My Black Sheep Ch. 01


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"Fuck. Okay, fine, just... this better look good, and you better not make me look fat, andno one better look at this and think it's porn."

"Shelby, Shelby. Don't worry about it." She smiled calmly, andthat put a tingle in my spine. "Now I want you to try and think like Wonder Woman, okay? Try and think like she would." Then she ran the rope over my hips.

"I don't know anything about Wonder Woman," I said. "Is she one of the X-Men?"

Amelia genuinely smiled. It was a look I hadn't seen in years. It made her look like the beautiful girl from our childhood and not the grumpy teenager Dad had made her. "No. Just... no. Wonder Woman is part of the Justice League." she said. "Put your head back against the tree."

"Aren't they the same thing?" I said, doing as she asked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, and then stepped back. "Close enough, I guess." Then she ran a rope around my neck. It was tight and it felt uncomfortable, I tried to make eye contact to tell her I didn't like it, but she was completely occupied with her work. I tried to pull my head forward but the rope was too tight and cut into my throat.

Then she tied it off and ran it down through my cleavage. As she looped the rope at my waist I felt the rope pull in between my breasts and part them. I squeaked, though Amelia didn't appear to hear.

I thought she'd stop when she reached the rope around my waist, but she didn't. She looped it between my legs.

"Say if this feels too tight," she said, once more behind me while tying the rope off.

I wasn't sure what to say. I had never expected a rope to run over my vagina but there it was, coarse and tight over the the bottom of my costume. Pulling the thin fabric tighter against my oiled skin. It slid around before settling into place, and the rope pressed into my labia. I wish I'd thought to tuck them to the side as I did in competitions; the shorts would have been tight enough to hold them in place. It kind of felt good. Distractingly good. Any slight movement that Amelia made caused the rope to move in a way that sent little waves through me like ripples. I wondered if it would be the same if I moved. I tested it moving my hips slightly and it felt amazing. I closed my eyes to savor it, and tried to keep it from showing.

"Stop wriggling," Amelia said, snapping me back to reality. "I don't want you snagging the shorts."

"Sorry," I said, immediately feeling guilty. "Er, does it have to run...there? Like, couldn't it run to the side or something?"

"It has to look symmetrical. Why? Is it too tight on your cunt or something?" She came around to inspect, brow furrowed and all business.

"No... just..." I floundered trying to find a polite way to explain that it felt too good. "It's fine, okay?It's fine."

Amelia nodded and walked to the camera.

"I wish you wouldn't call it that."

"What?" Amelia said, looking through the camera on the tripod. Then she took it off and slung it around her neck.

"You keep calling my vagina a cunt."

"I know. It is."

"You call yours a pussy! I know you do! Why is mine a cunt?"

"It's just a word, alright? Don't stress about it," Amelia said.

"It's just not nice, you know?" I sighed. "I'm a little sensitive know. It kind of feels like you're calling it a cunt 'cause of...them." I was babbling. I always babbled when I was nervous. Something I'd noticed Mom did too. "Or, at least, that's what I... I'd be worried that's why."

Amelia made a mark in the dirt and pointed her camera at me while making minor adjustments to one of the dials. Then she went in her bag and pulled out a small box. She walked over to me, held it under my chin, then over my chest, and stared at it the whole time.

"You really want to know?" Amelia asked, as she read the figures and walked back to where she had been standing. She looked down and tinkered with the settings on her camera while I squirmed.


"It's not a cunt 'cause of your labia, Shel. That's just how you were born. It's a cunt 'cause it's your calling card. Like, your gymnastics movesallseem to be about showing it off as best as you can, like you're drawing attention to it."

"That'snotwhat gymnastics is about, Amelia," I said a little offended.

"I'm not saying that's whatgymnastics is about," she said, snickering, "I'm saying that's whatyour gymnastics is about. All the handstand splits, and the way you can't seem to keep your legs together for two full seconds?" She tilted her head and scanned the area around us, like her mind was elsewhere. "I think you want everyone to see it it and think it's normal, because you have a massive thing about it. I don't know if its insecurity, or pride, or what, but..."

My jaw fell.

"Okay, you know what? Forget trying to be Wonder Woman. You don't need it because you're Shelby-fucking-Laine. You are a goddamn rockstar gymnast." She moved behind her camera and put her eye to the lense. "You're a badass, but those ropes are holding you back. In fact, you've never felt so held back in your life. Got it?"

