Mrs. Feldman's Torn Panties

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Worker is caught looking through his employer's panty drawer.
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Steve Feldman saw it in the "Inflight" magazine he usually thumbed through on his many business trips. A little clock radio that was actually a surveillance camera. Perfect! he thought. Perfect for catching the cleaning crew that paid a weekly visit to his home and whom he suspected of pilfering some of his valuables. He'd had an expensive watch stolen but couldn't really be sure when it happened. Steve had gone so far as to buy a fake Rolex on his last visit to Rome.

"That'll get 'em!" he mused. Steve obsessively checked the camera each Wednesday after the crew left. So theft.

Sue Feldman had to smile at her husband's obsession with the cleaning crew's perceived threat. Steve never wore the "Valuable" watch he'd discovered missing. For all she knew the watch was misplaced or lingering at the bottom of Steve's overloaded sock drawer, like his gold cuff links and other assorted jewelry.

The Feldman household was in a state of chaos these days as the construction project they'd taken on was finally nearing completion. Steve's new Home Office was to be his new work space and Sue just dreaded it. Steve was a stickler for cleanliness and never wasted an opportunity to point out something that displeased him. It was like Sue was on call to clean up anything and everything that happened no matter what or when.

Their children were grown now and away at school which made Steve's constant pinpointing even more annoying to his still very pretty wife.

"Why can't he just accept our beautiful home as it is without having to rage if everything isn't exactly perfect here?" she wondered. And the construction was always creating a mess no matter how hard the guys worked to control it.

And so Sue just rolled here eyes when, the next Wednesday, Steve checked his surveillance clock and finally found something new to pique his ire. Only it wasn't the cleaning crew.

"My God Sue...just look at this!" He raged. "The goddam carpenter is going through your underwear drawer!" His anger rising now, he watched as the burly construction worker brought his wife's panties up to his nose and apparently sniffed them!

"Holy Christ that's disgusting! Well, the police will hear about this! I'll have that son of a bitch in jail so fast it'll make his head spin!"

Sue made her way into the bedroom and watched as Steve replayed the footage that clearly showed the worker pawing through her top dresser drawer and checking out several pairs of her skimpy underpants. The pair he chose to sniff were actually scandalously brief and almost completely diaphanous. She rarely wore them because they were uncomfortable and were a gift from Steve. Oh yes. He always bought her panties for Chanukah but the gift was actually for him. She dutifully modeled the panties for her husband for a minute or two after which she was fucked in them. Whether she was in the mood or not.

Sue had to smile at Matt standing there fondling her sexy panties. He was a big friendly guy that always sided with her when any discussion of the options of the remodel came up. Steve always wanted his way whether it made any sense or not. Matt would calmly let Steve have his say and then explain how it could be done a bit sooner and a lot cheaper if it was done Sue's way. A quick little smile would come her way as if to say "I got your back here Sue..."

So, as you might imagine, Sue wasn't all that upset over Steve's lurid discovery. She pointed out that the police never investigated anything the time someone stole checks out of their mailbox and they rarely showed up when Steve called to complain about the noisy neighbors behind them.

"Steve, really." Sue began, "What are the chances of him getting thrown in jail over something trivial like snooping? Besides, the job is almost finished and the last thing I want now is some other knucklehead taking over. I'll talk to John about it and he can reprimand his sub himself. It's his responsibility after all. We might even be able to wiggle out a small reduction in the final installment which will have all the changes on it."

Well, now Steve seemed to see the light. The possibility of squeezing the general a little to lighten the load of the final payment was music to his ears. He was leaving for San Francisco on business the next day so he left it up to Sue to deal with the issue. "Be sure to save the video..." He insisted, "Don't delete it."

Sue had no intention of deleting it. Hmmm. So Matt had sneaked into her bedroom and checked out her skimpy little panties! Yes, she enjoyed their spirited conversations each morning when he arrived at the house for work. The pretty housewife always brewed a fresh pot of coffee so the two of them could have a cup while they discussed the plans for the day. And whatever else came up. Sue loved the way Matt would let her finish a thought without interrupting...Something her husband never did. He seemed to be looking right into her eyes when she spoke. Never looking away. Never in a big hurry. Helpful and smiling. Unlike her husband who seemed to be in a permanent bad mood.

