Mrs. Hanson

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First time coming of age.
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Not long ago, I went to a mandatory leadership seminar provided by our corporation. The featured speaker Dr. Justin Davies focused mostly on one basic theme. He said that the concept of a self-made man is nothing but an illusion. He went on to show by example how each of us are a sum of others input, both good and bad. Dr. Davies broke this down to different levels called the pyramid of influence as shown by a projected graphic. The bottom layer was representing our daily level of influence with people such as routine work contacts et cetera. In the middle were those that nurtured us in philosophical and spiritual ways. Finally, the top levels represented those most influential persons in our lives, with one standing out above all others.

After his opening lecture, he handed out blank legal pads and gave us an assignment of writing down who that person was and how they impacted our lives, either positive or negative. We each went off in different directions to find our place of solitude. I found a bench under a maple tree in the wooded area adjacent to the main building. I seriously thought about just taking a nap in the park but decided it prudent to cooperate if I wanted to be considered for promotion.

Searching my memories and considering the people that have influenced me, my first reaction was to take the easy route and pick someone like my wife or favorite college professor but after deeper thought, two people stood at the top. First was my father, who put me and my sister through a living hell of abuse. That was something I have spent a lifetime trying to bury, only to have it raise its ugly head at the most inopportune times. However, the flip side of that coin was a person whose influence would help shape me for a lifetime in ways I could never have expected. I was just not sure where to begin this story or how much I could share.


The summers in Ventura can be excruciatingly hot, as it was on that day in July of 1980. My dad was an ex-military man that could care less about personal comfort when there was an objective to be accomplished. So, by his command, I was pushing our old two stroke rotary mower, trudging along row after row, grumbling about the sweltering heat. I stopped to wipe the burning perspiration from my eyes with my T-shirt. Just about that time, an orange and white U-Haul truck pulled up across the street. It seemed we were about to get new neighbors. The house had been empty since the Wilsons' had moved almost five months ago.

I watched as a man with grey hair stepped out of the cab. He twisted from side to side like he had just finished a long drive. After looking around, he noticed the only person crazy enough to be out in this punishing heat was me and he shot me a neighborly wave. I paused and returned his gesture. Moments later, a station wagon pulled into the driveway.

This must be the family, I thought. It was hard to see through the tinted windows. The driver's door opened and a shapely leg emerged. That immediately caught my attention. I watched intently as a stunning brunette stepped from the car. She reached her hands high over her head, interlocking her fingers and stretched causing her to jut out her more than ample breasts. That scene was going to stick in my mind forever. Funny what a pubescent male will notice.

Then, two young kids bounded from the side door and ran around like a couple Jack Russell Terriers. They were obviously excited to be at their new home. I had been hoping for another teen boy to hang out with, like the previous owners' son. Derrick Wilson hadn't exactly been my best friend but their twenty-five-meter pool had been perfect for me to practice my work-out. I was dedicated to making the swim team. Since the Wilson's moved away, I had resigned myself to using the public aquatic center but it was difficult to swim my routine in a pool being so crowded with kids.

Oh well... I went back to work, mowing the lawn and cursing the relentless heat. After what seemed like forever, the lawn was finally finished. I remember sitting in front of the fan, watching some innocuous ball-game and drinking down a cold soda when the door-bell rang.

I waited, thinking my mom would answer. It rang again.

"Billy, would you be a doll and answer the door?" Mom asked, sweetly.

"All right, all right," I replied, trotting down the hall.

Billy do this, Billy do that... I hate being the house servant! My silent complaints continued until I opened the door.

Holy cow! I stood there, tongue-tied, gawking at the prettiest face I'd ever seen in all my eighteen years on this planet. The mystery woman was standing in front of me with her two kids at her sides. I was captivated by her penetrating blue eyes and a gleaming white smile. She was wearing a snug white V-neck t-shirt, showing a peek of cleavage. I nervously stared at her, trying to find words to speak.

"Um-" I gulped, "C-can... I h-help you?"

"Hi! I'm Jennifer Hanson and these are my children, Dana and Scotty. We are moving into the house across the street and I noticed you mowing your lawn. How would you like to earn a few bucks by helping us unload the van? I know it's miserably hot out here, so I couldn't blame you for saying no."

