My Aunt's Gas Filled Stomach

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Aunt finds a suprising solution to her stomach problems.
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*(WARNING: Check tags before reading. Contains mentions of shit.)*

It was spring break. The sun was blasting in the sky all day, yet Harry was just loitering around at home. He was 18 years old, in his last year of high school.

Being a tall six-foot-three guy, with handsome and sharp facial features, and short, fashionable brown hair, it was not surprising that he was quite popular. But despite having the opportunity to spend time with his friends, who were out partying with girls, he preferred staying at home.

His friends would constantly complain about his antisocial behavior, but he didn't care.

Lying on his phone in bed, he suddenly heard the doorbell ring.

"Right, Aunt Julie was coming over today."

He turned his body and got out of bed. He was regularly going to the gym, so his figure was enough to make most girls' eyes shine.

Going downstairs, he soon reached the front door. Grabbing the handle, he opened it.

Sure enough, outside was his aunt, waiting. "Hello, Harry."

"Hello, Aunt Julie, please come inside," saying this, he made an inviting gesture.

Julie smiled and made her way in. At only five-six, she was more than a head shorter than Harry. She was a little round-figured, and her chest wasn't particularly protruding. However, her bottom was both large and round, owing partly to her overweight frame.

She was his mother's older sister by two years, now 40. She and her husband had parted recently, which was why his mother had invited her over, in an attempt to cheer her up.

"Is your mother home?"

Julie's light but soothing voice sounded in Harry's ears, awakening him from his thoughts. "No, she had some emergency at work, so she had to leave. She will probably be back by four." Looking over at the clock, it was now 1:00 pm.

Julie nodded her head, before letting her eyes run over Harry's body. "You have really grown since I last saw you. To think your mother could birth such a handsome boy, I'm jealous."

Harry blushed slightly. "No, I'm not that... Um, would you like something to drink?"

Aunt Julie nodded. "Yes, please."

Harry smiled. "Then, please wait in the living room, I'll get you some water."

Aunt Julie seemed a little surprised by this, but just nodded. "Okay, thank you, Harry."

"Anytime." After saying this, he made his way to the kitchen. As could be hinted from his reactions, he hid a deep, depraved secret, which he could never tell anyone— he was deeply in love with his aunt.

She had sometimes visited since he was young, and he, for some reason, had always been attracted to her. As he got older, these feelings gradually grew deeper, eventually developing to the point of an incestuous love. As a youth full of energy, it was hard to count the times he had masturbated to the thought of his aunt. Especially having her dominating him. That was his eternal desire.

But in the end, it was only a distant dream. He never dared even consider the possibility of doing anything about it. Not only was it socially disdained, but Aunt Julie would probably also be deeply disgusted with him, if she found out. The second part was what weighed the most on Harry's mind. What he feared most in this world was probably having his aunt hating him.

As Harry was having such worries, Aunt Julie was also feeling quite desperate, but the reason was entirely different. As she had been looking forward to seeing her sister and her family again, she had forgotten all about her struggles. It was only when she sat down and felt a deep rumble from her stomach that she finally came to her senses.

With her weight, it was obvious that Julie enjoyed eating quite a bit. But ironically, her stomach wasn't so receptive to her eating habits. This caused her intense stomach problems and having to use the toilet quite often. Besides that, she was also constantly filled with air, hence she always needed to fart a lot.

This was also one of the reasons her husband had ended up leaving her. He was inevitably too disgusted by the constant stench which Julie emitted. When she had heard that this was the reason, she felt incredibly ashamed and filled with despair. She had always been self-conscious about this trait of hers, keeping to herself. When she had finally found a husband, she began feeling like she could accept herself, only to be dumped for the same reason.

She hadn't even dared tell her sister the truth, as it was just too embarrassing. Blushing slightly, a prickling pain began spreading in her stomach, from holding in the air.

That was when the door to the living room was pushed open, and Harry walked in.

Placing the water on the living room table, he poured a glass for them both. "Here you go, Aunt Julie."

Julie drank some water, before looking at Harry's smiling face. She didn't understand why, but she felt Harry was being extremely nice to her. It made her feel warm inside.

