Moving On


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Julianne nodded. He did have a point, but that wasn't the real problem here. Her mother took things to far, and it needed to be rectified. "Look, gentlemen, Momma made a mistake. Fortunately, disaster has been averted, but you all have messed up over time as well. As soon as she returns, I'm sure she'll issue an apology. Our relationship with Gaines Inc. had not changed in anyway.

I won't try it influence you, but I will say this. This is my family's company. If you continue in this witch hunt against my mother, we will put it to a vote. Now what I would like to suggest gentleman is that you go on and do your jobs. When mother returns, you can meet and voice your concerns to her. If you try and vote without her, or one of us being present, well... I don't have to finish that thought, right?"

Clark was sitting there smiling like a proud papa. He liked this girl. She was as tough as Oscar claimed she was. It seemed that getting married had made her stronger. He wondered could she come back into the company. He realized she lived in Texas, but something could be worked out. With wireless communication, she could work from home and pop into her office at her convenience. He'd ask her. The worse thing she could say would be, no.


Lakota awoke with her in his arms. She was sleeping so peacefully, that he hated to wake her. He shifted and she woke up. "Don't go." She whispered.

Wild horses could not drag him away at this point. He held her tightly and she felt his member pressing into her body. He wanted her, and she wanted him just as badly. However, she needed him to know some things.

"Lakota, can you stay with me today. I am ready to talk." She asked.

He agreed, and then they got up and dressed. They went to the kitchen and had a quick breakfast, and he took her back to his private suite to talk.

Margaret asked him to sit, and then she kneeled before him. "Lakota, this story is hard for me to tell, but I need you to listen. Promise me you will listen."

He nodded, praying that whatever it was he could keep his word.


"I met Oscar when I was seventeen years old. He had just started the company and I applied for a job as a janitor." She smiled. "It was my first legitimate job, and I was excited."

Lost in the memory, she continued. "I had no family, just two other latchkey kids I shared a local store space with. Not a space really just an abandoned building and we used a hydrant from a nearby store to get water for bathing, drinking, etc.... The three of us had only each other. I was the youngest; Bo and Tia were a little older. Often Tia would go out and earn money some nights. Bo would go watch out for her. Soon men would pay him, and he'd let them come to where we lived. It was safer, and if the guy tried to hurt her, Bo would put him out. He took care of us, and since I was the youngest, they both watched out for me the most.

A new company was opening on the docks and they needed everyone. Bo used his influence to help me get hired. Tia wanted to work, but he said he could only get a job for one of us right now. I knew he would let men have sex with her for money, but he never did that to me.

The weekend I turned seventeen, Tia was being dropped off, and the man looked at me. Bo told him, no and he left. That night he had a fight with Tia because she wanted to know why he turned her out but was keeping me safe. The man was willing to pay a lot of money for me. He said, "I was a kid." He hated doing that to her, but we had to eat. If the job worked out for me, maybe he could get them on too.

Tia said he was right, I was still a kid, but the guy was scary. Bo was quiet, then I remember he said, "We're cutting him off. No more dates with him, Tia." Tia agreed. When Bo would go try and work during the day, and Tia and I were alone, the man came back and watched me. Tia went out one night and came home hurt. Someone had beaten her, and we had to get her to the hospital." Margaret paused. The memory was so painful, and vivid. She pressed on, "At first they refused to see her because we had only two hundred dollars. It was all I had earned that week. Bo argued and we gave them what we had. Because she was hurt so badly, they kept her for one day.

Bo and I couldn't stay with her so we went back to our place. The man came back and offered Bo two thousand dollars for one night with me. Tia was hurt, and we needed the money. I had given him my paycheck and we gave that to the hospital the night before. I told Bo that I would do it. He told me NO and he made the man leave. The guy leered at me and laughed, and then he drove away. I was so mad, so hurt. Why did he let Tia earn fast money but would not let me help. It was just sex, right? Bo said that just because we were struggling, that didn't give anybody the right to use us that way. I asked about Tia, and he cried because he blamed himself for putting her out there like that. I hugged him, and promised him that we'd be OK.

