Mud and Magic Ch. 04


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He rolled onto his side. Lishaka was next to him, on her stomach. Rhys realized that, despite how often she had shown him her breasts and crotch already, he had never before seen her naked. And he understood why. Her arms, legs, back and butt were scarred as well. Dozens and dozens of semicircular marks, some bigger than others, but all lined in a nasty, dark brown which clashed with her otherwise apple-green skin.

He reached out and gently touched her back. "Are these... bite marks?"

Lishaka nodded quietly, her eyes wide. Tears glistened.

Rhys pulled her close. She snuggled against him, her hand going straight for his loincloth. He intercepted it and placed it on his hip instead. "What in the Pits happened to you?" he whispered.

"Can't we fuck first?" Lishaka choked past a lump in her throat. "I think I need some good cheering up."

Rhys shook his head. "Not like this. Friends occasionally say 'no' to each other. Remember? You wanted to be my friend, not just someone to fuck."

"You had no such reservations when you fucked Chassari green and blue."

Rhys propped himself up on one elbow and pinned Lishaka with a fierce glare. "First, she was the one who rode me until my cock felt rather raw, second, I was a wee bit drunk and third, that was a weird and totally different situation. I barely knew her."

"You barely know me," Lishaka suggested, trying to undo the loop which held Rhys loincloth around his waist. "So what's keeping you?"

Rhys sighed, placing his hand on hers. "I don't know about goblin society but where I come from, friends take some time before they jump into bed together." He chuckled. "It took eighteen years before I got laid the first time, by a very good friend of mine."

"Eighteen years? I'll be all grey and wrinkly by then!" Lishaka shrieked, sitting up. "I don't want to wait eighteen years!"

"But you could wait a night or two, until we've known each other a little better? I'm not in the habit of fucking everyone who happens to offer. I'm sure there are people out there like that but... damn." He blushed. "I've only done it two times until now. And then there's Galdor."

"I remember. Didn't you say he hit on you?" Lishaka tugged on the covers until she could slip under them. "Alright then. No fucking. How about cuddling? While you spill all your dirty secrets?"

"I think I can agree to that. Wait a moment." Rhys slid out of bed, dousing most of the lamps around the room until only one, near his nightstand, offered just enough illumination to see by. He then slid under the covers next to Lishaka. She smoothed her naked body against him.

"And while we're on the subject of dark secrets...," he began, gently caressing down her back. Under his fingertips, the bite marks were like irregular craters. Lishaka shivered against him.

"Can't you imagine it? My whole goddamn tribe exiled me." Her voice was almost a whisper.

"What for?"

"For being different. For being spooky as all fuck." Her hand closed around his, the sharp nails digging into his skin. "No one else in my tribe can make fire like this." She raised two fingers and snapped them. A long, blue spark shot towards the ceiling, dying halfway.

"No? Didn't you say you had a shaman? That's some kind of magician, isn't it?"

Lishaka snorted. "A shaman knows how to make fire. How to cook food. How -- maybe - to use leaves on wounds to stop the bleeding. A shaman is the brightest female goblin around. But no shaman I've ever seen could cast magic."

"Goblins don't know how to cook food?"

"No. Your average goblin thrives on raw, bloody meat, torn from preferably live prey. Those lucky enough to be on good terms with the shaman get cooked food which won't make you shit blood for days and cause your piss to burn fiercer than fire. Ever wondered why every goblin you meet in the wild wears plundered clothing, has crap armor and even worse weapons? Because very few actually understand the concept of clothing, weapons and armor. When my tribe went to war, the war chief -- brightest male goblin -- and the shaman made the plans, which usually boiled down to 'make all the warriors batshit crazy and herd them towards the target.' Your hand on my ass feels so nice," she purred. Rhys moved his hand a bit higher and resumed his caress.

"And I thought the old book was being metaphorical when it said 'the green horde swamped them, rending teeth and claws.'"

"Nope. That's usual goblin warfare. Our shaman was especially feared because she knew a recipe for bombs and we were lucky enough to sit on the ingredients. Sulphur and a particular kind of burnt wood. When lit, it went 'boom.' Scared the warriors shitless and helped with the dark elves too." Lishaka nibbled on Rhys' arm.

He shot her a curious look.

"No, that was not a move to get into that bulging loincloth of yours," she said, grinning. "Just my way of saying 'thank you.'"


"If I really wanted into that loincloth, you would be hard-pressed to stop me. I'm a better sorceress than you. Or at least have been at it longer."

"Like we've seen with the first Lava Stew, hm?"

