Mtn. Pines Resort Pt. 01

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A wife embraces her status and a husband discovers his place.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/30/2015
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There was a light knock on the door that brought Theresa's gaze up from the glow of her laptop screen. Her appointment had arrived. Just before closing the screen she glanced back to it and again read the bold names at the top of the page, 'Doug and Janice Sorenson'.

"Come in."

The leather creaked as Theresa eased back into her large red office chair that she gently turned to watch the thick wooden door open. Her long time employee, Bradley, swung the door wide then lifted his open hand, inviting the couple to proceed. Doug entered first, followed by his wife, Janice, a fact that was well noticed by Theresa. The pair shuffled somewhat nervously into the office.

Bradley caught Theresa's gaze, "Ma'am," he smiled.

Theresa returned his smile, "Thank you Bradley," she replied warmly.

She watched the heavy door swing closed. The decisive click-click of the latch signaled to the three of them that they were now, and at last, alone, and in person, with one another. Theresa purposefully allowed her gaze to linger on the door for a few moments before slowly turning her chair to face the standing couple. She let the silence hang in the air, her head cocked slightly as she took them in. Her actions calculated and practiced. It was all a part of it.

Doug was in his mid-forties, fit and markedly handsome. He was clean shaven and well-kept with flecks of gray throughout his brown hair that lent to an overall sense of energetic maturity. His button-up shirt, slacks, belt, shoes, even his watch, all indicated he shopped higher-end retail and his appearance was surely important to him.

Janice was also in her mid-forties, petite, with a natural beauty that was accentuated by a lack of makeup rather than because of it. Her straight black hair only slightly styled and Theresa couldn't help but wonder if she was even obligated to dye it yet. While she too was dressed nicely, hers indicated a more conservative approach. She wore a sleeveless gray cotton blouse with black trim and matching knee-length skirt.

From what Theresa had learned, they met in college and had been married over two decades. They had one child away at college. Doug was a self-made man from a humble background who put himself through school and built a successful inventory storage business. Soon after marriage, Janice had voluntarily given up working and became a stay-at-home mom. The story of their marital problems was all too common and they both felt they'd drifted apart and found themselves leading separate lives. But Theresa also had come to believe they both still loved one another. If she didn't, she would not have agreed to take them as clients. Doug had a penchant for looking at porn and he'd admitted to some heavy petting with the young neighbor wife, Shelly. He swore nothing more had happened but it was enough for Janice.

Theresa noticed Doug beginning to extend his hand, his lips about to form words, and she quickly rose, extending her own to Janice, "Hello Janice. It's such a pleasure to finally meet you," she exclaimed with enthusiasm and a sense of sincerity. Doug's hand retreated and his fingers rubbed awkwardly together.

Janice's hands were clenched guardedly before her waist and she rubbed them together, "Hel..." her voice cracked. She cleared her throat and tried again, "Hello Theresa," she half-squeaked and was instantly mad at herself. Janice shook Theresa's hand softly and she was instantly aware of Theresa's fingers lightly caressing her palm. Theresa smiled reassuringly at her.

Theresa eventually pulled her hand from Janice's and turned to Doug. She extended her hand to him but this time only briefly shook it, offering a quick smile and, "Doug," as her greeting to him.

"Please, sit." Her arms spread out, inviting the couple to occupy the leather and wood chairs set before her formidable mahogany desk. They complied and she waited as they shifted, Doug taking longer to settle and become still.

Theresa eased back, her hands settling on the arms of her chair. She used the silence. Her legs crossed while she simply watched them. Her gaze was hard on Doug and he shifted and picked at his slacks, clearing his throat. She flashed him a faint smile that helped him settle.

At last Theresa broke the awkward silence, "I'm very pleased to have you both here at Mountain Pines and I'm confident we're going to have a rewarding experience. We're rooted in love and respect and everyone, from me to my entire staff, and even the other guests are committed to making everyone's visit here the absolute most it can possibly be. Please, don't be nervous. This is about you. It is about each of you as individuals and as a unified loving couple. We're only here to help."

Doug and Janice both smiled and said thank you.

There was again a light knock at the office door. "Alright, alright, that's the canned spiel," Theresa admitted, "And while I completely mean what I said, how's about we relax a bit huh??"

She could be so disarming, so engrossing. The Sorenson's laughed and nodded in agreement, their anxiety fading.