I went to work, and worked a double shift. We needed the money. We couldn't buy food, so we had to just make it through the week. I could go to the service station to bath for work, so that's what I did. I worked day and night, and Bo found jobs under the table. At work people would share their lunches with me, and I appreciated it. Bo was able to eat at a feed center, so he'd save part of his meal and sneak food for me. Sometimes, he'd visit Tia, and take leftovers from the food cart. The nurses saw him and wouldn't say a thing.

After a few days, the hospital demanded that we pay, but they wanted more than we had. Bo had earned a little over a hundred dollars, and I hadn't gotten my check yet. So, Tia was kicked out of the hospital, and Bo had to stay with her. The next night, I had to catch the bus by myself. So I left the office for the bus stop, and as I was leaving that man showed up. He offered me the money and I refused. He grabbed me and that's when Oscar showed up. He made him let me go, or he would call the cops." Margaret was crying this point, but Lakota could not move. Some man dare try to use his mate. If the bastard still lived, would kill him. She knew he was tense and she stopped the story. She then stood and walked away.

"Margaret, please, tell me the rest." Lakota pleaded. He knew there was more to this tale.

"Lakota, it's not pretty. Even Julianne doesn't know the truth of how I met her father." She sighed. She then stared off as she relived that horrible time.

"The man threw me on the ground and called me a whore. Oscar just stood there shocked. Then he asked me if that was true. I was too upset to answer, and he fired me on the spot. He said he didn't want that type of business associated with his company, and he walked away." She sobbed.

Lakota was furious. This Oscar the man she loved treated her abominably. Yet she loved him. If he could he'd...

"He came back. He helped me up and we went to his office. I explained what was happening, and he said he'd try to help. He called the local hospital. and learned that Tia released because she had no insurance. He drove me home, and Bo was ready to fight. Oscar talked to him and convinced him to take Tia to another hospital, and we did. He paid for them to admit her. He then talked to the social workers and she knew of two programs that could help. Soon Tia was settled and Bo and I sat in the waiting room.

Oscar came by the waiting room before he left. He asked about our family. He wanted to know was there someone he could call. Bo and I looked at each other, and Oscar knew. We had no one else. He stood and walked out. I cried, but Bo held me and said it would be alright. Oscar came back and sat with us. He looked at us and said "I am not rich. I've just started this company, but I can give you a job Bo. Margaret, your job is safe. Bo you have to report him. The hospital called the police and they will be here shortly. Turn him in." Bo froze. He could go to jail. They could charge him because he basically put her out there.

Oscar was honest. He didn't know if they would try to charge him, but he had to get that guy off the streets. Bo knew he was right, and when the officers came. He told the truth. They arrested Bo, and I fought, but Oscar held me and promised me he'd do everything he could to help Bo. He called his friend. He also took me home with him, and I didn't sleep because I didn't know what to really expect.

The next day, Oscar and I went to the police station, and Bo was released. His friend got him out. That was when I met Levin. The police caught the man. He was a predator, and we learned he was the one that hurt Tia. He had hurt a lot of women, and the police were already looking for him.

Oscar helped Bo get a job at a local factory, and soon Tia got out of the hospital. Oscar gave her a job too. All of our jobs were manual labor, but they were legitimate. I worshipped him. He was so handsome and kind. Everyone loved him and he treated everybody with respect. Tia wanted to go back to school, and he helped her do that. Bo worked his way up to supervisor. I was still young, and he made me go back to high school. I hated it, but he encouraged me.

It was struggle at first, but I caught on. Oscar even took time to tutor me and Tia. I went to night school and four days after my nineteenth birthday, I earned my diploma. Bo and Tia were so proud, and Oscar came and congratulated me as well. He hugged me and said, "I knew you could do it?" I fell for him then.

Tia knew how I felt about him, and would often tease me. It wasn't mean, and many days it helped me keep things in perspective. One day, she was doing field work for her CNA license, and she met the man she would marry. She was terrified that he'd learn of her past. Oscar told her not to worry, because he'd talk to him. The guy walked away for a while and Tia was hurt, but after a couple of days he came back, bearing the most beautiful diamond ring.

