My Best Friend Forces Me Pt. 04


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The back-up driver arrived about twenty minutes later. Svetlana and I were already seated in the rear of the limousine but the driver did open the rear door to see if we needed anything. I recognized him as the bodyguard looking guy who had searched me twice in the past. Svetlana and him exchanged pleasantries and I learned his name was Ivan. He acknowledged me with a nod and checked me out in my pink silk pajamas. Then he made a derisive "lipgloss boy" comment. Apparently he had been apprised of my lowly status within the house.

We got on the road within thirty minutes of my text consult with the nurse. We weren't that far behind schedule which was a relief. Svetlana started to fuck with me as soon as we got on the freeway.

"Do you think your wife is joining the Mile High Club?" she asked.

I didn't take the bait.

"Sara is in a private jet with an Alpha male who has dominated her for the last few months. You don't think he will fuck her on the plane?"

I tried to focus on anything else and Svetlana ceased with that line of questioning. Truth is, I hoped to God Sara didn't join the Mile High Club with that obnoxious prick, Adrian. I had come so close to beating Adrian to the punch on that particular sexual activity. Sara had promised we could fuck in the bathroom, when we flew to her parents, although my abrupt departure from work, derailed those plans. However, I still hoped that Sara would join this exclusive club with me, not him.

I guess it was just not meant to be. About thirty minutes later Sara texted me to see where I was on my five hour drive to Vegas. She ended the text with Sara MHC, and an emoji of an airplane and a pair of lips. Svetlana still had my phone and took great delight in responding for me.

She texted, "Hey babe, Svetlana here. Congrats on becoming the latest member of the Mile High Club. Chrissy is here with me being a good boy. We are about four hours out."

After she sent the text she showed me the exchange. I thought she was fucking with me about the MHC standing for Mile High Club. However, as she was happy to show me, a cursory look on the Urban Dictionary website confirmed that Adrian had fucked my wife on the private jet.

Sara and Svetlana texted each other for a few moments, and Svetlana delighted in relaying the exchange to me, in excruciating detail.

"They didn't have to fuck in the bathroom, handsome," she said, enjoying watching me come to terms with my jealousy. "Adrian asked Stephanie to excuse them for a few minutes, and she left them alone in the cabin. Adrian fucked Sara doggy-style first, then he ass-fucked her."

My first thought was that Stephanie got off lightly. Adrian used that private jet company frequently, and always requested the same crew. Judging by her willingness to suck him off before he boarded the jet, he had undoubtedly fucked Stephanie before. She was lucky that he didn't make her nibble his nuts, while he fucked Sara from behind. As I pondered her lucky break, Sara sent a final text.

"Adrian just allowed me to slip my egg inside me. Gotta go, duty calls."

Svetlana laughed at this and couldn't resist rubbing it in my face.

"Ivan isn't the only man who is going to get sucked off today, on that private jet," Svetlana taunted me.

Then she continued to browse my phone. She sent a couple more texts, and then I heard the whoosh sound of an email being sent. Finally, after she had been in possession of my phone for way too long, she handed it back to me.

About an hour later Adrian called Svetlana for an update. We were not quite halfway there but were making good progress. Svetlana informed Adrian that Ivan needed to fly home that night, and Adrian praised her for her initiative. Then he gave her the bad news.

"I need you to stay in Vegas for the weekend, Svetlana," he began. "I just spoke to Mary, and she advised me to keep Chris' cock-cage off for at least two days. That pussy is going to need a full-time chaperone to stop him from jerking off. Unfortunately, that is you, Svetlana."

Mary had been Adrian's nurse for a long time, and he trusted her implicitly. If she decreed that I needed to be out of my cock-cage, it was a medical necessity. I don't know who took that news worse, me or Svetlana. I certainly didn't want to be in Svetlana's presence for the next two days. For her part, she had promised Ivan oral sex on the flight home. She had said this in order to sweeten the pot and entice him to drive us to Vegas. Ivan wasn't the type of guy to jerk around. This could get messy.

Svetlana got on the intercom and told Ivan that there had been a change of plans.

"Adrian needs me to stay in Vegas this weekend, so you will be flying home alone on the jet tonight, Ivan."

Ivan evidently had a very short fuse, because he punched the steering wheel repeatedly, and cussed a few times in a language I didn't understand.

After he gained control of his temper, he responded in a menacing tone.

"I didn't drop everything just to make two thousand dollars for the Vegas drive," he began angrily. "I decided to help you out because you promised me a blowjob, and I expect you to honor your word."

Svetlana tried to apologize, but Ivan wouldn't hear it.

"What do you suggest Ivan," she pleaded. "I have to stay in Vegas to chaperone Chrissy, Adrian's orders."

"You and Chrissy figure it out Svetlana," he told her. "I don't care who, but one of you two bitches are going to suck my cock!"

Ivan turned off the intercom, as if to signal that this conversation was over.

"That went well," Svetlana said with a nervous giggle. "Flip you for it?"

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