My Big Sister Pt. 02


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She pulled back from the kiss and said to me. "Now I'm going to do something really stupid." She reached up, grabbed the tail of the rope holding my arms up, and put it in my left hand. I thought that was sensible, not stupid. She went to the bed, scrambled around a bit, picked up some stuff and came back. She'd put that cock inside her and as she walked back to me it was sticking out in front of her. She seemed to walk with an extra bounce in his step as the cock bobs up and down. I know what that was doing to her G spot. "I'm going to give you the chance to get your own back on me."

I didn't think I needed to, but I was intrigued. She showed me the remote control. "This is high power." She pushed a button and her legs almost collapsed and she switched it off. "Shit, I didn't realise it was that strong, no wonder you fainted." I knew that feeling.

"This is low power, Oooh, that's nice." Then she placed the remote control in my right hand. There was a piece of string attached to it. She wrapped it around my fingers so if I dropped it, it wouldn't be far away.

"But it's not going to be that easy." She looked me in the eyes and said. "Open wide." I did and the ball gag appeared. It went in easier this time. it was a little harder getting it strapped in tight with my arms being close to my head. She stroked my face and said to me, "I have control of you, but you have control of this cock. I promised you I wouldn't put it inside you, but have you changed your mind?"

Flipping heck I was tempted but no that's Roger's place. I shook my head, she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and said. "Okay I understand but, that won't stop me using it to tease you. But if I can't put it up your pussy, I might put it up your arse." My eyes went wide, she leaned in, kissed me and said. "Only joking." But I realised then that if she wanted to take my ass or my pussy I really couldn't stop her. Then she lifted the blindfold and put that on me as well.

So there I was hanging by my wrists from the ceiling of my big sister's bedroom, my legs stretched apart, gagged and blindfolded. I had control over her orgasm, how fucking strange was that? My reverie didn't last long. She kissed my left breast and with her right hand fondled my left breast. She gently kissed and pulled my nipple until it was standing out. Then she swapped breasts and her left hand raked her nails down through my pubic hair. I felt a finger slip just gently inside me and come back out with the lubrication and start to play circles on my clitoris, she was so gentle.

I was pushing my body into her hand, but she kept moving her hand away. When she pulled away I had no idea where she was. Then I felt her hands on my hips and her breath on my lips as her tongue parted my lips, the ones down there. Her tongue quickly found my clitoris, she massaged it hard, I was thrusting up into her face. I was nearly there, I was nearly coming, and she pulled away again. I thrust my hips forward but then she was gone and I didn't know where. Then she started all over again. She pulled away just as I was starting to come. I was breathing heavily, I wanted to scream at her to carry on. No wonder she gagged me, otherwise I would have been screaming by now.

I felt her behind me and that damn cock came underneath me and if I lifted myself I could impale myself on it. That is what she was trying to do, She was giving me the choice. She put it in the exactly the right place and all I had to do was to lift myself and it would slide in. It was exactly what I'd done to her and now I had the means of retribution, and like her I had no idea which way the remote controls were up. I found the buttons and I stabbed one, I heard noise increase and I felt her hanging onto my shoulders she whispered into my ear. "Oh thank you sweetheart mid power that's about right."

She was moving the cock backwards and forwards, bouncing up and down. I think it was brushing her G spot inside of her. It didn't take long, I heard her and I felt her body shake as she hung on to me. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it. She slipped away onto the floor. That damn cock had been rubbing my bits and pieces and now it was gone. I wanted to come after all the teasing she had done. I let go of the cock remote control and started to wind the safety tail around my fingers. It was coming quite easily. I was wondering how much more to go before it came loose when I felt her in front of me.

"Do you really want to get free or is this a safety thing? Oops that's two questions, but you can't answer either." She paused. "You've just given me the most fantastic orgasm and I would like to return the favour. If you want me to stop, shake your head." And that was when I felt a vibrator and it felt like a normal vibrator slide over my pleasure spot.

