My Baseball Buddy Ch. 05

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Nate and I try to make sense of the magical weekend we had.
7.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/11/2024
Created 04/18/2024
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As the week got under way, I was really feeling that famous opening line from "Tale of Two Cities." It was the best of times... and for me, the fucking worst of times.

The "best" side of the equation was fucking incredible. Out of nowhere, completely unexpected and certainly not looked for, I had had some of the best sex of my life. Of anyone's life. Jesus... I think I had more sex in those two days with Nate than I had on the entire two-week run of my honeymoon. And I had a lot of sex on my honeymoon.

And my God, the sex! I discovered not just some fun little tips or tricks to try out here and there, but like this vast universe of sexed-up sexy sex that turned my body inside out... and my world upside down. I was fucking on fire!

And everyone caught my vibe. I strode into work Monday morning standing about 2 feet taller, feeling like I had the right to stride into the corner office and demand a raise. The rest of the guys in the office were close in their suspicions about the cause, although they were wildly off on the details. They correctly figured I was getting lucky, but assumed I must have gone on some romantic getaway over the weekend with the Mrs., and were jealously pestering me for details.


Being that I was next level horny, I made some serious moves on my wife... and thankfully the wifey was appreciative to my attentions. We ended up having a couple wild bouts in the sack that helped take the edge off things.


Fuck it was rough. Having cashed in all my chips to spend time with Nate over the weekend, it was hard to politely make my way back there again. Besides, during the early part of the week I have other standing appointments and couldn't reasonably get away. Of course, Wednesday's game was a nooner, nixing me going over that evening... which meant Thursday eve was the next, only possible chance to get together with Nate alone before his wife came back on Friday.

His wife.

Shit... my wife.

What the hell were we doing?

And just like that, I was back trying to confront just how... fucking crazy this all was. I mean... I'm not sure I felt, well... gay. I mean, well, obviously I had crossed some "gayness" line over that weekend, but I didn't feel any different. I didn't start creeping on the guys at work. And not to be too blunt, but everything was in working order when I went after my wife. So, women clearly still did something for me.

Where did that leave guys? I had no idea, and didn't know what to think.

In light of this, hitting the gym was a surreal experience. I was half afraid I was going to see all these dicks in the shower and lose control. And don't get me wrong, I was totally checking things out. But my reaction was... weird. I kept bringing everything back to Nate. Like yeah, that guy was ripped, but he looked so... fake next to Nate's body. That guy was shaved so much he looks like a 13-year-old girl, and had nothing like Nate's lumberjack masculinity. That guy's dick was way too short to do anything useful with, compared to Nate's. And that guy...

Fuck it. The eye candy was fine, but there was only one Nate. He was perfect, and was a perfect fit to fill a hole in my life I didn't even know I had.

But now what? What to do about Nate? Sad as it is to say for a grown-ass man, I didn't know how... if? when?... to reach out to him. I mean, would that be too... clingy? Like I was a crazy-ass girlfriend? I'm pretty secure in the knowledge that he had as much of a good time as I did. I mean, guys can't quite fake it the same way women can. And I know enough about Nate and the male anatomy in general to tell that he was fucking loving it, no question. But I didn't know how to talk to him. Should I be playing it cool? What if we went too far too fast?

Was all this just an act of convenience that would blow over?

Shit. Shit shit shit.

And worst of all, through all of this I was so fucking horny I was about ready to roger our vacuum cleaner.

I finally bit the bullet and sent what I hoped was an easy-breezy message confirming Thursday's game was a go. He sent a laconic answer that it was.

Those next few days were fucking brutal. Even with extra rounds with my wife, and more than a few extra rounds with my right hand, I was still pacing around the house hard enough to leave ruts in floorboards, on the brink of serious testosterone poisoning. Waiting. Waiting until Thursday evening when I could finally, legitimately get together with Nate again.

By the time Thursday night finally came around and I could legit get away, I fucking sprinted across the alley to his house, my rock-hard dick pointing the way. My mouth was dry, my pits were sweaty, and my hands were twitchy. I ran through his back door, and sprinted down his stairs two at a time to find...

...Nate buck naked. He was kneeling on the couch cushions with his arms thrown over the back. His hairy ass pointed right at me. "Fuck I thought you'd never get here," he growled, leering at me over his shoulder.

