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Librarian helped Eric with a problem.
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This is a new story. For those who want me to finish New Family Position, so do I! I have tried several next chapters and keep getting blocked, for that I apologize. I wrote this hoping it would kick start me into action on other stories. Hope you enjoy.             

Eric just turned 19 and started his senior year in high school. He had undergone some remarkable changes in the last year, and he was still figuring out how to deal with them. Up until a year ago, he had been sort of a quiet, keep to himself kid. He had friends and even a girlfriend or two, but certainly wasn't considered a popular kid or well known around the school. He was academically gifted, and he had already taken college level courses on his way to his goal of becoming a doctor. He actually had all of his high school credits done and was taking college level courses through a special program. His mom did not want him to rush to college and until recently, he had not been in any hurry.

His world consisted of his mom, Carol, his older sister, Brie, and his school friends. His father had died shortly after his mother was pregnant with him and he never knew him, but his family had been well-taken care of by the financial planning his father done before he died, and his grandparents had always been loving and kind. His father's parents have always been very wealthy, so even though he didn't consider his family "rich" they never went hungry and always had the means for a decent, middle-class life. His mother's parents were local, big operation farmers and had built a pretty impressive legacy of their own.

His family lived in a nice house, though it wasn't extravagant. He and his sister each had their own rooms, and they had a nice pool in the back, again not that unusual for where he lived. His Mom raised the kids well and insisted they be polite, and kind and they genuinely were. Brie was a breath of fresh air in any room she entered, always easy to make friends and pleasant. She was a younger version of her mother with their beautiful black hair and petite but attractive bodies. Brie had been a soccer player and cheerleader in high school, so she was sleek and lean while having a big presence anywhere she went. Brie and Carol were sometimes mistaken as sisters, and they took care of themselves with yoga and regular workouts.

Even though Eric was kind to people and soft-spoken, it was a mistake to think Eric was a pushover, he was very protective of his mother and sister. His grandfathers had insisted he treat them with respect and always instilled in Eric he was the man of the house, even when he was very young. His only temper flares came when he felt his mother and sister were upset or threatened, like when some guys had hassled them at the beach last summer while Eric had gone to get drinks. When he saw the guys chirping at his mother and sister, he had inserted himself without thought. There was some pushing, but the three idiots retreated when they sensed getting with the two hotties, they were hassling weren't worth dealing with Eric.

About a year ago, he started a growth spurt. He went from a pretty average 5' 9" to a muscular 6' 3". He had never been much of an athlete, but he suddenly had muscle, agility and athleticism to go with his dark mop of hair and tanned complexion. There was also a change to his eyes, they had been a sort of hazel but now they had turned to a brilliant blue and sometimes seemed to shine when he concentrated on something.

He played baseball and swam for the school but up until the growth spurt, he had been a pretty average athlete. Now, he seemed to move with a grace that had always eluded him, so he was looking forward to both sports in his senior year. He was starting to get some attention for his attractiveness too. For reasons he couldn't quite understand, people started to act differently around him. People generally seemed to react more positively to him, and girls in school, and even women outside of it, seemed to need to touch him more. He seemed to always get hugs or touches on his arms or back. Nothing overtly sexual, but certainly more intimate than when he was shorter. Even men seemed to give him a little more respect and deferred to him more. Where before he had to move around others and avoid them, people seemed to get out of his way and defer to him anywhere he went.

Eric loved reading and his favorite place in the school was the library. His high school had an unusually large library. A former student, who had hit it big in the financial world endowed a lot of money to building one of the finest high school libraries in the country in addition to enough money to keep adding books. It was better than the city library and maybe even better than the local university's library.

Eric was such a frequent visitor, Mrs. Rachel Williams, the Librarian, allowed him to set himself up in one of the independent study rooms in the back on the upstairs floors. Eric was often tutoring students anyway, so it was a good place to have his "headquarters." All he had to do was return books to shelves every day, which usually only took him a about a half hour and Mrs. Williams let him keep the room. It wasn't like a lot of students spent a lot of time in the other ten rooms they had set aside for independent study. The library had been built before the internet but had been upgraded so students could access a lot of the library online. Eric still preferred the feel of books in his hands.

