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"What happened to her?"

"A drive by shooting. The kid shooter aimed at a gang kid waiting for the bus and hit three other people as well. The bullet that hit Honey blew right through her heart."

We were quiet for a long time. It was a tender, wonderful, sad time for me. There were two more people who understood, who cared. Eventually, we showered and dressed and went back to our lives. Bob came home that night and talked to me.

"The advice you gave me was right on. I think she was having a crisis. I think she loves me."

"Bob, I want to be your best friend. Not like we'll hang out all the time but I want to share what I know with you."

"Right. I'd like that."

"Are you as good a lover as you'd like to be?"

"I think I'm good."

"Good for you or good for Gena?"

"Gena has no complaints."

"Whoa! Is there a difference between no complaints and great?"

"Yeah, I guess there is."

"Women aren't like men. They are built differently. Not just because they have tits but the wiring inside is different. To be a great lover you have to make love to her wiring, touch what feels good to her, at her pace."

"I know that."

"How long does a session last?"

"When does the clock start?"

"Do you want to have her tonight?"


"Then the clock starts now. Your intention starts the clock. When you go into the house what will you do?"

"Put my stuff away. Wash up. Pee. Read the paper and wait for dinner."

"New routine. Put your stuff away after you kiss her and ask how her day was. Pee, then wash up, include shaving. My Dad used to say a man shaves in the morning for business, he shaves at night for love. Help set the table for dinner and read no more than one section of the paper. Make sure you tell her how much you like what she made for dinner. Help with the dishes."

"God damn, man. You think a man should do all that?"

"Test me. Do it for three days see what happens at bed time."

"Ok." He wandered home. I called his house. Gena answered. I said, "The guy coming into your house just looks like Bob. Be with him. Be gentle." I hung up.

At six the phone rang. "Pete." I said.

"Can I bring dinner and sleep with you?" Bonnie said.

"Sure. Come on over. By the way, who is this?" We laughed and by seven we were eating.

"I've been thinking about this morning all day." Bonnie said.


"And I have a friend I want you to meet. I've been thinking about introducing you for almost a year and I don't know why I haven't."

"What changed?"

"Whatever walls were up yesterday are gone. You've always been here for me, loved me, but it always felt like there was a barrier that kept me at a little distance. It melted this morning."

"I know what you mean. Yesterday I thought I was as open as any man could be. This morning you and Gena ripped through me and laid me open more than I believed was possible. Tears on my scars are very healing. They even got into my heart."

"So, can I introduce you to Ami?"

"Is she married?"

"No. Not married, forty-nine, widowed. Had two kids and they're gone too. Works as a secretary at a middle school. Taller than me, great body, loves being outdoors."


"No. Almost. In the sixties we called her hair strawberry blond. Do you like freckles?"

"Yeah, I think I do."



"She'll be here in fifteen minutes."

I stood and started cleaning up. "Fifteen minutes? What have you told her about me?"

"That you munch better than anyone on the planet! That we never go out because you're a recluse."

I stopped her and me. I said, "Seriously. Who does she think she's meeting?"

"Here's my quote. If I wasn't with John I would marry this man tomorrow! I would joyfully spend the rest of my life with him."


"Pete, I was telling the truth. I have loved you for years and this morning made me love you even more. If I can do anything that makes your life and Ami's better, I'll do it. You can get married in my back yard!"

The doorbell rang. Bonnie went to the door and I took the dishes into the kitchen. When I came back my breath fled me. Standing next to Bonnie was a vision. Tall, slender but not skinny, strawberry blond hair, not long enough to touch her shoulders, wearing a button-all-down-the-front dress and heels. The dress was of whatever that material is that makes my hands want to touch it, a floral print of mostly greens and browns with splashes of light pink. I saw all that after I saw the smile.

There are women who can smile and their face lights up. There are women who smile and they light up, all over. There are a few rare women that smile and the world lights up. Ami was in the third group. She smiled and I wanted to sing! My head told me she smiled just for me.

Bonnie said, "Ami this is Pete. Pete this is Ami."

We stood across the room just smiling and looking at each other for much longer than Bonnie was comfortable with.

"Do you want me to go?" She asked.

That brought us both into the moment. "I'm sorry. I feel like I've been struck by lightning. Please, sit down, both of you."