"Hoh-ohhhhhh... FUCK!" I snarled out. I savagely kicked the coffee table out of the way, flipping it onto its side. I grabbed his hips, and fucking slammed my face into his hairy crack.


Fuck, yeah.

His butt funk filled my nose and I started a wet, sloppy assault for all I was worth. I fucking ground my face in, as hard as I possibly could, desperate to bury my tongue inside him up to the root. I fumbled my clothes; hoping we'd get it on, I hadn't worn anything... complicated. I crazily hauled my shirt over my head. It was a clumsy maneuver, executed hastily, and I almost tore my ear off. But in a flash, I was naked as he was.

All the while, I fucking ate him. I was slamming into him so hard his body was getting crushed into the couch, but I didn't give a fuck. I swung my head from side to side, raking him with my stubble, before lapping up and down his crack like a deranged dog. His butt hair tickled my face, smeared with my spit. I sucked him, sucked his hole, and munched up and down furiously. Nate barked out his excitement, reaching back and grinding my face even further. Grinding his hips, while shouting out, "FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah!"

I could eat that ass for hours, but I needed a hell of a lot more. I stood up and grabbed the lube Nate had next to him, and roughly slathered some on my dick. Funny... my dick was already wet; I had leaked out enough precum that it looked like I had already shot my load. I clambered onto the couch, kneeling behind Nate, and... well, fuck it. Normally I'd take it easy but neither of us was in a mood for "easy."

I fucking rammed myself in. All the way. Balls deep.

Nate bellowed like a gored bull. I leaned in heavily against him, my hairy chest slamming against his back. From there, I bent my head in, and fucking went wild on his neck, using my lips and tongue to go after him as hard as I had been eating his ass moments before. With his left hand, he reached behind him and roughly grabbed my hair, his fingers digging into my scalp. My left hand shot around his body to grab his dick and start jacking him. I ran my teeth across his ear.

Nate's words never changed, but the intensity behind them rocketed up... "FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah!" Slowly he started grinding his hips against my hairy crotch, trying to get me in deeper. Trying to feel everything inside him. Finally, he slid his left leg to the side, opening himself up even more. I dug in deeper and started fucking him. Long hard strokes.

"Ohhhhh GAWD!" I wasn't sure if it was me growling or Nate. It didn't matter; right then, we were one.

The angle was tricky, and I needed fucking power. I pulled his leg back in and pulled his ass out slightly, making him bend forward and stick his butt out towards me. Then I re-grabbed his hips and fucking slammed into him. Hard and fast. BAM Just as we needed it. BAM BAM. His words broke apart into a snarling howl, and I barked out my need with each thrust. BAM BAM BAM. Our balls started slamming together from the force. BAM BAM BAM BAM. I grabbed his shoulders for more leverage, and we started absolutely colliding, our whole bodies bending from the impact as my dick slammed into him. BAM BAM BAM BAM. Sweat ran down my face. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM.

Damn. Way too fast, Will. Way too fast.

I could feel my spunk rising, and I knew I had to slow down. I slowed, leaning in against him. My chest grinding against his back. From there, I started an oral assault on the back of his neck. I snaked my hands down his sweaty body and started working his cock and balls... his cries mutating into an unholy animal grumble, broken by gasped breaths. From there, I started to long-dick him--slow methodical drives deep inside him, just using my hips. Nate responded rolling his butt around my cock and by flexing his ass muscles, perfectly timed with my thrusts, making my dick ache with the pressure. "Fuuuuuuck...!"

Fuck. It was fucking good.

I loved the feeling of him. The feeling of us together. God, I loved fucking man-ass. For several delicious moments, we fucking luxuriated in that connection. That wet friction. I could feel my dick slide inside him, setting off sparks in him. Making his cock drip. Time melted away. Nothing mattered but the roll of dick in ass. How long could I keep it going? Five minutes? Thirty?

Soon, though, my body screamed out against my deliberate control, wanting everything fucking now. I felt the fire inside me fucking roaring again. Need was bursting forth. Hunger was taking control.