Eric set up a laptop on the desk and Mrs. Williams let him bring in an old dorm fridge and a large bean bag chair for lounging around. Sometimes, he used it so he could catch a nap in between classes. He could also pull the blinds down if he needed to. He did all his homework and tutoring there. He could even have a friend or two hang out with him in there, as long as it didn't get too loud for Mrs. Williams.

Recently, Eric had found himself going to his little refuge more frequently to nap in between classes, because he seemed to be tired all the time and even feverish lately. During the late summer and into the school year, he was experiencing incidents where he felt warm, and his head was spinning a bit. He felt the need to lay down and when he would awake, he felt better but somehow a little drained even though he napped. He told his mother about it, but she told him it was probably because he was growing so fast. Carol harbored some fears that wasn't what was going on. She was fearful he had inherited something from his father, and she was hoping this would pass. She would always question herself for not doing something more proactive.

Now, on a Friday, several weeks into his senior year, he was beginning to have that feeling of disorientation. He was between classes and was going to go work on the decorations for the Homecoming dance coming up in a couple weeks but decided to head to the headquarters in the library and catch a nap. As he approached the library, the disorientation was getting a little worse and he was glad it was later in the day and the halls were mostly empty, because he felt a little unsteady on his feet.

Mrs. Rachel Williams, the librarian, was 28 and known to be one of the kindest and most helpful faculty members in the school. She was also considered to be the hottest female faculty members, with her blond, shoulder length hair, blue eyes and beautiful face. Fitting of a librarian, she dressed conservatively, and usually kept her hair up in tight bun. She was 5'4" with an athletic figure, kept lean through running, bicycling and frequent trips to the gym for weights or yoga. She had B Cup breasts, but her legs and butt were as fine a feature on any young lady. She liked Eric very much; he was always so polite and helpful. She had an affinity for him because she could relate to being a late bloomer and a bit of a nerd herself when she was growing up. Obviously, she noticed his physical changes, but she had worked at the high school long enough to see kids grow into adults, sometimes seemingly overnight. She hadn't thought of him as anything but the nerdy student she had known the last couple years. She was aware Eric had always had a bit of crush on her, but she knew a lot of the boys at the school crushed on her. It always seemed innocent enough, but she did get a bit of a secret thrill she could still get looks from the students, boys and girls, and many of the faculty as well.

For her, it was such a great stroke of luck to get this job right out of college, the previous librarian having just retired, and she felt she would be perfectly content to work here for a long time. She was married for three years to her high school sweetheart, Thomas (he didn't like to be called Tom). Recently, she was beginning to question whether they were such a good match. Everything had been so perfect dating Thomas through high school and college but now they were in the adult world she was afraid they didn't want the same things out of life. Thomas had studied marketing in college, telling her he had big dreams to be in advertising and sell big products with big celebrities, he just knew he could do what they saw on the internet and Television. After college though, he took a sales job to get his "foot in the door" of a large tech company, but instead of seeking a job more in line with his education, he found he liked the fast pace of sales and had stayed in the job. At first, it seemed to bring him out of his shell and Rachel thought that was good thing, but he had completely seemed to give up his dream to be in marketing, and his personality had started to change. He seemed to be much louder and more boisterous than the boy and man she grew up with. Lately, he seemed to relish business dinners and loud parties much more than doing anything else. She attended some of these events at first, wanting to support him but they often turned into drinking events, and she wasn't fond of his co-workers increasingly lewd behavior, especially to her. Rachel didn't consider herself a prude, but she didn't appreciate the drunken leers or the overt passes of Thomas' sales buddies. They were always the ones that drank too much and would try to put their hands on her in inappropriate ways, sometimes right in front of their wives or girlfriends.

