Mr. Wallace and Me Pt. 11-12


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"You make me feel so special, Leo," I whispered. "You think of everything."

When we got to our large, round table in the ballroom, a few couples were already seated. As the band played, Dr. Phillips made our introductions while I stood there with an innocent smile and nodded sweetly at everybody. I slowly removed my white shawl, and Dr. Phillips' face broke into a wide smile as so much of my bare skin was my classy halter gown. By their glances, it was evident that the other men at the table noticed me, too. It was such a new sensation to know that I could probably seduce any man in the ballroom. I was feeling sensual and alluring ... and yet, underneath the sexy dress, the makeup and the earrings, I was still a nervous boy.

We made small talk, my earrings jingling as my head moved from side-to-side as others joined our table, including two couples that Dr. Phillips had introduced me to in the church. I wondered why all women didn't wear jingly earrings all the time.They're so much fun and sexy, too. The women -- Denise and Helen -- who worked with Dr. Phillips, were in their 30s and friendly with each other like co-workers are. Their husbands sneaked peeks at me when they thought their wives wouldn't notice. When they did, I let my eyes meet theirs, and they quickly looked away, only to sneak another peek a few seconds later. That was fun.

When the bride and groom entered the ballroom, we all stood and applauded them. Dr. Phillips took the opportunity to put his right arm around my bare shoulders. I looked at the head table and was surprised and disappointed to see Father Kincaid. I hadn't counted on the old man attending the reception. He stood at the microphone, congratulated the bride and groom, and then gave the invocation, his head down, his eyes scrunched closed, the very picture of piety. When he finished, his eyes searched the ballroom. They stopped when they reached mine. He gave me an evil smile, and suddenly I lost some of my confidence. My intention had been just to tease him and to look beautiful and to remind him just by my presence in the church about that kick in the groin.

The Best Man was the groom's brother -- tall and more handsome than the groom -- and gave a long, rambling toast that he and a few of his friends thought was funny, but I didn't understand most of it. I was a little nervous about pulling off my masquerade with Father Kincaid at the wedding. I drained my whole glass of champagne. Then the bride and groom went out onto the dance floor for their first waltz as man and wife. After applauding, we sat down to dinner, with Dr. Phillips filling my wine glass twice while we ate. After dessert, I excused myself to go to the ladies room. As I rose, making sure my posture was perfect, I could feel eyes on me from men and women at nearby tables.

It was strange going into a ladies room. I was the only one there, and by force of habit, I glanced around for a urinal, then smiled to myself for being silly and went into a stall. I carefully moved up the bottom of my long gown above my waist, thankful for the slit in my skirt but feeling clumsy and inept. Sitting back on the toilet, I moved my panties down to my ankles, my legs straight ahead, parallel to my torso.

"How do women do this?" I asked myself while congratulating myself on not wearing pantyhose tonight. The effect was that my legs weren't visible through the open part of the stall's door when Denise and Helen came in

"Did you see old man Phillips tonight with that young blonde?" asked Helen in a gossipy way.

Denise gave a haughty, short laugh.

"I've never seen him like he is tonight," she said. "He's actually smiling."

"Can you blame him? That girl, she's stunning," Helen said. "Where does an old coot like Dr. Phillips get a girlfriend like that? You don't suppose she's a ... you know ... a prostitute he's hired for tonight, do you?"

"You know," replied Denise, "the same thought occurred to me. I asked my husband, Dave, if he thought she might be a paid escort, and he said if she is, then he's going to start saving his money to rent her some night. I think he was only half-kidding, but I almost couldn't blame him. She's so young and sexy, damn her. Anyway, Dave said she's way too sweet to be an escort. What he did say was that Dr. Phillips is the luckiest son of a bitch in town."

I looked in the small space of the stall's door hinge to see Helen smile as both women freshened their makeup while looking in the mirror.

"Did you notice her skin?" she said. "It glows. Not a blemish, and that dress -- what there is of it -- is gorgeous. With her figure, she looks as if she was poured into it. My husband, Douglas, couldn't keep his eyes off her. The nice thing is that after we get home, Douglas is going to want to have sex with me and pretend he's doing her. Oh, he won't admit it, but this Billee has really got his motor running."

The two women laughed conspiratorialy.

"Dave's the same way," Denise said. "I think we're both in for a little passion tonight. We should probably thank that beautiful blonde girl."

