Moving On: Alexia Ch. 06


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Evangeline stopped. He was so cute, but she knew she was not good dealing with others. Her mother told her that often, and her grandmother would say the same as well. This man just wanted a good time. She could not let herself be tricked.

"Evangeline, come back with me, please?" Declan asked. For the first time in her life, Evangeline did something her heart wanted to do and not her mind. She placed her hand in Declan and walked with him. As they reached the courts, she froze.

"What will they say about me?" she thought out loud. Then she heard the music.

"Dance with me." Declan asked. She realized he found music on his phone and wanted to dance. So before she could resist, Declan pulled her into his embrace and held her as they sway to the melodic sounds from his mobile device.

For a moment, Evangeline forgot that she was supposed to be serious standoffish, and cautious. When Declan leaned down to kiss her, she felt her body explode. Their kisses became hot, fiery, inferno. Declan knew this was not wise and he should stop, but for the first time, he needed the woman in his arms to belong to him.

"Stop, Declan, we must stop." Evangeline whispered, pulling away.

Declan backed back, but is eyes burned with desire. "Evangeline, give me tonight. Tonight, let me be your man and you be my woman. No one has to know. Please don't deny me."

She swallowed, "Where?"

Declan looked around, and saw a dense grove of trees, "Come on," and the two took off.

Declan had never needed to be with someone as he needed to taste Evangeline. As soon as they entered the canopy of trees, he pulled her into his arms and covered her lips with his. She did not resist. She returned his kiss.

"Evangeline, wait, let's talk. I want to..." his breathing was erratic as her scent bombarded him. She wanted him, and for once Declan decided he was not going to be the stoic twin. Lifting her, he kissed her as if his life depended on the taste of her lips.

Carrying her to a soft patch of grass, he laid her down gently. "Evangeline, are you sure?" he asked.

She nodded. Declan stopped, "No baby, I need the words."

"I'm sure." She whispered, and Declan proceeded to satisfy her in ways she could only imagine. Within seconds he was riding between her chocolate brown thighs, amazed at how silky and hot she felt. Evangeline had never been with a man that took her to places Declan was taking her too. He was passionate, and he met her [passionate. For that moment in time, it was only the two of them and no others.

Soon, Evangeline peaked. Her walls contracted, squeezing Declan's cock like a vise. He could hold back no longer, and within seconds released long hot tropes of his seed deep into her body. The two lay on the forest floor spent. Evangeline was the first to move. In shame, she realized she'd slept with a man she didn't even know. She didn't do things like this. Getting up and adjusting her clothes, she would not even look at Declan.

Declan was concerned, "Evangeline, what's wrong?" he asked, sensing her apprehension.

"This is wrong. I don't know you. What will they say about me now?" She questioned. She was on the verge of tears.

"Stop, what we shared was beautiful, Evangeline. There's nothing to be ashamed of." Declan tied to explain.

Evangeline looked at him. In her eyes a world of hurt. "In two days, you go back home. You won't hear the things that will say, but I will. I must go now." And she ran away from the forest.

Declan followed her only to lose sight of her as she ducked and then disappeared.

It was alright. He'd see her at breakfast and then they would talk. As Evangeline rushed home, she hurried past several wolves that were out for the night. They scented sex and saw that the scent came from her. Most were happy because it was past time Evangeline had some fun. Others were concerned because her mother was so very strict on her that they knew if she scented any odd smells, Evangeline would be humiliated. She rushed past Olivia and Kashira. The two girls stopped talking. "Evangeline, stop. Come with us." Olivia called. Her parents were strict, but nothing like Evangeline's mom.

"I really need to get home Olivia. Mom was expecting me before now." Evangeline explained.

"If you go home smelling like him, she will be pissed. We both know it. Come to my apartment, shower. I'll loan you some fresh clothes, then go home." Olivia stated.

Evangeline froze. She smelled like him. He smelled amazing, but he was not what her Mom wanted for her. "If I'm late, she'll be upset."

"Evangeline, we don't mean any harm but you need to move out of that house. The way she treats you is wring, and we already know what she'll do when she finds out about Declan. He's good people. We like him. Let us help you." Kashira, a friend of Olivia's added, "Come to Olivia's, clean up, then go home."

Evangeline swallowed, "If you two talk about this to anyone, I don't know what..." She paused.

Kashira and Olivia shared am look. "Look, let us help. Your actions are nobody's business."

Evangeline nodded and went home with her friends. Declan returned to the courts. Most people had left and Evangeline was nowhere in sight.

"Damn boy, that was fast. You're the second guy to hit that. How'd you get her to drop those panties?" A guy teased.

Before he realized it, Declan grabbed him by the throat. "Don't ever speak of Evangeline in that way. She is not some cheap trollop to be played with. She's mine."

