Mrs. Claus! Ch. 01


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"Now had those make out scenes been realistic those boys would have been smeared with red goo." Grandma giggled. "That vibrant red lipstick we wore back then left traces almost every where it touched. Afterward and intense make out session the guys had to wipe themselves off with a hankie everywhere the lips had been."

Her having said that I now saw those vibrant red lips in a new light. My erection, which had started to wane, stiffened up again.

"So where do young people go to make out these days, these rave things or the mall?" Although it went over my head at the time, Grandma was being impishly obtuse.

I didn't want to admit I didn't have much experience at that sort of thing, so I went for the sarcastic response. "We generally do it in the alley behind the Malt shop"

Grandma's delicate, wrinkled hand slapped my shoulder with surprising strength as she laughed, "Okay wise-ass. Just be careful, huh, I'm not ready to be a great Grandma just yet."

"Don't worry Grandma, I'll follow your example and stay a virgin until I'm married." Which seemed to be the way I was heading anyway.

Grandma looked at me with a half amused and half puzzled expression. Comprehension flashed through her eyes and she gave me a warm smile. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and gave me a quick hug. "Oh, sweetie, don't worry. It will happen soon enough."

Looking me deep in the eyes and ruffling my hair. "You are a handsome young man and I'm not just saying that because I'm your grandmother." She gave me a wink, "In fact had you been around during my day, I would have dragged you into the backseat of my daddy's Packard."

Well, this information combined with the headiness of her perfume, the press of her large breasts against my chest and my adolescent hormones gave made my boner which had been subsiding huge once more.

"Grandma" I choked, a little shocked by what she said.

A sparkle arose in her eyes as she said, "What you can't imagine your really old Grandma was once a young girl who liked to kiss, fondle and get laid?" She sat back with a laugh. "You do know your Uncle Ed was born four months premature, don't you?" I shook my head.

"Of course he really wasn't premature, I already had a bun in the oven when your grandfather and I married. We'd only really dated once before then. He was on leave and I met him at a dance. After dancing a bit, we went into the back of my daddy's car." Her eyes shone with mirth and remembered lust as she said, "Eventually he had lipstick stains all over his face, neck, his chest and his ding a ling." She laughed at my shocked expression and nudged me in the ribs. ""Loosen up, junior"

Well the information that Grandma had screwed Grandpa on a first date and then had to get married was a revelation in its self. It also explained why her marriage hadn't lasted.

She got up to fix herself a drink and asked me what I wanted.

"G & T or a beer if that's not too much trouble."

"Okie dokie", she said as she poured a jigger of gin into a glass, added some tonic and a slice of lime. Wow, I thought perhaps this week won't be such a waste. She turned around and took out a bottle of beer from the fridge. She walked over holding the two drinks in her hand, taking a pull of the gin and tonic she handed the bottle of beer to me. With a groan I realized it was root beer. Noting my look she laughed, "Well, maybe in two days when you stop taking your meds we can give you a glass of something stronger."

I turned my attention back to the television now showing some war movie. I didn't see her walk over to her cupboards and pull down a couple of picture albums, if I had I probably would've made a sarcastic comment. She plopped down on the couch and said, "So kiddo you want to see just what hot stuff your old granny was back in the Stone Age?"

"Okay," I said noncommittally.

She opened a photo album showing quite a few snapshots of her and her friends as teenagers. It was not that difficult to pick out my grandmother, I recognized her smile and her eyes immediately. Actually she had not changed all that much physically. Her black hair had become white, her face was thinner and lined, her waist had thickened a tad but she still had the same voluptuous figure as the girl dressed in a pleated skirt and white blouse.

There were several pictures of her dressed in scoop neck blouses that showed a generous amount of cleavage, pictures of her wearing waist tied blouses that accentuated her bust as well as showing cleavage. There were also some shots of her in the bikini of the day, which although it covered much more skin than modern bikinis, its tightness showed off the bust and derriere to a fabulous degree.

Grandma put the book in my lap and challenged me to find her. She was very pleased when I pointed to her without hesitation.

"I guess you'd know your old granny anywhere? What do you think, was I a cutie?"

"Oh my God, Grandma were more than hot stuff, you were absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous and sexy." She beamed at the compliment.