They sat on my couch. I sat in what obviously was my chair, a three year old recliner aimed at my television.

"Small talk. This is the small talk time. I need to ask good questions so I get to know you and you don't think I'm an idiot." I said.

"I know about you. Silly questions can come later. I came here because Bonnie is in love with you and she wants me to love you too. I came here because she said I will never again feel love the way I will feel it when you hold me." She got up of the couch and I started to stand. She pushed me back into the recliner and curled into my lap. Automatically, my arms went around her, she leaned her face to mine and we kissed.

Her lips were warm, ever so soft and willing but didn't feel anxious. We kissed and let our energy do the exploration. No tongue play, no groping, just two people kissing and allowing whatever was there to be.

The kiss ended and Ami looked at Bonnie. "Let me tell you what I know. I know you have been in his bed and loved being there. I know he has loved many times in his life and when he loves he gives his love freely. I know he loves me. I know he doesn't have an erection, and I don't care why. Love is so much more than an erection. How am I doing?"

Bonnie answered, "You got it all. I was in his bed last night, not for the first time, and I loved being there. I know he has loved many times and I'm blessed to be one of those he loves. I know he doesn't have an erection because he never has an erection. He was in Viet Nam and left his erections there. You're right, love is so much more than an erection."

Ami shifted a little and said, to me, "I want to be in a 24/7 relationship where he makes love to me all the time. I never want to be fucked again, physically, emotionally or spiritually. I need to live with a man who cares for me, protects me and partners with me. Are you him?"

"Yes!" I leaned over to pick up the phone. Ami stopped me.

"Who are you calling?"

"U-Haul. I need to rent a truck to go get all your stuff. You're moving."

She kissed me again. This time her tongue found mine. This time she put my hand on her breast. This time Bonnie excused herself and went into the bathroom. When she came back she had tissues in her hand and smeared mascara. Ami was still in my lap and my hand was still on her breast.

"Does this mean I no longer have a lover?"

Ami answered, "Pete eats you, and brings you pleasure John is unwilling to bring you. I have no objection to that at all. In fact, I'm looking forward to an orgasm that isn't plastic, myself. But, if I may ask, can our first night together be just us and can it be tonight?"

"I'm glad I bought new batteries this afternoon. Yes, you two enjoy. And Pete, lock the back door." She smiled. We got up and both kissed Bonnie good-night and sent her home. The door closed. Ami locked it and said, "Better lock the back door unless you want the neighbor lady in bed with us in the morning."

"How do you feel about it?" She stopped moving and thought.

"Leave it unlocked. I need to meet her anyway. Naked in bed is as good a way as I can think of."

In the bedroom we pulled the sheets off the bed and put fresh ones on. She sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her. I sat.

"Talk to me, please." She said.

"This is all new and oh, so familiar. I want to take my time undressing you. I want to massage your right shoulder and your feet. I want to take you under a hot shower and wash us both, getting to meet your body and love it. Then, if it pleases you I want to munch on you for hours."

"I like all of it except the last part. I'm sure that before we get all my things moved you will be given plenty of opportunities to munch me to many orgasms. Tonight I want my body to touch yours. I want to drink in and absorb you. I want us to touch, kiss, caress and not orgasm. OK?"

"Do you prefer I start with the bottom button or the top?"

"Undo the top button, then the bottom. Take your time. When the dress is held on by only my belt, I'll take it off for you."

I undid the top button. I kissed her mouth and down her neck to the freshly exposed skin. My hands found the button closest to the hem of her dress and undid it. I reached in and caressed one knee. I kissed her mouth again and my hands moved up to the second button from the top.

More and more skin was exposed as the buttons opened. When the forth button from the top opened I saw that there was no camisole and no bra to be removed later. I kissed her mouth and when the kiss ended she said, "I came here tonight believing you would love me for the rest of my life. I dressed for tonight, not wanting anything in your way. I do own bras, panties and other things."

"How wonderful, a gift package that wraps itself so I can unwrap it every night! Thank you, Ami."

The forth button from the bottom allowed my hands to caress her upper thigh. I helped her stand and I stood as well. My mouth found hers and as we kissed the fifth button from the top opened. Next was the belt. Below the belt were two buttons. I kissed down from her mouth across all the exposed skin, down to her belt. My hands undid the two buttons left and I opened her skirt and saw her pussy for the first time. The lips and surrounding skin were bare. Just above the slit a small tuft of strawberry blond hair resided. A few freckles populated the area. I kissed the tuft and smelled her arousal.