"Thank you, Harry," she said, with a smile. Even though Harry was just her nephew, he was, after all, a very handsome boy. Being treated so nicely by someone like this made it even more joyful.

Receiving Julie's thanks, Harry became filled with joy. Even though he knew he could never fulfill his dream, he still swore to do his best to make her happy.

It was like this, that aunt and nephew began talking. The conversation either drifted around Harry's school, or how it was going for his mother.

Time slowly passed. Once thirty minutes had passed, Harry finally became certain that something was wrong. Even though she was trying to hide it, as the most important person in his life, there was no way he wouldn't notice. Aunt Julie was clearly uncomfortable.

That was when—


It was just during a pause of them speaking, when the writhing inside Julie's stomach sounded. With no other sound, it was easily heard by both.

Julie quickly held her stomach, before blushing in shame.

Harry, on the other hand, was only momentarily surprised, before saying, "Are you feeling okay, Aunt Julie?"

His voice was filled with concern, and nothing else. This surprised Julie for some reason. She remembered how her husband would either ignore the sounds or just frown in disgust. This was the first time she had ever heard someone being worried about her.

Looking up, her eyes were met with Harry's handsome face, filled with worry. Once again, she was filled with incredible warmth.

"Sorry, you don't have to worry, Harry. I just have some stomach problems."

For the first time, she was able to say this out loud, but for some reason, she wasn't embarrassed. She felt like Harry wouldn't judge her.

On the other hand, when Julie mentioned her stomach, and Harry remembered the sounds from earlier, he suddenly felt a weird feeling well up in him. He quickly suppressed it, however. Instead, he just nodded his head. "Okay, as long as you're not in pain."

Looking at Harry's relieved and smiling face, Julie felt slightly bad, like she was deceiving him. In a moment of impulsion, she said, "Umm, it actually does hurt a bit..."

However, she quickly regretted it. 'What is he supposed to do about that!'

On the other hand, Harry's face, instead, changed from relief to worry again. Looking over at Julie's face, he noticed her embarrassment. Then he seemed to understand something.

"I-If I'm wrong, then I'm sorry. I just want you to know that even if you relieved your stomach here, I wouldn't mind at all..." Harry's voice became quieter as he spoke. After all, what he just said was borderline admitting to something unspeakable.

On the other hand, Julie was even more surprised than before when she heard those words. Looking over at Harry, she was stunned to see the handsome 18-year-old blushing in embarrassment. She couldn't understand all the emotions in his expression, but for some reason, she found it kind of amusing and interesting.

If he had looked at her in earnest, she would probably have felt incredibly embarrassed, but for some reason, his current reaction made her suddenly feel no hint of embarrassment. She even felt slightly adventurous...

"So, you would be all right if I farted here?" As those embarrassing words left her mouth, her voice quivered. But even though she was nervous, an even stronger feeling of excitement was in her stomach.

On the other hand, Harry's muscular body jumped in response to those words, as a heat rose inside him. With a face filled with embarrassment, he nodded. "Yes, that would be okay."

Seeing this made Julie feel her heart speed up. In the back of her mind, a voice was telling her to stop, but the sight of Harry's shy figure made her ignore it. "It smells really, really bad you know. Even I wring my nose at it."

Her words were getting more and more obvious and teasing.

However, Harry was still a virgin, with no experience whatsoever, so he wasn't able to understand the situation. He could only feel shame from his depraved excitement, as he nodded, "Th-That's okay, Aunt Julie, I'll handle it."

With a beating heart, Aunt Julie felt bolder than ever. As her stomach rumbled again, she finally let go of her resistance. With all barriers gone—


A rumble was released under her. The sound was disgusting, but the smell that followed was even more foul. Like a green miasma, it wafted from Julie's seat into both of their noses.

Even Julie was stunned at the smell, as it was even worse than she had imagined. She had been keeping it inside for a long time, which seemed to have caused it to reek even more than usual. She finally felt embarrassed. After all, even she, who was used to the stench of her farts, felt disgusted at this moment. Looking cautiously over at Harry, her eyes instantly became dazed.