Having been without porn for over a week these sexy pictures of a well built teenager got me hot. That the girl happened to be my grandmother who leaned up against me with those same large breasts as we looked at the pictures really messed with my head. Breathing her perfume made me as giddy and disoriented as if it had been weed. Weird images flashed and flitted across my brain as I unconsciously pictured my grandmother as she looked presently in the scoop blouses and pleated skirts, in the waist tied blouses and tight blue jeans and in those oddly sexy bikinis. An unreal sense of arousal and self-disgust filled me.

"You haven't changed all that much."

"So I am still gorgeous and sexy," she teased.

"Well, yeah for an old... er woman."

"For an old lady, you mean," she said with a wink. Noting my discomfort she leaned in and opened the second photo album. "Now here is your mother as a teenager. She was a hottie too."

Indeed she was. My mother was a teenager in the eighties and wore her hair in the big styles popular then, as well as the baggy top over a tight bottom. Several pictures showed her wearing the off the shoulder sweatshirt that was popular then. Quite a few shots showed her wearing tight leather pants that accentuated the full grandeur of her sweet, round ass. Even the baggy tops did not hide her full, large breasts.

God, here I was looking at pictures of my grandmother and my mother and was going insane with lust. I quickly flipped through the rest of the book but happened upon some pictures that froze me. This was of a Christmas party with several pictures of both my grandmother and my mother wearing almost identical costumes.

Grandma wore a Santa cap from which white hair cascaded, gold wire frame glasses, a red silken blouse white fur trim around the sleeves, neck and waist. The blouse was a scoop blouse with a large decolletage. The curved white mounds of Grandma's breasts inside the red blouse looked like a sweet cream topping on large round cherries. Grandma also wore a short red skirt trimmed with white fur at the hem, red stockings and large shiny black boots.

Mom wore an identical outfit but kept her natural hair color and instead of gold-framed glasses she wore elf ears. The captions read Mrs. and Anna Claus. There was one particular shot of Grandma bending over to get a present from underneath a tree, my eyes riveted on her gaping cleavage and taut ass.

"That was a Christmas party ten years ago. I still had it for an old gal, huh."

"I'll say, I half whispered to myself. I'd planned to hold the book in my lap until my seemingly permanent hard-on subsided however Grandma lifted the book to put it back. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw my tented sweatpants. Her eyes flickered over my crotch as she teased me. She squeezed my thigh and said, "You should not have any trouble getting a girl, sweetie."

Okay these pictures of my grandmother and my mother plus Gran's innocent flirtation with me kept me in a state of arousal most of the day. She pointedly asked if I needed to visit the rest room. After she helped me up and I went into the john I could not whiz very well standing on crutches and trying to aim with a full erection. I got pee all over the floor. Still my painful erection jutted away.

I forced myself to get over the creepiness of jacking off in my Grandma's bathroom, I closed my eyes and thought of Darlene Cira giving me head. However the vision of Darlene transformed my mother who started sucking me off which made me feel even hotter. As my fantasy of my mother sucking my dick with a slow, loving motion grew more intense her hair whitened, her face wrinkled and her lips turned a vivid red. It was my grandmother wearing that deep red lipstick who was blowing me! The perverse eroticism of this sent a lightning bolt of absolute pleasure shivering through my entire body. A mind numbing orgasm rocketed through me and I overshot the toilet spraying the wall, the sink and even the mirror. I fell backwards with a clatter and smacked my head against the tub.

A minute later Grandma was trying to open the door only to find it locked. I moved on my back like a turtle trying to turn over. Every movement of my legs sent spikes of agony through my foot and knee. I told her I could not reach the door. Grandma opened the door with a bobby pin and rushed to my side. I nearly died with embarrassment Grandma's eyes widened at seeing me naked from the waist down with a cum dripping dick. Her eyes quickly took in my sticky fingers and the splotches of sperm all over the place.

When she pursed her lips I thought she was reacting with disgust. Standing up she wet a cloth with warm water. I heard her choke down a laugh as she turned to me, saying, "Let's get you cleaned up." First she wrapped the cloth around my limp dick and softly wiped it. Being so close to the object of my recent orgasmic fantasy and feeling the warmth of her delicate, wrinkled hand moving up and down, I felt another stiffy coming on."

Grandma noticed the slight stiffening with an exasperated smile, "Teenage hormones!" Her deep blue eyes twinkled as they skimmed across my thickening cock.

She washed my hands and helped me get my pants back on. When I started to clean the mirror with the cloths, she told me she would take care of it and help me back to the living room and onto the sofa where I sat in deep mortification. After a few minutes Grandma started fixing our supper.

