Mum's Friend Pt. 02

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Rob invites Tammy to make it real and she is spanked.
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/12/2022
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It was after 9 a.m., and Tammy was still lying in bed. There was no reason to get up; it was the day after her birthday, and yesterday had been thrilling. Today was Saturday and she was going out with her friend tonight to celebrate turning 18. It would be messy and probably late, so resting now was a good idea.

Her phone buzzed and she lazily rolled over and grabbed it from her bedside table. She blinked her eyes a few times to clear them, to enable her to read the text that had come in. It would be one of the girls flaking on tonight.

"Hi, it's Rob. What are you doing today?"

Tammy rolled her eyes, then typed back, "Nothing until tonight, when I am going out with friends."

She threw the phone on the bed, wondering what depravity would be requested now, as she lay back down.

Quite quickly her phone buzzed again, there was an image on it that she loved, but would never admit that was the case. It was her panties wrapped around a rock-hard cock, with cum all over them. The cock had a good girth, but she didn't think it was that long, judging by the porn she watched. She felt arousal course through her body. However the phone buzzed again, and there was a text with it.

"Do you want to have some real fun today?" She read Rob's words several times. Part of her wanted this little piece of fun to go away now, but a much bigger part wanted to find out where it went.

"Maybe. What do you have in mind?" she texted back after a minute of thinking about it.

The three dots appeared for a long time then the text popped up, "If you do, then go to the station at 10 a.m. It is only a few minutes' walk from you. At the bottom of the car park will be a blue sports car. Go to it and get in the rear passenger side door. A man called Alan will be waiting for you."

Tammy's heart had started to beat a little faster as she replied, "Why should I?"

Quickly a response came from Rob. "To find out where your fantasy goes, and because I can still text your mum."

The texting her mum thing was getting old, but he was right. She did want to find out where her fantasy went, so she texted back, "Fine I will be there."

Tammy only had 35 minutes; she moved quickly in her naked state to the bathroom. She could hear her parents downstairs, so no chance of being caught naked on the landing. Her stepdad had once, about a year ago, and he had never looked at her the same since. She quickly showered, and in a bathrobe, ran back to her bedroom.

She dressed as fast as she could, black thong and matching bra, the same short black leather skirt from yesterday, a white V-neck t-shirt that barely hid her black bra and a denim jacket. She slipped on the same mid-heel black shoes from yesterday, then took them off. White sneaker socks came out the drawer and were on in a flash, then the white and pink Nikes that went with this outfit. Tammy liked the idea of being able to run if required, and even with that thought in her head, the amazing stupidity of what she was about to do did not occur to her until later that night.

With a piece of toast in one hand and her phone in the other, she shouted, "I will see you later," into the room her parents were in, and shot out the front door. She had 8 minutes to get to the station.

Tammy had walked quickly and was very slightly breathless as she got to the station. She turned into the car park, and walked towards the back; a blue car was parked in one of the spaces in the empty part of the car park but she could not see it properly.

She approached it slowly; it was one of those new electric Porsches, with very black windows in the rear half of the car. But she could see the driver, and he was a man in his mid-forties, short brown hair, with flecks of grey, and a happy-looking round face. He turned as she walked to the back of the car and opened the door.

"Alan?" she said cautiously.

"Yes," he replied, and she got in, to see a mobile phone facing her, clearly filming her.

"Can you confirm you are Tammy Day?" he asked.

"I am Tamara Day, yes," she replied

"And you are here because you have an agreement with Rob Jones, and have consented to everything that will happen today?" Alan continued.

Tammy thought about that. She did not actually know Rob's surname, and she had no idea what was going to happen. So, how could she consent? But she guessed if she said anything other than 'yes' at this point, everything would stop.

"Yes," she simply said.

"You are over 18," came the next question.

"Yes, I turned 18 yesterday," she replied.

The man stopped recording and put the phone down. He turned more towards her, and said, "Please can you turn around back to me and put your hands behind your back?" Tammy complied, and was surprised when handcuffs were put on her. She was about to complain, but it was bloody obvious what was going to happen if she had stopped and thought about it before complying, so instead of speaking she admonished herself inside her head for not thinking.