"Yes," Helen said sarcastically as they left the ladies room, "we should thank her for making us feel so old and fat."

Once they were gone, I quickly did my business, pulled up my Chantelle panties and adjusted my gown. Leaving the stall, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, my bare shoulders back, my waist so tiny. The ladies were right. I was beautiful. I didn't want their husbands, but if I did, I was pretty sure I could get them to be unfaithful. All it would take would be a smile and a piece of paper with my phone number on it pressed into one of their hands.

For some reason, it felt good to know that. It gave me a little needed confidence after Father Kincaid's troubling smile at me earlier.

When I returned to the table, Dr. Phillips stood and pulled out my chair like you see in the movies. I smiled back at him adoringly over my bare shoulder. When I did, I noticed Father Kincaid start to make his way to our table. His evil smile was back. I had no idea what he had in mind, but I had no intention of finding out. I reached for Dr. Phillips' elbow.

"Leo?" I said as I rose from my chair. "Please dance with me, Leo?"

He muttered something about not being a very good dancer.

"Please?" I said in my best little girlie voice as I swayed gently while holding his left hand in both of mine. "Pretty please, Leo? Dance with me?"

I pulled him gently toward the dance floor where I put my left arm around his neck and felt his sweaty right hand move around my bare back. The fingers of his left hand and my right entwined as our cheeks met and our bodies pressed against each other to the band music.

"You smell so good," Dr. Phillips whispered in my ear as his hand on my bare back pulled me closer. "You FEEL so good."

I let my body be malleable in his arms. He was already hard. I could feel his small penis against me through his pants and my dress. I looked over his shoulder and saw that Father Kincaid was hovering near our table while Helen, Denise and the people sitting there were watching us dance. Actually, you couldn't really call what we were doing dancing. Dr. Phillips was right. He wasn't a very good dancer. Other couples joined us on the dance floor as Dr. Phillips and I mostly just swayed to the music until the song was over.

The band then played a lively rock song. I moved away from Dr. Phillips and began to sexily sway and dance in front of him, shimmying my bare, slender shoulders, turning a few times so he could see my bare back. Meanwhile, he attempted to fast-dance, but he was so uncoordinated that it was pitiful to see. I got a little lost in the music, closing my eyes and swaying as my dress clung to my lithe figure and moved sensually with me. My earrings swinging and bouncing off my cheeks, I felt so alive and so desirable. From where I was, I could see that my date was even more aroused, his eyes glued to my every girly movement.

The next song was slow. We again embraced and began to sway to the music when the groom's tall, handsome brother asked Dr. Phillips if he could cut in. Dr. Phillips nodded regretfully and began to step aside, but I pulled him to me and spoke to the handsome young man.

"I'm sorry, but I promised this dance ... and every other one ... to my boyfriend here."

The young man was obviously not used to being turned down.

"But ... but ..." he said, astounded, "I'm the Best Man."

"No, you're not," I said alluringly while turning my long, bare, sexy back to him and crossing my gloved arms around Dr. Phillips' neck. "I've already got the best man right here."

With that, I leaned forward on my high heels, tilted my head and gave a bewildered Dr. Phillips a tender kiss. His hands slowly went to my back as he hungrily pressed his lips to mine. That's when he heard me moan needingly as my slinky, mostly bare body melded into his stiff tuxedo-clad one. I was faking, of course. At least, that's what I told myself. More than anything, I think I was turning myself on.

The groom's brother looked at us, probably wondering what I saw in this old, nondescript man, then wandered off. As Dr. Phillips and I danced, I looked over his shoulder at our table, where Helen and Denise, along with their husbands and others at the table were kind of staring at us. But I couldn't see Father Kincaid there anymore. My eyes searched the ballroom, and he was nowhere to be found. The old man must have gone home. I felt so relieved. My lips got very close to Dr. Phillips' right ear as I whispered.

"Leo, darling?" I said softly as we swayed slowly to the music, "do you remember what you wanted me to do for you in the shower last week?"

Dr. Phillips gulped hard, then could only manage nodding his head twice as he held me tighter. His face was turning red as I took my time licking his ear slowly, sensually, my little tongue moving into every crevice as my writhing body rubbed up against his tuxedo front. I could feel his hardness. I thought he might orgasm right there on the dance floor.

"You mean?" he blurted.

