Mud and Magic Ch. 05


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"Of course not. And need I remind you that it was your goons who stopped me?" Cursing, the old man clambered onto his wagon and snapped the reins.

"Next!" the senior Watchman called. Thurguz strode forward, the other three members of his party in his wake.

"Welcome to Storm Harbor," the officer said. He was an older man, with an unpleasant, squinty-eyed face and a prominent paunch under his tabard. His eyes narrowed in recognition as he stared at Thurguz. "Oh, you."

"Hello Kreel. Still a sergeant I see," Thurguz said, almost comically jovial. He put out his hand for a shake.

The sergeant ignored it. "And you're as much of an ass as always. What is it this time?"

"My friends and I are here on a bit of a pleasure trip. You know. Millie's, Lucky Thirteen's -- I want to show my newest apprentice the good side of life."

Kreel's eyes swept over Rhys and Galdor and stuck to the towering form of Borna. "You're not trying to smuggle anything dangerous into the city under there, are you?"

"Heavens no. I am an upstanding citizen, as you should know. But you may of course inspect her."

"Yes, I think I will. You could transport a cage full of naked halflings under that cloak," Kreel snarled. "To the side, all of you." He and his three subordinates herded Thurguz and company off to the side, into a narrow alleyway between the inner side of the wall and a building flying the city's colors.

"Now, show me what you have under that cloak," Kreel ordered, hand on his sword.

"Do I have to?" Borna asked Thurguz.

"Please. We don't want any trouble with the local law enforcement, do we?"

"As you wish. Rhys, come here." Borna did something under her cloak, then her armored forearm appeared, holding out a tattered piece of fabric.

Rhys recognized it as her loincloth. Grinning, he took it and placed it over his arm. "Anything else you want me to hold, Borna?"

"That should do for the moment," she purred, her voice taking on a very unfamiliar, husky note. "Come closer, officer."

Galdor tried to stifle a giggle.

Snarling, Kreel sauntered closer. Borna undid the clasp holding the cloak around her neck and let the fabric rustle to the ground. In the dim light between the wall and the Watch building, the details were hazy at best but the towering figure with scarlet armor plates, vestigial wings, retrograde knees and a monstrous phallus pointing straight at Kreel's face was still easily visible. It didn't help that Borna's eyes gleamed like miniature candle flames. A long-taloned hand caressed over a shapely breast and her angelic features displayed a lewd grin.

Rhys, his gaze fixed on the spectacle before him, heard one of the Watchmen run away screaming. The others stood, transfixed by the sight before them. Borna's tail curled suggestively around her thigh.

"See? No naked halflings under the cloak. Just naked me," Borna purred. "Shall I walk over to that wall and spread my legs for closer inspection, officer?"

"So much for not smuggling anything," Kreel growled. "If that's not a dangerous monster, I don't know what is." He yanked his sword free.

"Sergeant, please. There's no need for violence," Thurguz said, trying to placate the red-faced and indignantly shaking Kreel. "She is perfectly harmless."

Galdor bit into his own forearm, his eyes streaming tears. His free hand pulled a small glass phial from his belt. Something glowed and bubbled within.

"Arrest them, all of them," Kreel ordered. "For helping a dangerous monster sneak into town. It may not be a dark elf or undead but we'll figure it out once they're in jail." Kreel looked over his shoulder, at the Watchmen. One was pale and almost at the mouth of the alley, poised to flee while the other, with a beet-red face was trying to hide a prodigious erection pushing against his pants.

The sound of booted feet on cobblestone came closer and another Watch squad rounded the corner. Five men, led by a panting officer with a blue cape. He was at least fifteen years younger than Kreel, had short, curly black hair and fresh stubble. His bright, grey eyes took in the situation in a heartbeat.

"Kreel, stand down. And whoever you are, please put on some clothing. You're scaring the men."

Kreel turned around and his face turned even darker, if that was even possible. "Thaion? And who the fuck made you Captain?"

"Leo did, just before he went off on his quest. If you have problems with that, file an official complaint with Lord Truthbringer. Now, what is the problem here?" Thaion asked.

Borna plucked her loincloth from Rhys' arm and wound it around her waist, tying her rampant hardness to her stomach. She shot the blushing sorcerer a playful grin and picked up her cloak again.

"This lunatic is trying to smuggle a dangerous monster into the city," Kreel said, pointing his blade at Thurguz. "I knew he was a menace and we should have locked him up ages ago."

