Mrs. Belles and Then Some 01

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Chad helps out for the holiday weekend.
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Hello, my name is Chad, I'm almost 21 and I think I've been turning into a responsible young adult for the most part since I moved out on my own, with my proof of that being where my story starts out, which is being the responsible young adult son and doing a favor for my mom by picking her friend up from the airport. And the fact that there would probably be a good meal in it for me was just a bonus.

Now, this story is not about my mom, who has always been known as Miss Chatty Catty, but she is the social central for the over 40 crowd around Middleton and I just wanted to paint a picture for you that when she goes all "eek, eek, eek" and stuff, imagine her vibrating on her toes while holding both arms bent with clenched fists that almost bouncing off of her shoulders. I love mom, but all my life. Eek.

Anyways, not in exchange for a good meal or anything, I chipped in and agreed to pick Mrs. Belles up from the airport for a long 4th of July weekend visit so mom could stay home and organize, I mean, host her other friends since there was a delay with Mrs. Belles flight. Which was fine with me, just as long as there wasn't delay with the meal that mom had catered in from the Deli. Not that food was all that important, but I'm still struggling with food other than what is handed to me through a drive through window. But I know that the big silvery box with doors is meant to hold other food, I mean, I'm quickly becoming a responsible young adult, right?

Anyways, back on the highway with Mrs. Belles, who used to be known as the "cool" mom before she and her family moved away.

[Vroom, vroom, a safe speed and calm cruising speed down the highway, vroom]

"Mrs. Belles, I snuck six cans of your favorite clear and fizzy soda in mom's refrigerator door, okay? You still like your clear and fizzy sodas, right, Mrs. B?"

Well, that was something that I remembered about Mrs. Belles and probably not something that mom would think about, so.

"LOL, clear, fizzy, fuzzy and sizzling describes my weekend nightie that I packed, Chad! Well, one of them, so thanks for my special sodas, sweetie."

[A slight serve in the calm highway cruise, get a grip]

"I'm sure that I will need the little boost of energy that they provide to keep up with what I assume will be a gurling schedule since you know, your mom is in charge of the entire weekend of events."

Well, mom rehearses her social circle speeches, so.

"How is her pool looking these days, Chad?"

[Back to safely cruising down the highway in one lane]

"Oh, better than ever and not to release a spoiler, but I think there is burger cookout planned for Saturday afternoon, so, um, did you pack a bikini, I mean, a swim suit, Mrs. Belles, huh?"

"Oh, Chad, um, one mom bikini, one non mom bikini and um, one other, so?"

[Vroom, roar, vroom, Chad's right foot is not working properly]

Oh, well then, one mom bikini, okay then and one non mom bikini, alright then, right and oops, one other? With no further details? Huh?

"Oh, I mean, I'm almost 21 now, Mrs. Belles, so, um, one other????"

"Oh, sorry old man, um, one other as in a slingshot string bikini, you know, for the shower and selfies to relive the good old days, so? It's green, LOL, dental floss string."

[Serves, OMG, pick a lane and stay in it, Chad!]

"Oh, OMG, um, well, Mrs. Belles, it's a good thing my old bedroom has a full-length mirror in it for selfies then since selfies are a must these days, tee he, Mrs. Belles, so, um, it's like just string, string then, Mrs. Belles, huh?"

"Oh, like a dental floss MILF Ho slingshot string bikini, Chad. Like in need a boob, it's right there or need that honeypot, well, it's just a string away, Chad."

[Serves hard, ends up half on the shoulder of the highway]

"I'm going to pass out, Mrs. Belles!"

"Tee he, that usually happens after trashing the honeypot, Chad! Eyes on the road, young man."

[Rocks are flying up from driving half on the highway shoulder and half in a lane]

"But thanks (leans across the front seat to plan a cheek peck, smack) for remembering my favorite fizzy soda. And don't be a stranger this weekend around your mom's house, tee he, if her holiday weekend social schedule actually has down time built into it."

It will not have much down time built into that other than sleep time. I mean, "eek, eek, eek", her old schoolmate sisters are gathering for the long holiday weekend of events, right?

[Driving is calming down again]

"I mean, I won't be a total stranger, but you know my mom, if she's not hauling you around to literally visit with your entire yearbook in between all of the holiday events and the 4th of July Festival, I mean, the only down time that I can foresee will be for sleeping, tee he, in that clear, sheer, fizzy, fuzzy, sizzling nightie that you described, tee he, so?"

"Oh, and speaking of that, you don't have a problem with an old woman squirming, I mean, sleeping in your old bed, right, Chad?"

[Squirming about? Pick a lane and stay in it, pick a lane and stay in it]

"Aw, come on, Mrs. Belles, you're not old, you're just older and that's how like works. And speaking of that and you definitely didn't hear this from me, but you know, right, Mrs. B?"

