Mr. Fix-it


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With more proposed action, she is soon resting with my cock completely inside her pussy. This time she starts to raise and lower her ass in slow and even bounces. I look up at her over her jiggling tits and reach up to take one in each hand.

Lori tilts her head back and screams, "pinch my titties Ben, pinch my titties for me" and as I do she yells "harder Ben, harder"!

As I pinch down, I roll them between my fingers, and she yells, "Pull my titties Ben, and pull my titties hard. Yes, that's it Ben, keep doing that"! Frantic with lust, Lori's pace quickens and we share a world of bliss.

She can tell I am getting close to Cumming by the sounds I am making and starts yelling "oh yes Ben, give me number 3." "Come on baby, cum for me."

I am thrusting up to meet her half way with each bounce while still pulling on her nipples. Something about the way Lori looks with her red hair flying all over the place that starts my balls tingling deep down inside. With each thrust, the feeling grows stronger along with my cries of ecstasy drowning out the wet sounds of great sex.

With a deep gutted growl, my cock erupts with liquid fire deep inside Lori's burning pussy. As she screams a howl, the neighbors have to hear, I feel a flood of hot liquid's spill down my cock and balls. Lori collapses on top of me and somewhat slowly rolls to her side; I think she may have passed out she is so relaxed except for the growing smile on her lips.

I lay still as the bliss of the after glow wanes away enjoying the feel of Lori in my arms. I rub Lori's back and replay the day in my mind from the moment my phone rang with the most contented feel I have enjoyed in years and mumble "I could get used to this."

Lori lightly giggles as she says, "Yeah, me too Ben. What would you like for breakfast?"

In my sated bliss I answer, "You."

As I wake in the near darkness, I begin to remember what we did and reach across the bed to see if I am alone. My hand makes contact with warm skin and I turn my head to see if it is the beautiful goddess, I remember or someone else. When my eyes focus, Lori is looking back at me with a growing smile.

"How did your nap go in this stranger's bed," Lori asks.

"I slept so well," I say smiling as I stroke Lori's soft skin as I continue. "The last things I can remember are you collapsing on top of me after, um... I don't think we're strangers after getting to know each other last night like we did."

Lori lets out a giggle saying. "Last night. It is not even midnight yet dear. I have been lying here watching you nap and I have to tell you that it pleases me to know that you do not snore. Mark, my late husband, could really make some noise when he slept."

Feeling the need, I ask, "Where's the bathroom"

Lori says "that door over by the tall dresser" as she points in the direction.

I through back the sheet lying over me and make my way to the door. After I have washed up I open the door and Lori pushes me right back and asks "would you like to join me for a shower Ben" as she starts turning the knobs on the wall in the walk in shower.

I walk in as the water starts spraying from multiple showerheads. I stand with my face to the wall and enjoy the feeling of the day rinsing off my body. I turn and let the water do its cleansing on my back as I get a little soap from a dispenser on the wall.

"It's good to know that thing does get soft once in a while Ben," Lori says with a happy sounding voice and the sweetest sounding, little girlish kind of giggle I've ever heard,

"Well I like the sound of your giggles when you talk to me. I like the way this feels so damn comfortable; standing in the shower with a woman I know so very little about and wanting to know as much as you're willing to tell me."

As my words eco off the tile walls I open my eyes after clearing the water and Lori is standing under the spray with her head tilted back with water cascading down her chest and abdomen. Quickly I guess she might wear an E cup the way her large, young tits are sticking out with the relaxed nipples pointing strait at me. She has a full size frame so they look right on her.

She has that perfect full figured hourglass set of hips that flair out in coke bottle fashion. Her Mons is shaven smooth and slips into the groove between her legs. That groove runs right back up the center of her Mons running a thin strait line up with it.

Lori brings her chin down and wipes the water from her eyes before looking back up at me. I continue with the end of my list, "And I love they way you look when your wet baby." Lori walks the few steps across the shower and never breaks eye contact. She wraps her right hand around the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss so hot it makes my heart race.

I feel her hand wrap around my hardening cock before giving it a light rub with the tips of her fingers. As our tongues play, I can feel her cupping my balls and doing the same soft caress with her fingertips. Breaking the kiss, she says, "I think it's time to clean this guy up," as she gives my cock a long stroke until she and her hand are gone.

I hear her going through drawers and soon she returns with an arm full of towels and a few chrome objects. She pushes me back against the wall between two showerheads and drops the stack of towels.

Lori squats down and adjusts the stack of wetting towels before kneeling on them. I watch as she slowly gets a lock of hair and snips it off with a shears. Before long, she has my pubic hairs reduced to long stubbles, and she picks up the pile she collected and stands to walk out of the room saying, "Rinse off Ben."

