Moving On: Bo and Tia


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Tia just watched.

"I never should have told him that I dug into your past. This is my fault. He has always been hypersensitive. Even as kids, he took things to heart. I never thought he'd hurt another person. He told me that he has hit you before. Did he lie Tia?" Manuel asked.

Tia did not respond. "You don't have to answer. Carlos filled me in on some things." Manuel stood and began to pace. "I know you're going to leave him. I don't blame you. When you have the divorce papers drawn, I'll make sure he signs. You are our sister. Tia and I love you girl. I never would have allowed this if I had known."

"He's sick. I can understand that, but I can't stay. Not this time. My family came here, Manuel and they told me I can come home with them. As soon as I'm released, I'm going home." Tia sniffed. "I loved Taz, but I won't let him hurt me anymore. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Do you have a lawyer?" He asked.

Tia shook her head, "No."

"I know someone. Let me call her." Manuel stated. He then moved over and hugged his sister-in-law. "Take care, Tia. You deserve to be happy." Then he left.

Tia cried over her husband for the last time. She cried for a love that once was and would never be again. Outside of her room, two betas from Perry waited. Their alpha had them on alert. They sent and told their alpha of the visit. Perry faced Deandra. "Love, we need to go talk to her. I don't know if I trust his brother." The alpha pair headed to the hospital. Xavier called Lakota.

~~~Six Months Later~~~

Margaret was so excited. Tia was moving in with them. She had requested a leave of absence from the hospital, and they let her go. However, the chief administrator made sure she had a post at BRUMC. Tia would start there in two week. She needed time to settle in.

The alpha pair made sure she had everything she needed to make her feel at home. When Margaret first asked her to come back to New Orleans, she hesitated. Then Lakota spoke. It was something about her sister's new husband that made her feel at ease.

After she arrived, three young women came to help her unpack and settle in. She was given a tour by Reina and Margaret, but found herself looking for one familiar face. His face was one she had seen every morning for the past six months.

After her friends returned home, and Manuel visited, the next day Dallas returned. He stayed t the hospital each day. When she was released, she was released in his care. He drove her home, and she could tell that he hatred the house. She suggested he stay at a hotel and he flat out refused. He was not leaving her on her own. He would be there for her until she could go home.

Over the next few months, Tia got to know Dallas. He was the oldest of five boys. His parents still lived and knew why he was now in Seattle.

"You know, Dallas, Margaret didn't need to have you dislocated because of me. I'm fine. The lawyer that Mr. and Mrs. Perry suggested is handling my divorce. I'm going to be fine really."

Dallas exhaled. His mate had no idea who he was and he had to wait. However, if she thought he was leaving her here alone, she had another think coming.

"I'll tell you what. You like to play word games, right?" He asked.

Tia nodded. "Yes, but what does that have to do with..."

Dallas spoke, "Let's play a game. We'll start with one word. By only changing the end letters can you change the word. Whoever cannot create a new word loses. Whoever wins gets to have their way. If I win, I stay here with you as long as I want. If you win, you can send me home without you."

Tia frowned. There had to be a catch. "Wait, how do we check the words?" she asked.

Dallas laughed and logged onto an online dictionary.

The game began. The two played and Tia was impressed. Dallas was a triple threat. He was highly intelligent, crafty, and so handsome that he was distracting. Each day, he came and they played. She could not beat him. Tia healed and soon the doctors were ready to let her go home. She spent a little over two weeks in the hospital and was ready. Now each day, Dallas challenged her.

The problem was he was a good looking man. Tia was used to handsome men, so that was not the problem. Dallas was different. He treated her like one of his guy friends. Often if he grabbed a beer, he'd toss her one. He told jokes, and it didn't matter how crude. They cracked her up. When she went out, he accompanied her. He talked and was not offended when other males complimented her beauty. Often, he'd scoff and make light of their comments. Tia did the same, but a small part of her was a bit annoyed with the attention he got from other females.

One weekend they were in and Dallas had just turned down an invite from a few young women from the neighborhood. Tia suggested that he go and have fun. He smiled and answered, why would he do that when he had fun at home with her.