Without hesitation, I eagerly replied, "Yes! I'll help you. The heat doesn't bother me in the least." I lied.

"And your name is...?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Billy—Billy Gray. Let me get my gloves and I'll be right over."

"There are quite a few heavy things. Just do what you can and don't hurt yourself," she cautioned.

"Don't worry 'bout that, Mrs. Hanson. I'm real strong," I said, proudly jutting out my chest.

"I'm sure you are." She grinned, and tapped her perfectly manicured nail on my pectoral muscle. "Take your time," she added. "There's plenty to do. Just come when you can."

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

"Please... I'm not yet a ma'am. Call me Jennifer."

She turned and headed toward her house, with her two kids following. Then, she looked back over her shoulder and smiled.

I watched her intently, focused on her shapely butt, that was constrained only by her tight shorts. She walked with a sway of her hips and moved as if she knew I was looking. Was she some sadist that got off on torturing eighteen-year-old boys, or was it all just my hormone riddled imagination?


Mr. Hanson certainly was not as friendly as his wife. He grumbled and complained about almost everything nonstop. I learned he had a bad back and a dozen other ailments, which he told me about in graphic detail. As the day wore on, he became even more agitated. I was puzzled why such a gorgeous charismatic woman would be married to an older man with a poor disposition.

Then, disaster struck. While we were attempting to carry, the living room couch off the truck, Mr. Hanson lost his grip and accidentally dropped his end. The couch leg hit the top of his foot with a bone-crunching thud.

"Oh good god! Fuck! I think I broke my god-damn foot!" He screamed like he was dying.

He sat on the tailgate of the van writhing in pain, while I attempted to take his shoe off. Jennifer came running after she heard all the cursing.

"Oh, good God, Sam! What the hell have you done to yourself this time?" Jennifer screamed.

I was no expert, but his foot looked pretty messed up. It was swollen and black and blue. We wrapped his foot in a towel with ice packs that Jennifer retrieved from their cooler. After helping him get into the car, Jennifer loaded the kids and then asked, "Billy, could you watch our things while we are at the hospital?"

I of course, agreed, "Yes ma'am... I mean Jennifer. I hope Mr. Hanson is going to be okay."

After they drove away, I noticed a clipboard she had dropped in haste to help her husband. It was a floor plan that marked out where everything went. That's when I decided to finish unloading the truck myself. However, I knew couldn't do it alone so I called my best friend, Tom.

Tom and I have known each other since the fifth grade. He and I did everything together. We were in the same sports and many of the same classes. He lived just a street over, so he came over quickly. We managed to unload the rest of the heavy items and place the furniture and boxes in the appropriate rooms. I was just happy nothing broke. Tom and I were both sweating profusely, as the heat continued toward sundown. We went extra slow and careful, trying not to damage anything.

At about seven in the evening, Tom said, "Hey dude, I gotta run. I told mom I'd be home at six for dinner and I'm already late."

"Alright, I'll catch you later. Thanks for all your help. I'll just finish up the small stuff myself. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Shit dude, I've never ever seen you work this hard before. They must be paying you big bucks or there's a chick involved."

"I really don't know how much they're paying, but I'll split it with you. I'm just doing this to get the use of the pool."

"You still trying to make the swim team? I told you it's a waste of time. The coach picks the team before the tryouts even start. Stick with surfing... Besides, if you do make the team he'll have you cut off your scraggly hair. Hey, later dude. I gotta run." He offered me a high-five and I watched as Tom jogged away.

I turned back to the small items still in the truck, determined to finish.


It was about nine when they finally pulled into the driveway. Mr. Hanson had his foot in a cast and was on crutches. Jennifer helped him in the house and the kids followed. I could tell they were all exhausted. After about ten minutes Jennifer returned.

"I hope Mr. Hanson is going to be alright?" I asked.

"He will be in a cast for six weeks... Billy, I don't know what I can do to thank you for unloading the van. There's no way I could have done this without you. Take this, it's not much. How would you like a job to take care of our lawn and pool regularly?" she asked, handing me a wad of bills. Then she kissed me on the cheek. Her perfume was intoxicating. I couldn't believe she actually kissed me. Well... kinda.