Harry fought tooth and nail to not ejaculate then and there. He had been fantasizing about what Aunt Julie's farts would smell like, but he never imagined they would be this disgusting. For any other person, this would make them gag in disgust. The stench of rotten eggs mixed with a nauseating sweetness made its way into his nostrils.

However, this just made him aroused out of his mind. Looking over at the origins of the smell, he suddenly felt jealous of the sofa cushion. If only he could be there. With such thoughts, he failed to realize that a massive tent was currently exposed on his crotch. On top of that, his eyes were looking obsessively at Julie's butt— there was no way to misunderstand these signs.

Even though Julie almost felt it was too good to be true, there was no denying the sight before her eyes. This handsome young man before her was clearly incredibly aroused by her fart, despite it being so disgusting. She had never thought such a person existed, but the thought of it made a craving, like never before, rise inside her. A deep, depraved desire rose in her, to the point where she even stopped caring that the person before her was her own sister's child.

Looking over at the dazed boy opposite her, she said, "Could it be... that you like the smell?"

Despite her racing heart, she still managed to say those words. The desire for what could happen next outweighed her embarrassment.

On the other hand, Harry was awoken from his fantasies by those words, as intense shame and embarrassment filled him. Lowering his head, he was unable to say a word. After all, he knew how disgusting his desires were. Not just mentioning the fact that he got turned on by her farting, she was also his aunt. It was hard to imagine anything more depraved than this.

Seeing him react like this caused Julie's heart to skip a beat in arousal. Her desire rose even further. "If you want, you can get closer, you know..."

Her words contained both enticement and seduction. Her previous hesitation had completely disappeared. She could feel her control over the situation.

Harry's mind was instantly captured by that voice. Raising his head to look over at Aunt Julie in shock, he was met with a teasing smile. Confirming he hadn't heard wrong; his mind went blank in excitement.

Deep down, he knew he shouldn't continue, but there was no way he could control the deep desire that was welling up inside him.

"O-Okay then," he said, before getting down on the floor and making his way over to Aunt Julie's side.

Soon, he was right beside her on the floor. Looking down at the handsome boy on his knees by her side, the lust in Aunt Julie's eyes burned even stronger. She had never been this aroused in her life.

In tandem with this arousal, her stomach also became excited.

With a gurgle—


There was no reason to hold back any longer. Letting her sphincter loosen, gas blew out from her ass. Following the noise, another wave of miasma-like smell filled the room.

Harry, being in much closer proximity now, got an even clearer experience of the smell. What was just a disgusting scent before became even more rotten. Despite the arousal this caused Harry, his body instead reflexively wanted to gag, as the odor was just too awful.

Meanwhile, the tent in Harry's pants only grew bigger and even began twitching. This confirmed Julie's suspicion even further. Without any shadow of a doubt, her model-like nephew was a fart-obsessed pervert.

Her crotch became hot at the idea, as moisture began leaking out.

Spreading her jean-covered legs a bit, she said, "Why don't you get all up close, so you won't miss any bit of the smell?"

Harry felt like he was dreaming. From his memories, he had always been in love with his aunt. It was only later that he realized his submissive desires, but he never dreamed of having any chance at them. This was both because she was his aunt and she had always been very nice, seemingly even afraid to hurt a fly.

Yet now, this always cheerful and gentle aunt of his was inviting him into her crotch area to smell her fart even closer. This was completely unimaginable.

But there was no reason to deny reality. With excitement hot enough to fill him to the brim, he shifted his body forward. Soon, his handsome young face, which all the girls in his class dreamt of, was right before his aunt's crotch.

Looking at the head between her thighs, a feeling of power engulfed Julie. This was the first time she had experienced such a feeling, but she found it incredibly pleasurable.

Filled with excitement, she no longer hesitated. Tightening her stomach muscles—


Another fart blew out between her cheeks. Harry, being right at the origins, was instantly surrounded by the smell. Even if he wanted a breath of fresh air, he couldn't.

Of course, this was just what Harry desired.

With a massive tent in his pants, he instantly began taking deep breaths, trying to gather as much of the smell as possible. Since his aunt seemed to not be against it, he no longer had anything suppressing his desires.

