Mud and Magic Ch. 12


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I need to ask Marissa about the details. She usually remembers such things.

His hunch had proven right though. The dark elven matriarch was an excellent source of nourishment. Her wickedness was only eclipsed by a gleeful sense of inventiveness which put even Faedal to shame. He gently touched her shoulder.

Jhaless Dree'vex was awake in an instant, her gray eyes boring into his. "If it is more pussy or ass you want, turn around," she hissed. "I've had enough dick last night, thank you." A dagger appeared between her fingers. "Usually I kill those who disturb what little sleep I allow myself."

"Spare me your threats. I would not have entered your pleasure den if I wasn't ready for dark elven hysterics," Carver mildly replied. He touched the emblem of Desire he wore and closed his hand around her dagger. The razor-sharp obsidian blade didn't even nick his skin as he pulled the weapon out of her hand.

Jhaless sat up, her eyes gleaming in barely controlled fury. "What is it you want, you irritating human male?"

Carver allowed himself a little smile. "As far as insults go, that last one lacked a certain something, dear Matriarch. I would like to extend... an offer. Something to deepen our existing alliance. Something which might prove beneficial for the both of us."

"Couldn't that have waited until after breakfast?"


"Out with it then. I have spent enough time up here already so we might wrap this up today."

"I didn't just join you to partake in your otherworldly pleasures last night," Carver said.

"That much was obvious. You seemed more interested in that fuckstick than either me or your sorceress," Jhaless said, jabbing a thumb to where the Remembrance was continuing her grisly feast. "I'm glad we could persuade you to partake. You have such a sweet ass," the dark elf said, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

Carver squirmed on the sheets as another memory stirred. The panting dark elf, shoving a sizable erection up his rear while Marissa was under him, noisily pleasuring his own hardness. In the harsh light of day, Carver wasn't sure if he'd gone mad or not. To his surprise, he noticed his loins stirring.

"You left me little choice," he said softly.

"You enjoyed every little moment of it," Jhaless said. "You came as if you haven't had any sex in the last century. Over and over again. And she willingly took most of it. I am impressed at the loyalty you coax from your subjects." The dark elf cackled softly, reaching past Carver. She dragged her fingers over Marissa's stomach, down to her shaved nethers. The sorceress sighed and spread her legs.

Carver intercepted Jhaless' hand. "Before you involve her into proceedings, let me present my offer."

The grinning dark elf deftly reversed the grip and easily steered Carver's finger between Marissa's folds. The sorceress opened her eyes and afforded Carver a wistful look. "Yes, Morgan. Please. Leave your gentle fingers right there." She rolled her sex against his hand.

"Maybe we should continue this discussion once your pet has been sated. I wouldn't mind another show while I cleanse myself," Jhaless said, sliding off the bed, utterly unperturbed by the horrifying sight in front of her.

"I'm not in the mood," Carver said. "Especially not when important things have to be discussed."

"Not in the mood? Morgan, what is this then?" Marissa rolled around on the bed until she could place her cheek onto his thigh. Her hot breath caressed his throbbing erection. "This looks like a lot of mood for me." Her fingers closed around his shaft. Before Carver could protest, her lips followed suit.

Carver sat there, unable to act. For all his god-given powers, for all his willpower, he was unable to push the greedily sucking and moaning head off his erection. The sensation was so... fresh, so raw, he simply couldn't bring himself to shove her away.

He heard water splash and saw Jhaless rinse herself down in the bathtub. "And like all males, you are a slave to your cock," she calmly proclaimed. "Pathetic."

The Dragon Stone. That's the only reason for keeping you alive right now, Carver thought grimly. On his lap, Marissa's head was bouncing up and down, coaxing more unusual sensations from his rod. Gasping for air, she let him slip from her mouth. "Fuck me, Morgan. Please. Once more is all I ask." She crawled on hands and knees in front of him, presenting her backside. He spotted large red welts on her creamy skin, left behind by Matron Dree'vex no doubt when she had urged Marissa on last night.