"You can sit back now," Alan said, as he started to get out of the car. She sat back into the seat, arms a little uncomfortable behind her, and watched him walk around the car to her door.

He opened the door, and said, "I am going to put a hood on you; can't have you seeing where we are going. Then I will put your seatbelt on."

"OK," she said, a little concerned, but not much she could do about it now. The hood slipped over her head. It was a very heavy material; everything went very black, and it was unnerving when he bent across her to put the seatbelt in. Then the door closed. She listened as he got back in the driver's seat and closed his door, then silently they moved off. Once they were out of the car park the car moved incredibly quickly, the sound more like a jet engine than anything else, but the speed was very disorientating and it was less than a minute before she had lost track of where she was.

When Alan spoke, it made her jump. "Rob told me about you last night. It was very interesting," he began, but she did not know how to respond, so he continued. "When you are dropped off later, I will be surprised if you are able to walk, and there is nothing you can do now to stop that."

The words cut into Tammy, when it dawned on her that right now nobody knew where she was, and she was tied up, at the mercy of this man that she had no idea who he was. She was getting very aroused, but at the same time, fear was building. She had no clue what was in store.

When the car stopped, she had no idea where she was. She could not deny the excitement that she felt, but that was heavily coloured with a fear that she had been incredibly stupid. But the door opened quickly, and the fear dropped away a lot when Rob's voice said, "Come on, out of there."

Her seatbelt was undone and she was half-guided and half-forced out the car. Then a few steps, and she could tell straightaway that she was inside, followed by more footsteps, then a house door closed.

"Where am I, and what are you going to do?" Tammy asked, a nervous twang to her voice.

"You are at my house," said Alan. "I have a setup that suits today."

"And you will see," Rob said, "but all you need to know for now is that you will not like it at all, and there is nothing you can do to stop it." His voice was not cruel or unkind, more like gleeful. She was not sure if that was at her obvious discomfort or the thought of what was to come.

She was walked a little further on a hard stone or tile floor, then she was stopped, and was sat down on a hard chair. A hand grabbed one of her legs, lifting it off the ground, and her Nike and sock was removed, followed by the other. She tried to resist the second leg being lifted, but the chair was tipped back a little, throwing her off balance, and she lifted her foot in reflex. 'Fucking hell, they know what they are doing,' she thought.

"What are you doing?" she asked, still looking into the utter blackness of the hood.

"You will be naked, shortly," Alan said, as she felt hands on her thong, and it was roughly pulled down. She struggled left and right, trying to force her bottom into the chair to stop it, but it was in vain. "No, stop, I don't want this," she cried out, but that was met with laughter.

She wondered if they could hear in her words the little voice inside her that was screaming into her mind, "Yes you do. They are going to rape you, and you want that so bad." Or maybe Alan could see just how wet her pussy was; it must have left a puddle in that thong.

She was forced to stand, which she fought hard, trying to wrap her legs around the chair legs, and then pulling her knees up so her feet left the ground, but they didn't seem to care. She was dropped down to be basically squatting on the floor then jerked up fast, and much as she tried not to, she was now standing. Her skirt was unclipped and fell to the ground and just that quickly, she was naked from the waist down. She felt a leather cuff strapped to her left leg, and she pulled her leg away, but it was grabbed hard, and held in the cuff as it was done up.

She was forced back down into the chair, the wood cold on her bare skin, and one of them held her tightly there, as her right leg was pulled apart from her left. In fact, they were stretched apart, more than a meter she thought, as she felt another leather cuff forced onto her right leg and tightened. She tried to move her legs, but they were tied together by a bar, and spread wide, she had seen this in porn. It made girls, and even men, very immobile.

"I don't like that," she said, feeling more exposed than she had at any point so far.

"If you don't like that, then you will hate the rest of today," Alan said.

She was stood up again, and with her legs restrained as they were, she could not fight. Her arms were taken hold of very firmly, and by the feel of the hands, they each had one arm. Her hood was pulled off; the light was very bright, and she could see nothing. She blinked violently, feeling very disorientated again. Before she knew it, her handcuffs were undone and her jacket and top removed, quickly and uncomfortably pulled over her head. She still could not focus on anything, but as she bra clasp was released, she twisted left then right, trying to bend away from them. But it all felt pathetic against their strong grip. Moments later, her bra fell to the ground, her large, shapely breasts exposed to the world.