She felt it wasn't "all in good fun" like they liked to shrug it off when she rebuked them. Rachel felt Thomas didn't do enough to defend her, always seeming to want to impress his bosses and co-workers more than be her protective husband. It was very strange because Thomas had always been so jealous in high school, and especially in college, when his frat brothers got a little aggressive. It had always secretly pleased her that he was protective. She acknowledged as much as she wanted to be an empowered female in the brave, new world, there was a part of her who still wanted to be her man's woman.

She was also beginning to wonder about the frequency of his business trips and a little concerned what he was doing on them. She knew they sometimes entertained clients and often that included strip clubs after the days' meetings. Again, Rachel wasn't a prude, she liked to get a little frisky in public, and felt she knew the difference between a little adult fun and a sleazy romp. Rachel even recalled a more innocent time when Thomas had convinced her to compete in an amateur night at a high-class strip club when they took a vacation to Vegas on a spring break. She got up on stage, buoyed with some liquid courage, and had won handily rocking a much better face and body than even some of the regular strippers. Rachel enjoyed it a lot but dismissed that thrill of she got as "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" but she occasionally pleasured herself to that memory when Thomas was "entertaining clients."

At first, the strip clubs didn't bother Rachel as much as her conservative upbringing would otherwise suggest. Now, however, the amount of time and money he increasingly spent there were getting excessive. When she tried to talk to Thomas about it, he got defensive and justified it by saying he had to entertain clients, and this is what they wanted to do. Rachel was getting increasingly skeptical of that defense and was getting frustrated by their life together, including their sex life. It wasn't on track the way she thought it should be. They each lost their virginity together and learned how to please each other as they grew up together. While they dated and the first couple years, she tried hard to please him and while it was never earth-shattering, it always seemed nice to Rachel. They had been somewhat adventurous, like when they vacationed in Vegas, but that seemed a long time ago. They had been to nude beaches and done some role playing in the early part of their marriage, but lately he seemed disinterested and when they made love, she felt his heart wasn't in it. She had learned early on, he had a smaller than average penis, but she loved him, so it never bothered her. What had been an evolving and somewhat satisfying sex life with promise was turning into a stale, cliché of a married sex life.

Since Thomas took the sales job, he seemed to finish more quickly and usually before she did, and he seemed to have little regard for her needs. Still, she wanted to be a good wife and was happy to please him, but more and more, she had to finish herself after he fell asleep. He was increasingly selfish and routine about their love making. She tried to rekindle things like they had in the early years of their marriage by wearing lingerie or talking sexy or starting him off with oral, but instead of giving him new ideas and being an active participant, it seemed to get him over excited and if anything, he finished faster than usual. He was often rougher with her, not that she minded a little physicality, but this was disassociated and selfish. She thought he was living fantasies in his head, not thinking about her.

Within the last few months, he seemed to come home late stinking of smoke and beer and passing out in his recliner much more often than not and she could not remember the last time they had spent a weekend together, doing anything that wasn't tied to his work. Despite his newfound confidence, he was growing a paunch and his skin was beginning to look more and more unhealthy by the day. This didn't sit well with Rachel, who took great pride in her workouts and health. She was way too modest to say so, but she felt she was more attractive now than ever before. What she didn't know is Thomas thought so too and was becoming more intimidated by her beauty and confidence. He was starting to feel like his activities made him unworthy of her and that thinking was becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy that would not end well for Thomas. It was becoming much easier to convince himself the strippers, and occasional prostitutes they used as entertainment for clients, found him attractive and he was convincing himself they were better suited to him, even if these thought we a little subconscious.

Rachel though, still considered herself in the newlywed stage of their marriage and was beginning to wonder how this would affect their goal, well at least her goal, to have children in a couple years. She thought those were Thomas' goals too but with his lack of interest with her and their life at this early stage of their relationship, she was questioning her future with Thomas. She wasn't as sure as she once was, they had the same goals or even that he would be a good father.