Tia's heart pounded and it scared her. She quickly left the room. Dallas watched her leave. Damn it. I scared her He castigated himself.

After a few minutes, Dallas followed her. She was on her patio crying softly. "Tia? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I'm married. I have so much baggage and I don't have the right to...Look, Dallas, you should date. It's bad enough that you are forced to babysit me. I should not interfere in your social life." She surmised.

Dallas stood and crossed his arms. He could not reveal himself. She was not ready. He understood that she was dealing with her divorce and fallout from things with her soon to be ex-husband.

Reina spoke, snapping Tia from her doldrums. "Hey, have you seen the stables? I don't know if you ride, but we have the most beautiful horses."

"I've never ridden a horse, but I'd love to see them." Tia stated. She and Reina walked to the stables. Reina knew exactly what she was doing. Dallas was in the stables and she suspected that Tia wanted to see him. She was aware that Tia was the betas mate and he had not revealed himself to her. He was patient. It was so sweet watching Tia be drawn to him and not understand what was happening.

As they entered, Dallas spoke. Tia's heart raced and she smiled. Dallas went to her immediately. His movement was noted by Alpha Madam Reina. She smiled.

"Dallas, Knox. I was showing Tia around. I wanted to introduce her to our mares, is Cupcake around?" She asked.

Knox went immediately to retrieve the mare. Tia was awed. She was absolutely beautiful.

Reina then faced Dallas. "Tia has never ridden. Can you teach her?" She asked.

Dallas smiled, "Teaching her to ride would be the perfect reason to spend even more time with her. The few weeks with her in Seattle was a dream come true. Now, here at home, he wanted to show her that she was the most precious person in his world.

Tia faced Dallas and smiled. "Well, Dallas, it seems like you're gonna be stuck with me a little longer."She teased.

Dallas smiled, "Oh well, we all have our crosses to bear."

Tia laughed and it sounded like music to his ears. Margaret joined in as did Reina. Soon, Margaret's phone rang. It was Lexi. She answered immediately. Bo and Lexi were coming in for a weekend visit. At first Lexi was apprehensive in leaving her parents, but Ms. Bernice told her it was only two days. She should go and enjoy herself. She agreed and now was so excited about visiting her family. Besides, Reina was going to show her the Gulf.

Margaret talked and assured her that they were more than ready. She hang up and relayed well swishes to everyone from her.

Love, where are you? Levin sent. He knew Tia arrived, but having ti report in early, he missed kissing his mate this morning and needed to see her.

The stables, Love. I'll be home soon. Reina sent with a shaft of love.

Levin smiled, Hurry he sent as they disconnected.


Staying at Wildwood was like a vacation for Tia. Several months passed and during that time, she had met Margaret's oldest daughter and all of her grandchildren. Several of their friends from Texas stopped in and invited her to visit. Bo and Lexi would return in a few weeks, She was hoping that maybe they would consider moving.

She loved being back home. Her job at the hospital was challenging. She along with Margaret and Reina chaired the committee on a foundation they founded to identify and help young boys and girls that were in a similar situation that they were in.

Her friendship with Dallas was strong as ever. Tia sighed. Life was good. She was preparing to leave for work when one of the young women brought her a parcel. She looked at the envelope and knew what it was immediately. Tia Agiago was now Tia Flores once more. Her marriage was finally dissolved.

Tia actually felt sad. Despite everything, she loved her husband, but she loved herself even more. Joining her friends for breakfast, Tia put on a brave face. LJ, Levin and Reina's son, noticed she was not as cheerful as soon as she walked in. He hugged her. She was his aunt and for some reason, she understood him better than the others. Aunt Tia, found him funny and would often tease a smile from him. If she was sad, then he would cheer her up.

"Thank you, LJ. I needed a hug this morning." Tia whispered as she returned his embrace.

Soon it was time to go and of course Lakota called a driver. Dallas walked in and Tia's day brightened.

"Ah, Mrs. Agiago, your chariot awaits." Dallas teased.

Tia stood and grabbed her bag and smiled, "Ms. Flores, now. As of three days ago, I am no longer a Mrs." She teased then walked passed him.

Dallas froze, as did the others. Mine, mine! His beast chanted. Then nodding to his alphas, he followed her to the garage.