The cheeky monkey, how can I stop her now? I was dying to come. I could feel it building, if she pulled it away this time, when I got free I would bloody kill her. But she didn't, she saw me building. She slid it away, but not enough to come down, just to build it gently, and then hit me. My body shook. I tried to clamp my legs together to hold the damn thing in place, I couldn't because they were tied about 3 feet apart. The next thing I know was the stress in my arms got easier and then I realised my legs had been undone. I felt Sandy's arms go around me and she took the rope from my fingers. She must have given a sharp tug because my arms quickly came free. It was a good job she was holding me up. Once I regained the strength in my legs she went behind me and started to undo the ball gag. I managed to reach behind and slip off the blindfold without undoing it. She came round in front of me. Now it's my turn, I took my gloved hands, put them around her neck and drew her in for a kiss. "Thank you, that was fantastic. How was yours because I couldn't see you, you little monkey."

"Half power was spot on, I could just enjoy it because it didn't wipe me out like it did you. Thank you my little sister, in fact thank you for the whole weekend. But now I'm knackered and I think it's time for bed." I agreed with her.

When we got to the bed there were still a couple of glasses of wine in the bottle. we finished that off, but that was about all we had the energy for. We slid under the sheets and wrapped our arms around each other, and we slept the sleep of the dead.

I woke up first in the morning, she was still there snoring gently on her side of the bed. Then I realised all the toys she got out to play came from her side of the bed. I got the feeling she was the one to control the kinkiness, but she was the one on the receiving end.

I made my way downstairs. I borrowed Harry's bathrobe. I'd got the kettle on for the tea and the bread out for the toast. I was starting to set the table.


I woke up in the morning and my little sister wasn't here. That gave me some time for reflection on what happened over the last two days. My little sister had asked me a simple question. Well it might be a simple question, but it was a complicated answer, and I was probably the best person to answer her query. A thought popped into my head. I wonder if kinkiness runs in the family? I had her bound, gagged and blindfolded. I had kissed her lips both on her face and between her legs I'd given her shattering orgasms. But what made me smile most of all that's what she'd done to me. I also have been bound, gagged and blindfolded. She had learned a lot, and if she wanted to be kinky with Roger she could move forward quite happily. In fact I think she might initiate it. Good luck to both of them. As I found my bathrobe I had a slight twinge of regret that it would never happen again. I smiled to myself as I hung the potted plant back up on its hook. I hope Harry didn't wear himself out on the golf course because I need a proper cock inside me now. I made my way to the door. I hope she's got the kettle on.


I heard her come down the stairs. She looked at me, smiled and said. "Flipping heck Mandy you look a mess."

"If you think I look bad go and frighten a mirror somewhere." She poked her tongue out of me. She rubbed her face with her hands and then ran her fingers through her hair to try to put it into some sort of order. It didn't work.

There wasn't a lot said over breakfast. I think we were both lost in her thoughts.

We had finished breakfast and cleared away. We were having a final cup of tea before going upstairs to get dressed. Sandy looked at me and said. "I assume you're going ahead with Roger's request to tie you up?" I just nodded my head at her. "You're going to have a bit of a problem explaining all this newfound knowledge to him. It was easy for me with Harry because he'd met Gemma and knew we played. So I could explain my former knowledge to him as I had played with Gemma, but you're going to have to be a little bit careful. You could watch something on the Internet and suggest you try it. Talking about it, if you haven't seen them already, have a look at the way the Japanese do it. That arms crossed behind the back, that works for us. Although they seem to have some sort of strange nose thing going on, looks a bit odd, we haven't tried that. If you do let us know if it's something you think we should try." We went upstairs to get showered and dressed. Separately.

Roger and Harry got in about 2:30. We got a text message when they were 15 minutes out so I went and put the kettle on for some tea. I didn't want to wait here long. I wanted to get home and get some real cock inside me. but I'm sure Roger would want to say hello to Sandy and it would be rude just to drag him off.