"Yeah, Martha Miller texted me with a heads up that there will be the official handing off and trading ceremony of the old silver teaspoons to commemorate the unofficial class reunion and she picked one up for me from the Little Silver Teaspoon Shop on the Strip. And speaking of that, Chad, spooning sex from behind like that is my specialty!"

[Not on the shoulder of the highway! Pick a lane! At least stay in a lane on the highway!]

"Well, it used to be my specialty back when I had access to a hard cock. My hips are built for taking my man for a magic spoon ride of his life, but limp dicks don't measure up to a teaspoon, so?"

[Okay, okay, stay on the shoulder, but manage it, Chad! Rocks are flying up!]

"Um, um, bah, bah, bah, um, well then, Mrs. B, um..."

[Smooths back into traffic in the proper lane]

"Well, just so you get that us having sex this weekend isn't off the table, Chad."

[Fine, serve across all the lanes! Oh, there was the main exit, so, it was okay]

"My word, the Strip seems to have changed a lot since I moved away, Chad. What are there, like a bazillion shops on it now? I mean, really, we just passed the Cracked Coffee Cup Shop, for Pete's sakes!"

"Oh, it's closing in on a gazillion shops, Mrs. Belles, I mean, just out of your window is the Bent Nail Shop and it's busier than one would think, so?"

[Safe cruising speed down the Strip]

"Tee he, is your nail bent or straight, Chad? Not that it will matter, but I've never had one that points to the North Star, you know, like my titties used point, so, tee he, is there still an alley back there, Chad, hmm? Also, the traffic light turned green, Chad."

[Beep-beep, let's go! Honk-honk, green means go! Beep-beep, put it in gear!]

"Um, it's daylight, Mrs. B, so?"

"Oh, you're right, Chad. I mean, I never sucked off my dates in the alley during daylight hours."

[Ahh, a slow away from the green traffic light]

"More than ten times, Chad."

[Screech, a totally illegal and dangerous hard left!]

Well, I've lived in Middleton my entire life and never did more than cruise the alley and, um, look and gawk, so. I mean, because my gaming nerds insisted on it, so.

Also, damn, wasn't I supposed to do some of the work? Or it is a legit thing that all I needed to do was push my seat back? And I'm not really asking as much as I'm boasting because damn, all I had to do was to lean back and whimper in delight!

[Lean over, unbuckle, open, unzip, push, fish, grab, pull, flip, flop, size up, holy north star!]

"Well, SOB, Chad, your cock is just as I imagined it when you used to "accidently" bump into my butt on game days! [Stroke, fap, stroke, kiss, kiss, stroke] This thing is huge! And straight as an arrow! Not that I've had a few limp bent bananas in my life."

[Oomph, slush, oomph, gasp, oomph, slurp, oomph, suck, oomph, slosh, gasp, gag, ooh, gag, ooh]

"[Slurp] we'll worry about your staying power when you figure out how to stab me to death with this thing later this weekend, but for now, our time is short, Chad, so let it go."

[Oomph, slosh, oomph, gasp, oomph, slurp, oomph, suck, oomph, slush, gag, ooh, gag, ooh]

Is there really a way to respond to a statement like that, people? I mean, other than to lean back even further and whimper in delight even more?

"[Slurp] fill my belly, baby. [Stroke, fap, stroke, tease, tease, kiss, kiss, slurp, stroke, engulf]. And stop touching my hair, I mean, for this time, Chad. Ladies know sex hair and I'm sure your mom's place is full of our old friends, so, blow my back teeth out, Chad."

Oh, I had an answer for that! Okay!

[Oomph, spew, oomph, splash, oomph, squirt, oomph, spray, oomph, spew, oomph, drizzle, gulp]

"[Gulp, gulp] LOL, I think this is where you say "ahh" or something, Chad."


"LOL, now, this never happened and oh, by the way, I'm milking your ooze out too! It's been a while, so."

[Gentle suck, milk it, ooze, ooze, suck, milking it, ooze, drizzle, drizzle, milk the last drop, slurp]

Everybody loves milk, right? Oh, wait, that's not true, but still, right? Ahh.

Also, huh, the best drive afterwards ever! I mean, my girlfriends have been limited, so. But according to Mrs. Belles just then, I mean, that's their loss, right?

[The front door opens and two people, who did not just have sex, enter the house]

"And then, ladies, after we, OMG, OMG, eek, eek, eek, Bibi, you made it!"

Oh, yeah, and mom is big on bear hugs. And going all "eek, eek, eek" and stuff. And making sure that every lady there hugged their old friend, Mrs. Belles, too. Also, can I refer to her Bibi now? What's the rule on that, huh? I mean, not in front of the others and all, but still, right?