"The appearance of a handsome human next to Grim Galdor was such a nice surprise, I forgot to concentrate and my time-slowing magic went 'poof.' Anyway, during a raid on a kobold mound, we ran out of bombs and a troop of these dragon-blooded buggers managed to get past the ring of bodyguards protecting the chief, the shaman and her apprentices like me. After tossing our cauldron at them, our chief did what every chief does, swing his club and scream obscenities. Didn't impress the kobolds though. The shaman sent her apprentices to help. We had knives and knew where the pointy end had to go so we went and stabbed. Or tried to. These kobolds had spears with ugly barbs. I didn't want to get in there and have large chunks of me torn out so I looked desperately for anything to toss at them. Especially when three of them pushed me up against a wall. I didn't throw things. My hands spewed fire, a huge fan of flames which got all three of them. Lucky for me, no one saw that or they would have killed me then and there. We lost the battle, by the way, and limped back home, only a fraction of our warriors, barely any apprentices, no war chief and a tired, angry shaman."

"They didn't slaughter you to the last man... er..."

Lishaka snorted. "Goblins run fast. Goblins run soon. Goblins survive and come back with hordes of new warriors. It takes less than three years for the runts to be ready to fight. Fuck that, as soon as they teeth, they are ready, willing and most of the time fighting. But no sane warchief would send a tribe's young into battle, only when there is no other way."

"How old are you?" Rhys asked, shocked.

Lishaka laughed. "Old enough to fuck you, Rhyssie."

"Don't you 'Rhyssie' me. What kind of pet name is that supposed to be?"

"Sounds cute, doesn't it?"

"Not really. Sounds more a girl's name." He sighed.

"Fine, fine. No pet names yet." Lishaka yawned. "Sometimes I wonder why I bother with you. So grown-up and serious. No fucking when I want to, no funny names... what do you want me for anyway?"

"No self-pity, that's for certain," Rhys said, pulling her close. "So, you threw fire at the kobolds then you fled. Then what?"

"It happened more and more often, even when I wasn't about to die. I mean, when it happened, it felt like I was torn asunder, unless I was close to a fire."

"Sorcerer's Burn. And you used the fire...?"

" a power source. Yes. Idunn was very proud of me when I showed her." Lishaka's eyes twinkled. "My shaman wasn't that proud when she realized that I had usurped her power. On the contrary. When she realized that I wasn't using these-," Lishaka took Rhys' hand and moved it to the edge of her ear, where the skin was pierced by dozens of sharp flint shards, "she basically declared me a monster. And the war chief, not quite as smart as his predecessor and mostly with his cock up the shaman's pussy, made it official. I was a monster and had to be exiled. They didn't dare kill me outright because they thought I might explode and kill them all."

"I'm sorry." Rhys whispered, hugging her close.

Lishaka melted against him, nibbling on his neck. Eventually, she stopped. "They bit me. And then they peed all over me. And then they tossed me into the night, naked, stinking and, as they hoped, too weak to live."

"You obviously proved them wrong."

"Even the kari Cesspool Watcher didn't want me," Lishaka snarled. "Must've stunk too much. But I heal quick. And I was lucky to find a dead deer not too far from where they dropped me." She flicked her finger against her ear, causing the flint shards to click against each other. "Skinned the damn thing with a few of these and roasted the meat over the fire. Then I tried to make my way away from the mountain. One night I smelled some deliciously tasty food and went to have a look. There was this cave made out of fabric and a lone dwarf woman sitting in front of it." She put a finger on Rhys' mouth. "I know what a tent is, Rhyssie."

He rolled his eyes at her.

"I waited until the dwarf went inside the tent. And suddenly, there was the sound of people kissing. I didn't know back then but I know now," Lishaka said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Whoever else was in that tent really went all out on the kissing and then came the moans. I didn't wait and darted in, snagging the pot they had set next to the fire. It was the best stew you could imagine and I dug in, not caring if I singed my fingers. Hey, I didn't know about spoons."

"And then they caught you?"

"Fuck yes." Lishaka's voice dropped comically low. "Hello there. Do you want some of our food?"


"Yes. I thought I was going to die. But instead of killing me for trying to steal his food, he gave me a bowl, a spoon and taught me to eat, proper-like. I was much too surprised to run away. And then he began to ask questions. And before I knew it, I was here."

"He must have seen the power in you."

"Probably." Lishaka rolled away from him, yawning. "Would you mind if I snuggle my naked butt against you?"

"I think that's all right for tonight. Come here, Lisha."

