My Alien Cock

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Man receives alien cock.
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Fantasy science fiction.

Warning: I'm told I use too many words, so don't expect a short jerkoff story.

I tried being brief and lost the plot, so will stick to my own style and letting the story tell itself and be as brief or as long as it needs to be. You have been warned.

Chapter 1

I was ecstatic, my inner excitement jumping around, almost out of control. Luckily, I was able to make it to my bedroom without waking the household. Seven months since turning eighteen and I was finally going to lose my virginity. I met Sandra, I think that's her name, where I drink and hangout with my mates and she agreed to come home with me. I was on top of the world when I walked out of the pub with a girl holding onto me. All my mates watching me finally score. I knew she had been drinking heavily, after all I had paid for a lot of what she guzzled. She could really put them away too, as though they were plain water and she had been in the desert all day. She wasn't even pretty, and a little overweight for my tastes, but she talked to me as I paid for the drinks. Now I was going to get my reward, sex!

I think we managed to get to my room without waking the parents, although I know dad would sleep through the entire armoured vehicle regiment passing by his bed. Mum didn't come out to shush me, so I guess we were silent enough. It would have been easier if Sandra didn't keep staggering about, but she was awake and here.

My bedroom wasn't large, but I managed to squeeze a queen size bed into it. I had to move the rest of my stuff into my sister, Kate's room after she married and left the house. It took some doing but I undressed Sandra as she was too drunk to stand by herself. Hard to hold her up as well as she was more overweight than I had guessed. Her boobs were small at barely A cups, but who was I to complain. Her bush was luxurious, much more hair than I have seen on the internet. I thought all the girls shaved down there, but that wasn't going to stop me tonight. Getting her panties off her legs was difficult as she kept swaying and almost toppling over, giggling every time I had to catch and put her back to upright. The elastic on her panties kept being caught up in her meaty thighs. Frustrating for one as inexperienced as me, nut I persevered.

She tried helping me get undressed which made it take twice as long as she was really uncoordinated, and regularly sidetracked with more giggling fits. We were finally naked and she decided I needed a blowjob to get things started. She was on her knees and stopped. Glancing down I saw her move closer to my cock and I braced myself for my first sexual encounter with something other than my hand. I closed my eyes tightly praying it would be as good as I expected.

But her mouth never touched me. All I felt was two fingers probing around then holding me up as she inspected my cock. As she continued her inspection I lost my lusty edge and my dick followed by disappearing as it became floppy. Releasing it as it shrank she began separating my pubic hairs as though searching through the underbrush. I looked down to see what was happening.

Her query finished my dick's disappearing act, "Where is it? I thought you tall skinny guys had huge cocks. Bugger, even the short fat guys have more than this. I would have been better off with little Peter whatshisname, at least it looks bigger on his small body."

I couldn't believe my ears, "What do you mean by that. I'm only 183 centimetres tall and my dick is normal size. I even measured it once and it's in the average size range."

She began laughing as she tried to talk to me, "You're kidding me aren't you? I felt you with my right hand when you were sitting beside me all night, you were huge."

I stopped to think about this and blurted out, "No I was on the other side of the table. Brad was next to you all night."

That stopped me, shit he got felt up all night. No wonder he was smirking at me all the time and refused to go buy his rounds. He gave me the money to get them. Something about his leg stiffening up. Shit.

Her laughter was increasing as she gasped out, "I can't play with a wiener this small. I got my standards you know."

She stood up and kept laughing, getting almost hysterical which sounded like she was having trouble getting air, and gave out moans and wheezes as she tried to breathe. Until she stopped and fell back on the bed, unconscious. She had passed out. I looked at her in disgust with heartache. My big chance to lose my virginity just passed out after degrading me. I am a grower not a shower. So even though my dick is barely average in size when hard, it is really small when limp.

Sighing at my lost opportunity I prodded, poked and shoved her shoulder to awaken her so she could leave. No luck as she started snoring in her drunken sleep. I ended up pushing her over to lie fully on the bed with her head on a pillow so I could have some room to sleep there as well. I tried to put some clothing on her, but my lack of experience and her big calves let me down. I put on my pyjama pants and tried sleeping on half of the bed. It took me a while as I was unused to company, but I eventually managed to sleep.