"Alright, ladies, dig into our Deli lunch while I run down the eek, eek, eek, constant around the clock schedule, but don't over eat because eek, eek, eek, we have a wine, cheese and prong social tonight at Martha Miller's about 8pm, which means I've scheduled in one hour for a change of clothing and then OMG, eek, eek, eek, this un-official, yet official class reunion weekend is on, ladies and then it's sleepy time for everyone because, oh my word, we have the Friday weekend kick off mimosa brunch, eek, eek, eek, down at the Civic Center tomorrow morning and..."

Well, I tuned out a bit because I've heard "eek, eek, eek" all of my life. But mom means well and she's definitely got the energy, so. And tuning out is the same as fooling around on my phone while every minute of the next four and half days were laid out.

[Weep, incoming text]

"Pay attention, Chad."

[Whoop, outgoing response text]

"I'm waiting to hear for a break in the time line, Mrs. B."

[Weep, a "are you kidding me" incoming response text]

"A break in the timeline? Have U even ever met Ur mom?"

[Weep, a "are you kidding me" follow up incoming text]

"Figure it out, Chad."

Oh, well, like I said, I've heard "eek, eek, eek" all of my life so I've had a habit of tuning out.

"And to boot, ladies, eek, eek, eek, my son, who absolutely doesn't visit with me enough since he moved out, will be at the brunch too! Well, sort of."

"Wait, what mom? I was tuned out, so, who, why, where and most importantly, why?"

"Oh, well, I may have volunteered you with Mrs. Bentley to set up the brunch tables, sweetie, so, 9am and don't be late."

"(Grumble, mumble, grumble...)"

"Oh, well, does it help if I tell you that Mrs. Bentley's newest second in command, Peacock Penny, will have her 116 petite promo Lil Ladies prancing around the brunch area in the Civic Center in stars and stripes flag bikinis, hmm, Chad?"

[That's an amazing shade of facial red. And all the ladies giggled over it]

"Oh, you ladies giggle now, but ahem, 116 petite promo Lil Ladies in flag bikinis! With mimosas on the menu!"

[Oh, the ladies start thinking about the spouses and stop giggling]

[Whoop, just can't help it incoming text]

"Tee he, that should get Ur flag pole up, Chad!"

Well, I mean, Peacock Penny has made quite a name for herself over the last year or so, so.

"And eek, eek, eek, and then I built in a little down time, but then, boom, boom, boom, we all have the 2pm to 4pm Garden Tea Party Auction to raise money to save the fire flies and then a little more down time and a change of clothing for the evening because holla, holla, holla, we all have the "no tie" Friday night social at 8pm in the Civic Center and then, OMG, eek, eek, eek we haven't even gotten through Friday yet and then, hold onto your sun hats, ladies, then comes Saturday and..."

See? Socializing down to the minute. But I love my mom, Miss Chatty Catty, Social Central.

[The ladies are starting to look a little overwhelmed]

"Time! Time out! Oops, I mean, please continue Susan, but um, since we have the wine, cheese and prongs gig coming up soon with just barely enough time to change clothing, I mean, I'll just start cleaning up all these Deli dishes and um, since your son is such a responsible young adult these days, so?"

"Oh, sure, Samantha, um son, help Mrs. Slithers with the plates and OMG, after that, be a gentleman and put Bibi's bags in your old bedroom for her, so, where was I then, ladies, oh yeah, eek, eek, eek and then early Saturday morning, the car dealership is sponsoring another mimosa car show on the main floor of the Civic Center and ooh, la, la, the petite promo Lil Ladies will be there prancing all around again in shiny and flashy stars and stripes pants, tall boots and vests as they role play new car models, so, once again, ladies, watch your spouses because we all know what they will be watching and then, eek, eek, eek, oh my word, then comes the 4th of July parade, right down the middle of the Strip, which will also be escorted by that crazy bird girls Lil Ladies in their flashy holiday uniforms and after that, wait for it, ladies, it's back..."

All my life, people, all my life with the level of energy and excitement that I've never had.

[Gathers Deli containers and heads for the kitchen, and gathers a couple of side eyes too, so, huh]

"These containers are all trash, right Mrs. Slithers? I mean, the landfills are running low on plastic, right?"

"Yep, and speaking of that, Chad, did you trash Bibi's mouth, hmm? And don't be shy with me, Chad, because Bibi and I used to be double dating friends back in the day and she's not the only one with a limp dick at home, so? And all I really need is a brief description, like did she suck your cock or not, hmm? And I'm not even going to ask if she sucked it dry down to the last drop since we were double date partners in the past and I know that woman slurps it all, so?"

Um, is that how adulthood works? Just talk about it?

[Whoop, incoming save the day text]

"Ahem, my bags are waiting in the foyer, Chad."

I mean, I already said that my girlfriend experiences have been limited, so, two? Totally unfamiliar territory, right?