"I have heard of Master Thurguz and his reputation as a person of honor. I'm certain his companions are cut from the same cloth."

"Don't you have eyes in that noggin of yours?" Kreel yelled. "That thing," his blade swiped in Borna's direction, "is a freaking monstrosity!"

"Now, now," Thurguz said, placing a placating arm on Borna's shoulder. The agitated swiping of her tail slowed down. "Poor Borna is victim of a curse and can't be held responsible for her appearance. If it makes any difference, I can vouch that she is perfectly harmless. Unless she is unfairly accosted, that is." He shot a meaningful look at Kreel.

"But-" the paunchy sergeant complained.

Thaion sighed. "You have far more job experience than I. Do I really have to quote to you the exact words of our laws? Watch regulations, chapter three for example: 'Only the obviously dangerous, like beast races, dark elves and the undead shall be accosted on sight.' Also, the same text, chapter one: 'Unless proven, every citizen and guest of our glorious city shall be assumed to be innocent until proven otherwise.' She didn't parade around naked out there, did she?" To Borna he said "You are female, are you not?"

"It's... complicated," she said. "Let's say I was born female. 'She' is fine."

"It was bloody obvious that there was something fishy about all of this. Sir. I only did what every duty-bound Watch officer would do. Sir. And I'd appreciate it if you don't make me look like an utter idiot in front of the boys. Sir. Leo did that often enough already. Sir." Kreel rammed his sword back into his scabbard and balled his fists. "Permission to return to gate duty, sir?"

"I think you should take the rest of the day off, along with your squad. I'll take over the rest of your shift," Thaion said. "You of course will receive your full salary. But I think you could use a drink and some quiet. Move out."

"Yes. Sir." If looks could kill, Thaion would have turned into a merrily burning torch as Kreel stomped past him, snarling at his men to fall in behind him.

Thaion bowed in front of Thurguz and Borna. "I am deeply sorry for my subordinate's conduct."

"Don't be. Kreel and I have never seen eye to eye thus far," Thurguz said, waving a hand dismissively. "Congratulations on the promotion."

"Thank you." Thaion straightened up and visibly relaxed. "Truth be told, it feels more like a punishment than an honor. Not too long ago and I was just a lowly patrolman."

"Captain Leo must have seen something in you," Thurguz grumbled. "Now, are we free to begin our visit of your fair city?"

"Of course. And again, I am deeply sorry for Kreel's conduct."

"Don't mention it. Alright everyone, next stop: Miss Millie's!"

Thurguz left the alley and briskly walked up the road past the Watch house. The others soon caught up with him.

"You don't seem very popular around here," Rhys said to Thurguz.

The half-orc laughed. "What gave you that impression?"

"Kreel's whole behavior. I'm no expert on city guards but he seemed even sleazier than Carver's goons."

"Let's just say that Kreel and I have a history. I first met him when he was a fresh recruit, barely older than you. He had fire and determination and seemed like a good candidate. Back then, I tried my hand at finding new agents who were not touched by Carver's evil for the first time."

Together they passed a few storehouses before the road widened to a large plaza. To the left, Rhys could make out a large, low building which wrapped around the northern side of the plaza. He could hear the noises of draft animals and the unmistakable smell of fresh manure was rather obvious. In front of the stables, arrayed in neat rows, were many of the wagons they had seen enter the city, surrounded by bustling people unloading them. The right side of the plaza, beyond a small fountain, had a long, three-story house with a bright green shingle roof and timber-framed upper stories resting on a fieldstone ground floor. Colorful flower boxes hung in front of most windows and a large sign over the door proclaimed it to be 'Miss Millie's House of Respite.'

"It didn't work out?" Rhys asked.

"It sure as hell didn't. Let's say Kreel lacked moral fiber. After the other students, especially the girls, bitterly complained about him, I had no choice but to send him on his merry way. He's still convinced to be one of the good guys."

"Yeah, right," Rhys snorted. He looked Miss Millie's up and down. "That looks like some fancy inn."

"It's not," Borna said, sniffing. "I can smell the whores from over here. And some do smell very promising." Rhys heard something rustle under her cloak.

"What are we doing here exactly?" he asked. "Do we have the time...?"

Galdor chuckled. "Millie is one of our contacts in the city. And as you can see, her establishment has the benefit of being very easy to access. Unlike Nezha's."

"Let's hope she found the time and actually can provide the information we need," Thurguz muttered.

