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I panicked and blurted out louder than necessary: "Yes -- yes, please let me lick the sweat off his balls, too."

This time I heard derisive laughter from several people and a girl exclaimed, "WOW -- WHAT A SISSY-BOY!"

Tommy and Alex wiped down the barbells then began to walk away. I scrambled off the chair to follow them.

It was then I felt my rock-hard prick forcing the front of the panties to bulge outward. Anyone who looked could plainly see the outline of my erection pressing against the nylon fabric, and per Tommys' instructions, I had to keep my hands to my sides. I couldn't hide my excitement from the prying eyes of everyone at the pool.

It was a long, slow, tortuous walk to the apartment building door.

I heard one girl say to her friend: "It's a good thing he's a sissy cause he'll never satisfy a woman with that little thing!"

Her friend answered: "My clit's bigger than his prick!"

One guy turned to his girlfriend and said: "See baby -- I told you my dick is huge!"

As I passed-by an older couple in their forties I heard the woman say to the man: "How cute! I wonder if they loan him out for parties?"

By the time we went inside the building I was deaf to the scornful ridicule people heaped upon me.

I closed the apartment door and turned to face Tommy and Alex.

Tommy laughed and pointed at my crotch then said to Alex, "Look at her panties -- they're soaked!"

I looked down and saw a huge wet spot on the front of the panties. Sure enough -- my prick had leaked enough pre-cum to cause a large, wet stain. I wondered if everyone by the pool had noticed it, too.

Alex chuckled and said, "Yeah, her pussy is definitely wet...and you can see her little clitty is hard as a rock...."

"What did I tell you?" Tommy said to Alex. "She is one hot little piece of ass - and she loves cock -- in her mouth and pussy!"

Their words were hurtful. The heat was building on my face. I couldn't believe they stood there and talked like that right in front of me. Why did they insist on saying 'her' and 'she'?

"She's a pretty girl, too -- not a blemish or pimple anywhere on her body," Alex observed.

I finally defended myself. "I'm not a girl, dammit! I'm a guy -- stop talking like that in front of me!"

Smirks of mild amusement played on their lips.

"Come over here," Tommy said in a non-threatening tone of voice.

I cautiously approached them. Tommy didn't hit me the day before, but I wasn't so sure right now.

I stopped two-feet in front of them but Tommy pulled me against him. He lifted his arm then held my face to his armpit. His familiar odor filled my nostrils. A sense of shame washed over me as I admitted to myself I loved the scent of his sweat.

After a minute or so he pushed my head into Alex's armpit. He had a stronger, muskier aroma and I breathed deeply and let it fill my mind. My prick throbbed inside my panties.

"Play with our cocks!" I heard Tommy say through the fog in my brain.

Seemingly on their own volition, my hands reached down and rubbed and massaged the front of their gym shorts. I gasped and had trouble breathing -- the feel of their cocks coming to life under my fingertips was exciting and erotic.

Suddenly any objection I may have felt melted away in a river of lust and desire. I loved the heat and hardness of their cocks. I wondered what Alex's cock looked like -- I could already tell it was thicker than Tommy's.

"Lower your panties, girl," Tommy said softly. I groaned with disappointment at having to remove my hands from their hard pricks.

I hooked my thumbs in the waistband and pulled the panties down to just above my knees. My boner stood proud and erect between us. I thought it looked the biggest I'd ever seen it.

As if on cue, Tommy and Alex pulled down their shorts and jocks at the same time. An audible gasp escaped my lips when their huge rods of flesh sprang into my view.

Tommy positioned me so we stood in a small tight circle, our erections inches apart.

"Look at them, girl - look at our cocks then look at yours. Tell us who you think the real men are here...."

"I, ah..." I stuttered. The words wouldn't come to me as I stared at their magnificent erections -- so long and thick -- they made mine look like a short pinky-finger.

"Hold our cocks, girl -- feel how thick and heavy they are...."