Ami helped me stand and did to me what I had done to her. She giggled when she went for my Levis and discovered I was wearing 501's, button front 501's. One button on my shirt then one below on my 501's. I thought a lot about her seeing my scar like this. When she pulled my Levis down and I was left with my briefs only I had to fight the urge to turn away. She stood back up and kissed my mouth again. Her hand ran over my briefs feeling what was underneath.

When the kiss broke she said, "I like how you feel." She kissed me again. Even after forty years it seemed strange to me that my briefs fit like ladies panties, smooth.

She stepped back and unbelted her dress. She opened it and dropped it off her shoulders and onto the floor. I stared. A pattern of freckles formed a "V" down between her breasts. Her pale skinned breasts were capped with nipples that were a soft pink color and the nipples were long, swollen and beautiful. Just above her tuft a five inch horizontal scar told of her having given birth.

She turned and showed me everything. I wanted to hold her ass in my hands. I wanted to drop to the floor and spend an hour kissing her ass, physically and metaphorically.

She faced me again and said, "Ok. Show me."

My fingers got my waistband and I bent quickly, lowering the briefs to my ankles. If I didn't stand back up my body hid the scars. I stood back up.

Ami stepped close and kissed me. Like when I had the briefs on her hand ran over the area. As the kiss ended she said, "I like how you feel and I want to explore you. May I?"

"Anything you want."

She put me on the bed and shut off all the lights but one, the bedside small lamp. She lay beside me with her head at scar level. Her hands touched me and she explored every inch of my scars. She moved and got between my legs. She put a hand at each side of the scar and put her face against the center of the scarred area. She kissed. I watched everything she did. She kissed my scars. A tear fell on my scars. She kissed again and another tear fell.

My tears fell too. An emotional well was opened and we cried together for a long time. At some moment I lifted her up across my body until we were face to face and kissing again. Ami pulled covers up and over us and we slept with my arms around her as she rested on top of me.

We woke up to the sound of my back door opening. Ami looked at me, winked and closed her eyes. The door closed. I heard clothes coming off in the kitchen then bare footsteps. When Gena saw the strawberry blond hair she stopped and gasped.

Ami lifted her head, slid to my side and said, "Good Morning. Did you come to join us?"

"I thought... I..."

"I know. You expected Bonnie to be here this morning. I talked her into letting us have last night to ourselves. By the way, I'm Ami."

"I'm Gena."

Ami lifted the covers a little and said, "Come on in. It's warm, cozy and quite friendly in here."

Gena looked like she might run but she slid under the covers anyway. I leaned to her and kissed her. Ami used a hand to hug her closer to me. When the kiss ended Gena said, "I hope this doesn't sound weird but Pete, you don't taste like pussy."

"Oh, he hasn't munched on me yet. We spent last night getting to know each other in a different way."

"Is Bob working this weekend?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"If I can get his help I'd really appreciate it. We're moving Ami in here and Bob has a truck."

"You're moving in?"

"Yes! We're neighbors!"

"Bob will never think you're fucking me again. Wait! What does this mean, exactly?"

"It means that for the rest of his life Pete is not allowed to fuck. He is free to munch pussy, play with titties, he can even stick a finger in your ass if you'd like but no fucking! Got it Mister?"

"Yes I do. I solemnly swear to give up fucking for the rest of my life... to make you happy!"

"But..." Gena started to say.

"He's giving it up for me. Please don't talk him out of it."

"If you say so."

"We both say so." I added. I kissed Ami and rolled over on top of her. She spread her legs and made it comfortable for me. We kissed a few more times.

"Maybe I should go?" Gena said.

"Didn't you come over for a munch?" Ami asked.


"Do you want just Pete or can we double team you?"

"Double team?"

"Sure, Pete can munch you down below and I'll maul your tits and kiss you from the waist up. In an hour we'll be good friends."

"Oh, I like how you make friends. Double teamed it is!"

I shifted over and down. Ami shifted so she and Gena were face to face.

"Relax, Gena, let me be the man for a while Ok?" Ami already had her hands on Gena.