She was worrying over those thoughts on this same Friday afternoon as she was catching up from the week. They were supposed to have a weekend getaway, but Thomas had told her he had to take some clients to dinner and meetings tonight, and despite his assurances they could leave early tomorrow, recent experience told her the weekend was now a wash. He would come home very late, have to sleep over a hangover and be in no mood to go away.

It was these thoughts that were going through her head as she was trying to catch up on a few things. There was really no one in the library today, not surprising on a lovely fall afternoon before the weekend. Suddenly, a sensation seemed to wash over her like a warm caress, and it was as if she was taking in a pleasant aroma. It was a pleasing sensation and as her back was to the counter, she first thought someone had sprayed some kind of perfume, but instinctively knew that wasn't quite it. When she turned, Eric was there, panting a little and seemed to be sweating lightly, as if he had been exercising a bit. He looked a little wild, almost feral, and despite herself, she was almost startled and felt a strange sensation in her belly, For the first time, her consciousness registered how attractive he was becoming, and she realized he was making her a little aroused. She tried to shake the thought off and said, "Eric, are you alright, you seem a little...worked up?"

"Yeah, Mrs. Williams, I am feeling a little dizzy and worn out, I am going to go back to the hideaway," Eric said. When he said that, Rachel saw him shudder for a second and that pleasant wave she felt earlier seemed to slam into her, so much so she had to shut her eyes for a second, letting it wash over her again. She felt arousal again, like a wave of sensation across her whole body. When she opened her eyes, she caught Eric scanning her entire body, ending with looking directly into her eyes. She again became aware of how much Eric had changed as before when he would catch him sneaking looks, there was embarrassment and modesty, this time she could only identify the look as lust and even the confidence of a man, instead of the teenager she knew. She had seen this look on men before and had found it annoying and even a little disturbing, but she found herself unafraid with Eric. He shivered a little again, less that before, but she still felt that wave of...what? She couldn't quite identify it, but she had to acknowledge now it was having a profound effect on her

"Are you sure you're ok Eric, you seem really not yourself?" Rachel managed to squeak out to Eric.

"Yeah, yeah, I am just going to go on back..." Eric said, and he seemed back to the slightly shy young man she knew. Despite this, he shivered yet again but this time as he pulsed, he pushed himself away from the counter.

As Rachel subconsciously registered how broad his back had grown with muscle, another wave washed over Rachel and this time she actually felt her nipples go hard and a wetness start to develop below. She grasped the counter to keep from collapsing and clamped her eyes shut again and almost moaned out loud. Instead, she steadied herself again, wondering if whatever Eric had was contagious, "Uh, Ok, I will check on you in a bit, oh, uh yeah, I will check on you after I make the rounds," she shouted after him.

When she opened her eyes this time, Eric was halfway up the could he have gotten that far that fast she asked herself and admired the athleticism Eric had grown into. She found herself asking how strong and fast had he really become?

Eric staggered into the headquarters room and feeling warm, he shed his shirt and collapsed onto the bean bag chair. Getting rid of his shirt didn't stop the heat that seemed to be wafting off his body. He felt tired and invigorated all at the same time. The sight of Mrs. Williams had made him hard, and he noted again how she seemed to really get him aroused a lot lately. Eric liked and respected Mrs. Williams as much as anyone and he even considered her to be a woman like his mother and sister, in that he would do most anything for her, but lately, since these dizzy "spells" he had been almost overwhelmed with desire for her. He found himself fantasizing more often about seeing her naked body and making love to her and had to shake off impulses that fired through his brain. Just now, he had almost jumped over the counter with the fantasy of ripping her clothes from the body he knew she had under her conservative clothes and taking her. All of this was so confusing, not only because of how much he respected her but also because he always considered himself a gentleman like his grandfathers had told him to be. He knew, though, these were not the same fantasies he had always had of her that seemed more innocent and romantic.