"Great!" Theresa exclaimed. "Come in Bradley."

Once again the thin, mildly effeminate man appeared in the doorway only this time bearing a tray that he set on a small table just inside. There was the clinking of glassware and soon he turned to face the couple, "Red wine for the lady," Bradley extended a glass to Janice, "And Scotch, neat, for the gentleman." Doug enthusiastically took the tumbler and offered a sincere thanks.

Bradley disappeared back out the door and Theresa allowed them both to sip at their drinks. "Good," she asked? They both responded in the affirmative. "Excellent."

"Theresa," Doug began, "If I can just say that in these past weeks of emailing and video chatting with you, well..." He paused to look at his wife and then back to Theresa," Well, Janice and I have come to feel like you really understand us. I know you probably hear that all the time and I apologize if it's cliché, but it just feels like you're a friend. We feel like we can trust you. Wouldn't you agree Janice?"

Janice looked at her husband and then back to Theresa, "Yes, very much so."

What Doug didn't realize was that during those several weeks, Theresa and Janice had been communicating extensively and video chatting almost daily. She involved Doug to the extent necessary, but it was Janice who Theresa applied her real focus. She knew well that in any relationship, intensity developed depth, and most often, quickly. The more intense and personal the interactions, the deeper and faster the bonds would be formed. Even after so many years being involved in the counseling business, Theresa was still impressed by how quickly and willingly people divulged their most intimate secrets to those who are, in reality, strangers. While Theresa and Janice's conversations had not been overtly obscene, there was no question they'd become increasingly sexual and flirtatious. How many times these past few weeks had Janice masturbated after talking with Theresa? Hell, she'd it done it twice yesterday and had to resist the urge to do so this very morning before making the drive to meet her.

"Well thank you Doug. That's very kind. Tell me," her eyes fell hard on him, "Have you followed the instructions I gave you?" She'd given him very explicit instructions that from that time forward, he was not to have an orgasm. No intercourse, no masturbation, nothing.

Doug's legs twitched and he giggled nervously, "Ye...uh hum...Yes," he stammered.

Theresa lifted a piece of paper on her desk and briefly studied it. "Twenty three days," she proclaimed. Theresa leaned forward and peered through her black-framed glasses. She'd intentionally left her white satin blouse buttoned low and her ample bosom pressed the fabric apart, exposing the tops of her breasts. "No cheating Doug? Not even in the shower?" She gave him a stern, inquisitive look.

Doug shifted about, "Uh...uh hum...Um, no. No cheating, not even in the shower." He glanced back and forth between Janice and Theresa, his eyes impossibly drawn to her chest. "It hasn't been easy," he tried to say light-heartedly, but the women didn't laugh.

Theresa again reclined in her chair, her eyes fixed on Doug. She was weighing her belief in him. What Doug also didn't know was that while she'd instructed Doug that he was not allowed to cum until further notice, she'd also encouraged Janice to begin flirting with him but then denying him. Janice would suddenly have a headache or a call or all manner of excuses to not allow Doug to pursue her further. "Tell me Janice, do you believe him?"

Janice's head turned to her husband, "Yes."

"Why?" Theresa fired back quickly. "Why do you believe him Janice?"

"He's...He's been Especially this past week," Janice explained. "The other night he was nearly begging me to give him some relief." Janice's eyes turned back to Theresa who was now looking at her. "Literally begging," Janice's face seemed to light up as the realization struck her.

"But you resisted?" Theresa asked with a cock of her head and a stern squint.

"Yes," Janice nodded her head emphatically.

"How does that make you feel Janice? That he was begging you?"

"Good," Janice responded quickly with a giggle. "Wanted," she said softer.

"How about empowered Janice," Theresa pressed?

Janice glanced at Doug then back to the heavyset, yet decidedly attractive blonde counselor before her, "Yes. Empowered. I...I...huh hum...I like it." The corners of her lips creased into a brief but telling smile. "I must be honest. I wanted to have sex with him. Both to feel him and to," she swallowed, "help him. He was so attentive, so...But I didn't. At first I felt terrible, but then I recognized what it was all about. I understood it." Janice smiled at Theresa, "And it felt wonderful."

Theresa's long wavy blonde hair seemed to frame the billowing, inviting flesh of her partially exposed breasts. "Tell me Janice, how does it make you feel that Doug can't stop looking at my tits?" Doug shifted uncomfortably and began to protest but Theresa quickly put a stop to it, "Shut up Doug. No one told you to speak," she scolded him without looking away from Janice.