"Too bad. I like it when you say that," she said, snuggling up against Rhys. "And I won't mind if you accidentally fucked me tonight," she purred.

Rhys just sighed. It would be a long night.

* * * *

Whatever Lishaka dreamed about, it wasn't nice. More than once, Rhys would end up with her teeth on him or a harsh kick. Since she was maybe four feet tall and snuggled up to his neck, there was the very real danger that she would hurt something delicate. At other times, she would whimper and growl like a frightened animal, only to shudder awake when he touched her shoulder or neck.

"Sorry," she mumbled, nibbling on his arm. "Maybe I'm just nervous."

He would stroke her topknot and eventually, after much butt-wriggling against him, she would fall asleep until her next bad dream would hit.

Rhys suddenly woke to a strange sensation, something writhing on his lap. His eyes fluttered open, only to see Lishaka straddling him, both hands around his cock and stroking enthusiastically.

"Hey, what the..." he muttered, reaching out for her. Lishaka giggled and lifted herself up, trying to line up his erection with her glistening pussy. He wouldn't fit.

"Aw, come on. I've played with me for the last half hour," she muttered, flattening his cock along his stomach and gently grinding atop it.

"And do I get a say in this too?" Rhys asked, clamping his hands on her butt.

"Maybe, if you ask nicely," the grinning goblin purred. She slithered upwards until she could peck a kiss onto his lips. "Good morning. I'm sorry I've been that much trouble tonight. That's why I thought..."

"... you'd fuck me awake? Great idea," Rhys muttered, sarcasm oozing from his every word. "How late is it?"

"Sen has been here already. She didn't seem too thrilled seeing me, all naked and spread-legged on your bed," Lishaka said. Her crotch rolled against Rhys, teasing his erection. "Did you do her already?"

"No. She obviously wants me to but I'm not so sure that's a good idea. It might make things complicated. And my life already is complicated enough."

"I don't know about that. From where I'm... kinda sitting... you seem to have two options for the foreseeable future. Pussy or oatmeal." She sat up, leaned back and used her index and middle finger to spread her green labia. "I'm sure if we work together, you'll be inside me in no time."

Lishaka writhed upon him, trying to coerce her body to cooperate. A knock on the door caused her to jump.

"Can't a girl seduce her friend in peace?" Lishaka snapped.

Rhys rolled her off him and dashed to the door, cracking it open a bit. "Yes?"

Hagazz, the dark elven combat instructor, grinned at him. "Sorry to interrupt. Idunn and I had a little talk last night and she's allowed me to get my paws on you. Finish your business and meet me down in the arena in a bit."

"Will do."

"Huh? I didn't hear you."

"Oh. Do I have to call you 'Master' too?"

"No idea how Thurguz or Idunn run their classes, but I demand a little bit of respect. So...?"

"I will be there, Master."

"Good boy. See you in a bit." He walked a few steps and stopped. "Who's with you?"

Rhys blushed a dark beet red and closed the door without answering. Lishaka was still in bed, propped up on her side, one hand caressing herself between her thighs. "You coming, Rhyssie?"

He shook his head. "I'm afraid we'll have to postpone that particular choice. Hagazz was here."

"I've heard him drool all the way over here," Lishaka grumbled. She licked at her fingers. "You're missing out. I'm really wet right now."

"And I don't want to be late for my first combat lesson. Sorry, Lisha." Rhys dashed into the bathroom, did his business and cleaned himself up. No time for a shave. When he returned to his room, Lishaka still was there. She had dressed in the meantime and sat on the edge of his bed. Her head came up as he went for his wardrobe.

"I hope the night wasn't a total failure."

Rhys stopped, fresh clothes in hand. "What makes you think that?"

"We didn't get anywhere," she muttered.

Rhys dropped his robe and loincloth on the bed and knelt down in front of her, looking directly into her eyes. "That's not true. Not at all. I think I know you a lot better than I did the same time yesterday." Smiling, he added. "And I didn't mind that you treated me as your personal punching bag. In fact, I liked having you cuddle up to me."

Her eyes went wide. "Really?"

"Yes. Just because we didn't fuck doesn't mean the night was a waste. Come back tonight if you want. I didn't get to tell you about Galdor, remember?"

"Oh, that's right! We spent all the time unearthing my baggage!"

"And if you decide to stay, you can ask me again tomorrow morning." He stood up and wrapped the loincloth around his waist.

"Ask? Huh? What?"

"'Pussy or oatmeal?'"

Lishaka fell backwards, laughing. "Did I really say that?"