Everyone froze. Evangeline DuPont had just been claimed. Lugz smiled; it was about time. That girl needed someone that would fight for her.

"Congratulations, she's a great girl. " Lugz offered. LaTonya was so excited, as were the other females, that within seconds the news of Declan claiming Evangeline had circulated throughout the pack.

At her home, her mother received the news. "Some male has claimed Evangeline as his mate. I need to know who he is, because if he has a lower rank, I won 't allow it." Her mother grumbled. Her father just looked at his wife. Out of all three of their daughters, she ruled over Evangeline the most. If this male was her mate, and he would cherish her, he would give them his blessings.

Evangeline stood in Olivia's shower as she recalled the last half hour of her life. Declan was amazing. He was the sweetest, most gentle lover she'd ever had. She castigated herself for going with him and giving herself to him so easily. It was hard enough being a single female, but to live up to the stereotype of being an easy fuck was not something she ever aspired to do. She finished and climbed out of the shower. True to her word, Olivia laid t-shirt, jeans, and new underwear out for her. She dressed hastily.

She came out, completely embarrassed at her actions.

"Evangeline, you're grown. You don't owe anyone an explanation." Olivia explained.

Evangeline looked at this girl that just turned nineteen and sighed.

"You're an alpha niece, no one talks about you. I'm nobody and if this gets out, my family will be so embarrassed." Evangeline stated.

Olivia and Kashira shared a look. "Girl your mom will get over herself. You like him, don't you?"

Evangeline paused. She did like him. That was crazy. She didn't even know him, yet she followed him into the forest like a love-starved loser. He would not even remember her name the next day. After her last boyfriend, Evangeline swore she'd be more selective. Well, tonight showed just how wrong she was. She thought of Declan. He seemed so sincere, but what if this was just him satisfying his curiosity about being with a black girl. Evangeline dismissed the encounter, "Look, he was probably just curious. It probably meant nothing. It was just a quick lay for him."

Kashira and Olivia shared another look. "Um, Evangeline, I don't think a guy that just told a yard full of wolves that you're his is out for a quick lay. Girl, you've been claimed."

Evangeline gasped. Her Mom would have a fit. But she found herself smiling. She needed to see him again, before dealing with her Mom. She needed to make sure that what was being rumored was true.

Evangeline, come home, now! Her mother sent, upset.

Evangeline froze. She had never defied her mother, and did not want to now. But a part of her needed to see Declan.

Momma, I'll be home soon. I have to do something. She then blocked her parents. She knew that her mom would be furious, but she'd deal with her later.

Taking a deep breath, "I'm going back to the court. If Declan is there we need to talk." Evangeline declared. Kashira and Olivia shared a smiled and the three women headed out in search of the handsome young wolf that captured the attention of Evangeline DuPont.


"I can't wait for Alexia to come home." Lacy grumbled.

Randall smiled, "She'll be home in a few days. We'll both vanish in and see her OK. He loved being vampire. His new abilities fascinated him. "For now, you need to feed. Randallem hungers."

Lacy smiled and drank the warm blood her husband provided. She was so proud to be his wife.

She was really excited because in a few weeks, she and Randall would be moving into their own small house. Uncle Dermic wanted to refuse, but Aunt Francine worked her magic and he agreed to let them live in their own home.

Lacy was worried about her aunt though. Since the fight with her mother, Aunt Francine seemed distracted. Uncle dermic noticed, as did Randall.

Meanwhile Francine had one mission. She had to find out the truth. If Laurent was not Lacy's biological father, then who was he? She did not know why this was so important to her, but Katrina's words bothered her even from the witch's' grave. She needed the truth.

"Francine, what did Katrina say to you?" Dermic demanded. He was not letting her brush him off this time. Now she was losing sleep. Researching, and digging for information.

"Dermic, it's nothing..." Francine tried to say, but Dermic stopped her.

"Don't lie to me. You've never lied to me until now. What did Katrina say?" he demanded.

Francine froze, tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't know how to tell him. Laurent was his only sibling and Lacy was Laurent's only child.

"Katrina said Laurent is not Lacy's father." She stopped. Dermic froze. His niece was his brother's child. He had no doubt about that.

"She lied. All we need to do is test our blood. She is from my bloodline. She is my niece, Francine. Katrina will not take that away from me." He added.

"I already had the test done. I used a sample of your blood from the stored blood in the vault and had the tech to use a sample of Lacy's blood when she went to the doctors. Here." She whispered passing him some documents. Dermic looked at the information and froze. The markers between him and Lacy showed no familial match.

"This is not possible." He whispered. Katrina had to try and hurt them even from the grave. He would protect his niece. "We can't tell her. She must never know." Dermic stated. Stop looking. Laurent is her father and we leave it at that." Dermic declared.

"Dermic, we need the truth." Francine whispered.