"Jennifer, I'll make you a deal. How 'bout if I do your lawn and pool at half price, and you let me use the pool for my training?"

"Nonsense, I'd never allow that!" she replied. I frowned, disappointed.

"I'll pay you full price for your work and... you can have access to the pool whenever you like. You missed dinner. If I had anything in the fridge, l would offer to fix you something to eat."

"I'm good. I'll just eat a sandwich. Thank you!" I walked away counting the cash. "Damn, a hundred dollars," I thought to myself. That's the most I'D ever made.


I must have wanked off three times that night thinking about Jennifer. Those big tits were etched in my young but perverted mind. I stripped her over and over in my imagination, thinking what it must be like to caress her soft flesh.

I was up at dawn as usual to start my work-outs. I usually began by stretching and running a couple miles around the golf course. Then I'd swim about a mile.

It was about seven in the morning when I finished my run and entered the pool area through the side gate. The pool had been neglected for months, so I started out by skimming the leaves and turning on the filter system. I was familiar with the operation as I used to help Derrick do the maintenance. The pool house had a side storage area that contained the chemicals and pumps. Turning on the pumps could be as easy as twisting a few valves in the right order and flipping a switch, but first I needed to test the water for chlorine levels.

After adding the right chemicals and turning on the pumps, I noticed Jennifer was standing in the kitchen window drinking a cup of coffee and watching me. She waved when I looked at her and flashed me a big smile. I don't know why, but I remember I felt a bit naked standing there in my speedos under her gaze.

At that time in my life, I was totally unaware of how my fitness and muscular development affected the opposite sex. All I knew was that no girl at school ever aroused me the way Jennifer did. I'm not sure if she noticed but my speedos didn't hide much and I don't think covering my bulging erection with my hand helped either.

The water was stinging cold when I dove in. It would take a week for the heaters to bring up the temperature. I would continue this routine daily, each time under Jennifer's watchful gaze.


As the next few weeks passed, Jen and I got to know each other better, seeing how I was at their place virtually every day for something. I was not just the pool and lawn guy but their painter, handyman, and babysitter. Her husband was noticeably unfriendly to me. I couldn't figure out why, as I was nothing but nice to him, but for now, it was a complete mystery.

One morning while I was toweling off, I just came out and asked her point blank, "Why is Mr. Hanson so unfriendly to me? I've been nothing but nice to him."

She didn't answer right away but took my towel and blotted my back dry. Then she replied, "Billy, it's complicated. I'll tell you sometime when the time is right but for now, I am asking you to wait. Is that alright? I just want you to know it's nothing you did."

"Okay, I didn't mean to pry."

"Don't fret, I'll tell you soon."

It got to the point she would come out to visit while I swam and we would talk about everything and anything. We discussed how she and Sam had met while he was in the Air Force and she worked in the PX. She asked about my school and said how she admired my dedication to making the swim team.

Then one morning after I finished cleaning the clippings from trimming the hedge, she asked, "Billy, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"I never see you with a girl. Are you dating anyone?"

I flushed with embarrassment and mumbled, "Not right now. I don't have time. I'm... umm... between girlfriends. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I saw the bulletin in front of the high school about the spring formal and I wondered if you were going?"

"Naw, I don't dance."

"Nonsense. Anyone can dance."

"You're wrong there. I have two left feet," I replied with a chuckle.

"I tell you what, If you give swim lessons to Dana and Scotty, I will give you dance lessons."

I happily agreed without realizing this was almost becoming a full-time job. As the days passed, we were becoming very comfortable together. Maybe too comfortable. I no longer saw her as a wife and mother but as A friend.

Then, as the summer became hotter she'd come out and suntan while I swam. That figure in a bikini was almost more than I could handle. Her body was toned and shapely and she had all the right curves in all the right places. I tried not to stare but that seemed impossible I hadn't yet developed the ability to hide my glances.

Then one day while Jennifer and her husband were both lounging on the deck, she asked, "Billy, would you do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything."

"Would you rub some of this coconut oil on my back?"