She returns quickly with a razor and a can of shave cream and returns to kneeling on the towels. As I move back to my place, she leans in and kisses my hard cock, says, "You are being such a good boy, I may have to give you a surprise later," and quickly sucks it into her mouth. I can feel her sucking on it as she pulls back and off with a loud popping sound that reverberates off the tile walls.

She sets the razor down and fills her hand with jell. She rubs it over the stubble above my cock and covers me with cream down to my nuts. Slowly she works with the falling water droplets splashing all around us. I watch with wonder as she removes the cream with each stroke revealing smooth skin I have not thought about since I waited for the hair to start growing from it like every young man does.

Before long, she is turning more jell into a lather for a second run with the razor. As she works it around, my cock starts to get soft and she looks up and smiles at me before sucking it back in giving it new life. Again the shower echoes with a loud pop as she pulls back saying "we'll be done soon and then we can play some more; would you like that" and my cock twitches up and down for her and she giggles.

Soon she directs me to rinse off as she leaves the shower again telling me to shut the water off and join her out in the main room. As I walk out she tosses me a towel and we dry in near silence.

Finishing first Lori leaves after giving me a quick kiss. I walk out turning off the light and there is Lori on the bed with her ass pointing at me up in the air. She looks back and says, "It's your turn to do the fucking Ben so get over here and fuck me right."

I move to the bed and walk up behind her on my knees till my cock rests at her waiting pussy. As soon as she felt me, her hand guides me in and I feel her pushing back so I push in until my cock is gone. I pull back slowly and push in hard enough to make Lori moan.

Soon the room fills with the sound of wet slopping smacks as we collide repeatedly. Mixed with that are our grunts and moans as we race towards bliss. Once while I was pounding away, Lori screamed a high-pitched squeal as her pussy clamped down on my cock stopping me from movement until she let me loose to continue.

When I started fucking her again the sounds she's making changed to deep grunts matching my pace. With what sounds like great effort she yells, "Fuck me you bastard, fuck me raw. Make it hurt!" I pull back my hand and give her ass a slap and it is as if I set off a powder keg.

Lori screams a long and loud, "YES," as a sudden stream of hot liquid hits my balls. Then her pussy starts pulling and releasing my cock quickly in repeated fashion. With out warning of any kind my cock shoots out cum and it is like lightning bolts striking each time it squirts.

Lori wakes me asking if I am okay and the first thing I want to know is, "Am I dead?"

"No silly, you past the fuck out. Are you okay?" she asks again sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm okay. That's a good thing too Lori because I thought you killed me for a minute there," I say starting to laugh.

The look of concern turns to a smile as she smacks my chest and says, "Mark never past out on me like that before Ben. I am the one who usually does if I am lucky. I woke up and you had me pinned. I had to roll you off me."

Looking at the ceiling, I feel Lori's head come to rest on my chest and I move my arms to hold her with a tender squeeze. I look at the clock and tell her, "It might have something to do with us not eating since before I got here."

Lori lifts her head and rolls to face me with that beautiful smile. "What would you like dear; there has to be something open around here somewhere." she says.

"Who wants to get dressed to go out? Do you have some eggs?" I ask.

"Sure but I'm not cooking tonight," Lori says.

"I'll cook for us. How does a scrambled omelet sound" I ask.

"So you can cook too? Your just chocked full of pleasant little surprises, aren't you Ben," Lori says as she sits up.

After finding me a robe that fits, we end up in the kitchen. I look through the fridge and freezer pulling out this and that and placing them on the counter. I turn on a burner and take a large frying pan off the hanging rack.

Lori watches in still silence as I cut up a few hot dogs and a piece of roasted chicken and put the pieces in the pan with a little oil. As the pan sizzles, I turn and say, "Bowl," and Lori points to a door over the counter. I choose one and place it on the island and begin cracking eggs open with one hand.

About the fourth egg, I look up smiling at Lori when she says "impressive."

"Hold on it gets better," I say with a chuckle. I get the chefs knife from the block and start cutting up a green pepper. I soon have the seeds out and cut into strips. I turn the stack and soon have a pile of green chunks and I use the wide blade to scoop them up and drop them in the pan. The pan is cast iron so I use the knife blade up to stir things around some.

While I tend the pan, Lori moves behind me opening and closing a drawer. I turn to see an onion on the cutting board. Three cuts and I have two halves and with a quick peal, the skin is gone, I slice them into thin slices and they soon turn to a pile of smaller pieces.

As they join the group in the pan, I turn back to the eggs and add milk. I get the whisk from Lori's hand as I steel a quick kiss. Soon the eggs are in the pan and I take a wooden spoon from a rack on the wall to stir them.

