My Best Friend, My Kidnapper

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Jean is kidnapped and imprisoned by her "friend" Lorraine.
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Every morning, Jean went for a walk. She couldn't go very far with the chain of course, it was so short she couldn't even stand, but it allowed her to waddle over from her resting spot to the little hole that acted as her toilet. She hated relieving herself there because she had to always keep the room clean. If it wasn't clean and started to smell she'd be punished. She had to squat herself in such a way that everything went in, and the whole thing was just extra effort she didn't need. Once done, she crawled back to her little resting corner; the place where it was most comfortable for her to lie down with her chains.

At first she had been scared, absolutely horrified by this new life. Inside this tiny room, with nothing but her chains and the hole. She wore a metal collar, with a chain connecting to the wall, but that one wasn't the problem. It gave her the full length of the room. No, the problem was the other chain that connected from her collar down across her body to the shackles on her legs. The chain was too short so she could only just about stoop with some strain and effort, so it was easier just crawling and waddling around the place. Naturally her hands were chained behind her back, with a length of chain connected to her wrists running around her waist, which in turn connected to the chain running down her torso.

The whole array of chains acted as the perfect limitation of her mobility, and Jean hated it. She wished she was just imprisoned in the room, without the chains! She'd still be a prisoner! Lorraine seemed to like her this way though, and she could never question Lorraine. Jean shuddered at the thought of her punishments. Taking her mind away from that, she focussed on the walls surrounding her. Obviously there wasn't much to them: the most exciting thing being the wall opposite her with its small vent. She assumed it was how she was breathing in this otherwise air-tight room, but she couldn't reach it, nor could she fit through. The other wall opposite had a slight crack, and the lightbulb hanging over her head illuminated some seams and cracks on the concrete roof, but otherwise that was it really. There was the door; the big metal door like something from a submarine, and the little slot that had been likely retrofitted at the bottom of the door, acting as a hole for Lorraine to shove her dog bowl through.

Jean hoped Lorraine wasn't too long with the food today. She wondered what it might be: dog food most likely, although sometimes Lorraine did bring her leftovers! It was a little tricky and demeaning dunking her face into the bowl to eat some leftover lasagne or tofu, but hey it beat the bland meat and doggie treats. She wished she could use her hands, but despite her frustrations she did understand why Lorraine kept her restrained. Any freedom and she might find ways to escape, like maybe finding a fault in the door she could manipulate? No, it made sense that Lorraine kept her like this.

Jean twisted her bare feet around in little circles, her only real exercise inside the room. She looked at her feet, her toenails now so grimy and crooked from years of negligence. God, had it been years? She wasn't sure. Lorraine certainly didn't tell her how long she'd been inside, but it was easily more than months now. Thankfully there were no mirrors or even windows that she could look at to see her reflection. She hated to think what she must look like now. She looked down at her filthy nude body, her large breasts pale from lack of sunlight, her light-haired bush unpruned and unkempt. Her once lovely hair was now matted and oily. She hated the feeling of it on her head and shoulders. Maybe she should ask Lorraine to just shave it all off? Jean didn't like the idea of her former beauty being degraded further, but the thought of her hair being so foul made her physically ill. Then again, Lorraine seemed to like Jean being dirty. She said it reminded her of her station, so she never once gave her water to clean herself with, the only water she ever saw being in the dog bowl to drink.

She knew she had been beautiful once, despite Lorraine's claims to the contrary. At 21 she had been the belle of the ball, falling from one handsome boyfriend to the next. Jean had always loved her blossoming sexuality, and revelled in it, enjoying amazing sex with incredible men. Her breasts had been big and firm, her body curvy but still athletic. Men would do anything for her, and she made sure they did! She sighed, that all seemed so far away now. God she wished she could masturbate, but with her hands bound there was no way to reach herself. Sometimes she did manage to manoeuvre the chain connected to her leg shackles to rub against her pussy, but it wasn't ideal. The metal just felt cold and sterile. She remembered one time when Lorraine had actually fingered her as a present for her good behaviour. It had been Heavenly, and she'd cum in moments. All the time she had thought of her betrothed.