"Yes, darling," I whispered. "I've felt guilty all week about how disappointed you were when we were in the shower and ... well ... my hand ... you know. I never knew what I wanted in my life until you made love to me last week. I want to be your girl, Leo. I don't ever want to disappoint you again."

Dr. Phillips' face began to perspire as my gloved hands clung to his neck and I continued to whisper in his slightly damp ear.

"I want to feel your wonderful penis in my mouth, Leo, as the water covers us in the shower. Promise me that will be the very first thing we do when we go to our room. I won't feel worthy to be your girlfriend until I do that for you. Promise me, Leo? Promise me that will be the first thing we do?"

Dr. Phillips' eyes bulged. He made a squeaky sound and nodded his head.

"Yes," he finally uttered. "Yes, that ... OK."

"Do you want me, Leo?"

Dr. Phillips' hands moved down to my tight, little waist as I leaned back and looked at him innocently, my eyes locked on his, my gloved hands moving from around his neck to up against his chest.

"Want you?" he said incredulously. "Of course. Absolutely. I mean ... I can't believe ... You're so beautiful. ... That dress ..."

I smiled and spoke softly.

"Would you like me to wear it in the shower while you're naked, Leo?" I said as I watched his eyes grow wider. "Would you like to see it all wet and clinging to my body as I take your cock into my mouth?"

"You .... you'd do that?" he asked, his voice trembling. "You'd do that for me?"

I didn't answer. I kissed him, my tongue playing with his upper lip for a few moments.

"It's been a lovely wedding, Leo," I said with a sweet smile. "But wouldn't you like to go to our room now?"

Dr. Phillips' face was very red, and he was perspiring.

"Uhh ... yes .. of course," he said, stumbling over his words. "Uhhhh ... yes ... I was just about to suggest that very thing."

Dr. Phillips led me back to our table with a very sweaty hand on my bare back. As I picked up my purse and shawl, he told everyone that it was getting late, and that we should be going. The women at the table faked disappointment that we would be leaving. I think the men's disappointment was genuine, as they ignored Dr. Phillips and looked at me. I let my eyes connect with each of them and I didn't make a sound as my lips mouthed an innocent yet alluring "Bye." I wondered how many of them would be thinking of me tonight when they went to bed.

As we walked out of the ballroom, I tried to make conversation with Dr. Phillips.

"This is such a lovely hotel, darling," I said. "Is our room nice?"

He smiled weakly.

"I don't know," he said. "I ... well ... I haven't checked in yet."

"Oh?" I said innocently while enjoying the clicking sound my high heels were making on the floor as I carried my shawl and purse, my posture perfect in my lovely dress.

"Well," he said sheepishly as we arrived at the hotel's front desk. "I wasn't certain ... I wasn't sure ...."

I giggled girlishly and kissed his cheek.

"You weren't sure I was going to show up, Leo?" I asked. "Is that it?"

He admitted it with a nod of his head.

"Oh, Leo," I exclaimed, smiling. "Shame on you. After last week? After how we made love? After I told you that I want to be your girl. Who wouldn't want to be the girlfriend of such an important man as Dr. Leo Phillips? How could you ever doubt that I would be here?"

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely. "Look, my luggage is in my car. I'll go get it, and then we can check in."

I grabbed his elbow with both my hands.

"No, please don't," I said, whispering in his ear. "You're not going to need any more clothes tonight."

Dr. Phillips tried to stifle a hideous, shrill laugh. I continued whispering.

"I don't have a change of clothes, either, Leo, and if I'm going to be walking in this lobby tomorrow morning dressed in what promises to be a wet halter gown, I want to be escorted by a handsome gentleman in a tuxedo. OK, darling?"

"OK," he said, trying and failing to give me a debonaire smile.

Dr. Phillips went to the counter to check in while I stood there, my feet close together, my gloved arms extended prettily in front of me, holding my purse and shawl. The young clerk checking us in gave me a glance, looked at Dr. Phillips, then back at me, and tried to contain a smile.

"Have an enjoyable evening, sir" he said to Dr. Phillips. As we walked toward the elevator, I glanced back at the clerk over my shoulder. He was still looking at me and smiling knowingly. I smiled back.

We got into the empty elevator, and Dr. Phillips pressed the button for the eighth floor and reached for me as soon as the door closed. But he barely had his hands on my upper arms when the elevator bell rang and the door opened to let in a couple with three children. Dr. Phillips jumped back and stared at the elevator ceiling as the family bustled in. When the elevator once again began its ascent, one of the little girls pointed at the lights showing the floors.