I started increasing my speed, needing the feeling of hard contact. I pulled back from him slightly, gripped his shoulders, and started a barrage of mini thrusts that woke up his body. Fuuuuuuck... the fucking pressure as he bore down on my cock as I nailed him. Tighter than anything. Fuck, I needed more. Fucking MORE. I drove my hips against him hard. And again. The thrusts set my brain on fire, and in a flash, I was back to violent body slams BAM BAM BAM BAM as I fucking slammed his ass. He went from a rattling snarl to a full-on howl as his head snapped back. I slammed my forehead against his back and hammered him BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM


The blood pounded in my ears and I started an agonized scream...

And again... I caught myself and slowed back down, my mind torn between needing to fuck the ever-living shit out of him and the need to make it last. Patience finally won out, and with exquisite suffering on my part, I drove in and held it there. Steady. Nate snarled out a cry of frustrated need. My own body did the same, screaming from being denied.

After I felt my balls cool down, I started long dicking him again with machine-like drives. Always rolling. Always shifting my angle of attack. I could feel my cockhead in the drag of his innards, feeling his ass muscles spasm around the intruder. Nate let out a rolling, obscene moan as I did so, as I hit every part of him from within.

FUCK. It was so fucking raw feeling that drag around my dick, tighter than fucking anything. God, he had no idea what he was doing to me. I was... overwhelmed... with this... sensual... feeling... as my whole body got into those deep drives digging deep inside him. My hands ran roughly up and down his flanks. I leaned in and started rolling my hairy chest against his back, my skin fucking glowing at the touch. God, that fucking sensual feeling kept going... I wildly swept my face against his sweaty back, one side across to the other, my stubble tearing at his skin. His head flew back for a second, and he made the strangest gurgling sound. Fucking lost in the moment.

I fucking lost it. I fucking became Conan the Fucking Barbarian on his ass. I started piledriving him again, fucking relentless and stopping for nothing. BAM BAM BAM BAM

BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM. The slap of our skin sounding like I was fucking spanking his ass with a paddle.


So... fucking... close... BAMBAMBAM. I could feel the veins throbbing so hard they nearly ripped free of my neck. BAMBAMBAM. The roars coming from my throat merged with the roars inside my ears...


"UNGEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Detonation. I fucking CAME. Blowing a volcano's worth of spunk into his ass. Again and again. An unending explosion. So much cum inside him, I thought he'd fucking blow up.

Finally it was over, and my dick shook out its last spray of cum. I violently ripped myself out of his ass, and slapped back onto my haunches. Nate turned looked back strangely, sweat pouring down his face. Between gasped breaths, I grunted, "You. I need... you. To... fuck me. Fuck the shit out of me. Do it. DO IT, you fucking bastard!"

Nate didn't need to be told twice.

He threw me lengthwise across the couch, flat on my back. With absolute menace in his eyes, he shot a load of lube into his hands, slapped enough of it onto his throbbing dick to be useful, then roughly got between my legs. He lined up his dick against my hole, and then ripped into me all the way in. His man bush slammed against my hairy hole. Hard. Harder than I had slammed into him.

Serves me right. I fucking howled like a stuck pig.

He reached down and pinned my arms over my head with one hand. He pulled out nearly all the way, so just his cockhead was inside me, and fucking drilled me all the way back in. My hole screamed in protest, wildly clenching down hard around him, adding to the friction. It was a cold, stabbing pain that got my head throbbing... but once again, the icy stab was quickly balanced by a growing fireball of delicious pleasure. The extremes battled it out, but as the fire burned brighter. I could feel my whole body relax and embrace the flame. I could feel his flared cockhead deep, deep inside me, knocking down the final gates and opening me up. Completely involuntarily, I hissed out "Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuUUUUUUCK!!!"

Nate rolled his hips around, grinding my innards, and I arched my back in joy. At that moment he leaned in and fucking mauled me with a wet, sloppy kiss. I pushed back hard against him, locking my lips around his and driving my tongue as deep as I could. I freed my sweaty arms and locked them around his torso, drawing him in. And he started bucking against me, fucking me deeper than any person had a right to.

Our kissing was desperate, like trying to sucking the breath out of each other. Like I was sucking the cum out of him by way of his mouth. Our strangled grunts drowning each other out. And we fucked. And fucked. Vast circles of motion that set my guts on fire. GOD I loved him inside me. GOD I loved the feel of his sweaty body against mine, our hairy chests scouring the other, his stubble rubbing my face, neck and ears raw. It was combustible, angry power. Driven by absolute hunger. Furious and unforgiving. Fucking primal.