As I work, Lori places plates on the counter behind me. As the eggs scramble I turn down the heat, sprinkle cheddar cheese on them, and give them a final stir before shutting the pan off. I take the plate next to Lori's and scoop up a pile of the egg mixture onto it. I replace the one in front of her. Grinning, she dives her fork onto it as I return to fill my own plate.

I sit next to Lori and eat my eggs waiting for her to say something. After she eats about half of what I gave her, she sits back with a mouth full of food and looks me strait in the eyes. She swallows and says. "You're the first man to cook for me Ben. This is amazing, and I can't even imagine what you will surprise me with next," and quickly takes another bite as she gets up to get the milk from the counter.

She sits down with the milk and looks around a second before just drinking from the jug. "Can't find a glass," I say.

"Gnaw, besides, they way we've been swapping fluids the past 12 hours I see no point in worrying about it now," and giggles as she passes me the jug.

"I like how you think girl," I say before I take a long drink from it.

As Lori places the dishes in the sink she says "come on lover boy, let's go to bed."

I follow behind her and say "I thought you would never ask" and again I hear Loris little girl giggle as I watch her ass sway back and forth.

Lying in her bed with her warm body snuggled up to my side I finally ask Lori, "When did you put the teddy on," as her head comes to rest on my chest.

"Oh that." is what she says first. "When you recovered so well from seeing me in my cut offs Ben. I came in here to change again and when I saw it hanging, I pulled it out and slipped it on. Then I covered it with the sweats to hide it. I just had a feeling or maybe it was just a hope that you would be the one to end this lonely girls curse."

"Curse," I ask trying to make sense of it as I softly caress Lori's shoulder.

"Yes Ben, my evil curse of striking beauty that sends every man I meet into a tailspin every time I set my attention on one. I walk through stores with my head down so I do not make eye contact with men.

Three years ago I walked up and said hello to a handsome guy I wanted to get to know and when he looked up from the paper he was reading and looked at me, he lost all control of what he was doing and spilled a hot bowl of soup on his own lap.

Two years ago, I walked up to a man and said hello and he forgot what he was doing and chopped two of his fingers off with the tool he was using to build my new addition out there with.

Last year, my girlfriend fixed me up with a man. When he walked into the restaurant and saw me, he stumbled and fell over a table he walked into breaking his arm.

I once opened the door for a pizza deliveryman in the same outfit you saw me wearing hoping I could seduce him. The young man literally wet his pants, handed me the pizza and ran to his car with out even taking my money; I was so damn horny I cried for an hour.

Most men I talk to turn into stumbling fools or develop a stutter when they talk to me. Nevertheless, I am grateful you are different Ben. You saw me and had the usual kind of reaction but recovered so well I just had to have your cock in me.

I had to see if you could survive the curse and make it this far and now; being by my side relaxes you after us screwing our brains out! Can you imagine what this means to me Ben?"

"Wrapping paper with ribbons and bows is how I look at outer appearances. What truly maters is the gift hidden within the wrappings.

Like you, I have prayed for this. Even though I do not really even know you, I think I am falling hard for the gift hidden inside your lovely wrappings. In addition, maybe, just maybe, those other people might have failed because of the alignment of our separate prayers guiding us too be together like this.

I too have dealt with such a curse Lori, just in the opposite way. Most girls keep a distance between themselves and me. I have had a few women get close enough to give me a chance but none has made me feel like they wanted me around as you have.

None of them would have shaved me with the intent of enjoying a, 'next time.' Therefore, the answer is, yes Lori; I think I do know what this means to you because acceptance means just as much to me as it does you."

I kiss the top of her head and add, "I just hope the comfort I feel laying here next to you never ends."

"I do not want this to end either Ben," Lori says as she rubs her fingers around my chest in a slow circle.

I hug her in my arm and say, "We should just act like we are married as we get to know each other. Let's be a team and just grow into it naturally."

I hear that little giggle, Lori says, "the puzzle's on the kitchen table are not negotiable; that is why the counter is there."

"Okay, that is fine with me. Just don't get upset if my tools take over the garage," I counter.

"I love you Benjamin."

"I love you Loretta."

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seattlejackseattlejackabout 11 years ago
A good story.

I liked your use of quotation marks and paragraph sizing. An easy read. I seem to like stories that are best set in the past. I read your Point of View as present tense. Consider using past tense. Thanks again for a good story.


pentheswordpentheswordabout 11 years ago

Get a good editor and you have a solid 5 story.

litereader54litereader54about 11 years ago
Good read

Fantastic premise. Good ideas. Mechanics, grammar, spelling, word usage & execution need a good editor & proofreader. It would be so much more readable.

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