The next morning I heard, "Oh. Oh dear. Sorry Joe, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll um, I'll just get breakfast ready. Oh um, yes, good morning Joe and umm err. Yes good morning to you both."

Mum's voice woke me and the door closing with a mild slam got my eyes open. I was lying on my side facing the door which was quite normal. What wasn't normal was the naked woman spooning with her back to me and my arm draped over her holding a boob. I treasured that moment as something to remember. I got to hold a bare boob! Sandra too was waking, and I quickly let go of her and gave her some space in the bed. She rolled onto her back and I was faced with a bad case of bed hair, smeared makeup and morning breath. Not the best thing to see first thing in the morning.

Sandra mumbled, "Damn, where the hell am I? At least the bed is comfy. Who the hell are you? Did I have a good time last night?"

She talked a lot and obviously had no idea what she had done the night before. I guess that makes me the lucky one although I felt anything but, as I had hoped for a different experience to what I got with her..

"Morning Sandra, I'm Joe. You came home with me last night."

"Oh, did I. I have to go to the bathroom," and clambered out of bed to open the door and look into the hallway outside my room. I watched her naked wobbling butt while she faced away from me. Another first to see a real life female bum.

She looked back with a query in her expression, so I said, "To the right, second door on the left."

Nodding at me she went as directed, naked. I hoped my parents stayed away and didn't see a naked woman around the house. They had always said it was okay to bring someone home, but this was the first time I had brought a girl home at night. Mum and dad had their own en suite bathroom even though dad rarely slept with mum, instead drunkenly snoring his head off in the guest bedroom down the hall from my room. So I prayed they wouldn't decide to appear in this part of the house while she was naked out there, although I knew mum had seen a girl in my bed. I was self conscious about it, especially knowing I hadn't even scored any sex. Just laughed at for not having a big cock.

My luck didn't hold as I heard her exit the bathroom just as dad came out of the guest room. He followed her and stopped in my open doorway and stared at the naked stranger now in my room as she wandered around looking for her clothes, unperturbed at being ogled by a stranger. Dad just looked at me, gave me a silly grin, followed by a puking look with his finger pointed into his open mouth. Fortunately he was silent and then continued to wherever he was going. Sandra never even showed awareness that he was there. I had gotten up and dressed by now and left her to sort herself as I went to the bathroom. After my bathroom break I paused in my doorway to see she was slowly dressing herself and let her know I waas going to the kitchen. She finally appeared after a while as I waited at the kitchen table. She was fully dressed, but barely covered, in the short skirt and blouse from last night.

I stood as she walked in and mum asked, "Hi, would you like some breakfast? We are just about to sit and have some."

She looked around as though seeing people was the last thing she expected, "Oh, no thanks. I should get home. Thanks for last night Jack, at least you used a condom. Guys normally refuse to use one and I'm stuck with the mess the next morning. You were really gentle, my pussy's not sore or anything down there this morning. Not sure if that's good or bad, but sure is odd."

I felt like hiding under the table, sure my mum will be seething with anger at me by now. Mum's pretty cool about a lot of things, but there are things that shouldn't be said in mixed company. Dad was laughing loudly as though he had heard the joke of the century.

I couldn't very well stop her saying these things, instead I corrected Sandra and, being the gentleman my mother had raised, made an offer, "It's Joe not Jack. Do you need a lift home?"

"Joe," and she looked at me as though she had never seen me before, "I'll be okay, I have a ride coming. I called my boyfriend a minute ago."

She left, just like that. Dad had almost simmered down, but her last comment set him off again. I followed her hoping for at least a kiss, arriving at the front door as she was walking out. I got a smile as farewell. Then I remembered her comment about a boyfriend coming to pick her up and quickly shut and locked the door. That'd be all I needed, an irate boyfriend assuming I had bonked his girlfriend, and I never even got to do it.

Mum was telling dad to quieten down, which he seemed to be doing.

