Mrs. Reid Ch. 6


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"Yes, this is great. Thanks for inviting me," Christina said

Those were the first words she ever said to me. I nearly fainted.

"Whoa, piece of ass as three o'clock," my friend Pete said. And I turned and of course it was Jackie, looking ten years younger with her winter tan. She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. "Hi gorgeous," she said.


My guy friends lined up to be introduced. She shook each offered hand, and didn't say anything as my buddies stared at the big round breasts filling her tight black sweater. That's my friends for you, pure class.

We all ate and drank for the three hours leading up to kickoff. I spent a lot of time talking to Dan with my guy friends, and to Jackie with my female friends. Everyone had a great time, especially me. I didn't get much time to talk to Jackie alone, but the few minutes I did were interesting.

"So, how many of these girls have you fucked?" she teased.

"Zero, nada."

"Poor baby, you must be ready to burst."

"Nothing you couldn't take care of in ten seconds in the trailer."

"Mmm...tempting. But I think Christina would be jealous."

For the second time that day I nearly fainted. "Wha...what?"

Jackie smiled. "I thought I saw something in your eyes when you looked at her. You like her, don't you?"

"Like, love, worship."

"Have you asked her out?"

"Asked her out? Every time I get near her I start sweating. I stutter. I'm a mess."

"Just be yourself. You'll do fine." She gave my hand a squeeze. "I know that for a fact."


"I'll put in a good word for you. I'll tell her you eat pussy so good her eyes will roll back in her head."


"I'll tell her you have the yummiest cock in the world, that when you come it's so hot and thick..."

I closed my eyes and rested my hand on her shoulder. "Jackie. Trailer. Five seconds. That's all I need."

She pinched my ass. "I'm the kind of girl who needs five hours, not five seconds. Go talk to Dan. I have to find out more about this girl you like. I'm getting jealous."

I got another beer and in a few minutes heard Jackie and a few of the girls laughing and looking at me. Christina was one of the girls. Near-fainting experience, number three.

The time flew, kickoff loomed. It seemed like Jackie and the girls had become fast friends. She hugged each of them goodbye before it was my turn. "What were you all laughing about before?"

"Oh, nothing. Just told them a funny story about you."

"What story?"

"Oh, about you stealing the Wall Street Journal for me, and about the time Mr. Johnson chased you with a gun. Stuff like that."

I felt my face going green. I'd done those things on Jackie's orders, with handjobs and blowjobs my reward for doing her evil bidding. "You didn't tell them...about us?"

She laughed. "No. I just told them that you were sweet, a little crazy, and very obedient. Every woman's dream."

"Thanks a bunch."

She kissed me on the lips. "You are a dream, honey. If you like Christina, ask her on a date. It's nothing to be afraid of. She's a nice girl. You're a nice boy. Ask her out."

I promised her I would, a promise I knew I would break the second I got within five feet from her. I didn't have the courage.

Jackie said, "Did you tell your other friends about us?"

"No. I haven't told anyone."

"Except your father."

I winced. "I didn't have any choice."

"I know," she patted my cheek. "And you didn't have any choice about telling Beverly."

"Uh, no."

Jackie shook her head. "That's the story I should have told the girls." She hugged me one last time. "I love you, honey. Take care."

I told her I loved her too. Dan walked over and I shook the hand he offered. "You've got fun friends, nice guys." He gave me a playful shove. "Go scream your head off."

I caught up to my friends halfway to the stadium. "Dan invited us to Arizona for Spring Break," Billy said. "I don't know about you, but I'm going."

"If Jackie's there, I'm there," Pete said. "Hot. Totally hot. So hot it's sick."

"She's old enough to be your mother!" my friend Denise said.

"So what? Like you weren't flirting with Dan."

"That's different!"


I tuned them out. I made my way over to Christina's side. "Did you have a good time?" I asked.

"Yes. The food was great."

"Yeah." I tried to think of something to say. Nothing came to mind. So I said what was on my mind. "It was good to see Dan and Jackie again. I miss them a lot."

She smiled at me. "Jackie said she misses you too." She kept smiling. I smiled back. I wasn't paying attention and I walked into a NO PARKING sign. That's me, Mr. Suave.

After the game, a big win for our team, me and the guys were back in our suite, drinking a few celebratory beers and shooting the shit.

"So," Sam asked, "How many times did you fuck Jackie?"