Simon, she breathed. You were the one. They had announced their engagement to their families on a beautiful cruise ship that Simon owned. He was a wealthy entrepreneur, but she loved him despite his fortune, not because of it. He was so shy and sensitive, like a boy excited about his latest hobby. She adored him and missed him terribly. When Lorraine had told her that she and Simon were dating, she'd cried for days. Not only had he moved on from her, he'd started a relationship with her captor?!

As time passed, she'd gotten used to the idea, especially as Lorraine would tell her all about their dates. It was strange, but she started to live vicariously through Lorraine, imagining herself in the beautiful hotels and fancy restaurants, attending important social events with extraordinarily powerful people. Naturally she resented Lorraine for stealing her life and fiancee, but when Simon proposed to Lorraine and Lorraine showed her the engagement ring, Jean's heart fluttered like she had been proposed to all over again. Lorraine showed her naked captive all the beautiful photos from their wedding, Lorraine's lovely bridal gown and Simon looking smart in his suit. Jean saw the look of true happiness in Simon's smile, and was so happy for him. If Lorraine gave Simon that happiness, could she really hate her?

Jean knew this line of thinking was crazy. Lorraine had kidnapped her, stripped her naked, covered her in chains and locked her in a concrete room where she had to shit in a hole and eat dog food! She remembered her initial terror, waking up in this cold, confined Hell, her bare skin shivering against the solid floor. She'd screamed and screamed and screamed for help, but no one heard her. To this day she didn't know where she was; whether she was in a basement somewhere or even if she was underground! For all she knew, she was in Lorraine's house and Simon was on the other side of the wall! She swooned at that idea, that her love was actually nearby.

She would never want him to see her like this, of course. At first she'd been desperate to escape, pulling on her chains as hard as she could and trying to find any flaw in the room she could exploit. She had tried to kill Lorraine, in a totally fruitless attempt. With her hands bound behind her back there wasn't much she could do, so when tried to slam herself into Lorraine with her full body weight it only resulted in laughter,

"Oh you silly bitch," Lorraine had cackled, "There's no way for you to escape. Those shackles are screwed shut, meaning I'm your only means of survival. Kill me, and you kill yourself."

Then she'd beaten her. The beatings had been pretty frequent at first, with Lorraine instructing Jean that any bad behaviour would be met with strict and violent corporal punishment. Jean now lived in terror at the thought of Lorraine's belt or strap. She'd always endeavoured to be a good girl recently, but it had been a slow and painful learning process, and she still got slapped or kicked if she dirtied the room at all. The rules were simple: be quiet, keep the room clean, accept what you are given without question, and always refer to Lorraine as Goddess.

That had been the most galling part for the headstrong Jean,

"Fuck you if you think I'm going to call a psycho bitch like you a Goddess!" she'd screamed at her kidnapper.

Jean flinched at the memory, thinking of the welts and bruises she had amassed as a consequence. How could she have been so stupid, provoking Lorraine like that? Yes, her pain had always been her fault. Always. Still, she could never get used to calling Lorraine "Goddess".

They'd first met in High School, and had become quick friends. Thick as thieves, they'd shared everything together: their highest hopes and darkest secrets. They'd talked about boys they liked, dressed each other up and prepared their makeup together for parties. They went to the movies together, played sports together, even made love together when they'd got drunk watching rom coms. Neither of them were lesbians but that was just how strong their bond had been. They had been best friends forever, so Jean could never wrap her head around calling her friend anything other than the name she'd known as a teenager.

She remembered when she'd begged and pleaded for Lorraine to let her go,

"Lor- I mean- Goddess. Please! We were best friends! Please let me go! I promise I won't tell anyone!"

Lorraine had just smiled a nasty, mirthless smile,

"Oh Bitch, I'm still your best friend. I'm your only friend!"

It had been Simon of course. Lorraine had never told her then, but she'd always been jealous of Jean's beauty and the attention she got from men. Lorraine was attractive as well, but in more of a bluestocking way with her brown hair and glasses. She just couldn't compete with the fair-haired High School Queen. So when Jean had announced her engagement with Simon, that had been the last straw. Jean had always been into the jocks, the outgoing, the athletes and the tough guys. Sensitive bookish types had been Lorraine's territory, so when Jean started dating Simon, the man Lorraine had had a crush on for years, that had been the moment Lorraine knew she needed to act. Jean had been totally oblivious to all this, and had been genuinely shocked when Lorraine told her her true feelings for Simon.