I was mortified at what she had said in front of my parents. Well, in front of mum anyway. I don't give a fig what the sperm donor thinks, but mum is special and that type of thing is never talked about at home, at least in front of her. On the other hand, she had thanked me for using a condom so she thinks we did the deed last night. At least I can face my friends without that embarrassment. I didn't know what I would do if she told them I was too small for her and we'd not had sex. Would it be worse if she told everyone we had sex, but I was too small and she hadn't felt a thing.

I had trouble looking at my parents as I entered the kitchen and quickly went to pour myself a coffee and filled a bowl with Corn Flakes.

Dad had to try to be funny, "Well we've raised a real gentleman. She didn't feel a thing in her pussy. Oh god that's funny," and he returned to laughing with mum yelling for him to shut up.

This breakfast was the longest meal ever, and fortunately it went quiet after dad left the room. I could only guess mum didn't know what to say, and I refused to look up at her and give her a reason to start on me.

Chapter 2

I spent the day as far away from mum as I could. Dad was easy as all he did was watch sport on TV and drink all morning until lunch, then go to the pub or one of his buddy's house to drink and watch more sport. Mum had to work the afternoon shift at the hospital, so I only had to dodge them for half the day.

Tonight was another night with my mates, but this time at an eighteenth birthday party for someone I must have known. Luckily the place was a not too far from home and I could walk there. Drinking and driving is a quick way to lose my licence and I needed that to get to my job over the holidays. Public transport is only good if you are going to the city centre. Being the big adult birthday we would all be getting smashed, but I was glad I could do it legally. Those under eighteen still relied on an older friend to buy them booze from the liquor shop.

I made a bit of effort to be dressed nicely, get clean and smell good for the party, hoping I might be able to score tonight with one of the girls. My V-card was still unmarked and I was worried it would look obvious to everyone. I made it to the party to find it in full swing. The walk had taken me longer as there were a lot of roadworks and development projects happening. I had to make a few detours around them getting me partially lost. Walking didn't help as the extra distance took forever.

It was a great party and I didn't actually tell my friends I had scored sex last night, but they all cheered and congratulated me and I couldn't say I had missed out. They had all seen me leave with Sandra last night and it was assumed I had sex with her. What else do you do with a known slut? I do have some pride and who wants to be known as a loser, so I kept my mouth shut.

Later that night I thought I was onto a winner with a girl I knew from my final year at school. Betty wasn't the brightest but she had a reputation for being easy back then. My beer tally was just enough to help me talk to her and she looked drunk enough that she would say yes to a quick tour of the bedrooms in the house. She had just agreed to go with me and I was on top of the moon when the worst thing happened. Sandra was also at the party even though I hadn't seen her before, and she was riding the highs of whatever she had imbibed. Seems her memory is perfect from one bender to another, and as I was passing by her she recognised me and called out in what could only be a drunken whisper. I think people four houses over heard her.

"Well if it isn't my good buddy limp dick Jack. Hope your little dick is bigger tonight and stays hard. Hi OnYourBackBetty, you gonna try to find his little weeny tonight. I tried last night but couldn't find it, then he was all limp on me and totally disappeared. I searched his pubes but I only found a clit in there, I think it was half the size of mine. Good luck Betty, you'll need it."

By now almost everyone at the party had heard of my lack of size and sex the previous night. I was getting jeered at by the others, including my friends, making this the most embarrassing moment in my life. Seeing the look on Betty's face told me I missed that chance, and seeing the faces of those around me I would be in for a long shitty time. I did the only thing I was good at, I left the party to the sounds of many small dick jokes and deriding laughter. Hopefully it would be forgotten by the next time we got together.

It was by now well after midnight and I had no idea what was the best way to walk home. I couldn't hang around in the street so I set off, hoping I could make it home. I recalled making some turns to bypass the building works but in the dark and after a few beers I took some wrong paths. I came head on with the large building project and had the choice of finding another way around it, or trudge through it. I chose the short way even though it would be harder going through earthworks and building works.