I looked at Mr. Hanson first. He nodded his head and said, "Go ahead, I can't do it on crutches... Besides, you seem to do just about everything else around here."

I got out of the pool and dried off with my eyes glued on Jennifer. With trembling hands, I took the bottle from her and squeezed out a glob on my palm, all the while not believing my good fortune. I stared down at her stunning figure, not sure what to do or where to start. She reached behind her while laying on her front and undid her bikini top. I stood there frozen in time, unable to move.

"Go ahead, she doesn't bite... Well, not much anyway." Her husband chuckled.

I rubbed the lotion on both palms and knelt beside the recliner. My hands touched her skin for the first time and I could swear I felt something almost electric. She pulled her long hair forward, exposing her neck.

"I always forget my neck, so start there," she instructed. "Rub it in well."

After a few moments of rubbing, my fingers made love to her skin. They took on a life of their own. I caressed her neck and shoulders, adding oil as I went. I could feel the difference of the soft pliable skin of her neck and shoulders compared to the taunt skin over her shoulder blades. I was lost in the moment. I couldn't help but notice the sides of her boobs pressed against the patio recliner.

"Oh, my! Billy, you are good at this. You're a natural." Jennifer moaned softy.

I looked at her husband and saw him smile for the first time. It was like my caressing his wife made him happy. I worked my way down her back to her lower spine. I had rubbed lotion on my mom before but this was different. After I finished, I snapped the bottle shut.

"You're not done yet. You still have my legs to do."

"Ummm, okay," I replied.

"Start with my feet."

I repositioned myself at the foot of the chaise lounge and began to massage the oil in her feet, then moved my way up her legs. My head was spinning in delirium as I gazed at the camel toe formed into the crotch of her suit. Every time I looked up, Mr. Hanson was intently watching me sporting a smile.

Then, there was an instant mood change as the kids came running out of the house in their swimsuits and jumped in the pool. Dana was teasing her brother for wearing water wings. I stood to go, knowing my fantasy was at an end. As I stood, I wasn't aware of my monster erection.

"Thank you, Billy. That was kind of you. Would you mind giving Scotty a little swim instruction?"

"Of course," I replied. Suddenly I was aware of my arousal. Jennifer looked at my bulging erection and just smiled.

I picked up the towel and held it in front of me as I walked to the pool. Mr. Hanson was grinning as I dove in, dropping the towel at water's edge.


A few days later we were talking in the kitchen after I took a break from painting their deck cover. Jennifer said, "Billy, I feel bad for taking up your whole summer vacation."

"Naw, I don't have anything else to do. Besides, I am determined to make the swim team and I don't have the time for much else."

The following day they asked me to babysit for them while they went to a cocktail party at the officers' club on the military base. I watched TV with the kids and we played Monopoly until they were too sleepy to continue. After tucking them in, I went back to the den and sat in the recliner watching some boring old black and white movie that was supposed to be a classic. My eyes were heavy but I fought off sleep.


"Wake up, sleepy boy," a voice whispered in my ear.

I jerked awake and apologized. "I'm sorry, I must have nodded off."

My eyes were glazed with sleep. The lights were off except the night light in the kitchen. As my vision cleared in the dim light, I saw Jennifer in her sexy cocktail dress. It was cut in such a way that it could hardly contain her large breasts. Not being diplomatic yet in my mannerisms, I stuttered, "Y-you look nice." My eyes glued to her chest.

"You see something you like?" She grinned.

I don't have a clue where my boldness came from but I replied, "Yes I do. I see a couple things." I bravely reached out and cupped her tits. She just smiled.

I always dreamed of what it would be like to feel a woman's breasts but I never considered what you do afterward. So, I stood there with my hands frozen on her chest. She gently took my hand in hers, softening my embarrassment.

I could hear Mr. Hanson snoring away. Jennifer asked in a low voice, "You've never touched a woman before, have you?"

"No." If I said anything else she'd know I was lying.

She stared in my eyes for a long pause, like she was trying to decide something. Then still holding my hand Jennifer said, "Follow me." She led me out the back door, across the breezeway and into the pool house. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might jump out my chest. I knew something was going to happen but was uncertain what.