I was so happy for Tia, and I stood for her at the wedding. That was when he noticed me the first time. He asked me to dance, and I was on cloud nine. Oscar stayed by my side the entire night. When we returned to work, I was moved to his office as his PA. He was so handsome to me even though he was so much older.

One night, he worked late and I simply did not leave. As he was working, I made coffee and took it into his office. It was seven or eight, I'm not sure. He smiled and said I should have gone home. I didn't reply, I simply looked at him. He stood and moved away from me a look of sheer displeasure crossing his face.

I followed him, and he turned and grabbed my wrist. "I am old enough to be your father. You are yet a babe. Please, Margaret, just go home for tonight." He pleaded.

I moved close to him and whispered, "You're not my father, and he kissed me. We made love in his office that night and he was the first and only man I have ever been with." She stopped again to let her words sink in.

Lakota's wolf went crazy. His mate had only had one lover and that was the man she'd married. Well when he claimed her he would be the only other man she knew. He growled and Margaret stopped once more. Her eyes flew to his, and she saw that his wolf was close. "Look Lakota, maybe we can finish this later. I didn't mean to-" he kissed her. He had to taste this amazing woman.

Margaret for once surrendered and she yielded her control to him. He had to gain control of is wolf, or things would really get out of hand. Lakota pulled back. "Finish." He commanded.

Her eyes flew to his and she could see the desire he had for her shining right on the surface. She stepped back slowly and took a deep breath. She needed to finish. "We continued seeing each other secretly for a couple of months and then one night he asked me to marry him. I said yes, and the next day we were married in a civil ceremony. I worked with my husband for months, and did everything I could to make him happy. We had been married six months when I got pregnant with our first child. I continued working. One day, as I was carrying some cases, a woman accidently bumped into me and knocked me over I was fine, but that night, I started cramping and Oscar rushed me to the hospital; I lost the baby."

Lakota remembered that because one of his betas was a nurse and she returned to Wildwood upset over the human girl being hurt because of jealousy. She lost her child and the she wolf was so angry, because the death of that baby was senseless. Reina actually had to use an alpha command to calm the she wolf.

We tried for over a year, and then when I was twenty I got pregnant with our second child. Oscar insisted that I stop working. He didn't want me getting hurt. At first I felt so lucky that he loved me and wanted to protect me. Time past and I had the baby. Julianne was the sweetest little girl. However, Oscar told me I didn't need to return to work. He would take care of us. We tried to have more children, but we never did. I later learned that after Julianne, Oscar had his testicles removed. I was furious. He deprived me of being a mother, but he explained that he could not put me through that kind of pain again, and I forgave him. For over twenty-years, I stayed home and let him take care of me. When Julianne was old enough, she wanted a job. He gave her one in his company. He eventually groomed her to run the company.

He didn't tell me the whole truth, however. He had testicular cancer and that was why he had his testicles removed. We were married for ten years and Oscar was fifty three when I first learned of this. He became ill and went to the doctor. I called the office and his assistant told me. So I rushed to the clinic, and he was walking out of an oncologist office. I demanded the truth.

He told me everything. I was devastated, but he promised me he'd beat it and he did. For the next fifteen years we battled the cancer. And two years ago, it took him from me. I could not function without him. I had no idea on how to arrange his funeral, pay bills, and deal with the insurance company. Julianne had to handle everything. I felt useless. My daughter had to handle everything on her own until one day Natalie called and I learned that the men in the company were trying to railroad her. I called Levin, and that was when I began to fight.

So you see Lakota, my hesitancy has nothing to do with you. I care about you Lakota, but I can't go back to what I was. I can't be that dependent on another person. I don't want to become so dependent that I can't function on my own. You see I loved Oscar, but what I feel for you runs deeper than that, and it scares me." She concluded.

Lakota was silent. She feared this story would repulse him but it showed him how strong she really was. His love for her grew. He decided to be honest. "Margaret, I love you. You are my life. I knew who you were the first time I smelled your fragrance. That is why Reina and I came to your company. We have waited for you and Levin forever. I would never do anything to cause you pain, but I will keep you safe. I am so happy you trusted me with the story of your love of Oscar. Because honestly I hated him, but now I owe him a debt of gratitude for keeping you safe until I found you. I don't have any doubts because I love you. Will you mate with me? Share the rest of our lives together?"