"We're not going down, Mommy," she said. "We're going up."

"Oh darn," her mother said. "OK, we'll go down after we go up. No harm done."

It was obvious that Dr. Phillips didn't agree. He obviously couldn't wait to get his hands on me. That became evident as soon as we got into our room. His hands grasped my bare shoulders and he pushed my back against the door as our lips met. I dropped my purse and shawl onto the carpet as his tongue thrust into my mouth. I shimmied and moaned as he showed a power and strength I didn't know he had.

"You're so beautiful," he gushed between kisses. "You're so blonde, so sexy. I can't believe you're actually here with me."

We kissed for long minutes, his lust growing each second, his breathing hard, his hands seeming unable to decide what part of my body to grab or caress. His mouth attacked my neck below my choker, sending chills all through me. My voice betrayed a growing desire.

"Remember what we said, darling?" I said, my breathing becoming uneven. "What we decided to do first thing ... in the shower?"

With that, I leaned back in his arms and my gloved hands sexily undid his tuxedo bow tie and took it off. Then I helped him off with his jacket, folded it carefully and put it on a chair along with the tie. I looked at him and smiled.

"A rental?"

Dr. Phillips turned a little red and smiled sheepishly.

"You made it look wonderful, darling," I said. "Let's make sure it's in good shape when you return it."

I smiled and sidled up to him, my shoulders sexily hunched in as I gently kissed his lips. Then I unbuttoned his shirt buttons one by one, wetly kissing his chest as his skin became revealed. He closed his eyes as my tongue traced around his tiny nipples. As I moved his arms up to unbutton his sleeves, I sensually took first one thumb, then the other into my mouth and sucked gently.

With his shirt now neatly folded atop his other clothes, I went down on my knees, removed his shoes and calf-length black socks, then reached up, undid his pants and pulled them down, careful not to spill the contents of his pockets. Next to come down and off were his white jockey shorts. His 5-inch penis sprang up in front of my face. I looked up at a naked Dr. Phillips, smiled and extended my gloved hand.

"Help me up, darling?"

His hand took mine and helped me to my feet. I femininely folded his pants and put them and his socks on the chair on top of his shirt. I turned and we embraced for a passionate kiss. The naked old man was trembling, his penis jabbing into me, his hands all over me. In his passion, he began kissing my neck and bare left shoulder. Breathing heavily, I clung to his naked body and whispered.

"Now, darling," I said, "just like last week, go into the bathroom, do your business, then turn on the shower and open the door for me." I ran the forefinger of my gloved right hand over his penis slowly as the pinky of my left hand moved between my lips . "I can't wait for this to be in my mouth, to truly become your girl. Please hurry, darling."

"Yes," he said, his hands slowly, regretfully leaving my body, "I'll just be a minute."

He turned and almost ran into the bathroom, his sagging bottom the last thing I saw as the door closed.

As soon as it did, I reached for the neat pile of clothes on the chair and the cordless telephone on the desk, picked up my purse and shawl ... then hurried out of the room. Soon, I was in and out of the elevator and in the hotel lobby, where I found a ladies room. I left the hotel's cordless phone on a sink counter and searched Dr. Phillips' pants pocket. I took out his cell phone and put it back into the pocket. I found the valet parking slip, then I took a 10-dollar and 20-dollar bill from his wallet. I put the wallet back into his pants and walked out to the concierge desk, where I placed Dr. Phillips' clothes. I gave the 40ish concierge working there my most dazzling smile along with 10 dollars and the parking slip and asked if he would be kind enough to arrange to have someone put the clothes in our car.

He looked me over and was very eager to be of service. He said he would take care of it immediately. I asked him to call a taxi for me and to keep the parking slip at the desk because my boyfriend, Dr. Phillips, would be picking it up in the morning. He said it would be a pleasure for such a lovely lady.

"I'd be ever so grateful," I said girlishly. He was flirting with me, and I rewarded him with another smile. Soon I was in the taxi on my way back to the church parking lot where I would pick up my mom's car.

"Not a bad night's work," I thought as I clutched the $20 bill and cuddled into my light, transparent shawl in the back seat of the cab. Father Kincaid had gotten an eyeful of me, and I got to tease him and remind him of that kick in his groin, yet evade him at the reception.