So Mrs. Feldman was tingling with anticipation when she heard Matt's truck pulling up outside the house the next morning. She wore her white terry cloth robe with just "Those" panties on underneath.

So, he likes my panties! Sue thought to herself.

Matt Thompson pulled up to the Feldman job in his trusty Ford Pickup. He was almost finished with this job and, for once, he wasn't looking forward to walking away. Every morning Mrs. Feldman was there to greet him with fresh coffee, a toasted bagel and her ever present smile. A smile that brightened his day no matter how bad everything else was going.

Most of his jobs, especially in a neighborhood like Calabasas were nothing like this. People treated you like some low life loser because you worked with your hands. But Sue Feldman was different. Yes she was a lot older than him but, with Sue, it didn't seem to matter. It had taken him a while to come to appreciate her physical attributes but eventually he came to see her as a truly stunningly beautiful matter what her age. Her long brown tresses, the endearing sprinkling of freckles that splashed across her cheeks, and, of course, her world class breasts! Who wouldn't love going to a job that had all of those perks?

Matt was a bit surprised to see Sue dressed in her bathrobe when she opened the door. Usually she was dressed in a cute little tennis outfit and was ready for the day by the time he got there. He'd never got a chance to catch even a glimpse of her fine form under those circumstances. But, maybe today?

Sue took Matt into the kitchen where they enjoyed the usual cup of fresh coffee and then discussed the final details of the remodel. There was still shelving units to be assembled and installed. Sue asked Matt to give her an approximate idea of how much wall they would take up. Matt took a nearby two by four and held it up to show about how long the shelves would be.

While Matt was holding it up, Sue slipped in front of him to try and get a feel for the size of the units.

Matt got a feel for the cheeks of her butt.

Wow, she's, like, kinda pushing her ass back at me! Matt thought to himself. Her pretty brunette hair was right in his face and he could smell the distinctive scent of her perfume. She began to comment on her opinion of the shelving but Matt, for once, was really not paying attention. He glanced down as she spoke and saw the robe she was wearing beginning to open slightly. The gentle swell of her cleavage was now visible. Matt was only human. With Sue's womanly buttocks now pressing softly against his penis and her sizable tits almost visible, he began to get hard.

Sue Feldman was well aware of what she was doing. She continued to prattle on about the woodwork but also subtly moved her rear cheeks back against the handsome finish carpenter. She could feel the flimsy terrycloth robe beginning to open as she reached up towards where Matt was holding the stud and so she used one free hand to carelessly hold it together.

Matt had all he could do to keep from grabbing Sue right on the spot and kissing her. Her wily feminine charms were overwhelming him. This wasn't about dating and finding a suitable life partner...the normal things he thought about when sizing up a woman. No, this was pure and simple sexual attraction that he was experiencing. And it was powerful!

Sue finally decided what she wanted to do with the shelving and turned to face Matt who was now getting tired of holding up that two by four. Sue was lightly clutching the fabric of her robe up by her breasts but, right then, the lower portion of her robe opened slightly. Not a lot but enough to allow Matt a very brief view of her panties!

Goddam! Matt thought to himself. She's wearing those hot panties! It was just a quick shot but there was no mistaking it, She was wearing those skimpy see through panties...just for him?

Sue then excused herself, explaining that she had to shower before meeting some friends from the tennis club for lunch. But instead of showering in the master bathroom as usual, Sue chose the guest bathroom, adjacent to the new home office where Matt was working. Her pussy began to tingle as she failed to completely close the bathroom door.

Sue was winging it now. She had no formal plan. Her entire life was overloaded with things she had to do by the book. With her children now gone she seemed to be at her husband's beck and call every minute of every day. If she didn't answer the land line her cell quickly rang and all those questions ensued.

And so the pretty 42 year old housewife shut off her phone and left it in the kitchen. Alone in the guest bath, she dropped her white robe to the floor. Sue glanced out the slightly ajar door and saw the hard bodied carpenter across the bedroom. She knew by now that Matt would steal a peek when he thought she wasn't looking.