Aunt Julie was wetter than she had ever been before watching Harry breathe in her farts like he was smelling flowers. She knew how disgusting they smelled, yet this only seemed to excite the handsome boy even more. No longer able to control her desires, she decided to take it even further.

Lowering her hands to her pants, she sensually unbuttoned her jeans which were sitting tightly around her protruding BBW belly. Under Harry's mesmerized gaze, her fingers grabbed the zipper and pulled it down.

As lust rose in both of them, she grabbed the waist of her pants and pushed.

What was slowly revealed before Harry's face was a pair of white panties, followed by a thick pair of dimpled thighs, which seemed to be able to crush his whole head. This sight was almost too much for him, as he had to struggle greatly not to ejaculate then and there. Soon, her pants were down to her knees.

She smiled teasingly at her nephew, who looked at her like she was a goddess, saying, "Go on, make me feel good, too."

This was a line she would never have said before today, but for some reason, she suddenly had the courage.

And Harry was only overjoyed as he heard those words.

With a nod, he pushed his head towards the crotch of his aunt. The closer he got, the more noticeable the sour stench surrounding her crotch became. It was an amalgamation of residual fart smell and something he didn't dare think about. He also noticed as he got closer, that despite the panties being white, there were clear areas where they weren't.

Her crotch was slightly yellowed, almost like she had dirtied them. Also, to Harry's great arousal, although not in full view, a streak of browned cloth extended down under her into the crack, which was hidden from his eyes, from Aunt Julie sitting down.

He could imagine the heavenly sight before him if she were to stand up.

Anyone else would have been highly disgusted at this sight. Even Aunt Julie had been slightly worried about how Harry would react, but she quickly found her worries unfounded. The boy was nearly spasming in arousal as his eyes came closer to her panties. This made her more aroused than ever before. Impatient, she let her hand fall onto the boy's head.

With a little bit of force, she pushed his handsome face into her dirty and smelly crotch, "Come on, pleasure me."

The combination of dominating words and the action itself was too much for the submissive Harry to handle.

"Guh," and with a grunt, he ejaculated.

Julie raised her eyebrows, but instead, became more aroused. "Hurry it up."

Harry had no time to enjoy the pleasure pulsing through his entire body. Opening his mouth, he moved his tongue out, contacting Aunt Julie's panty-covered crotch. Despite there being a layer between, this sensation of softness and warmth, on top of the pleasure, instantly made Julie moan. How many years had it been since someone had licked her down there?

On the other hand, Harry was instead greeted by the most disgusting taste he had ever experienced. Sour, bitter, and putrid, like he had just put some rotten fruit in his mouth. His entire body wanted to empty its contents, but the boy's mind was too far gone.

As his eyes became more dazed, he had completely submitted to the woman before him. There was no longer even the slightest will to disobey. As such, his tongue began enthusiastically moving around the crotch of his aunt, as he looked up at her like a good little slave would.

This made Julie's mind go blank in arousal. This handsome boy was looking at her with complete obedience. He was basically telling her she owned him. Placing both her hands on the boy's head, she forced him into her dirtied crotch before—


Releasing all the uncomfortable air inside her, she farted directly into the face of the boy, as she climaxed.

"AAHHHnnNnn." An uncontrollable moan escaped her mouth, as she slammed her thighs together around the boy's face, locking him in together with the putrid fart and her spraying love juices. Her eyes nearly turned into her head, as she bit her bottom lip. The most pleasurable feeling she had ever experienced ran through her like a tidal wave, causing her whole body to spasm.

The power, the relief, the pride, the pleasure. All these feelings both cured her of her stress and made her become filled with confidence.

After a whole minute passed, she finally calmed down a bit.

Releasing her nephew's face, she was delighted to find him still staring at her with utter worship. 'Seems this boy is mine now. Sorry, sis.'

With a backhanded apology, she decided to enslave and ruin the life of her sister's son.

On the other hand, Harry's mind was a complete blur at this moment. He had always fantasized about submitting to someone, but this was, after all, the first time anyone had ever degraded him to such an extent. Not only had Aunt Julie treated him like her personal fart filter, but she had also forced his face into her dirty panties just to provide her with more pleasure.