I was hoping he'd say that. My hands greedily clasped onto their hardness and slowly stroked them. And, yes, I became very aware of how heavy they felt in my small hands.

Suddenly, a thrill ran up my spine as Tommy grasped my prick between two fingers.

"Can you honestly tell us that this tiny thing belongs to a real man?" Tommy asked.

He stopped talking so I guessed it wasn't a rhetorical question.

" -- it's not a real cock...." I said softly.

"This is an oversized clitoris, isn't it? It's really a clitoris, right?"

His questions made me feel sick inside, but I answered him anyway.

"Ah, yeah, I guess it's more of a clitoris than a cock...."

"Do manly men have clits?"


"Who has clits?"

"Girls and women have clits."

"Since you have a clit -- what does that make you?"

I didn't want to say it, but I felt so uncomfortable I wanted this line of questioning to end.

"It makes me a girl...I'm a girl...."

"You're a girl who loves manly cocks--you love manly cocks, don't you?"

My eyes misted-over. "Yes...yes, I love manly cocks."

"You love to give pleasure and satisfy manly cocks, don't you? How do you satisfy a manly cock? What do you love to do with manly cocks?"

"Why are you making me say these things? Why do you make me do these things?" I pleaded in a small voice.

And all he said was: "Because you keep coming back for more...."

I couldn't hold back anymore. He seemed to know everything I was thinking. My hidden shame and embarrassment was now out in the open for all to see. I revealed to them my long held, deepest and darkest secrets.

"I, ah...oh God yes--I love to suck a manly man's cock...I love it when a manly man fucks my pussy...oh God help me -- I love pleasuring men -- I love the smell and taste of a manly cock -- I love it when a manly cock shoots cum in my mouth -- I love the taste of a manly man's cum...."

Tommy stroked my hair and face. He held my head and kissed me on the lips -- our very first kiss. I marveled at how soft his lips felt on mine. I gazed into his clear blue eyes.

Finally he said: "Get on your knees and lick the sweat off our balls!"

That afternoon and into the evening Tommy and Alex used me like a girl; they had me do things for them I'd only fantasized about.

They really were 'manly-men'. Thirty-minutes after I'd satisfied their cocks with my mouth or pussy they were ready for more. I lost count of the number of orgasms I'd coaxed from them.

It was nine-o'clock when I sat scrunched between them on the sofa. We were naked and my small hands held their heavy ball sacs. I caressed their balls as they spoke to me.

"Alex and I have decided you're going to be our bitch!" Tommy said matter-of-factly. "We think you have potential."

His words thrilled and frightened me.

Then Alex said: "Tomorrow, I go to work at 8 and Tommy leaves at 9. We'll leave the door unlocked. Any time after 9 move your things in here -- bring only the bare necessities -- throw away everything else...bring your clothes and Tommy and I'll go through them and get rid of what we don't like."

He said it so casually it took me awhile to fully understand what he meant.

"But I have to be at work at 8-o'clock -- I can move when I get home. Is that okay?"

"No, it's not," Tommy said. "You'll call your boss at 8-o'clock and tell him you quit. Your job from now on is to keep us happy -- you'll clean every day, we'll teach you to cook what we like to eat -- we'll give you shopping lists and money and you'll run your errands during the day while we're at work...and of course, you will keep both of us sexually satisfied."

I sat in stunned silence.

"In other words," Tommy continued, "you'll be just like every other housewife in go fetch us a couple beers...."

Later that night, lying on my own bed alone, my head was spinning and dizzy. My eyes were wide-open staring into the darkness.

Their conversation played a never-ending loop in my brain - Quit my job? Cleaning? Cooking? Being a housewife? WTF?

This was insane! Dammit, I'm a man -- I'm a human being -- they can't tell me what to do! They expect me to give them total control of my life? That's crazy!

I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. My body shook and trembled. I'd never felt such helplessness, or total and complete abject fear.