The boys got in, they both looked fit, well and were smiling. Roger came up to me, wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big hug. I could feel something bulging down below. Flipping heck that was quick, he must be ready. We really must get home. There was something strange going on here. Harry and Sandy were just standing there grinning like Cheshire cats, looking at us. They had their arms around each other, but they weren't cuddling, they were standing side by side looking at us. Harry had a bottle in his hand.

Roger pushed me away, what was happening? He got down on one knee. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. My hands flew to my mouth. I don't remember a word of what he said. I just saw him get the lump out of his trousers and open it up to the most gorgeous ring I'd ever seen. Actually, it was a stainless steel split ring, the sort of thing you put your keys on. But I knew what it meant the words started to filter through.

"I'm sorry my sweetheart this has taken so long, I've been dithering. Harry gave me a bollocking over the weekend, told me to get my shit together, and he's right. Would you do me the honour of being my wife? All the jewellers are closed but next weekend you can go and choose your own engagement ring."

I couldn't talk, I just had tears pouring from my eyes. I just nodded. He took the ring out of the little box and slipped it on my finger, oddly enough it fitted. I don't care how plain it was, it was mine and he was mine.

There was a pop and a champagne cork flew across the room. I dragged Roger up off his knees and nearly crushed him. I looked at Sandy. She was crying, the little minx, she'd known all along after the conversation with Harry last night.

I couldn't take my eye off the ring. We had a glass of champagne and I almost dragged him out the front door. We had to get home. I had things to do. On the drive home I did manage to phone my Mum and Dad and tell them the news. They liked Roger, they were over the moon like me.

I got to work the following day. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. The girls in the office asked me what had happened, I told them. They insisted on seeing the ring so I showed him my steel split ring. A few of the girls thought it was crap and I should ditch Roger. The others knew what it meant.

You didn't need a big jewel to show commitment and that's what this ring meant to me. Roger's commitment to me. And my commitment to him by accepting it.

The rest of the week was a nightmare Sandy was on the phone Monday evening. She had contacted both families and there was an engagement party at her house on Saturday. There was no argument from me or Roger, but there again I never argue with my big sister, well not since I was eight anyway.

Friday afternoon Roger and I went to the jewellers. I got my ring, it wasn't big, it wasn't expensive, it didn't need to be. I was tempted to leave my steel split ring on as well but Roger pointed out it would wear away the gold on the other ring. So he ceremoniously took it off and he put it in the now vacant box of the ring I was wearing. I took it home and put it on my bedside table in pride of place.

The engagement party.


The party was going well, everyone was happy for us, most people had expected it at some time. Even my work friends forgave Roger for the steel ring once they saw the real one. The steel one was real to me.

There was one incident at the party Sandy wanted to pour me another drink, I thought I'd had enough, I had things to do this evening. Sandy tried to pour it on my hand. I think she was as excited as I was, but I looked at her and whispered. "Rhubarb." She stopped immediately, but Harry gave me a strange look with one eyebrow raised. I think he heard me. But he said nothing, just carried on smiling and talking to Roger.

As we left Sandy and Harry's house after the party she gave me a bag. I felt its weight. I'm sure it contains some rope, scarves and two pairs of handcuffs in the excitement of the proposal I had left them behind last weekend.


I was thinking where I had put the little bag of stuff that I needed to give to Mandy when she and Roger left. The thought of those toys got me a little bit worked up, just a little. Harry would be happy tonight. He liked it when I initiated kinky.

I was coming back from the kitchen with more drinks for me and Harry. Mandy and Roger had been circulating, but I had seen my little sister making her way to us as I left. As I came back into the room I saw Mandy, Roger and Harry standing together, a picture flashed through my mind.

Harry laid on his back on our bed, I was impaled on him. I have my arms tied across my back Japanese style. My little sister is behind me, her arms tied the same as mine, but she has that damned cock in her and in my arse, vibrating gently. And Roger is in my mouth. I am airtight. Mandy and I have nose hooks on. What is that all about?

The three of them look at me and smile as if they can read my mind. I blush bright red to the roots of my hair.

Harry notices, he will quiz me about that later, he will probably get the truth, well some of it, he is an excellent sexual torturer.