Marissa's scent, her lewdly swaying backside right in front of his face, her fingers caressing herself -- all that made it very hard to resist. But the small knot of anger Jhaless' insults had ignited helped. Carver left the bed, causing Marissa to wail in disappointment. But not for long. A few moments later, there was the unmistakable sound of fingers thrusting into wet flesh.

"There you are, pointing your cock at me," Jhaless sneered. She left the bathtub and claimed a towel which had miraculously survived the previous night's debauchery. "So what is so damn urgent that you even forego another round with that delicious cunt of yours?"

"I want to cast a spell on you," Carver said carefully. "A magic connection between the two of us which would allow, for example, instant communication across vast distances and the sharing of beneficial spells."

Matron Dree'vex, her hands busy between her thighs, looked up in surprise. Then she straightened up, tossed her head back and laughed.

Carver raised an eyebrow. The sudden outburst of mirth even shocked Marissa into inactivity.

Jhaless wound the towel around her hips, crossed her arms in front of her ample bust and fixed Carver with a cold, cruel gaze. "No."

"Why not? It would be a beneficial arrangement for the both-"

She cut him off with a slash of her hand. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Fine." She counted the reasons off her fingers. "First, our alliance is a temporary one. It would be foolish of me to tie my fate to yours longer than I have to. Second, your goddess was directly involved in the making of mine. She promised the Fateweaver children to raise and nurture. What did she deliver? Ungrateful, deceitful vipers! Curse the Moon Maiden and that Trickster brat!" She spat onto the floor. "Third, I would rather get fucked by a whole cave full of drunk goblins than allow a male to tether me to him." She claimed her robe off the back of a chair and dressed. "And finally, do you take me for a fool? I know you want to siphon off my debauchery so you don't have to sully your own hands." She walked over to the bed, rammed two fingers into Marissa's snatch and finger-fucked her until the sorceress screamed in lust. "You won't believe what willing lovers tend to mutter in their sleep."

Jhaless wiped her hand on the sheets and turned to face Carver. "My daughters are twice the man you are. They tend to kill their first males way before their first crimson tide. With their own hands, mind you. And here you are, dreaming of building a kingdom while you are too weak to kill your own prey. I am in half a mind to kill you and show the world how a real conqueror operates."

Marissa pulled herself into a sitting position. "Tell me, Morgan. Why exactly do you need this bitch?"

"Mind your tone-" Jhaless began.

The disheveled, naked sorceress made a small gesture with a finger. There was the sound of leather tearing, a sharp curse from Jhaless and suddenly, Marissa had an obsidian spider sitting on her palm.

"We need her because her House is in possession of a Dragon Stone. Killing her would only cause strife between them and us."

"Cast your tether on me, Morgan," Marissa suggested. Gone was her pleading tone, gone was everything save cold, icy rage lacing her voice. "You don't need her."

"I hope you know what you're about to do," Jhaless snarled. She raised a hand and a disc of force sprang into existence, projected by one of her rings. "If you kill me-"

"-we will deal with your daughters." Marissa offered half a smile. "It's interesting what willing lovers mutter in their sleep. For example how you can't kill your eldest despite her trying to usurp you on a regular basis?"

A slow smile spread over Carver's lips. He gently touched the amulet of Desire and caressed Marissa's hair. A rainbow of dark energy sprang into being between them. Her arousal and desire for him nearly took out his legs but he quickly caught himself on the bed frame.

He caught movement in the corner of his eye. Jhaless had raised her arm halfway, either to launch some spell or to order the Remembrance to pounce, but Marissa was quicker. A foot-long, razor-sharp splinter of obsidian launched from her palm, punched through the shield disc and tore into Jhaless' forehead. It exited her skull in a shower of brains, blood and bone shards, only to bury itself in the Remembrance's skull. The horrifying monster twitched once before crumpling into a heap of bloated flesh and chitinous legs.

A wave of energy washed over Carver, driving the last vestiges of fatigue and exhaustion away. His senses sharpened, his unrest diminished and whatever spiderwebs Jhaless Dree'vex had pulled over his mind dissipated.