Oops! Why...she accidentally bumped the door as she moved to enter the shower! The door opened even further as a result and Sue took a moment to admire her now bared breasts in the mirror over the sink. Yes, her tits were always one of her best features and they were still in good shape.

Then, in the mirror, she saw Matt peering into the bathroom from outside. Their eyes briefly locked and Sue gave an involuntary gasp when she realized how far she'd taken her secret fantasy. Now it was time to shut the door. Really. This had gone far enough. She'd allowed Matt a little thrill peek of her body clad only in those brief panties but she was a married woman and this had to stop.

But, instead, Sue leaned over the sink to check out her eyebrows in the mirror. She knew her ass was doing a wonderful job of filling out her snug little panties and she hoped Matt was watching now.

And he was! Matt didn't really care if Mrs. Feldman saw him checking out her nearly nude body! She never even went in that bathroom the whole time he'd worked there much less took a shower in it. She had to know he was looking.

Sue was again getting confused. Fun's fun but now she should shut the door. She'd teased him plenty and now it was time to hop in the shower and masturbate about this naughty escapade. Yeah. That's what she'd do. Take off her scandalously brief panties, get under the warm water and rub her pussy until she came, all the while thinking about that big young guy working just a few feet away.

Sue slipped her fingers into her white panties and began to softly caress her feminine spot and noticed that she'd grown some stubble down there! My Goodness! She'd just shaved her pussy a few days ago but the hair was growing back already.

Now, this was too personal to allow some stranger to view. She couldn't just shave her pussy with Matt right in the next room and the door still slightly ajar. Could she?

But Matt wasn't just some stranger. No, he'd become more of a family friend during his months at the Feldman home. He'd listened in sympathy as Sue had complained about her in laws and offered advice when she told him about Steve's insistence on tidy cleanliness. He'd done the best he could to be sure the job was completed the way she wanted too. No matter what Steve said.

No, he was no stranger.

And so, knowing it was wrong, Sue began to slowly slide her panties down until they were puddled at her feet. Yes, she checked out the mirror to be sure Matt was still looking. He was, but quickly turned away, embarrassed at having been caught peeking at her naked form.

The sound of the compressor and the nail gun returned and Sue settled down onto the upholstered stool and applied shaving creme to her loins. The pretty housewife spread her legs well apart and thoroughly lathered her pussy lips before beginning to shave the sensitive area. She heard the compressor and nail gun and assumed that Matt was now busily working away in the nearby room. Sue carefully slid the safety razor repeatedly over her vagina taking all of the short black pussy hair from her skin.

Meanwhile, Matt Thompson was busy all right. Busy shooting brads into the two by four he'd used earlier to demonstrate the dimensions of the shelving unit! It made plenty of noise and still afforded him the opportunity of watching Sue shaving her pussy! She was actually facing away from him but he could see some of the action in the mirror.

Sue lingered over the task, being sure that all of her genital area was baby smooth before using a wash cloth to clean off the excess soap. Her pussy was now a delightful shade of pink, having been stimulated by this activity. Sue moved to her feet and turned to face the slightly open door once again. She was surprised to see Matt still peering in even though the compressor was still noisily running. She realized that, even with her legs together, he'd managed to see her tightly closed completely hairless pussy lips!

Sue quickly turned to enter the shower and dropped the bath mat in front of the shower door, but, in doing so, the mat somehow folded over. Now Sue had to bend over to straighten it out! As she did so, she felt her rear cheeks separate and knew her tight asshole was now on display. Oh! She was so naughty! The shapely brunette housewife took her sweet time adjusting the bath mat before finally entering the shower and turning on the hot water. The glass enclosure did nothing to hide her charms and she began to enjoy the cascading water.

Meanwhile Matty Thompson was all finished with his silly charade of nailing up the casing. No, he was unabashedly staring into the bathroom...into the shower more to the point at the gorgeous woman he'd lusted after for so long. He wondered how she could stand being married to that wimp of a husband Steve. Oh sure, he was a good provider...monetarily. But was she getting a good supply of hard cock? Matt had serious doubts about that. He watched closely as Sue soaped her lovely nude body, taking extra care to slide her fingers over her recently shaved pussy. What a thrill it had been to see this woman he'd lusted after for so long shaving her pussy! Wow! Now, she was obviously warming up in the shower and the heated water had little to do with it!