Again, she twisted and pushed with her feet as best she could, as they forced her to bend over. Then her right hand was in another cuff, leather like her ankles, and it seemed to be tied about halfway between her feet. 'This is not a comfortable position,' she thought, as her left hand was secured too.

Tammy's vision slowly came back, and the first thing she saw was her hands and feet cuffed to the spreader bar. She was in a large, very clean and tidy living room, a kitchen chair behind her. Tied as she was, it was easier to see behind her than anything else. She looked around as best she could, and saw a door to a very posh kitchen, with a marble floor she had likely walked across minutes before. There was a large window, but the blind was angled so she could not see out, just sun coming in, and she hoped that meant nobody could see in either. As she became more familiar with the room around her, she realised that there were a lot of sex toys in the room, and silk ropes, and canes, and paddles, and just about every piece of spanking equipment that she had ever seen on the internet.

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked. Her voice sounded terrified, but something in her head said she was in heaven. Everything she had ever dreamed of could happen in this room.

"To be frank, whatever we want. You are powerless to stop us; you foolishly got yourself to the point where you have no control, and while you may want that, you are not going to want everything we do to you," Rob said. He paused as if deciding if there was more to say. It took a moment then he said, "Normally we would give you a safe word, but that completely defeats the purpose of this."

The words fell uneasy on Tammy's ears; concerned did not get close to the feeling she had. But also, deep inside her, something felt very satisfied, and there was definitely a background arousal and desire.

Even as she was still thinking that, she was picked up by the two of them and was laid down on her back on the sofa, her arse on the arm raised above her body, her legs and arms in the air. As they lowered her, she bent her knees and elbows. In one way this was far more comfortable, but it made her think her cunt and arse were far too exposed and she straightened them again.

Just when she was sort of comfortable, she saw Alan approach with a paddle. It was not that big, leather covered, probably about the length of a forearm and about 3 inches wide, with the word slut in red on it. Even as he approached, he swung the paddle. The sound of air moving was all Tammy could focus on right up to until the point the paddle connected with her cheeks, with a thwacking sound. Tammy yelped, and squirmed in her position, but Rob was there in a heartbeat to hold her still and then in a rhythm of about one slap a second the paddle fell on her arse. It was not that hard, but it pounded on her, and she grunted with each slap.

Rob reached for a wand and around the 5th slap, the wand was pressed into her clit, the vibrations driving deep into her, and distracting her for a moment from the thwack, thwack on her arse. Tammy felt like the room was swirling around her; the wand was pressing hard on her clit, and she was building towards a climax quite quickly. She jerked as much as her bonds would allow, as muscles tightened, tension growing in her body. There was a dull ache from her bottom, and each slap made it worse, but it was a distraction at best. Her body was heading somewhere it had not been before. Orgasms for Tammy had been a warm glow and a tension release, and she knew this would be different; electrical energy seemed to be coursing through her body. Her muscles were locking and tight then relaxed, her mind was swirling and unable to focus on everything going on. As the wand moved slightly, and vibrations seemed to fire directly into her, she gasped.

Her gasp seemed to be a trigger, and the pressure Rob was placing on her clit increased. She breathlessly screamed, "Dear god, NO." She squirmed hard, trying hard to move the wand and pressure on her clit, but the wand stayed put. She started to moan, "Oh Jesus, oh God. Stop, please stop, I can't, no I can't. Jesus, I am cumming!"

Tammy's mind was lost in the words she moaned, and she was completely unable to focus as she shook, an orgasm bursting through her. It was unlike anything she had experienced before, her mind euphoric as her body almost felt like it was floating, energy streaming out from her clit that ached with pleasure. But the wand was not moved, her climax dragged out, becoming more intense by the moment. She cried out, "Stop," but it was no more than a whisper. Tammy renewed her squirm with more vigour, trying to break the contact, but it was to no avail, as she almost sobbed, her world going black, her vision closing in. She was dimly aware of her arse still being spanked, just as the pressure increased again, her mons feeling like a cork in a shaken Champagne bottle.