For a while I thought she was going to let the incident go by without comment. After supper when we were watching another classic film, she suddenly turned to me, resting her elbow on my shoulder. "I know you're probably as embarrassed as hell, and my telling you that there's no reason to be embarrassed probably won't make any difference. So I'll just say, I sure would like to meet the gal who made you shoot a load like that! She must be something special." She laughed at my deep blush.

Taken aback by Granny's bawdy comment I stupidly blurted, "You already know her."

That just piqued her interest even more. Grinning she said, "Hmm, I already know her, huh? Well, I don't know any of your little girlfriends. The only people I know that you also know are your relatives." Reading the surprise on my face, she realized she had hit a score. "You don't have a sister. Ah, were you thinking about Amber and Tiffany?" Those were my cute sexy twin cousins.

"No," I said with confusion. Yeah, I should've been thinking about them instead of my Mom and Grandma. She listed my other female cousins and aunts. I should have said yes to at least one of them but because of shame and guilt I truthfully said no. I also think I unconsciously wanted to see her reaction if she stumbled on the truth. A more serious look came into her face but she still asked in a bantering tone, "You naughty boy, were you thinking about your sexy momma?

"NO!" I shouted almost violently. My reaction caused a look that was both triumphant and troubled. "Okay, I was in part thinking about mom but it wasn't her that caused my ... reaction."

She was convinced it was my Mom so mercilessly teased me yp admit who it was. Feeling trapped but unable to say that it was her, I blurted out, "It was Mrs. Claus, okay!"

My answer made her do a surprised double take. "Mrs. Claus!", she exclaimed with a shocked laugh. She giggled and then stopped herself. "You had a fantasy about doing it with Mrs. Claus? I guess I should be happy it wasn't about Rudolph!" And she broke down laughing. "Okay, keep your secret, Mrs. Claus!" she giggled thinking I was joking.

Later that evening Grandma asked me how long I had been wearing my underwear because I was getting a little gamey and the fishy smell did not help. Although, I didn't smell anything. Okay I had been dreading this. Even though Grandma was a retired nurse I really did not feel comfortable with her bathing me. I told her as much.

"All kidding aside, sweetie you reek. If you don't want me to scrub you that's fine, You can use my shower but remember if you need any help don't hesitate to ask."

There was a shower room next to my Grandmother's bedroom. It had been a surprise Mother's Day present from my Uncle Ed. He had it installed while she was on one of her trips. It was one of those Senior ready walk in showers with retractable shower head, support bars and a small bathing bench. Outside the shower was a small sink and a tall toilet. This shower had been one the deciding factors in having me stay with Grandma.

Despite how close it was to her room, Grandma didn't use it that much, preferring baths. I once heard Grandma talking to Mom about. "If Eddie had asked me if I wanted one, I would've told him to get a walk in bathtub instead but that's your brother."

Uncle Ed was a nice guy but he always knew what was best for everyone and was never wrong. Kind of like my Dad, come to think of it.

Although I made it to the shower room on crutches aided by Grandma once we were there, Grandma had to assist me to actually maneuver into the shower and sit on the bench. She pulled the shower head over to me and turned on the water. We had previously covered my foot cast with plastic wrap.

"Jimmy, if you need any help just call. I'll be right outside the door changing into my pajamas.

Once Grandma left I took off my knee brace and undid my pants and boxers. My mom had bought me five pairs of tear away boxers and three pairs of tearaway sweat pant so we wouldn't have to struggle getting pants and underwear over my cast and brace. I opened the shower door and tossed them outside. I sprayed hot water on me and soaped up. I heard a thump against the outside door. Grandma was changing clothes just outside this room. I immediately flashed to images of her getting naked and my dick rose.

As I worked the soap into my crotch unbidden pictures of my Grandmother and Mother popped into my head. These were a mixture of them as sexy teenage girls and as the sexy mature women that they were. Soon I started stroking my aching erection figuring the shower would wash away my spunk.

The door to the shower opened a crack. "You almost through or you gonna use up all my hot water" Damn! I changed the water to cold and rinsed off.

I reached for a towel and realized I had forgotten to bring a towel and my fresh clothes into the stall. Okay no problem I'll just get dressed in my old clothes while damp. Then it dawned on me I had tossed my old clothes well out of my reach. Calling myself a fuckhead, I grabbed the support bar and levered myself upright. My wrapped foot slipped on the no slip mat and I fell. My ass hit the bench edge and slipped off. I hit the shower floor with a thump and sat legs splayed.