Exhausted, I finally fell asleep with Tommy's last words ringing in my ears: "We're not forcing you to do anything -- you have free-will and a mind of your own...if you choose to obey us -- fine! If not, that's fine too, but don't ever come near us again!"


There comes a time in every man's life when you have to set aside the trivial and mundane and confront reality head-on. Dreams and fantasies help us escape the day-to-day grind of living, but if your mind stays there too long you begin to believe your dreams are real and reality is fake.

While people around you are actually 'living' their lives in the 'here-and-now', you cling persistently to the grandiose notions of how you think life should be, not as it really is. Your senses slowly atrophy and you forever lose the thrill and excitement that every day experiences can bring you.

They left the apartment for their workout and I followed closely behind. I felt especially pretty and giddy wearing my new diaphanous pink panties and pink sneakers.

As we approached the pool door, Tommy glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Wait a minute..." he said.

He came to me, pulled me close to him and kissed me softly on my lips. His hand reached down between us and fondled my dormant clitty through my panties.

The combination of his hand and the sheer material of my panties aroused my clitty to its full length. His other hand caressed and pinched my ultra-sensitive nipples until they too were rigid.

Tommy smiled and said, "Okay -- now she's ready...."

When we went outside I noticed the number of people gathered around the pool had grown significantly from last week. They fell completely silent when they saw us.

I 'posed' for the crowd. Following three-feet behind Tommy and Alex, I clasped my hands behind my neck to show-off my freshly shaven underarms -- my erect clitty -- and my rouged and powdered, inch-long hard nipples.

Tommy and Alex had 'sensitized' my breasts and worked my nipples until they became another erogenous zone.

Someone had music playing and I swiveled my hips to the rhythm of the song. My 'clitty' was in full erection and poking hard at the front of my see-thru panties. Everyone could clearly see my underarms weren't the only places where I was hairless.

I wore an ear-to-ear smile as people clapped and shouted they wanted me to dance. While I gyrated my hips to the rhythm of the music, I heard whistles from both men and women.

I didn't get too crazy though for fear of making Tommy and Alex angry. They trained me to be a sissy -- not an out-and-out flaming faggot, and I didn't want to risk another spanking only an hour after Alex had given me one.

As a matter-of-fact, when I passed by one girl, I heard her say, "Look at his red ass -- he just got a spanking!"

We walked very slowly around the pool to get to the weight-lifting area. I was beaming and playing to the crowd.

Alex looked back and, with a slight smile on his face said, "You're just a little attention whore, aren't you?"

I couldn't disagree with him. I loved my new life, and most of all, I loved the body I now had. They had worked me hard so I could look this good so why not be proud and show it off?

"Why don't you wear panties like that for me?" I heard a guy ask his girlfriend.

She immediately answered, "I will when you get rid of your beer-gut and have a hard, flat tummy like his!"

I heard a girl ask another girl: "Wow! I wonder how they got his nipples that long?"

All the other lounge chairs surrounding the pool were occupied except mine. I gingerly set my spanked-ass down and sat back watching Alex and Tommy set-up then go through their routine.

Marlene and Cynthia pulled their chairs close to mine on either side of me.

"Hi, girlfriend!" Marlene cheerily said to me.

"Hi, ladies -- how are you on this beautiful day?" I greeted them. We'd met a couple weeks earlier and now they sat with me every time we went to the pool.

We chatted while the men worked-out. I honestly enjoyed listening to their frivolous, girly-talk, and would occasionally join in. They mostly talked about their frustrations with men.

At one point Marlene giggled and said to me: "You know, sweetie, you sure are selfish! All I want is one of your gorgeous hunks on top of me -- can't you share just one of them with me?"

I smiled and said, "Sorry, dear -- they are both one-woman men -- and I'm their woman!"

We laughed loudly over that line.

Suddenly, we heard Tommy speak and we all fixed our gaze on him.