"We should probably speak to Jhaless' second-in-command," Carver said, wiping hair from his face. "They will be wondering what happened to her."

Marissa shook her head. "You heard her. She'll happily kill anyone who disturbs her sleep, whoever they may be." She rose from the bed and closed the distance, trapping Carver's erection between them. "The way I see it, we have enough time to seal our new relationship with a good, thorough fucking." Her fingers closed around his cock, lending extra weight to her argument. "Or make that two. My pussy. And then my ass. I want you everywhere."

For once, Carver decided not to disagree.

* * * *

To be continued in Chapter XIII -- The Heart

(c)2020 Blind_Justice

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Dark_RavenDark_Ravenover 3 years ago
Awesome so far!

Loving the tale so far. Great work! I just wish I hadn't found it before it was completed. I'll probably completely forget about this by the time it's finished a year or two from now.

My first impression was, "Thank the gods I finally found a Lit author that writes in the proper 3rd person rather than a 1st person perspective!" Way too many stories on Lit are written from a 1st person perspective. Hell, some are even written in present tense (*vomit*).

Honestly ask yourself: If you were in a tower with a couple of great healers, as well as having access to healing potions, and your knee was all kinds of fucked up, wouldn't you get that taken care of ASAP, regardless of having to break your leg again? The mistake Rhys made in this chapter was to not think of asking Astra'il for a bit of that potion she carries that changes pain to pleasure, then using that while getting his knee re-broken and fixed.

One thing that really bothered me was Celeste's "conversion". Here is a person who has been a Cleric for the last 10-12 years, and suddenly she's not only making a bargain with Desire, but also becomes a homicidal maniac with no remorse? The way the story is written, Desire makes a bargain with a human (this for that), which in no way includes making the person insane or homicidal. Unless the "something that won't be missed" is her conscience...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very well written

I gotta say, i came across the story by random and have been hooked into it ever since. You have an amazing world created and I'd really like to see just how far you can take it. Even possible that it could become it's own book series as there are so many possibilities. Keep going with it, cant wait to see what lies in store for Celeste or if Carver is managed to be stopped.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenabout 4 years ago

Yeah. Complicated.

Its weird sometimes to be sat in the position we are in. Being aware of things the characters are not. Watching things unfold from many perspectives, and then wondering how it is that they cannot also see the threads as we have seen them.

The shifts in information this chapter has presented to us. Difficult. At first I didn't understand what Carver had done, and It wasn't until it was explained by Carver in his own words that I really understood that it wasn't a sequence break. But that just raises even more questions. I am as surprised as Rhys and Celeste that the creature displayed in past chapters was even capable of acting in such a manner. His manner and the pace he's set forth aren't exactly opposed to what he's shown, but this new information makes him more dangerous. Not just to Rhys and company, but also against the disciples of Desire herself. A cunning animal seeking exact wordings of divine contracts is intriguing. That coupled with the rift sparked by politics, that before even a full day had passed it seemed, was rendered unnecessary... changes things. There are things that once cast aside, cannot be so easily regained, and I would think that the trust and faith of an evil man to be one of those. Its strange to think how a couple of chapters can change things so drastically. Now I'm far more interested in what Faedal is up to, while Carver's machinations no longer quite hold my rapt attention.

I could reread these past chapters again, and I might just, if only to work at the question: What did Celeste bargain away to earn what powers she gained? And something quite new trailing after that thought: What too for Faedal? Perhaps that too has been discussed already, but I am unsure. Its scary how effective Desire is at brokering deals, when every instance and example we're taught says she screws over the applicant. But, I suppose that's the point isn't it? Since there are so many stories so prominently known, that she can fulfill one's wish is apparent. Giving her access to the foolish, the desperate, and the arrogant, an ample supply among many of the races I'd imagine. She may not gain the lip service of the masses, but through her contracts she rends "worship" from those in her grasp.

I seem to have written a rather long comment ^.^ I hope you see this as a compliment to your work, and an avenue that I might express my thanks to you for your work. Thank you.

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