Margaret turned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Yes, yes, Lakota. As much as losing my identity frightens me, losing you terrifies me even more." She kissed him, and said, "Yes I want to be your wife."

He lifted her in his arms and held her close. He would never let her go. "Margaret, will you mate with me today, right now?" His heart was pounding.

Margaret was now familiar with a were mating, and she was not afraid. "Lakota, do you truly accept me, flaws and all?" she asked.

"Margaret what you call flaws, I see as true strength." Lakota explained, as he caressed her cheek. "You are the perfect woman to become Madam Alpha to my pack. I will dedicate my life to you. You are my life; without you, I will die."

She leaped into his arms wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. She knew she belonged with this man; no one else would be for her. "I'm ready now. I'm ready to move on to the next part of my life. Lakota, I want that life to be with you."

Lakota lifted his mate, and carried her to their bed. He took his time and explored every inch of her, he knew that once they claimed each other, her body would heal.

Lakota carefully removed her garments, exposing her delicate skin to his gaze. To him she was perfect. Soon she lay before him naked, and he would not let her hide from him. Kissing his way down her body, Lakota loved her taste. Soon he reached her navel as he caressed her pussy. It was so hot, wet, and his. He feasted on her breast and flicked her clit with his thumb. She was so wet, so ready for him. But before he entered her body, he needed to taste her. So leaving her aching, Margaret moaned and her legs opened wide at their own volition. He inserted fingers inside her as he sucked her rock hard nipples, Lakota slid between her thighs and looked at her hot center. Covered with her own fluids and very little dark hair, he licked her entire pussy. She tasted divine. Margaret groaned. Whatever he was doing felt wonderful and she could not believe how good he was. Soon she needed more. Lakota had tasted enough, now he needed to mate her. Lakota quickly undressed and covered her body with his.

Positioning his cock, he entered her body for the first time. Both groaned, amazed at the sensational way this moment felt. Lakota loved his mate, but to mate with her, he had to shift. He had no desire to change positions, so he whispered to her what he needed to do.

Margaret nodded, and Lakota shifted into his wolf form and loved her fiercely, successfully mating her by biting her where her neck with Margaret and collar bone met. Margaret screamed, as he shoved her head first into an extraordinary orgasm. However, Lakota was not done. Shifting back to his human form, he rolled over with her now on top. "Ride me, Baby" he whispered, and she did. Soon she needed something, a need so strong so powerful over took her. The mark he made on her neck burned and she need to mark him. "Lakota" she whispered, as she loved him.

"Please Margaret," he pleaded, "Take me. Mark me. Make me yours." She bit him and he yelled. Within minutes both climaxed in a glorious fashion.

Lakota held her tightly as she regained her equilibrium. I love you Margaret. I will spend the rest of my life making you happy. Lakota sent to his mate.

Margaret was shocked to hear him inside her head. "Wait, Lakota, did you just?" she asked.

"Yes, and you can talk to me too." he explained.

I love you. What color blouse was I wearing? She sent. If he answered her, then she would know she could talk to him mentally.

Lakota laughed, "Margaret, you are delightful. Your blouse was blue."

Margaret laughed and hugged her husband. He held her close and the two spent the next few hours loving each other.

Eventually they needed to eat, and went to the dining room where Reina was nursing LJ. "Congratulations you two. It's about time. She then stood and gave the baby to his uncle and hugged Margaret. "Welcome to the family."

Julianne and Levin returned home and Julianne notice the change in her mother immediately. She was so happy for her and she made Lakota promise that he'd keep her happy. BJ came home and the family celebrated.

The group traveled to the dining hall, Lakota proudly introduced is new mate to the pack. May of the women knew her already and the pack was overjoyed for their Alpha. He and Reina needed to decide who would eventually be Alpha, but they could talk later. Tonight, he wanted time with his wife. He answered, tearing up.