Tia talked as she walked to the car. She loved talking with Dallas. He was so easy for her to be around. She found him extremely attractive, but so was Taz. It would take more than a pretty face to capture her attention. Dallas opened her door for her, and she slid in. Her scent roses and chamomile bombarded him, and having just learned she was now free, caused his beast to stir even more.

Dallas was quiet as they drove. Ta realized he was not talking and for a second she remembered that Taz often went mute before an episode. A scent of fear filled the car and Dallas realized it was from her.

"You have no need to ever fear me, Tia. I would die before I hurt you or let anyone hurt you. The only reason he still lives is because others prevented me from getting to him." He hissed.

Tia swallowed. "Dallas" she questioned.

Dallas took a deep breath and forced his animal into submission. "I'm sorry that I scared you. I am not sorry that you are free of that bastard. They had arrived at the hospital. Tia was frozen. Dallas took her hand. "I like you, Tia. I haven't said anything before now because you were dealing with a lot. Maybe. I'm speaking to soon now. But I just had to say something."

Tia exhaled. She opened her door and squeaked out a goodbye. Dallas liked her. she felt like a teenager once more. She was way too old to be feeling like a foolish girl.

Reporting to her office, Tia stopped to check the board for the needed assignments for the day. However, a certain blond-haired man with soft brown eyes monopolized her thoughts.

The day went by as usual. Tia got a call from Jade and was glad to speak with her former protégé. She told Tia that Taz was not returning to the hospital. Tia thanked her but really what her ex-husband did was no longer her concern.

The two chatted and Tia encouraged Jade to keep working hard. Soon they hang up, and Tia went to check on several critical needs patients. Her day was not ending soon enough. For some reason, she really wanted to ride Cupcake. She refused to admit to herself that whenever she rode the mare, Dallas accompanied her.

Lunch time arrived, and Tia found herself being kidnapped by Margret, Reina, and the kids. Lunch was fun. The rest of the day flew by.

Bud and Bernice were tired. Out of eight decades, neither had ever been inside an airplane. Bernice was terrified, but Lexi sat with them and comforted her parents on the short flight. She was excited to visit, Wildwood. Her last visit, Reina took her to see the gulf. Lexi thought it was amazing.

Now, her parents were with them, so she didn't have to worry so much. Lakota picked them up personally, and drove them home.

The pack loved Lexi and Bo and welcomed them enthusiastically.


Levin, Zeke, and a few of the betas carried in their luggage and made sure Bud and Mrs. Bernice were comfortable. Lexi demanded no less than her parents be cared for.

The women talked and Bernice watched her daughter. She had a suspicion. For the past few weeks, Lexi lost her meals. She was overly tired, and super sensitive. Bo was concerned, but then the trip came up and she seemed fine, but her mother new her.

That day, Lexi went to her mother's room to see if she needed help and Bernice had to ask? "Child, when was you last monthly?"

Lexi thought back, "I can't remember. Not last month, but I'm not sure." Bernice nodded.

Lexi continued unpacking as her mother went quiet. Ten years ago, they almost lost her when she had a miscarriage. Because of that, Bo decided that children were not in the cards for them. However, these last few months, so much had changed in their lives. She could see how this might happen. "Lexi, have you been taking your pills regular, like Doc told you? She asked.

Lexi was ashamed, "Momma, I missed some but I took them when I remembered."

Lexi stopped, "Momma, what is it?" she asked.

"I've never lied to you and I won't start now. I think you might be carrying. I've watched you. You're expanding, can't keep food down, and tired. We need to get a test to be sure, but you might be a momma soon." Bernice whispered.

Lexi gasped, A baby, with Bo. A baby with her husband. Their baby would be perfect. Then she remembered that Bo said they would not have children.

"Momma, Bo don't want a baby with me. He said so." She began to cyrry.

Bernice hugged her daughter, and whispered, "Girl, shush. That man will be over the moon this time. Besides, now we can get you to a doctor earlier. You need to tell him though, Ok." She whispered.

Tia had returned home and was headed to the stables when she heard Lexi crying. She went to the room immediately. Within seconds, she had the whole story. Not to be deterred, she called Reina. Margaret had gone to her office and she knew Reina would be in early. Reina told her that she would pick up a test.

Tia told Lexi it would be Ok. And they waited Eventually, Reina came and Lexi took the test. Bernice was right, she'd be welcoming her first grandbaby in a few months. Tia spoke immediately. Lexi needed prenatal carte, and she knew which doctors were the best. Reina told her to call.