He was joking. But I was drunk. Very drunk. Very drunk and very happy. Christina had smiled at me, which meant we were practically engaged. So I said, "Just once."

He laughed. "Lies."

"We did it in a hotel room. Before then she just gave me handjobs and blowjobs."

"Sure," Pete said. "You had sex with that fucking goddess."

"I did. I can tell you what her nipples look like. What her pussy tastes like. What she sounds like when she comes."

"I can too. Her nipples look like big pink pencil erasers, her pussy tastes good, and when she comes she goes, 'OH, PETE, FUCK ME, FUCK ME WITH YOUR GIANT DICK, OH, YOU'RE SO MUCH BIGGER THAN ANDY!' HIS DICK IS LIKE A TOOTHPICK!"

Then I told them about Beverly. You would have thought I was telling them about the time I saw the Loch Ness Monster. It was no use. I was a little bit upset that they didn't believe I'd had sex with Jackie and Beverly. But, come on. I could hardly believe it myself.

The weeks went by. I slowly started building what could be called a friendship with Christina. She had to write a paper for a class and, after learning that I was a writer for the paper, asked if I could edit it. I did, made some changes, and she got an A. For that I got a smile and a thank you, and my heart sang with joy.

Then came the night I'll never forget. It was a Saturday, I had a big paper due and I decided to stay in and get it done. It was just after nine, I was typing away, almost done, and there was a knock at the door. I figured it was one of the guys on the floor looking for a beer or something.

I opened the door-and it was Christina. "Hi, I heard you were staying in tonight." I let her in. "I have another paper due, I was wondering if you could look it over sometime this week."

We were alone in my room. Alone. Me and her. My head swam. I took the disk her paper was on and I said, "Sure, I'm almost done. I'll do it right now."

"It isn't due until Wednesday..."

"It's no problem."

Her paper was only eight pages and it took me twenty minutes. She had a Coke and watched the news. "Done," I said. "It was good. Not much needed changed."

"Thanks," she said when I handed her the disk. Now what to I do? I wanted to kiss her so bad I wanted to bash my head off the desk.

And I got mad. At myself. What was I going to do, pine for this girl for four years and then confess my love for her at graduation? Maybe she'd come over hoping I would do something. Maybe she liked me. It was time to find out and get this over with. "You have any plans for tonight?"

"No, not really."

"Wanna hit the coffee shop, maybe go for a walk? It's a nice night."


We both got double mochachinos and strolled around campus. We mostly talked about our friends and their messy love lives, which both of us found amusing. I'd just finished a story about a horrible date Pete had with a discus thrower on the women's track team and when she stopped laughing she asked, "Why don't you date much?"

I controlled my face. "After what happened to Pete I might never go on a date again!" But she didn't laugh, so I said, "It's hard for me, to, you know, ask girls out sometimes."

"Uh huh." We kept walking. I said. "You don't date much either."

"Well, I have an excuse. I have a boyfriend back home."

My heart sank. "I didn't know that."

"I don't talk about him much. Things haven't been going too good lately."

My heart soared. "It's hard, the long-distance thing."

"Especially when he's a jerk."

"That would complicate things." We were in the center of campus now, we passed a few extremely studious people along the way. But now we were alone. "You shouldn't have to settle for someone you're not happy with. Not you." I looked at her with serious intent in my eyes. She looked right back at me. We kept walking. She didn't say anything. It was like she was waiting for something. Waiting for me, to speak..

We were walking down a heavily wooded path between two big classroom buildings. The moon broke free from the clouds, the branches were limned with an ethereal blue light. It was breathtakingly beautiful. There would never be a better moment to say what I wanted to say.

"You know, don't you?" I said.

"Know what?"

"That I," deep breath, swallow, "that I like you."

She stopped. It was so dark it was hard to see her face. "Yes, I know you like me."

"I mean, I like you a lot. More than just, you know, regular like." Regular like. Jesus Christ.

"Yes, I know you like me a lot."


"Sam told me. And Pete. And Denise and Patti and Jackie..."

"Jackie? You mean, Jackie my next door neighbor, Jackie from the tailgate?

"I told her about the problems I was having with my boyfriend. She told me to dump him. And she told me that I couldn't find a better guy to be with than you. She told me she could tell that you liked me. Not that I hadn't noticed before. It was pretty obvious."


"Nothing to be sorry about."