"I think so," I said, trying to stand tall and put her earlier words behind me.

"I need power from you, but I also need you afraid. You're only giving me one or the other. Go."

"I don't know how to be strong and weak at the same time," I said.

Amelia looked at me and sighed. "Okay, I guess you aren't an actress ora model," she said, "so we're going to try something else." She walked towards me once more, with a determined-but-professional look on her face. "I'm gonna get you in the right place, okay?"

"Okay, sure," I said.

With no warning Amelia tugged the top of the costume down in one fluid motion. She stopped just before my nipples appeared, with the darkened skin at the edges of my areola exposed.

"What?" I said in a mixture of shock and outrage.

"Perfect," Amelia said, awed, as she stepped back and took the first photo.

"Seriously Amelia,what the fuck?" I said, as she lowered the camera and looked around me; she was lost in concentration. "Amelia! Don't ignore me. Come over here and cover me up." I strained against the rope around my neck, trying to look down. What was more worrying was that even the slight twist of my neck moved the rope between my legs, and that felt really good. Almost too good to ignore, and that made straining to look down very complicated in my head.

"See, there it is!," Amelia said, looking up and very pleased. "That look of impotent outrage, that right there! Can you do it again, but maybe press out your tits a bit more?"

"Amelia, you need to pull up my topright now. This is indecent! You can..." I lowered my voice to a hiss. "You can almost see my nipples. This is not happening!"

She frowned at me and reached into her bag, producing another, smaller camera. She snapped another picture, and this time the camera immediately ejected a print. She whipped it back and forth with an unimpressed smile.

"Shel, two things," Amelia said, as she looked down at the print. "First, this is very much happening. Second, you need to keep your voice down or Mom and Dad will come down here and wonder why you're tied to a tree with your tits out. And you look amazing, and you can't see your nipples at all."

"That was four things," I said in a lower voice. "But you need to cover me, okay?"

"Shoulders back, tits out," Amelia said. Then she put down the smaller camera and raised the larger one.

"Amelia, are you listening to me?" I said.

Nothing. I paused, waiting for her, but she didn't move. Still nothing. Just a great big camera lens obscuring Amelia's concentrating face.

"Fine." I said, and I arched my back as much as I could to press my chest out for her. As soon as I moved, the ropes pulled my shorts tight over my pussy, and the shorts slid a little deeper in between, and a massive wave of pleasure shot through me. I tried clenching myself to catch it but I was completely tied, and that seemed to magnify it. Every twitch pulled at somewhere else, and a cascade of sensations hit me all at once. I closed my eyes.

"Oh fuck," I moaned, without thinking.


"That is perfect, Shelby, perfect. Open your eyes."

Amelia didn't need to ask. My eyes flew wide as soon as I heard the camera click. Had Amelia really captured that? On purpose? Did she know what she was seeing? How expressive had I been? I prayed that it just looked like frustration and tried to brace myself.


"Perfect," she purred. "Hold that guilty look. That is so perfect. Press your tits out a bit more, and try and push your hips forward. Really show off that cunt."


"Amelia! Stop!" I said, not moving as she asked. I had to concentrate to stay as still as possible, and sweat was quickly starting to run down my forehead. Amelia didn't lower the camera.


"Amelia, stop!" I demanded. "Stop now, this is not cool!"

"What, Shelby? What?" Amelia lowered her camera frowned, looking unimpressed. I immediately felt like I'd let her down.

"Sorry, I'm just..." I groaned. "This feels super weird. Could you maybe cover me up again and... and remove the rope that's between my legs?"

Her eyebrows lowered in frustration. "If the rope between your legs hurt, you should have said so when I tied it. Now if I undo it, it'll spoil the continuity of the shoot, and we'll have to start from scratch. Plus, I'd have to untie you almost halfway and redo a couple dozen knots!" She looked me over and shook her head. "And your tits look great. I'm not sure how many times I can tell you that." Then she started moving towards me in a low squat, with the camera angled up.

"It doesn't hurt, it's er... it feels weird with the oil and shave, and..."

"By weird, do you mean it feels good?"

I didn't reply. Apparently I didn't need to.