She's always been so aloof around him! Jean had assumed Lorraine just wasn't interested and probably thought Jean could do better. It was in her power to find a more physically attractive guy who also happened to have tonnes of money. Maybe that was also what irritated her? The fact that she could pick anyone, and she just happened to fall in love with the one Lorraine had a shot with. She supposed it made sense, although why she had to kidnap her to make the relationship happen, she had no idea.

The worst part of this ordeal was the boredom. There was nothing to do inside her concrete cage! It was like a boring class at school that you just ran down the clock for, except she didn't even have a clock! Day and night were one and the same here, her only indication that it was daylight being her morning breakfast, usually consisting of toast and water. All she had were her daydreams and memories. Like today she wondered what kind of animal would she have liked to be? It was stupid but it was a question she'd pondered ever since she'd arrived here. At first she'd wished she was a bird so she could fly away forever, but now she wasn't so sure. She'd been here so long, could she ever leave? Now she saw herself as a turtle, staying in place but protected. She liked that thought. Shielded from the world.

Lorraine always called her "Bitch" or her "little bitch in heat." She still made fun of her for feeling so horny,

"Aww little Bitch needs her cunny rubbed?"

It was strange realising she was very much a house-pet to Lorraine; something to be fed and watered and sheltered, living in her own filth like a pig. "God you reek!" Lorraine would sneer. Jean wouldn't know, she'd become used to the smell long ago. Besides it was Lorraine's own fault that she didn't allow Jean a means of cleaning herself. Would it really kill her to give her a sponge and some soap? If that happened, Lorraine would have to clean her herself, or she'd have to free Jean's hands and let her do it. No. There was no way either of those things were happening.

Jean's ears pricked up. She'd become so sensitive to what little movements she could hear outside she knew instinctively that it was Lorraine! She wondered if she would come in today. She hoped she would! Despite the fact that Lorraine was her kidnapper, Jean still felt excited at her coming into the room. Sometimes she would just chuck the food bowl in through the slot and that would be the only interaction of the day, so Lorraine coming in and actually talking to her broke up the tedious routine. Obviously Jean hoped it wasn't a precursor for a beating, but then she had been a good girl recently! The room was clean and she had been on her best behaviour!

Waddling over to the wall opposite the door, Jean positioned herself to be as presentable as she possibly could, kneeling with her bare buttocks pressed firmly against her feet, chest high and face lowered. Lorraine didn't approve of her looking her in the eye and it had taken a few beatings to get the message sunk in. Now Jean knew better, and made herself ready for the visit, whether it was a short or long one.

The door was unlocking! This wasn't just a food visit, she was coming in!

There she was, Lorraine! Only looking at her feet, Jean knew it was her. She was in her classic sports trainers (Lorraine always preferred wearing these when visiting her pet) and a simple pair of denim jeans (again, something she didn't care about soiling). Jean stole a quick glance up as Lorraine shut the door behind her. She was looking positively regal in a gorgeous-looking coat. Jean wondered what make it was; it was clearly a brand that Simon must have bought her. She was so pretty, with her glossy brown hair trimmed at her shoulders, her glasses accentuating her defined facial features. Jean noticed her bristle her nose at her stench, and lowered her head down in shame. She was so pathetic by comparison to this angelic being, this Queen, this Goddess,

"How are we today, Bitch?" Lorraine asked as she placed the new dog bowl on the floor. Pasta! Oh how wonderful, she had brought her leftovers! She must be in a good mood,

"I am content, my Goddess," Jean replied as she had been instructed,

"That's good," Lorraine cooed, looking her kneeling pet up and down, "it's good to see you've prettied yourself up for me,"

"I am not pretty, Goddess," Jean expressed in a mantra, "I am worthless and ugly and undeserving,"

"Yes it's true," Lorraine smiled, "It's good that I rescued you from the world,"

"Yes Goddess. Thank you for saving me from the horrors of life." Jean had been taught this throughout her time here. Lorraine had actually done her a service bringing her here. Outside was full of difficulty: hate, deception, rejection, fear, anger, sorrow and loss. In this room, she had no such issues. All she had to worry about was pleasing Lorraine.