Her tone was neutral. She wasn't kidding with me, she wasn't distressed. I didn't have a clue about what she was thinking. " that you've heard it from me...what do you think?"

"I don't know." That wasn't what I wanted to hear. "I have a boyfriend. I've been dating him for four years. I hardly know you. It took you three months to tell me you like me. I'm not sure what to think."

"Oh," I said. I couldn't think of anything to say. She hadn't said she wasn't interested, but she hadn't said she liked me too. My planned remarks ended after, "I like you." Now she was calling the shots. And they were all aimed at my heart.

Then she said, "But you are...intriguing."

I'm probably the most boring guy in the Western Hemisphere, yet two beautiful and totally opposite women both thought I was intriguing. That gave me courage. It moved me to action. I stepped close to her, just a few inches away, and looked into her eyes. I waited several seconds, giving her a chance to step back, and when she didn't I reached out and took her hands in mine. Again I gave her time to pull away. She didn't. I looked down into her dark eyes, waiting, and when I leaned down she didn't pull away. She closed her eyes. So did I. We kissed for maybe ten seconds, I pulled back, she looked up and me, and we kissed again. After a minute I stepped back and let her hands go and I said, "I'll walk you home now."

She said, "OK."

When I got back to my room I sat down and didn't move for two hours. I was still tingling all over. I could still taste her, feel the softness of her lips on mine. Sam came home drunk and sleepy. "You do anything exciting?" he asked as he crawled into bed.

"Nah. Caught up on some work."

"Good night," he said.

Yes, it was a good night.

On Sunday I went to church with Sam and Pete, and we met up with Denise and Patti. "Where's Christina?" Sam asked, and I was glad he'd asked because I desperately wanted to know.

"Ooh, bad scene," Denise said. "She got up this morning, called her boyfriend, told him it was over."

"She has a boyfriend?" Pete asked.

"Yeah, back home. He's an ass. She's been thinking about breaking it off, but I guess she finally got fed up and today was the day. It sounded like he was pretty pissed off, and it sounded like she didn't care. But she wasn't done when we had to leave to come here, so she'll probably show up for breakfast."

After Mass we walked through campus to the girls' dining hall for breakfast. "What's wrong with you?" Pete asked me. "You had this idiotic grin on your face the whole service. The priest is talking about the eternal damnation of the wicked and you're grinning like you just hit the lottery."

"Nothing, nothing," I chirped. "Just in a good mood. Great mood. I'm in a great mood."


We went through the line, loaded up, and walked into the dining hall. In a room filled with a hundred tables I instantly spotted the one she was sitting at, in the back left corner. It was a round table, with six seats. I was last in line as we walked over to her, and everyone took a seat. There were two left. One was across from Christina, one was next to her.

"Sit here," she said, patting the chair to her left.

I thought my face might split, I was smiling so hard.

After breakfast I walked her back to her room. Her roommate was out. She locked the door. "I dumped my boyfriend."

"I heard. I'm sorry."

She smiled. "No you're not. And neither am I." We sat down on the bed. "Kiss me again. I think I liked it last night, but I want to make sure."

We spent the rest of the morning making sure. We made damn sure.

That was November. For the final six weeks of the semester I spent as much time as possible with Christina, and it was never enough. We weren't having sex and I didn't mind. It was heaven just to be near her, to have her smile at me, to kiss her. I could wait for sex. Not that I wasn't thinking about it 24 hours a day. I wanted to have sex with her, badly. But for those six weeks I was happy to wait.

Finals week arrived. It was no sweat for me-four of my five classes didn't have finals, just papers or projects. And the one final I did have I knew I'd ace. Christina had three finals, so I knew she would need time to study. And that sucked, because I was going home Monday night, after my one final.

"I'm going to be busy all day Sunday and Monday," she said, "so why don't we spend Saturday night together?"

"Sounds great."

There was something strange about her, she was nervous. "I want to give you your Christmas present then."

"Oh, great."

"Do you want to know where I got it?" she said, in a tone that told me that I'd better ask.

"Um...Toys 'R Us?"

She kissed my nose. "Victoria's Secret."

I got the butterflies. "You mean, tomorrow night, you want to, um..."

"Yes, tomorrow I want to "um". I'll have your present and a bottle of wine, and you bring, you know..."

"My mink glove? Soy sauce? Camcorder?"

"Protection. Condoms."