Doug's mouth fell open at the sudden, harsh shift in the tone of the conversation.

Janice's head dipped slightly and her lips tightened, "Embarrassed. Angry."

"And when you get angry communication breaks down, resentment builds, and a viscous cycle begins. It's perfectly natural and I assure you all too common." Theresa pushed her chair back and rose. Her broad hips and meaty thighs stuffed tightly into blue jeans began to carry her out from behind her desk. Theresa exuded a beauty that transcended the physical. She radiated an intoxicating mix of sensuality and confidence that was impossible not to notice and nearly as hard not to become ensnared in. "But it isn't anger I want you to feel Janice," Theresa continued as she strolled out and around the end of the desk, "It's pity." She stopped in front of Doug, towering above him, letting the silence hang in the air.

Doug was a proud man, a strong man, and he lifted his head and began to protest but Theresa cut him off, "Pride and ego are not your friends here Doug. Now is not the time for either."

He wanted to tell her to go to Hell, but instead was watching her plump, bright red lips. He felt his cock pulse and it only made him madder. But he didn't speak. He thrust his head down but even this was insufficient as there before his eyes were Theresa's beautifully pedicured toes jutting out from her open heels. They were meaty yet undeniably sensual. He'd never been attracted to a woman's feet but now, here he was, filled with a desire to drop down on his knees and lick those delightful digits before him. He squeezed his eyes shut and squirmed in his chair.

Theresa reveled in it, used it, fed off of it. She slowly, deliberately, began to step around Doug's chair, keeping her body ever so close to his. It was impossible for Doug to resist her. Even with his eyes clenched shut, her perfume filled his nose and penetrated his defenses. Her very presence seemed to seep into his pores. He could hear the click-clack of her high heels as she slipped behind his chair and felt his cock swelling in his pants. She didn't touch him and continued on toward Janice who was as captivated by the large powerful woman as her now hopelessly frustrated husband had become.

"You see Janice, in a sense, it isn't Doug's fault. He's male and as such he's hard-wired to be highly sexual and decidedly impulsive." Theresa reached the back of Janice's chair, her hand reached out. Theresa's long red nails slipped slowly and gently through Janice's long straight dark hair. Janice flinched and her breath held tight her chest at the touch. It was at once shocking yet intensely comforting. Theresa felt the thin woman again relax as she stroked her hair and gently ran her fingers down the sides of her neck. "These traits were crucial to the survival of our species. It ensured widespread procreation and the lack of impulse control enabled ancient man to react on instinct and emotion rather than rational, long thought. This allowed them to be quick to confront threats or to charge into a dangerous hunt."

Theresa's fingers and thumbs softly kneaded Janice's shoulders and neck and she could feel her slipping under her spell. "And while these traits remain advantageous in some regards today, the modern male finds himself largely flustered, confused..." Theresa's words trailed off as her hands ran down over Janice's bare arms. "They don't recognize the problem though, don't understand their own feelings, don't know how to cope. They are told that such things are for the weak. Taught to bury feelings." As Theresa's touch reached out over Janice's forearms she leaned forward slightly, her long hair splashing down beside Janice's face. The small woman found herself burying her nose in the soft locks and breathing deep of the honey scent. Theresa heard her coo and saw her thighs ever so slightly rub together.

"Now, despite thousands of years of effort by males to portray something to the contrary, the female of the species has never been weak," Theresa's fingers curled into Janice's and her full red lips brushed her cheek as she all but whispered, "Oh no dear, quite the opposite..." Theresa brought her lips tight to Janice's ear, "We possess great power. We have a strength no man can understand. What they cannot understand, what so many will not admit, and what so many women fail to recognize, is that they need us to show them that strength. They want to fight their wars and then, in those most intimate moments, they want to fall apart before us. But they can't tell us that. Can't acknowledge that on their own. They want to be told what to do..." Theresa gently bit Janice's ear lobe and this time she clearly squirmed, a sigh escaped her lips.

Theresa's tongue flicked across her ear and her lips softly kissed out over Janice's cheek, down her neck, and back again, "I'm so pleased you wore a skirt for me..." She whispered.