I really am a kinky bitch.


We had a light lunch on Sunday. I had been planning this. I was fully aware of the warnings that Sandy had told me about.

I think this was the first time we had to relax after last Sunday with work and all the party planning, oh and the love making.

We were sitting on the sofa and Roger told me but he had been planning to ask me when he bought up the bit about being tied up, he thought that might have frightened me off. Until he had a chat with Harry who pointed out life was an adventure, marriage was an adventure, mainly good but sometimes you have to make compromises. Both sides do it and it works out even in the end. Being men they didn't go into any great depth fortunately unlike sisters.

"Sweetheart, bringing that up, do you still want to tie me up?" He shrunk back a little bit. I reached forward and took his hands. He seemed to relax. "Whilst you were playing golf, I had a chat with Sandy about being adventurous, I didn't go into details. I just told her you wanted to do stuff that I wasn't comfortable with. She asked me if I trusted you? I told her I did. Then she told me she really couldn't see what I was bothered about and we should try it at least once and possibly twice to make sure we like it. So I've done some digging and I took a bit of advice off the Internet, I thought about it a bit. And have bought some things."

With that I pulled two pairs of handcuffs out of my pocket. It had been quite hard not to let them rattle, "I'm told these are quick and easy and if you don't do them up too tight they don't leave any marks. What do you think?"

He just sat there with his mouth open, well I might as well finish it off, out of my other pocket I took some rope and the scarves. "I think we should have a little adventure tonight. What do you think?" I knew exactly what he was thinking; it was all over his face. The goldfish turned into a Cheshire cat.

I did tell him that Sandy and I went shopping because she wanted something new and naughty to welcome Harry back, she convinced me I would look good in the same corset. His cock certainly thought so when I came down dressed in the corset, stockings and five inch heels.

I had taken Sandy's advice and we watched a couple of videos and I must say he might have been a Boy Scout when he was younger. He got it dead right with a little bit of help from me. Soon I was fully secure. I don't know how long he spent between my legs and I lost count of my orgasms. In fact I wasn't counting and when he entered me where he belonged I'd never felt him so hard.

Being tied up whilst wearing the corset and Roger between my legs that Sunday night I was in heaven.

About a month after our engagement party I suggested to Roger that we visit Southampton. It was the same girl in the sex shop, she just smiled at me. I left there with a blindfold, like Sandy and Harry's, a ball gag and some leather cuffs and a normal vibrator to join our toys.


I popped round to see my baby sister. The boys were having a Saturday golf afternoon. They wouldn't be late today. Harry knew I had something special for him so he would be on time. We chatted about normal stuff. But I noticed when Mandy passed me the milk there was a red mark around her wrist. "Not using the gloves then." I said pointing to the mark.

"Yes but it slipped off last night in the, erm, activity."

"It's going alright then?"

She blushed, she looked down and whispered as if she wanted to keep it to herself. "It's fantastic. I thought you were good. No that's not right, you were good, bloody good. But Roger is over the moon he knows how to play me. He occasionally has to use his hand as well as the ball gag to keep the noise down. We found tape works better but it's not sexy. Okay I've told you my secret now, how is Harry and you know, the thing we got from Southampton?" it was almost as if she didn't want to mention the cock.

"We tried it, it wasn't as good as he thought, so we tried it again with him restrained. It did nothing for either of us. So we just use it as a normal vibrator now switched on. Did you want to borrow it?" She held her hands up aghast. "No way."

We carried on talking about the wedding. She showed me the corset she was planning to wear for the night. It was heavily boned and she said she couldn't wear it all day. So would I give her a hand at some time during the evening to put it on so when Roger took the wedding dress off he would see it. She also told me she had managed to get a pair of white leather over the elbow gloves. She did mention to me the boys were thinking of having a weekend away golfing as a stag do with some mates, nothing was mentioned about what we might get up together.

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Maxximus0040Maxximus00403 months ago

Great story, I wonder if we get the part that covers the hen night.


Pinto931Pinto9313 months ago

Interesting but not really my thing.

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