"Yeah, I thought so. Thatis the idea, you know. That's why the rope is there, between your legs." She pulled up the camera and focused on me. "You know, the oilshould be gone by now. It gets absorbed pretty quick." There was a slight smirk visible beneath the camera.

"No," I said, shocked. "It's definitely..."


"Yeah that's it," she said. "I can see the wheels turning... More of that, yeah."


"Could it really be my cum that I can feel?"she said, mimicking my voice poorly. "Oh my!"

"Amelia!! That is not what I'm thinking," I said, although it wasexactlywhat I was thinking. "The ropes just feel weird is all!"


"Stop it. Now."

She smirked at me as she lowered the camera, and let it hang around her neck by the strap. "Right. So if I were to come over there right now and look, I wouldn't find you wet in any way whatsoever from the rope, the bondage or all this attention?"

"Of-of course you wouldn't," I said, feeling indignant.

"Okay then," Amelia said smartly, and she started walking towards me.

"Amelia? Amelia, what are you doing?" I asked, holding on to a sliver of hope despite how obvious her intentions were. She crouched in front of me and put her hand on my inner thigh. Way up on my inner thigh. Her hand felt so warm.

"I can already see how wet you are." Amelia said. "I can see from your shorts." She had a smirk on her lips.

"No-no, tha-that is thelastof the oil," I said quickly.

"You really going to push me to do this, Shel?" Amelia said.

"Do what?" I asked.

Amelia sighed and tucked a finger under the rope, pulling it out and away from my vagina for a minute, then she slid another finger in under the shorts.

"Feels pretty wet to me," Amelia lilted.

"Iswearit's the oil," I said, wishing I was more sure. I'm not sure I could have said anything worse.

Amelia actually slid her finger deeper and then curled it inside my entrance, and I moaned. My legs buckled, and my eyes closed as pleasure shot through me. I squealed Her finger felt way better than it had any right to. By the time I opened my eyes again Amelia was in front of me holding up her finger. It was covered in a thick fluid.

"This is not oil," Amelia said, and she was right. It wasn't.

I looked at her in horror. Guilty horror. I couldn't deny this. I didn't know what to say.

"Relax Shel, it's okay. That's what this issupposed to feel like. You'd need to be a machine for this to not feel good. I'm just surprised athowgood you are finding this." Then without another word she snapped the rope back into place on my vagina. "Gee, I hope I haven't awakened something."

I gasped again, and in the middle of that she pulled my top down the rest of the way. My tits sprang free, divided by the vertical rope and she wiped her wet finger over my breasts. One side of her finger for each breast. The smell lingered, inescapably, in my nostrils, and she was back behind the camera before I could react.


"Amelia! Stop thisright now!" I demanded.

"No,Shelby, no, and you can't do anything about this, can you?" Amelia grabbed the print from earlier and held it up. My face, contrary to what she'd said, was not hidden. "Just look at how good you look there. Your muscles, your curves, your tits? Look at the way your cunt lips split around the rope," she said. "The quality on a Polaroid is never great, but you can still see it. That's fucking incredible."

To my shame, I did look. It was like looking at the body of a different person. A powerful woman tied up withher breasts exposed.She was beautiful. Pristine in her bondage, and... hot.Fuck, I thought and slightly moved my hips to press the rope against my vagina.

Thankfully Amelia didn't notice, or if she did, she didn't comment. Then she came back with the purple-coloured water spray can. I winced as she pointed it at me. Then, without saying anything, she sprayed it all over my breasts.

"What the fuck, Amelia?" I snapped.

"Calm down, it's water with a little baby oil," she said. "I want your tits to look sweaty and the oil will make sure it clings to your skin."

"Amelia, you arenot taking pictures of me like this."






"I'll scream!" I said. "I'll scream, and someone will come, and I'll get untied, and I'llbreak that fucking cameraandexpose all that fucking film!"

Amelia's dark eyes glittered as she lowered the camera just a little. "Not too loud, now. Mom and Dad aren't the only people who live close. It would be one thing for them to find you, but what about the Sheehans... or the Robertsons? Like he didn't leer at you enough already. Can you imagine how much bigger Mr. Robertson's spank bank would get seeing you like that?"

"They'd find you too," I rasped.