"Ladies, I wonder if you could do us a favor?"

"Sure Tommy -- whatever you want!" Marlene quickly responded.

"Our little girl here seems to have lost her edge," he said staring at my crotch; my clitty had gone soft. "Would you be so kind to help her out like last week?"

In unison, the girls giggled and said, "We'd be happy to...."

Each girl placed a hand on my breasts and thighs and began to sensuously massage and rub me. Their heads were facing me and their eyes were glued to my crotch, watching and waiting for my reaction.

I sat back and closed my eyes and reveled in their touches. When their fingers started squeezing and pinching my nipples, my clitty twitched inside my panties. They gave a nervous giggle and intensified the pressure on my nipples and massaged closer to my groin.

My clitty was soon at its full length once again. The girls' eyes were glazed-over as they stared at their handiwork. Their breathing had grown strained and irregular; their faces flushed.

As if in a trance, Cynthia's hand reached down and squeezed my hard clitty. Her hand felt great and I let out a low moan.

"Oh God -- I'm sorry -- I didn't mean to do that -- it's so cute I couldn't resist!" she was genuinely in a panic.

Tommy and Alex laughed.

"Don't worry -- she loves to be stroked and fondled...." said Alex.

The three of us chatted a while longer then the girls had to leave. I sat back and watched the perspiration begin to form on my men's fabulously sexy bodies.

While my eyes were fixed on their chests, I thought about how lucky I was and my mind drifted to our lives together.

It surprised me to find out they lived together and their place was a two-bedroom apartment, I hadn't noticed on my first day there. They'd lived together as friends for a couple years, but that was all.

I cooked and cleaned and did the shopping. I learned the hard way they demanded perfection in all my duties. If I screwed-up even the smallest thing, I'd be called over to the sofa and told to lower my panties and lie across their lap.

The spankings were hard and long and I'd be crying real tears by the time they ended.

They helped me focus and determined to do a better job.

Of course, my main responsibility was to satisfy their erections. And they had many erections every day. I was shocked at their libidos and recuperative powers.

They both had me all over the apartment: bending me over the sofa; lying across the kitchen table; everywhere....

And, I was on my knees so often they joked they would buy me kneepads.

At night, I would alternate whose bedroom I went to first. Whoever it was, I would make love to them until they were sated. Then I would go to the other bedroom.

I learned how each man loved to be touched and where to kiss. They were different in their approaches to lovemaking, and I loved being with each one equally.

By the time I'd pleasured the 2nd man, I was exhausted and slept soundly every night.

They brought out the best in me. I took my responsibilities seriously, but at the same time I'd never had so much fun in my life. It was as though I'd been born to make men happy.

The sound of a barbell being set down shook me out of my reverie. I stared at the glistening bodies of the men I loved. I could tell they were finished with their work-out.

I got off the chair and stood close to them. I dropped to my knees and looked-up at the tender and appreciative expressions on their faces.

"Please..." I said; my voice desperate with sincerity. "Please let me lick the sweat off your balls!"

My heart glowed warmly as I drank in their beautiful, smiling faces.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Made me cum twice!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I got here by searching the tag gay romance. This isn't a rpmance but humilation. Just not my cup of tea, mate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

The guy is submissive like hell!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I was wet throughout the reading of this story. It was like my dream life. I wouldn't mind all the so allied humiliation, if I get to bed and serve as a wife of two young clit twitched the description if the body of these sweaty hunks..well done.keep writing. I would liked a bit more detailed descriptions of the wifely details about washing men's undergarments, describing what husband wear after coming from days hard work, what food cooked, eating the lift over, entertaining husbands and their friends at home..,please write on u man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Should Not Be Listed As Gay Romance

This story is about submission in every sense of the word. There is no affection shown, no mention of love. Just two men brain washing a weak, confused indiviual into being their servant. It has no romance, or soul list it elsewhere.

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