I watched as Ami kissed her softly and gently on the mouth. Her hand rested on the side of Gena's face. They kissed many times that way. Gena put her hand on Ami's back.

Ami got the signal and shifted just a bit and moved her kisses to Gena's neck. I slipped my tongue along Gena's slit. Gena moaned and said, "God! Being double teamed by you two is incredible! I'm so close already."

I opened her legs slowly until her inner lips opened and I could see her juices. Ami looked at me and winked. She closed her lips over Gena's nipple and I put my tongue into her vagina. Before I could take another breath Gena shuddered and said, "I'm there!"

Her back started to arch and I moved up and sucked her clit. Ami squeezed her other tit and kept sucking on her nipple.

Gena moaned and shook some more. Ami switched from one nipple to the other. She pinched the one she had sucked and Gena sucked in her breath and stiffened again.

I did release her. Ami let go as well. We rested on either side of our neighbor and gently touched her all over. Her body shook with aftershocks, shuddered with being very sensitive and she closed her eyes. I pulled up the covers and the three of us napped.

When I woke up Gena was feeding me a nipple. It was in my mouth. I suddenly closed around it and sucked.

"Oh, our man is awake. Is he hungry? Shall we make food for him?"

I sat upright and said, "I forgot an important piece of data! Can you cook?"

"Did you see Gena orgasm?" I nodded. "Turn me loose in a kitchen and I can feed people food good enough to get that same response... well, almost."

"I have a kitchen. I'm not sure what's in it, but whatever is in there is yours. Do you want assistance or is breakfast your gift?"

"If I give breakfast will you give dinner?"

"Deal. Is Gena helping you, or am I snuggling with her a little longer?"

"Snuggle by yourself. I want Gena's help and maybe donations from her kitchen." They both were up and gone in just seconds. I spread out and listened to them playing in the kitchen.

"Do you like bell peppers?" Ami asked.

"In small pieces, yes."


"In small pieces, yes."


"Melted on your breasts." They both giggled.



The back door opened and closed. A minute later it opened and closed again. A couple minutes later they both came into the bedroom with one plate, one fork, a glass of orange juice and a mug of coffee.

I leaned against the headboard and Ami fed all three of us her incredible omelet. Gena gave each of us juice and coffee. When the food was gone she went back to the kitchen and did the dishes. Gena kissed us both and went home. She promised that Bob would help on Saturday.

Ami came to bed again and asked if I had a pen and a notebook she could have. I got it for her. The next hour was used making lists. What to bring first. What to buy at the market. What to get at the Builder's Center. Costco. We wandered around my home and I was comfortable doing it without dressing to cover my scars. Ami touched me often. I touched her often and we kissed often.

At noon it hit me. This was a school day and Ami worked at a school.

"Ami, why aren't you working today?"

"Yesterday, I got a call from Bonnie while I was at work. After the call I went in to my Principal and told her I needed today off. She asked why and I told her the truth. She gave me the day off."

"What truth did you tell her?"

"Francine, I'm going to meet a man tonight and by tomorrow I intend to be in love with him. My best friend loves him and loves me and she wants us to love each other. I trust her. I want to have tomorrow off because I don't want to have to rush out of his bed in the morning."

"How's it going, so far?"

"It's noon. We're still naked. The bed isn't made and I'm in no hurry. I do love you and I'm doing something I've dreamed about for five years; making the lists to move in with you."

"Would you please sit in this chair for me?"

She sat. "No, please face the back of the chair."

She turned around and sat. I pulled another chair close and sat behind her. I warmed my hands and began massaging her right shoulder.

"You knew it hurts?"

"You favor it. Do you always carry your purse on that shoulder?"


"Don't. The pain is telling you to stop doing what hurts."

"You saw it?"

"And felt it. I'll get to your feet soon... and often. Women just don't take good care of their feet. A few do, but generally I see women walking like shoes are supposed to be uncomfortable."

"If I didn't already love you, I'd start right now."

"Tucked away in the back bedroom is a massage table. Any time I see it set up I'll get the message that you want some attention. Any time I'm sitting somewhere and your feet are in my lap, they will get attention. Oh, add to the Costco list. Four pump bottles of lotion. We can put them four different places in the house so we never have to go far to get some."