Of course. I went straight from her room to the local convenience store and bought four different varieties. I spent Friday night bouncing off the walls, I was so excited, so anxious for the time to pass, that I drove my cramming friends nuts.

Saturday was no better. "Jesus Christ, go for a walk for something," Sam barked. "I'm trying to get some work done, and you sitting around waiting to get laid is pissing me off."

"Fine," I said petulantly, and went. It was a nice day for a walk. I took my time, savoring the anticipation, wondering what clingy, lacy item Christina had waiting for me. I couldn't wait, but I had to.

I headed home after an hour, figuring that was enough time for Sam to cool off. I also needed to pick up the brown paper bag filled with condoms that was sitting on my desk. I walked up the two flights of stairs and opened the door-and was confronted by Sam, sitting in the hallway, a weird, frightened look on his face.

"What's wrong? Find a spider under your bed?"

He leapt up when he saw me and took three quick steps. "Dude," he whispered, "I was studying, I heard a knock on the door, I open it and there's this woman, this gorgeous woman, standing there in a fur coat. She asked if you lived there. I said yes, she walks right past me and sits on your bed. She asked when you'd be back. I told her it would be soon, and..." he shook his head, like he couldn't believe it, "she took off her coat, and she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. Nothing. And then...then she handcuffed herself to your bed. The headboard." He was shaking his head. "I didn't know what to do. Call the cops? Get a camera?"

"This woman? She's gorgeous?"

"Yeah, incredible."

"Dark hair, blue eyes, perfect breasts, long fingernails?"

He goggled at me. "Jesus Christ, this is the woman you told us about? The one you said handcuffed you to the bed? That was REAL?"

"Uh-huh." I walked to the door. "If I'm not out in five minutes, call the cops. Call the Marines. Call a priest."

I opened the door and walked to my bedroom and, sure enough, there was Beverly, lying on my bed, her long legs stretched out, her wrists bound by two pair of handcuffs to my headboard. "Hey, lover," she said.

"Well, when you left me you did say 'Goodbye for now'. What's a bad girl like you doing in a place like this?"

She rubbed her thighs together. She looked fucking incredible. "You. I wanted to see you again. I wanted to fuck you again. I wanted to teach you a few new tricks."

I smiled at her. "Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?"

She spread her legs. "Shouldn't I be?'


"No?" she barked.

"No. I have a date. With my girlfriend. Who I love. So," I said, pocketing the handcuff keys that were on my desk, "I hate to cut this reunion short, but I'm running late." I grabbed the condoms. "Ta-ta!"

She started screaming at me, screaming, one of her patented torrents of curse words and epithets. Sam was standing guard outside the door. "Let her yell for awhile, then uncuff one of her wrists and give her the other key. Tell her she has a minute to get out or you're calling the cops. Don't get close to her, she knows how to use those fingernails, believe me."

"So you said."

"Right. Sorry she messed up your studying."

"Hey, no problem. A pretty wild interruption."

"Yeah. Wild is right. Later."

"Hey, good luck tonight. You dog." He grinned at me.

"Woof! I say, woof!"

The next morning...the next morning my brain wasn't working too well. I couldn't stop thinking about the night before. Christina, how she looked, what we said to each other, what we did together. I'd had sex with Mrs. Reid. Beverly had fucked me. But Christina and I did something very different together, and it was good. Very, very good. Leaving her was torture. But I had the memories of the night before, and the promise of many more nights like that to come. I was perfectly happy.

I walked down the hall to my room. The door was still on the hinges, so things hadn't gotten too crazy with Beverly. I used my key and opened the door. The place looked fine. "Sam?" I called.

"I'm still in bed," he called, and I walked to his bedroom. His arms were folded behind his head, the covers drawn up to his chin, his head resting on a pillow. "So how was your night?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Good. Yours?"

He was grinning from ear to ear. "Fucking spectacular You know, she wasn't as bad or as crazy as you made her out to be."

I eyed him. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you, but first," he raised his hands up, from behind the pillow. He was fucking handcuffed to the bed, "can you get me out of these things? I have to pee."

"Jesus Christ! You've been like that all night?"

"Yeaaaahhh," he said.

I grabbed the keys and with trembling fingers undid the cuffs. "Man, that feels good," he said. He threw the covers off him, and I gasped. Sam's entire body-chest, legs, groin, ass-were criss-crossed with bloody lines. Beverly's usual markings.

"Are you all right?" I said, worried he might faint from blood loss.