"They all already think I'm trash," she said, cocking her hip and holding the camera slightly to the side. "But you? Little Miss Perfect all dolled up like a whore? You'd be lucky if the worst thing they did was masturbate to the memory of you."

I shivered, jaw slack. Every twitch sent a ripple. Every movement, a shudder.

"Can you imagine the scandal?" she said, stepping toward me with her voice low. "Hometown hero disgraced. Can you imagine how many people they'll tell about the state they found you in? And how many peoplethose people will tell? You won't be a hero anymore. You'll be a legend,and for all the wrong reasons." She tapped my forehead with her index finger. "Think aboutthat."

Every word hit hard, hammering on the guilt and shame that were twisting me in knots worse than the rope that held me in rapture. My eyes fell, and the tears came soon after.

"It wouldn't be enough just to hear about this. There would always be rumors of evidence. Think about how much they'd all clamor for the pictures, and can you imagine if they thought there wasvideo footage?"


"Now these pictures, they're all for one commissioner with a private collection."


"Of course, what he does with them is his business, but I could see him getting some bigger prints and putting them up on his bedroom wall. Something to jack off to."


"Maybe just keep them on his computer. Browses them sometimes before going to bed and fucking his wife, and the whole time he's thinking about your great big tits."


"Or maybe he keeps this to himself, and the only time he brings them out is when he's watching you in a competition..."


"...and every time you spread those fabulous legs of yours, he's painting the wall with his spunk somewhere."


She moaned loudly, mimicking an orgasm, and I flinched.


"Your only way out of this, without risking your precious reputation, is to do what I tell you." She lowered the camera for a moment, and cooed. "Oh, that's amazing. Yes. More tears."



"Why are you doing this to me?" I sobbed.

"Are you..." Amelia let the camera hang again, and it was her turn to display some shock. "Are you serious?"


"This hasn't brought back any memories for you? Something that might put all this in context?"

I stayed very still. It did remind me of something, but I'd been holding out hope it was unrelated.

"None of this isin any wayfamiliar to you? The tree, the rope, the river? None of this rings a bell?" She stared at me, stunned. "Fourth grade. Beginning of the summer."

Oh no, I thought. Hope was snuffed out.

"Missy Jenkins. Sleepover on a Friday night."

"Amelia, I—"

"You two left me out hereall night," she hissed. "Tied upjust like that!"

"But we were—"

"No," she said, much more viciously. "I don't want to hear your blubbering. If I have to make you be quiet, I will, and that'll just make the pictures even better as far as the commissioner is concerned."

Not good. I tried my hands and legs. She had assured me the ropes were just for show, but it wasn't true. It had never been true. I was tied up tight, and she looked... wrong.

"You left me there," Amelia said, with tears forming in her eyes. "I was only seven and you forgot about me! You tied me up for some stupid game and left me thereall fucking night. I was so scared, but I knew. Iknew you were going to come back for me. Iknewyou wouldn't leave me, so I didn't scream. I didn't yell. And then it got dark. Like,realdark. I believed you wouldn't forget me, but at that point I was too scared to scream. Tied up, down here, all on my own, while you two were playing in your room."

Oh god, I thought,oh god no. I thought she'd forgotten. I prayed she'd forgotten. She'd never mentioned it. Not once. My one truly abysmal failure as a sister.

"That was," I whimpered, "...that was a long time ago."

She leaned in, very close. "Feels like yesterday to me."

"But I—"

My eyes grew wide as Amelia stormed over and reached to her bag. I recognized my panties in her hand, the ones I'd worn on the long drive and had taken off in her room. When I opened my mouth to say 'no' she shoved them in. I groaned through them anyway. I wanted to spit them out, but something in Amelia's eyes stopped me so I kept them in. All I could think was,less than an hour ago those were clinging to my vagina and anus and now they're in my mouth. The taste of them spread as all the saliva in my mouth passed through them and came out dirtier on the other side. I never dreamed anyone would ever put underwear into my mouth, let alone my own sister.

"Do I have to tape your mouth shut to keep those in there, or are you gonna behave now?"

I nodded, emphatically, and the rope between my lips worked its way even deeper to press more directly on my clitoris. I whimpered, muffled, and tried to nod that I was complying, but that just made it worse. Amelia gave me an expression halfway between a scowl and a smirk, and picked up her camera again.