Tammy had got to the point where she thought she might pass out, and her entire body relaxed. She thought she had pissed herself, as her pussy exploded. The pressure stopped and the vibration was removed. She coughed and spluttered trying to suck in air, her body shaking again.

After a time that she could not determine Tammy regained her perception of the room. Both Alan and Rob were watching her; she was still tied up, and she slowly became aware of the ache and sting in her arse cheeks. She looked at them for a moment, then composed her mind enough to ask a question. "What was that?" she asked, not really able to pull more words together.

"You squirted," Rob said. "Like a hose," Alan added.

Tammy took another moment to speak again, "I don't squirt," she simply said.

"You clearly do with the right stimulation," Rob said. "But now, to move on with making you do things you don't want."

Alan approached with something in his hand. She tried to look, but was not able to see, then a cold thick liquid dripped on her perineum. He pushed her legs towards her head and it spread her legs apart and opened her cheeks, as the liquid slipped onto her arse, and Tammy got a view of a butt plug.

"No, you can't," she screeched in a panicked voice. "Nothing has ever been up there. You can't."

"And how are you going to stop us?" Rob asked, almost mocking her, just as Alan's finger massaged the lube into her arse. As his finger slipped into her hole, she twisted as hard as she could, trying to fight, but Rob was there in a moment holding her still. "Stop with the lube. She deserves it as she is," he said to Alan.

Tammy fought for all she was worth, as the cold metal was placed against her butthole, and then pushed hard. She screamed, but it did nothing; the plug was simply pushed harder and she felt her sphincter give way and let it in. She felt the plug slide in, forcing open her arse, catching skin here and there, where there was not quite enough lube. She stopped screaming and started to breathe, deep breaths, trying to relax. She needed to let this in, or it was going to hurt. With a pop, her sphincter closed around the shaft and she felt the base press into her cheeks.

"There you go, not so bad," Alan said to her.

"Fuck off," she spat, but inside her head she was really pleased that she had been forced into something new. It hurt; well, no, it was uncomfortable. And it occurred to her that they were just carrying out what she had said yesterday she wanted.

Rob moved his head to just above hers and said, "While that is clearly not nice, later on his huge, fat cock is going up there, and you will wish you had that plug back." Tammy said nothing.

Rob continued, "You have no control here, and by the time we release you, there will be nothing but pain and discomfort in your body, and you will have to decide if you like not having any power to stop things or not."

Tammy bit her lip to keep herself quiet, as those words had turned her on again. She wanted to be used so much. Alan had got up and was quickly back. He handed Rob a strap, which he took and swung in the air. Tammy had watched girls being tortured with one of those, and the thought of it hitting her was both delightful and scary.

Before anything landed though, Alan spoke. "Now, Tammy, we have something to tell you. Your orgasm and squirt earlier was filmed, as was that butt plug going in. While you were, errrm....recovering, we have taken a number of contacts from your phone. Based on the texts, we think we have Emily and Molly, your best friends, several other girls and boys that appear to be in your school year, and Stuart, your step dad?"

Tammy did not like where that was going, but said, "Yes he is."

"Excellent. You do anything other than comply from now on, and they all get those videos," Rob said.

'Holy fuck,' she thought. 'I am trapped. I am their unwilling sex slave.'

The thought lasted only a moment, and was replaced by a yelp of pain as the strap slapped across her cheeks, so much more pain than the paddle flooded through her. Then another slap, and another. She was yelping as quietly as she could with each slap, the sting across her cheeks like nothing she had felt before. Degraded and used, being punished, she wanted to say, "Harder," but did not dare. Her fantasy was becoming real, but real pain was not quite as easy to deal with as pain that only existed inside her mind. She gritted her teeth, determined to ride this out, both loving and hating it, but everything was focused on a desire to know what was coming next.

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artty67artty67over 2 years ago

Love this. Can't wait to see how she handles a cock in her ass.

Johnslave13Johnslave13over 2 years ago

Holy fuck. Love it

diusfidusdiusfidusover 2 years ago

Can't wait to see where they take Tammy with this

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