"Absolutely. And today I have to chose half a bowl. Don't want to make Hagazz wait too long." Rhys pulled on his socks and slid into his robe before grabbing the bowl of oatmeal off the tray and wolfing down a few spoonfuls. Lishaka still rolled around on the bed, giggling.

Rhys plonked down his bowl, dabbed at his lips with his sleeve and walked back to the bed. He reached out his hand and pulled Lishaka close when she took it.

"Thanks for the company, Lisha," he said, tousling her hair. "Will I see you later tonight?"

She slipped from his loose embrace and into her sandals. "Maybe. Probably." She walked past him, landing a quick slap on his butt. "If I'm in the mood." Whistling, she left the room. Rhys shook his head and followed her.

* * * *

Hagazz waited for him in the large, open space of the arena. The dark elf leaned against a table piled high with weapons and gear. Behind him, in the center of the sandy circle, a training dummy made from wood and straw waited. It wore "armor" made from baking sheets and frying pans, wielding a padded club and a large, battered shield.

"Come closer," Hagazz said, waving at him. "I won't bite."

Rhys joined him at the table. "What is all this stuff? I thought I'd be trained as a sorcerer."

"And you will. But Thurguz would be very angry with me if anything happened to you while sparring with either me, Hilgrun or Borna."

Rhys paled. "You will let Borna loose on me? She already tortures me during my magic lessons."

"Of course. Going by your face, you're somewhat afraid of her. Combat training is not only about learning which end of the sword goes where but also mastering your own shortcomings. Like how to attack an enemy you're afraid of." He walked around the table and clapped Rhys' back. "But that day is still a ways off. Get padded up."

"Yes, Master." Rhys shrugged out of his robe and struggled into the new, unfamiliar garb. The trousers were made from fabric, with pads sewn into the thighs while the rigid leather boots had reinforced shin guards and toes. The vest reached halfway down his thighs and was padded to protect his back, chest and crotch. Finally, the gloves reached up to the elbows. They too had rigid metal bits worked into them.

Is this how a knight feels when donning his armor? Rhys thought. He took a few tentative steps. Whoever had picked out the garments had a good eye, they fitted perfectly. Despite their weight, they barely restricted his movements.

"Very good," Hagazz said. "While you dressed, I couldn't help but notice the scars on your back. Who did that to you? Did you anger one of the priestesses in your village?"

Rhys laughed bitterly. "No, Master. That was all my father's doing. He didn't like me very much. But you said you know the feeling."

"Oh yes. That's why I have that cute orc name. All right then. Before we go all out with the flailing, I'll need to learn the extent of your combat experience."

Rhys snorted. "That's easy. Never been in a fight in all my life."

Hagazz raised a snowy eyebrow. "Not a single one? No barroom brawl? No duel over a maiden's affection? Not even a scuffle with a sibling?"

"Oh, that. I wouldn't call that 'a fight.' More like a beat down. You see, my brothers, all four of them, they're built like Hilgrun, with a temper to match. Look at me. Do I strike you like someone who'd have a chance against one of them, let alone all four if they decided to rush me?"

Hagazz looked him up and down. "Well, the ample and nutritious food here surely helped you put on some meat. To me, you look like a slender elven male." He shrugged. "I thought everyone taught their young basic combat skills like we dark elves do. Hilgrun knows how to fight, as does Borna. Even Lishaka wields a mean dagger."

"We were simple farmers. The only one with a bit of combat training was my father. He had been drafted as a pikeman twice. From his stories I know that they had a few days of drills before they were thrown into the fray. But I wasn't important enough to be taught anything."

"Now, now, no need to sound so bitter. You don't need to be built like Hilgrun to be a proper fighter. Look at me." Hagazz spread his arms. He wore an open vest, tight pants and soft boots. A pair of daggers hung at his hip and shin. He was slightly shorter than Rhys, a little wider in the shoulders and his muscles were clearly defined. But they were not the thick, bulging ones his brothers or Hilgrun had. To Rhys, he looked like one of the illustrations from 'The Tales of Orran,' more a lean dancer than a killing machine.

"If I had to guess, you're quick and nimble. Not that strong. And from what I've seen before, you like to fight dirty."

Hagazz crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Solid observation skills. I think you and I will get along just fine. Yes. My style involves speed and guile instead of brute force. And since you are a man of the mind, I'll teach you things to play to your strengths. Sure, you could learn how to swing a two-hander but that would take away from your spell casting. We'll start with basic knifing and staff-swinging then incorporate your spells into the mix and in the end you will be able to stand up to any armored knight."
