

"Err, my pleasure!" Madison looked on with shock.

"Oh, Abigail has messaged again." Olivia looked at her phone.


"She isn't coming out after all."

Part Two the following day.

Olivia opened her front door and slammed it shut as she ran straight up the stairs to the bedroom and after quick look in the mirror, picked up her body spray, 'Fuck I really stink!' She said to herself as she doused herself in the flaming lips flavoured aerosol. She then walked into the bathroom and picked up the mouthwash and rinsed her mouth out sticking her tongue out in the mirror after spitting out the fluid.

She went back down the stairs and poured herself a glass of squash and sat down at the kitchen table. "Fuck what is Abigail going to think of me?" Olivia said as she pulled her fingers through her hair sniffing a loose bang that had fallen down in front of her nose, 'Christ only one err rather nice C-Rave cigarettes and my hair stinks.' She frowned and sipped her drink and winced as the sweet squash clashed with her recent gargling of mouthwash.

Her phone beeped in her bag at the bottom of the stairs, she walked over and picked it up and looked, she smiled at the screen.

"Just checking that you are feeling, ok?" Was the message from Madison.

"Yes why?" Olivia replied.

"No reason! x" Madison replied.

"Ok?!?!" Olivia typed back.

"Yes, see you later x." Madison messaged ending the conversation.

'What the hell was that all about?" Olivia scratched her head and pondered and placed the phone down on the table. She picked up her drink and took a gulp, then got up and in an agitated state, paced up and down the room. 'There is something missing!' She mused to herself. 'Better get on with my notes before I forget, so I can go out tonight!' she said to herself as she picked up her phone again and climbed the stairs to her room.