Love what is it?Levin sent, feeling excitement down their mate bond.

Sis? What's going on? Asked Lakota.

Nothing, you'll find out later. Reina replied muting the bonds with her brother and husband.

Margaret called next, and Reina told her to meet them at home.

Meanwhile, Bernice held her frightened daughter.

Tia was concerned because she remembered being afraid all of the time. "Lexi, has Bo..." she could not finish the question because Bernice attacked.

"That boy has never hurt my daughter. I can't believe you would ask that." She fumed.

Tia withdrew. She apologized but not before Lexi hugged her. "No, he would never hurt me. I hate the man that hurt you Tia. I will never wish ill on someone, but I hope you never have to see him again. Bo is nothing like that guy."

Tia smiled. "I know. It's just that..." She looked away.

"He told me we wouldn't have a baby though. I lost our first one and it hurt. I don't wanna lose this one too." She whispered.

Reina sat beside her and stated, "Unless it just happens, you won't. We have the best doctors and hospitals right here. Now, come on, you need to eat and relax." Lexi stood and let the women pamper her. Margaret came home and she too was overjoyed at the news.

That night Lakota hosted a dinner in their home The pack often ate together, but with Bo and his family being human they needed to shield them from pack life.

The cook outdid herself. Everything looked delicious until she brought out the macaroni-crab salad. One look at that pale and pink concoction and Lexi bolted. Bo moved faster than he ever had. He followed her and held her as she released all of her stomach contents into the toilet. He was not alone, Lakota, Levin, Bud, were right behind him.

"Baby, what is it?" Bo asked, scared. If something was wrong with his Lexi, then they were going to a doctor now.

Lexi laid her head on his chest as he held her. Bud, and the other guys stood in the door. She whispered something, and Bio looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Lakota moved in and helped Lexi uo, Bud took her. He and Levin helped Bo.

"Pregnant, she's pregnant." Bo mumbled. His eyes full of fear and pain. Bud passed Lexi to Tia as he turned to help his son-in-law.

"I almost lost her the last time. I put my love at risk." Bo chastised himself.

Lakota spoke, "Listen to me. She will be placed with the best doctors. You have nothing to worry about Bo." He promised.

Lexi waited. She knew Bo said "No babies."

He saw her, long frightened and then he smiled. She was giving him the most precious gift any man could ever want. She was visibility shaken. Everyone stood in the room waiting. Bo held his wife close. He cried and whispered, "Lexi, I love you. Thank you for this."

Lexi excited then wept as she returned his embrace. Everyone was s happy for he couple and knew that for once, things would be OK.

Lexi saw an obstetrician and because of her history, she and Bo remained in New Orleans. Her parents planned to return to Detroit. Lexi became distraught. She needed to look out for them, so Lakota old Buddy that if he and Bernice could stay at least a year, he'd pay someone to run the garage.

Lexi was relieved. Bud and Bernice truly enjoyed living in New Orleans. Tia and Margaret were tickled pink and the guys ribbed Bo for being an old man with a baby on the way.

As Lexi's pregnancy grew, and everyone learned she and the baby were fine, Tia became her personal nurse. She spent so much time with them that Dallas felt neglected. One Saturday he decided enough was enough.

Walking into the alpha home, Dallas had eyes for one woman, his woman. It was time to make his intentions known to his mate.


"Tia, I need to talk to you. I must tell you something, but I'm not sure how you will react." Dallas started saying.

Tia stood and froze. He was always serious, rarely joking or smiling around others. The last few days, Dallas had become remote. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but did not want to intrude.

She thought that maybe he'd met someone. A part of her was jealous of this woman but Dallas was a vibrant, virile man.

Lexi rolled and stood. Tia was her sister, and she was not going to let some guy bully her. Dallas saw the furrow on Lexi's brow and smiled.

"Lexi Anne, I'm not upset. I need to tell Tia something." He explained as he quickly moved over and kissed her forehead and caressed her baby bump.

"Ok," She answered, "Don't scare her." She ordered.

"Come with me." He stated. Tia walked out with him. "Will you come to my apartment. We need to talk privately.

Tia trusted Dallas and she'd visited him several times before. They drove to his small place and greeted Knox, Zeke and a few betas. Opening the door for her, Dallas asked her to sit.

"Do you want a drink? I have beer, tea, soda." He stammered.