"Go, Chad, I'm not here to interfere, but I'm might mention that I might become a little tipsy at the car show mimosa brunch on Saturday, if I have the energy to make it to Saturday and the upper loft area does have a Ladies room and I'm sure almost every set of eyes will be of the flashy flag outfits, so, think about that, Chad."

Well, all I can say is that I've always wondered what was up in the upper-level loft area of the Civic Center, so, maybe. Or definitely, either way.

[Ladies pretending to listen intently, but actually applying some serious side eye glares]

"And then, after the parade, ladies, here it comes because then it's back here to my place for what Terri Taylor is calling an "adult bikini and burger" cookout here at my pool and I'm only turning a blind eye to that because the style of bikini is optional, but then, whoop, whoop, whoop, it's on to the big 4th of July Festival at 4:22pm and then..."

[A lot of side eyes follow Chad as he lifts the three pieces of luggage and unassumingly heads down the hallway towards his old bedroom]

"Time! Time out! Um, Susan, um, I'm calling jet lag and I need five, so?"

"Tee he, go ahead, Bibi because eek, eek, eek, I have you in my clutches all weekend, holla, holla, holla, Miss Cheer Leader Captain. Anyways, ladies, there is a pie eating contest at the festival on Saturday night and I've heard that Mildred has been soaking the blueberries in blueberry vodka all week, so, oh my, the husbands will get drowsy after that and oh boy, I'll turn around blind eye again if I have too, but then..."

Huh, the things you learn about your mom when she's Captain Social Central, right?

Also, huh, the things that you learn about securing a bedroom door, right, when it doesn't have a lock, right? And I don't even know which of our bodies was the makeshift lock to prevent the door from being flung open un-expectantly. I mean, both, since we did it standing up? I mean, Mrs. Belles body was slammed, ahem, pun intended, up against the bedroom door and I provided the pressure force to keep the door closed.

And I missed a lot in my earlier years because holy quick drop, undies come off that fast? Like, whoosh!

And I never had the pleasure of standing up sex before, but I think I figured it out quick enough.

[Sinks it home. Wait, honeypot was her word earlier, right? Sinks it deep into that honeypot]

"OMG, Chad, cock stab me, baby, but make it quick, like three stabs! Those ladies out there aren't stupid."

"[Thump, 1st stab, thump, 2nd stab, thump, 3rd stab, thump, 4th stab, thump, 5th stab, thump, 6th stab]"

"OMG, baby men never listen, aha, aha, aha, go ahead Chad, make me your weekend woman, Chad! Go for it."

[Thrust, 7th stab, thrust, 8th stab, thrust, 9th stab, thrust, 10th stab, oh, oh, quiver, quiver, quiver]

"It's okay, baby, this is our weekend quickie! Juice me, Chad, soak my pussy and my thighs!"

I mean, that's definitely the easy part for the guy, right? Tee he.

Also, quickie? Ah, that was my usual, so, um, well, any ideas how to talk about that going forward for the weekend, huh? I mean, that was ten strokes, right? And I already said that my experiences have been limited, but ten is a lot, right?

"Whew, that was quick, stud muffin, but that's okay since you gave my shoulders a pounding against the bedroom door (my pussy, not so much of a pounding) and I can't wait for our next secret rendezvous, Chad. And I'm not complaining, baby, I'll take whatever hard 20 something cock I can get. I'll also take a towel from the Linen Closet since that part was overwhelming, so?"

[Knock, knock, knock]

"(Psst! It's Darlene, I fished out fresh bedding and a towel from the Linen closet, so, psst!)"

I mean, Mrs. Belles opened the door, so.

"Um, Mrs. Denton, um?"

[Just stares at what is just a semi limp cock, but semi limp for the right reasons!]

"It's okay, Chad, Darlene has tasted my pussy juice from a spent cock before, so, get with it, Dar and clean up my man! While I clean up my thighs."

Well, who was I to argue with that, right?

[Thigh wiping to the right, cock cleaning slurping to the left]

"It's okay again, Chad, I mean, nobody knows how or where, but guys always seem to have a reserve shot hidden somewhere in their bodies, so, as Miss Chatty Catty has said, I'll turn a blind eye."

Well, Mrs. Belles peeked through her blind eye finger blindfold. But who was I to argue with that or even question that, huh?

[Slurp, suck clean, ooh, wipe, peek, slurp, ahh, ahh, ooh, half a spew, ooh, slurp, ooze drops, ahh]

And best of all, huh, minimal words were required from my side? Cool.

"[Mwah] go, Chad, before your mom actually stops talking long enough to realize that dropping off three pieces of luggage don't take this long. And, and, and, most importantly, think of others ways to have sex with me all weekend, Chad [mwah], bye, lover boy."