Of course, Jean had rejected this wholeheartedly. Lorraine had ruined her life, tearing her away from her true love and turning her into an animal, but as the time rolled by...her mind began not quite to accept the idea, but she did start to appreciate it. Yes, I am better off here. I don't have to worry about a job or marriage or family or anything. I'm safe here. Lorraine...looks after me.

Even if she did leave, what then? What kind of life could she expect out there now, after so long? Could she even function in the sunlight? Would her eyes ever be able to adjust? And people! There were so many people out there! What would they think of her being trussed up like this, naked and chained and shitting in a hole? They'd laugh at her, mock her for her weakness, see her for the pathetic wretch she was! Here, she was safe from their contempt. Safe from them all,

"I have a surprise for you," Lorraine chuckled, putting her hand in her jacket pocket. Jean was stunned: a surprise? She didn't sound angry, so she doubted it was a new rod to beat her with. A nice surprise? Surely that wasn't right, was it?

She watched in awe as Lorraine slinked out a long length of chain and held it up for Jean to see. The captive was puzzled,

"I don't understand, sweet Goddess?"

"That's because you're stupid, Bitch."

"Yes, Goddess, I am stupid."

"I'm going to add this to your torso chain, giving you some more mobility."

Jean was astounded, so this meant...this meant she could...

"Once it's attached, you'll be able to stand up straight again."

Jean fell to the floor, bowing down and kissing Lorraine's shoes,

"Oh thank you sweet Goddess! Thank you so much for this wonderful gift!" lifting herself up, she pondered, "but why, dear Goddess?"

Lorraine had never given her anything like this before. The chains she was wearing now were the same chains she'd worn at the start of her imprisonment,

"Why, it's your birthday, Bitch!"

Her birthday?! Jean was dumbfounded. They'd never done birthdays before. The days had gone one day after another, and besides obvious tells like Lorraine wearing more wintery or summery clothes, there was no way for Jean to tell what day it was. But this also meant...

"Yes that's right, Bitch," Lorraine had noticed her expression, this is your fifth anniversary!"

Five years! So that meant she was now twenty-eight! It had been on her twenty-third birthday that she had been taken.

Lorraine set to work undoing the front chain on Jean's collar as she patiently waited, still kneeling. It wasn't like she could attack her or anything, her arms were still chained and her neck collared to the wall. She wondered if she even could stand anymore, her back would definitely scream bloody murder the first time she tried,

"Permission to speak, my Goddess?" she attempted nervously. Lorraine had given her this right, although it was Lorraine's prerogative on how she would answer,

"Permission granted, my little Bitch,"

"Has it really been five years, sweet Goddess?"

Lorraine smiled at her, a strange genuine smile,

"Yes it has Bitch. I rescued you five years ago to this very day."

Rescue. That was how Lorraine always characterised it. Jean supposed it made her feel better about kidnapping her and chaining her up.

"Thank you Goddess," she responded dutifully,

"Of course Bitch. It was the right thing to do."

Even in her submissive state, Jean doubted that. She'd been happy with Simon after all. They'd announced the engagement just weeks before, then celebrated her Birthday with a huge party at a classy hotel by the seaside. How the champagne had flowed that night! She could still feel it going to her head. She'd been dressed in this absolutely stunning cocktail dress that Simon had got for her as a present. It was pink satin, rolling down to her ankles with one leg free. She felt a tear drop down her cheek involuntarily at the thought,

"Apologies, My Goddess. I did not mean to cry!" she hurried out quickly, already fearing the worst. Instead Lorraine, uncharacteristically, continued to smile and gently wiped the tear from Jean's cheek, knowing she couldn't reach it herself. It was almost like she was consoling her best friend,

"What are you thinking about, Bitch?" she asked lovingly,

"That beautiful dress, dear Goddess" Jean choked,

"Ah yes. That was a shame," Lorraine relented, not saying anything else.

It had been towards the end of the party when Jean had received a text message from Lorraine, saying she had a surprise for her in the car park. Top secret though, so don't mention this to anyone! She'd been pretty drunk and hadn't thought much of it, but naturally she decided to play along, just saying to Simon and their friends that she was going to the bathroom. She was actually so excited that Lorraine had decided to come because she'd had to call in sick for the party, much to Jean's disappointment. She'd wondered if the "sickness" had actually been a ruse so Lorraine could sneak in an awesome cake she'd baked herself or something. She was so happy that she had such a wonderful friend in Lorraine.