There were some floodlights set up around the place, I assumed to help the security patrols. Unfortunately there were also large sections where the light was barely enough to see the ground at my feet. The beer I had consumed had made its way to my bladder making walking hard work, so I unzipped and let it go onto the ground. In my muddled half drunk condition I had also undone the clip at the top of my fly and inadvertently let my pants fall below my knees, taking my undies with it. As I bent to pull them back up I stumbled on a rough bit of ground and fell into a hollow.

I screamed, no idea why except for the shock of falling into a hole in the ground big enough to swallow me up. It was also wet which gave me quite a wake up call. Rolling over to face down hoping to be push up and stand I had a sudden stabbing pain on my groin as though bitten by something. I screamed again, this time in pain thinking a rat or something had attacked me. Panic was taking over and my efforts to free myself from the cold wet hole were futile. I wallowed around in the mud and dark for quite some time until a security guard arrived and shone his torch down at me. Guessing I was in trouble, but pleased to finally see where I was, I calmed down.

The guard was switching between calling for me to climb out of the hollow and get up there, telling me I was trespassing and would be in a lot of trouble, then calling on his phone to his partner and finally the police.

I could get myself standing, still with pants down at my ankles. I staggered a bit while I bent to pull them up to then get my foot caught in something. Reaching down to free my foot I grabbed what was holding me to pull up a leg. It was a naked leg and looked really weird on the torchlight. This of course set me off screaming again, which had the benefit of taking my mind off the pain in my groin. In my rare moments of sanity I was just glad that my body was caked in mud, or else my naked groin would be clearly visible giving comedy relief at my smallness. I was especially glad of this after I had calmed down again and the police arrived, firstly one uniform. Then after he saw a body we were inundated with what had to be every uniformed and plain clothes police in the city. I hadn't realised so many worked this late on Saturday nights, or this early Sunday morning.

I ended up sitting down in the mud with my hands in the air as the police fought over who would get the honour of getting dirty and entering the quagmire with me. I guess there were two newbies as they got the job of arresting me, pulling my pants up and escorting me from the hole. For some reason it was difficult to pull my pants up and get the fly closed. The mud had built up and clogged the zip and made up extra bulk in my pants and body.

The rest of the night was a nightmare as I was questioned by several police. Regardless of what they said the questions were on the same topic and my answers were identical. I had to strip off while they took my clothes into evidence, then went through an embarrassing wash down and bodily inspection so they could retrieve anything caught up in the mud on and inside me. Having watched many crime shows and movies I expected a nice cop and a bad cop at my interrogations, it would have been nice for even one person to appear to be on my side. But not to be, everyone treated me as guilty of whatever crime they wanted me to be guilty of. I was totally worn out after having had only a bad sleep in the last 48 hours and none the night before. I thought it might be after dawn on Sunday when I was allowed to make a phone call. Mum was not happy to be woken so early on a Sunday morning, and in an even worse mood after learning I was at the police station in some sort of trouble.

To make matters worse, the pain in my groin was now a continual itch and I tried to scratch it without being too obvious. The grey track suit they made me wear as replacement for my won clothes made my groin look odd, as though I had something shoved down there. Nobody left me alone long enough for me to investigate and settle things into place. It felt like my dick had become caught up in a seam or something and was being rubbed raw. That infernal itching never let up either.

Mum arrived mid morning after she had to re-organise her work schedule at the hospital. She was really pissed off at me for whatever I had done to be in such trouble. She sat with me in a meeting room continually mumbling about how I must be like my father.

After a while a plain clothes policewoman joined us and said, "We are sorry to have kept you so long Mr Hedd and Mrs Hedd. I am Senior Detective Grace Jones, and for the record we are recording this. The coroner has provided an interim report and it seems you are in the clear for anything regarding the body Mr Hedd. Although we may need to talk with you at a later date. We will also get a statement from you regarding the events leading up to your discovery of the body. As a word of caution you should not discuss this with anyone, including the press as we need time to properly investigate it. There also appears to be interest shown from another branch of the government, but they are not divulging much to us, but they will want to interview you in the near future. They specifically requested you not say anything, and they repeated the word 'anything", to anybody regarding this matter. This interview is over at 11:58 and the recorder is now being switched off.