"Why, Francine? Why? We have loved and cared for this child since she was twelve years old. I held her as she cried at night reliving what that bitch did to her father. Her father, Francine, not some random..." He took a breath. "My brother loved that little girl. She is his daughter. I don't care what some test says. We can redo the test. Lacy is my blood. There has to be a mistake." His body shook. "Don't take her away from me, Francine, please. She's all I have left of him."

Francine had to hold her husband. Dermic was strong, brilliant, and nothing ever broke him, until now. Katrina was dead, and so was this awful secret. It no longer mattered who donated the sperm, Laurent was her father.

Lacy felt a sense of peace. She couldn't' explain it. It was as if the heavens opened up and showered her with kisses. Randall sat beside her when she whispered. "I know what I want to name him. I want to name him after my dad. Randallem Laurent Braxton."

Randall smiled, "But what if he's a she?" He teased.

"Then her name will be Laurent Ran Braxton." Lacy added smiling.

Randall was so happy. He had a beautiful wife, and in a few months he'd welcome his son into the world. They would share his name with the family in a ceremony when Alexia and Kwame returned home in a few days.


Lexi was ready to go home. She missed Bo. Even though they talked every night, she needed to be with her husband. The next two days could not go by fast enough. She could see that Declan was distracted, and Deacon was confused. Then she met Evangeline. The girl was beautiful and much too serious. She needed Declan and Declan needed her.

Lexi smiled. Their story would be one that would last for generations and she was happy to see the beginning.

"Momma, we're going home a day early. Declan has asked permission to stay here and Alpha Ryelle has granted it. So we can go home. Besides, I miss my baby, I need to hold him." Alexia explained.

Lexi laughed. "It's hard. But you're a great Mom, Alexia, and Kwame is not so bad himself. " Alexia hugged her mom, and the two spent some more time talking.

Soon, Kwame and Deacon called and reminded the ladies to pack. It was time to go home. Deacon took a moment and spoke with Declan. After being assured that this was the right choice, he packed for the drive back to Wildwood.


Meanwhile, Ryelle was meeting with Declan. He actually called Lakota and informed him of the situation and was told to handle it the way that seemed best. He was aware that Declan was claiming one of Ryle's females as his mate. He also knew that despite the fact that this was the twenty-first century, some people still held on to old beliefs. His young beta had his job cut out for him. Lakota smiled. Dallas and Tia would have so many questions and insist that Declan bring his mate home. If her family was going to be difficult, she could come here where they'd welcome her with open arms.

Ryelle paused. If Evangeline and Declan joined, he suspected that they'd both become members of Gaines. He'd already lost Kwame to Gaines, and he wasn't sure he was ready to allow another member of Jackson to go. However, here Evangeline was stifled. Her mother, Bertha was formidable. She fought with father and still held on to his teachings and beliefs. Even when father changed, she never reformed. If Evangeline and this young man stood a chance, it had to be away from here.

"Her mother will never accept you, Declan. That will cause problems for Evangeline. She has always sought her mother's approval." Ryelle stated.

Declan took a deep breath. "I don't know her, but I do know that I won't let anyone hurt her if I can prevent. Alpha Ryelle, I need Evangeline with me. I can't leave her there. That place is not good for her. Please consider letting her stay with me during the duration of my time here."

Ryelle sighed, "That will be Evangeline's decision. If she decides to stay at the apartment with you, then you have my blessings. I won't interfere in any way. Talk with her and make sure that she is the one. If you have any doubts at all, let her know and you can go back home."

Declan smiled. "Alpha Ryelle, Evangeline is mine, my heart, the other half of my soul. If she agrees, I promise she won't want for anything. Thank you for giving me the chance to convince her to take a chance on me." Declan added, solemnly. Now he had to convince his mate to take a chance on him.

The end of chapter 6.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Just so you know, Declan and Evangeline's story will be told, just not here. Their story is being written and will be shared later. Please vote and share your thoughts.

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RheamistressRheamistressover 6 years ago

Happy Mardi Gras, IR2R... I am at home for the day and look what I found.. an excellent chapter to read. I see Tasha's story. I see the search for Lacy's real father. I see the story of Evangeline and Declan... I suspect there is more to why Bertha is so protective of Evangeline. So many threads... I think I may have missed one or two. But I am going back to read the chapter again. And Kudos for bringing in the injustices that are going on even today. With time and pray and each person making one difference, things will change. I pray so. All my best to you.

SensitiveHandsSensitiveHandsover 6 years ago
Thank You! 😊😊

Again, Thank you for sharing your story. Born of your own loss, this is such a beautiful story of Love and Life and Hope!

jazz1190jazz1190over 6 years ago

OMG!! I am so in love with this chapter, it is so good. I cannot wait for the next chapter and hopefully she will stay with him while he's bigger than she go with him back to his pack.

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