Matt's cock had been rock hard for several minutes now and he briefly considered jerking it to orgasm while viewing Sue's completely naked body in the shower but some inner instinct told him to wait. Wait and see what happened.

He treated himself to this thrilling voyueristic experience for the next several minutes as Sue lathered her hair, rinsed and completed her shower. She stepped out finally and toweled off with Matt observing through the mirror. Knowing she would soon be exiting the bathroom, he quickly nailed up the casing assuming he'd had his big jolly for the day.

Sue finally padded out of the bathroom with a large towel wrapped around her body, her hair similarly attired. She shot Matt a little embarrassed smile as she walked across the carpet towards the door.

"Oh, Sue..." Matt called to her, "About the detail above the jamb...are we going with the craftsman thing, like in the master?"

Sue was glad to be called into conversation with her handsome subcontractor.

"Hmmm, well, what do you think? You usually know what's best for me. I...I mean my house!" She almost blushed at her Freudian slip.

Matt pointed to the top of the jamb and said, "Well, we can either miter this joint here or run the casing horizontally across the top and butt the vertical piece like this.

Sue eyed the jamb seriously for a few moments, then moved directly in front of Matt who still held the casing in place. This brought the barely clad cheeks of her ass again in direct contact with Matt's still rigid cock.

"Wow! Is this real? He thought to himself, "She did it again. She stuck her butt right into my cock!"

Sue suddenly found herself in uncharted water as she felt the handsome carpenter's obvious arousal. His cock was rubbing softly into her butt crease as she attempted to continue to discuss the moulding. No words were coming...

"Maybe. Hmmm. Maybe we could do something like...something like..."

Matt didn't give her a chance to finish. Instead, his arms encircled the pretty housewife and he pulled her soft warm body against his. Matt's cock was now firmly planted in Sue's ass cheeks. He knew he was taking a huge risk. What if she told Steve? What if she called the goddam cops?

Instead, Sue did something she's wanted to do for a long time. Something she knew was wrong but, somehow, she just didn't care. She'd done everything that was expected of her for so long. So long.

And so she turned to face Matt and simply looked up into his steely blue eyes and waited.

She didn't have long to wait.

Matt pulled her to him and kissed her with all the ferocious intensity that had been building up in him for months now. His tongue surged into Sue's mouth and both soon to be lovers felt an explosion of sexual energy as long dormant primal urges coursed through them.

Matt held Sue's body tightly against his, giving her a good feel of his solid prick now pressing into her groin.

Sue was wondering if she could go through with this when she felt Matt's hands travel down beneath her towel to cup her ass cheeks.

"Mmmmmm..." He swooned as he helped himself to a sneaky feel of Sue's luscious rear globes. "Man, that sure is fine Sue!" He gasped into her ear. "Let me take a look at you."

Without giving her a chance to refuse, Matt pulled the towel from Sue's freshly scrubbed body and thrilled to his first ever up close and personal look at her splendid body in the nude! Her skin was pink from the hot water which made her nudity all the more alluring.

His glimpse was brief however as Sue quickly moved her hands to the juncture of her thighs in an effort to hide her freshly shaved pussy lips from Matt's view.

"Oh, now there's really no reason for modesty now Sue," He smiled, "By the way, I'll have to check the latch on that bathroom door. It doesn't seem to stay shut!"

Sue understood his innuendo: He'd already seen her hairless pussy earlier. And he'd seen ALL of her pussy. Shyly, the shapely brunette removed her hands and allowed Matt to enjoy an unobstructed look at her mature but still quite firm and sexy body!

"Damn! You're really something you know that?" The burly workman exclaimed as he drank in the salacious sight she'd presented him with. Without speaking, he moved his forefinger around in a circle.

Sue understood his signal and quietly turned around affording him a look at her rear quarters.

"Mmmm hmmm." Matt was speechless at the sight. "She's really as hot as I always imagined when I went through her underwear drawer the other day." He mused to himself. He approached his lovely employer and took the other towel from it's position upon her head.

Sue shook her head, somehow glad to be completely naked. And, yes. It was gratifying to hear compliments about her unclothed body. It seemed like Steve never made any comment at all about her appearance unless it was critical.