The shower room door opened and Grandma walked in. As she she took in my predicament she put her hands on her hips and gave me a half angry half amused look. "Well, if I needed anymore proof that you're now a man I got it. You're bull headed and stubborn as shit!"

As she moved towards the shower I covered myself with my hands.

"You're gonna need your hands, I can't lift you myself. I've seen thousands of peckers and yours is just one more. Cute but not exceptional." Grandma said as she bent over to help lift me back onto the bench. "Grab the support bar and pull yourself up." She moved in between my legs and grabbed me under my legs just above my knees.

While I was getting ready for my bath Grandma had changed into a pink flannel nightgown that buttoned straight down from the neck. She also wore fluffy pink slippers. The top two buttons of the flannel nightgown were undone, showing just the slightest amount of cleavage. Without a supporting bra her breasts drooped down on her breastbone. I tried to think of anything non-sexual but my eyes were fastened on those bouncing orbs.

"Jimmy, pull up!" Grandma's exasperated tone snapped me out of my daze. I looked away and grabbed onto the bar and lifted myself while Grandma supported my legs.

Grandma's movements while holding up my legs had popped open a few more of the buttons of her nightgown exposing a good deal of her cleavage. Plus the moisture from my body had dampened her pajamas making sections of it alluringly translucent. I noted with interest that her breasts were speckled with age, showed some wrinkling and had some stretch marks where they jutted out and drooped down from her chest but were still quite magnificent.

My dick shot up and to my chagrin pointed straight at Grandma's face. She hadn't noticed it yet because she was looking down still concentrating on my legs. Once I was sitting again, she looked back up at me and jerked back in surprise from the fully erect penis just inches from her face. Her eyes widened a bit and she pressed her lips together tightly and snorted. She shook with suppressed laughter.

Grandma handed me a towel and left the shower stall. She picked up my old clothes and dropped them in the laundry basket. As she walked down the hall I heard her giggling

She returned a minute later with fresh clothes but instead of handing me my clothes and leaving she, threw the sweat pants over her shoulder and said "Lift your butt." At my surprised look, she said, "Well, I've seen everything now, you might as well let me help you." I lifted my butt and she slid the boxers, which were already fastened on the right side, underneath me. As she folded the front over my groin, she placed a finger on my throbbing cock and with a mischievous smile pushed it flat against my stomach. Her touch made my cock twitch which made Grandma chuckle.

After she finished helping me dress she gave me my crutches and walked with me down the hall to the room I was staying in.

I avoided looking at her bouncing breasts and instead looked down only to have my eyes fasten on the sway of her round buttocks. Although slightly saggy, they swished enchantingly beneath the loose fabric of her nightgown. The pink flannel swished back and forth cupping her buttocks with every step.

By the time we reached my room I was at full staff again. As I scooted into bed, Grandma made certain I had water and my pills. "If you need to use the bathroom, call for me. The commode in the shower room is higher off the floor and might be easier for you to use." She kissed my forehead, quirked her mouth and said, "Pleasant wet dreams."

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blackknight314blackknight31411 months ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Hot Claus!

I like the slow build and the description of a story. Not the wham, bam, thank you ma'am quickie stuff. The setting was realistic/very plausible and the comments about himself were good. I've met a few mature women that resemble Grandma Claus, only in passing though. Even though they were in their 60's-70's they still had it going on! Some of them even flaunted it!

I would echo (the others) that a sequel (Please) should have mom and son become involved (through Grandma's instigation ofcourse). However no threesome, I think it would just ruin the setup. Him becoming Grandma's and mom's lover would be just fine. A trilogy (fingers crossed)! He meets his future wife, older woman 8-12 year older than him. Teacher, librarian or a Masters student teaching in college? Quiet and reserved she's really a sex kitten that discovers his relationship with Grandma and Mom. She's supportive (it turns her on something fierce) but again no threesome or foursome sex just one on one. Okay, maybe voyeurism but that's it. Anyway my 2 cents. Keep up the good work!

And yeeeaaah... a proof reader would be a good idea.

daddy1950daddy1950over 9 years ago

Sexy, well written story. Slow build up to great climax.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
What is it men in women most desire?

The lineaments of gratified desire.

What is it women most in men desire?

The lineaments of gratified desire.

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