Janice had never been with a woman. Sure she'd found other women pretty and some even attractive and there'd even been times she'd thought about sleeping with a woman. But it had never been a strong desire. Yet Theresa had awakened something within her. She'd unleashed a sense of freedom, of personal acceptance, of deep sensuality within Janice. That she'd fantasized about being with Theresa since their talks grew more intimate and emotional, she could not deny. And now, here she was completely and irrevocably entranced by the sexual advances of this powerful woman. She knew she wasn't just allowing it to happen, she was yearning for it to happen. Theresa gently bit the nape of her neck and licked and kissed and Janice felt her pussy clench in an undeniable response.

Theresa rose and while stroking Janice's hair, commanded, "Take your clothes off Doug."

"What?" Doug blurted out as the words shook him from his trance. He'd been stealing side glances at the two women and was hopelessly aroused by it all. But that arousal seemed to fly straight out of him when he heard Theresa speak. "Look maybe this is going too far," Doug protested, "Maybe this isn't right for..."

"Shut the fuck up Doug," Theresa roared! She squared her body to him, still seated in the chair before her. "You said in your application to me Doug that you would do anything to save your marriage," Theresa's words dripped with disgust as she slowly eased toward him, "Anything Doug." Her heavy breasts projected forward like ominous orbs that even now, even in his confused, angry, embarrassed state, Doug could not help but admire. "Well this is what anything looks like Doug." In a few steps Theresa was hovering above him, her face stern and wholly unsympathetic. "You've been trying to do this your way for years and that hasn't worked too fucking well now has it Doug?"

His lips began to form words but Theresa pressed, "Now you listen to me carefully Doug. You sought me out. You came to me for help, and I will help you but you will do what I say, when I say it. Nothing grows without pressure Doug, nothing." Theresa leaned down somewhat to bring even more weight to her words, "Now you can get up and leave right now Doug, in which case Janice is staying right here, or you can shut your fucking mouth and take off your fucking clothes."

She straightened up, "Decide."

Doug trembled with a mix of anger and fear. He wasn't physically afraid of the woman, well maybe he was, but this was a different kind of fear, the worst kind, the kind of fear borne of insecurity and emotional vulnerability. Doug swallowed hard and was only barely aware of his fingers already unbuttoning his shirt.

"That's a good boy," Theresa cooed and stroked his cheek in sudden stark contrast. She turned away from Doug and started back toward Janice when she suddenly stopped, her head turned to the side slightly, "And Doug, don't defy me again or I assure you the repercussions will be far more severe than a few harsh words and stern looks and you'll be collecting social security before you ever touch your wife's pussy again." Theresa smiled in satisfaction, knowing the effect her words would have on him and then glided back to the somewhat shocked woman before her.

The backs of her nails brushed across Janice's flushed cheek, "You see Janice? We have all the power..." And with that Theresa's long blonde mane spilled forward as she engaged Janice in a deep, heated kiss. Janice found herself eagerly kissing back. She felt her panties dampen and her nipples harden.

Theresa continued to kiss her passionately, pausing only to bite her lip or lick her cheek as she worked herself around directly in front of the much smaller woman. Janice fully surrendered to her passion and her hands flailed at Theresa's back and arms and desperately sought out the weight of her breasts. Theresa let her cup them, felt her fingers swiftly find the thick swollen nubs pressing against the thin slick fabric. Janice plunged her face into the deep crevice of Theresa's milky tits and breathed in the scent of her perfumed flesh. Theresa sighed as Janice's tongue licked feverishly and her lips kissed passionately over her soft skin. Theresa was growing drunk with it all, the power, the authority, the control, the affection...It would be so easy for her to simply strip away her jeans and allow Janice to plunge into her already wet pussy and devour her until she came. But this was both business and pleasure and Theresa had to stay in control, of herself, and her clients.

She pushed Janice back into the chair, her head snapping forward desperate to return to Theresa's breasts, "Easy now, baby," Theresa said in a silky, calming voice, "Easy..." Her fingers had already begun to unbutton Janice's sleeveless blouse. Janice's own fingers hurriedly worked at the lower ones, desperate to speed up the process. And as Theresa pushed the shirt over her shoulders, Janice quickly leaned forward, unhooked her bra, and forcefully tore it away. She was so lost now, so consumed by her own aching, newly discovered desire. A pure, almost innocent lust filled her chest and she wanted nothing more than to please the large woman above her.