"I'll wait outside, if you don't mind," Borna said, settling down on a bench close to the fountain. "The smell alone has me quite excited. The last thing I need now are a few naked whores making it worse."

"Well, I don't mind ogling a few cute boys and girls. Last time I was here Millie promised to source a few sexy dwarf boys just for me," Galdor said, rubbing his hands together.

"You can ogle all you want, but remember we're here on business," Thurguz admonished the grinning dwarf. "You coming, Rhys?"

"You know what? I think I'll stay with Borna, keep her company. And make sure the Watch leaves her alone."

"You're missing out," Galdor sing-songed. "But I applaud your chivalry." He and Thurguz entered the House of Respite.

Rhys sat down next to Borna, taking a deep breath. Even though traffic had thinned out compared to the outside of the gate, he was surrounded by an awful lot of people making quite the noise. The looming presence of Borna, as crazy as it sounded, was something like an anchor, a familiar, soothing sensation in the maelstrom of city life.

"You didn't have to stay," Borna softly said. "I can handle myself."

"I'm not sure I want to stumble around in there, blushing at every naked body passing by."

"You're cute when you blush. And you didn't blush when I nearly smacked Kreel with my dick."

"I'm afraid Sen spoiled that particular surprise." Rhys touched her arm through her cloak, feeling the sharply angled edges of her chitinous armor plating. "You know, this is the first time we've actually talked."

Borna snorted. "It's not like my whereabouts are a well-kept secret. You know where my room is. Next to Hilgrun's."

"That's not what I mean. Between the crushing schedule and me being too afraid to just walk up and say 'hello'..."

"I'm sure my burning claws don't exactly help," Borna said, a harsh note of bitterness in her usually emotionless rasp. "Or my statuesque looks."

Rhys grinned. "And everyone I've talked to was genuinely terrified of you. That created a certain reputation. But sitting here, right next to you, I think it's not too bad."

"You haven't had sex with me yet," Borna said ominously. She hung her head. Her stinger clacked to the cobbles behind them. "Things often go wrong when I lose myself."

"What, like carving furrows into your lover's back? Elara did that to me. Nothing a quick healing spell can't fix."

"Her fingernails are not covered with negative energy. Mine are. It sucks your life force right out of you. Galdor wanted to try me and I nearly killed him when I forgot to hold on to the bed and not his shoulders."

"Can't you turn it off? I've read about permanent enchantments but the caster can suppress them if he needs to."

Her hood rustled as Borna shook her head. "No. I can't retract the claws, I can't turn off the sparks. It's as much a part of me as barbs on a porcupine."

"Hm. If all your limbs are shrouded in energy, how can you...?"

"Not everything is shrouded in energy. That's the joke. My mouth, my cock and my other orifices are perfectly fine. I can be fucked to your heart's content but woe to anyone I want to touch."

"How come? What exactly happened to you?"

A soft, bitter laugh. "That's a long story, Rhys. And I'm not sure we're close enough yet."

"Don't tell me you're taking a page out of Hilgrun's book. Do I need to beat you at anything to hear it?"

"I haven't told Thurguz or Idunn what happened to me and I owe them my life," Borna growled. "As much as I like you, right now you are just another student who might die within the next few hours. I want to make sure you're tough enough for what I have to share." She pointedly looked at his hand, still caressing her forearm.

Rhys got the hint and removed his hand. "Sorry. I didn't mean to prod."

"Don't be. I'm flattered you found the nerve to talk to me."

Now it was Rhys who looked away. He brushed his hair out of his face before resuming eye contact. "You know, nearly dying changes a lot of things. And compared to that Raghbairn, you're actually quite nice."

"If I had any, you would have just charmed my panties off me," Borna said, chuckling. "I'm with Chassari. Don't die." She pointed at Miss Millie's. "That was quick."

Accompanied by a small, curvy halfling woman wearing a sheer white nothing and what looked like dark elven siblings, brother and sister naked from the waist up, Thurguz and Galdor appeared in the doorway. The half-orc bent down and smooched a comically loud kiss onto the halfling's cheek while Galdor expertly ogled the male dark elf's crotch, nodding at the erection tenting his loose pants. A few parting words were exchanged then the two of them joined Rhys and Borna.

"No trouble?" Thurguz asked.

"None whatsoever," Borna purred. She nearly placed her hand on Rhys' thigh but quickly thought better of it. Nevertheless, he could feel strands of a deathly chill caress his skin. He shivered. "The two of us had a pleasant heart-to-heart. And you were right, as always. I do like him." She blew Rhys a kiss. "How did things go in there?"