Men. Men free of everything. Fucking being men. I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to burn every part Nate into my brain, feel his heat. Smell dusky scent. Taste the salt of his sweat. Feel the burn of his chest hair. And to fucking feel his cock turn my guts inside out.

God, I was fucking liberated. Unleashed from civilization, responsibility, of caring about anything but my own goddamn pleasure.

Although the reptile part of my brain was in a full-on rage, something else was building inside me. Something familiar and strange. Fucking JOY. And for all the clawing and grappling Nate and I did, there was also a... connection. A euphoric connection. It wasn't just about me, it was about us, in that moment rising up with each other, pushing each other, grabbing hold of each other. Sharing something so heartbreakingly intimate. It's almost embarrassing to admit, but at that moment--amidst the sweat, the grunts and the smell of balls--I felt like a living, breathing, fucking Hallmark card.

No one had ever made me feel that way.

I leaned into it, pushing back hard against him emotionally as we fucking smashed against each other physically. God, he was starting such a roaring fire inside me. Sexual bliss and sexual violence. I dimly realized just how hard he was fucking pounding my ass, slamming it hard enough to break another guy. Roaring with unfiltered rage. Finally his fury hit the point of no return.


His whole face compressed into a look of gnarled rage as he shot blast after blast of cum inside me. Bellowing out a roar like a dragon and grabbing me so hard I nearly yelped in pain. It was all part of a technicolor explosion of sensation.

And goddamn. The roaring fire he had lit inside me unleashed... again. I fucking blew. Cum shooting out of my dick in thick heavy ropes. Drenching both our chests, curling through our chest hair. It felt like I was blasting my head clean off my shoulders as my entire body exploded.

Nate kept going, unable or unwilling to lose that feeling. And when he slowed, he fucking kissed me so hard I was afraid he drew blood.

I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I don't know how long we kissed. Our hands running all over each other, without any conscious thought on our part. Our spent dicks were still engorged, if no longer rock-hard, and lazily ground through each other's man bushes. Rolling, flopping against each other. Like our cockheads were mimicking our make out session.

It was fucking heaven.

I realized we had been at it longer than I thought when I finally looked over at the TV and saw that the game was well under way. I chuckled; I used to claim that nothing could pull me away from a game, but here we were in the bottom of the third. It didn't matter. There was no way I was going to break the spell.

Although... we did finally rip ourselves away from each other, basically to refuel with food and booze. But we went back to laying together... Nate on his back, me on my side leaning against him.

I think the realization that this was our last free night before Nate's wife returned home was playing with our minds. We didn't say anything, really... just lay there on the couch. Our hands gently running all over each other, as if trying to commit each other's bodies to memory. That feeling of... touch... with a guy... was so... fucking...

I don't have words for it.

And I quietly marveled at how far I had come in my thinking. Of reflexively being terrified of being thought of as gay... to suddenly realizing how far my emotions had carried me.

Carried me... to him.

Carried me into the arms of this... shit, I'm just gonna say it: the fucking sexiest... the fucking handsomest man I knew in real life. And I knew--really knew--that against all odds, and against all reason, he was obviously, certainly, demonstrably... mine.

The magnitude of that filled me. Filled me with emotions... I didn't understand. But certainly felt. God, I was starting to feel... almost weepy.

My head was resting just below his collarbone. Almost by instinct, I leaned down and started rolling my lips against his hairy pecs, working my way down to his nipple. Nate made a purring sound, looked at me and smiled. In absolute contentment. The brush of his hair against my lips sparked something deep in me, and my mouth became more... insistent. Demanding. I started making out with his hairy nipple. I could feel my pulse start to quicken, and my cock started feeling warm. Awakening. I started working my way back slowly, making big wet circles with my tongue, moving toward his furry pit. I caught the tang of his scent, and barreled in, my hunger spiking as I worked into his pit hair. It was soon wet with a combo of his sweat and my spit.


Nate growled appreciatively. He pulled his arm back to give me access, essentially wrapping it around my head and shoulders as if giving me a hug. And I swept through his armpit, mashing my face into him. His masculine scent filling my nose. Setting off bells inside me. Making my dick hard enough to drill through titanium. Grinding against Nate's hip.