"If it were up to Galdor, we would be neck-deep in naked bodies," Thurguz chuckled. "Including a medusa and a female centaur, besides his usual guilty pleasure." He nodded towards the door where the dark elves had just disappeared.

"What can I say? I like the fancy things in life," Galdor said, shrugging. "Millie asked what I wanted to see and I indulged her."

"You could have as easily said 'we're here on business, sorry,'" Thurguz grumbled. "Without that little nipple, cock and pussy parade, we could have been in and out there like this." He snapped his fingers. "Oh well, can't be helped. According to Millie, the closest entrance into the old Elven academy is from Temple Run, just outside of the House of Silks. We can bypass the sewers, thank Mercy for that, and need to keep an eye out for elven sigils. Who among you can read Elven?"

Borna raised her hand. Galdor sighed. "We should probably visit Scholar's Run and grab a few pages from an elven book. I can cook up a potion-"

"We shouldn't waste much more time. The sooner we're there, the better our chances to surprise Carver's men, not the other way round," Thurguz said. "Two will have to do."

* * * *

"Watch where the fuck you're going!" Another elbow struck his midsection, another hostile stare lanced into him. Rhys sighed in annoyance. He had taken his eyes off his surroundings for less than a second to look at the beautiful marble facade of Mercy's temple. More than enough time for another pedestrian to slam into him.

He had been walking the streets of Storm Harbor for less than an hour and already his ribs were bruised, his feet ached from one too many careless feet stomping on his toes and he was utterly frustrated. The others, Galdor, Thurguz and Borna, didn't seem to have the same problems he had. No one elbowed them. Borna especially sailed serenely along the crowded boulevard Thurguz had called 'Temple Run,' as if she emitted some kind of force shield sparing her form such mundane troubles as oncoming traffic. Even draft animals gave her a wide berth.

That's probably not something she's happy with, Rhys mused, barely evading another person, this time earning a shoulder against his arm for his trouble. A moment later, he heard a surprised sound, somewhere between a grunt and shout. He turned on his heels and saw Galdor, holding the person who slammed into him by the belt.

"I think he has something of yours, Rhys," Galdor said.

"Leave me be or I'll call the Watch," the man said, angrily trying to dislodge the dwarf's hand.

"Sure, go ahead," Galdor said. "We can then discuss the issue of the purse you just cut. Rhys, check your belt."

Rhys patted himself down under his cloak. To his horror, his loot bag had vanished, along with his shrunken battle staff.

"I have been-"

"Preposterous!" the man roared, still trying to get Galdor's hand off him. Rhys noticed that the dwarf's fingers had a dull grey, metallic sheen. "I'm an upstanding-"

"-member of the Guild," Galdor said, raising his other hand. In it, he held a small leather square embossed with a snarling dragon's head. "Just because my friend here still has a bit of bumpkin smell on him doesn't give you the right to rob him blind."

The man paled. "You pilfered my pockets?"

Galdor snickered. "As if you thieves had the monopoly on sleight of hand. Tell me, what happens if Nezha finds out you lost your guild badge?" The leather began to smoke where he held it between thumb and index finger.

Suddenly, the thief's bluster vanished. Maybe it had to do with Galdor's threat, maybe it had to do with Borna and Thurguz joining the steadily growing circle of onlookers. She crossed her arms over the cloak-covered curves of her breasts, angled armor plates and sharp claws on full display. Even over the noise of the street, Rhys could hear the rhythmic swooshing of her tail. She was clearly itching for a fight.

"All right, all right, fine. Here's your crap. Probably not worth all the trouble anyway," the thief snarled, tossing Rhys' bag and staff onto the cobbles. "Can I go now?" He again tried to pry Galdor's fingers off his belt, to no avail. He could have tried to break an iron clamp.

"What do you say, Rhys?" Galdor asked.

The young sorcerer picked up his belongings and quickly checked his bag's contents. Both wands were still intact and the money seemed to be there as well. He tied both bag and staff back onto his belt. "I have my stuff back, that's what matters. Let him go."

"As you wish," Galdor said. The Guild badge burst into flames. "Oops. My bad."

"What did you do that for?" the thief croaked, now clearly distressed.

"Just a quick lesson. You might want to double check which marks to pluck. They could have powerful friends." Galdor patted ash off his palm. "Sorry about that. But I'm sure Nezha will not flay your hide if you're a good little submissive slave for a night or five."
