My Boss and Me Ch. 01


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"Yeah, you're right, I better stop," I said grudgingly. "I don't want another drink though."

"No, of course not," he said.

When we entered the bar the heavy fog in my head had yet to clear. Tommy pointed the direction to the men's room and I numbly walked that way.

I noticed the bar was very crowded and just as loud as the other one. About the only difference was I didn't see any girls or women. I actually sighed a breath of relief and immediately felt more comfortable. I didn't look at any of the men directly but I didn't look away either.

The men's room was large, and to my dismay I saw no individual urinals. Instead there was a very long trough where guys did their business standing close to one another. It reminded me of the men's rooms in stadiums and arenas.

I became aware I STILL had an erection. What the hell is wrong with me?

When I was able to extract it from my slacks I did my best to conceal it. It was painful getting the stream started, but once it was going I pissed much longer than normal.

A guy sidled up beside me, opened his zipper and took out his prick. I did my best not to look at it.

"Oh hey, little cutie," I heard him say.

Was he talking to me?

"That's a nice lil dicky you got there - looks like it's having some fun too!" he said.

Oh my hell, he was looking at my hard-on - when is the humiliation going to end?

I continued peeing and looking straight ahead.

Out of the corner of my eye I could tell he was shaking his dick and was about to put it away when all of a sudden he held it in the palm of his hand and turned towards me.

"Hey boy, look at this beauty I got for you," he said firmly.

I have no idea why I turned my head and looked at it, but I did...and yes, it was kinda impressive even though it was soft.

He chuckled and boasted, "Yeah, I knew you'd like it - all you twink boys love Big Eddie's cock!"

"C'mon out to my car and you can play with it - if you're a good boy I may even let you kiss it!" he said.

"Uh no-no, that's alright," I said. And then I have no idea why I said what I did but I blurted out, "Thanks anyway."

"That's okay, boy, I gotta feeling you'll come back to get a taste of my cock!" he said chuckling while putting it away and zipping up.

It took longer than usual to stuff my hard dick inside my briefs. In the meantime another guy stood beside me and said, "You want some help with that little clitty of yours?"

What the hell is going on around here? screamed my mind.

"Uh, no thanks!" I curtly answered and finally was able to push it inside my briefs and zip up.

That's when I noticed the wet stain on the crotch of my slacks. The one the redhead had mentioned earlier.

I untucked my shirt and let it hang out. It would hide not only the wet stain but my hard-on as well.

I was at the sink washing my hands when someone gave my arm a vicious shove.

I turned and saw a boy my size and age. His eyes were narrow with rage.

His thin lips snarled, "If you hit on Big Eddy again I swear I'll rip out your eyes and shove 'em down your throat...he belongs to me - don't ever forget it!"


I walked as quickly as I could to the front door. Tommy was no where to be found. I heard his voice calling out my name and saw him sitting at the bar.

He was saving the stool next to him and there was a drink waiting for me. After my men's room experiences I needed another one.

I decided not to tell him that within three-minutes, two guys propositioned me and another threatened to beat the shit out of me. It bothered me all three of them had assumed I was queer.

"I thought you could use another drink, and I think we should talk," said Tommy.

It took two very large swallows for my frazzled nerves to calm down.


"Johnny, I am seriously worried about you," said Tommy. "I don't how much more abuse I can watch you take from women. You are my best friend and I like and respect you, but I'm sorry, I can't deal with it anymore - I will not be a witness to you allowing women to make a complete fool out of you - it is repugnant and totally unacceptable!"

I stared at him with bug-eyes. What is he saying?

"...and completely unnecessary!" he added.

"What do you mean 'unnecessary'?" I asked. "I know you and I aren't very good with women, but what's the alternative? What else can we do?"

I saw sadness on his face I hadn't seen before.

"Oh brought it up yourself last night...we agreed the only reason we pursue women is for physical pleasure - we both have a basic dislike for their personalities and lack of character so why do you want to suffer the never-ending humiliation just for the sake of 'getting off' when we both agree there is a better way to achieve physical satisfaction without having to endure women's petty games and inherent viciousness."

"Tommy, I was just joking when I said it would be easier if we were gay...we are not gay!" I said.

"Oh Johnny...Johnny-Johnny-Johnny," he said sadly shaking his head. "You've missed the whole point I've been trying to make...there is not one iota of difference when it comes to whose hands or mouth is giving you is sex, regardless of the gender of the person bringing you off!"

Mouth? Why did he include 'mouth'?

"Tommy," I began then paused a long time before I could summon the nerve to ask my question. "Are you gay?"

"Johnny, you are sooo young, aren't you?" he softly said. "I don't believe in labels...there are very few areas in life that have strict black-and-white answers...sexuality is not one of those areas...I have slept with well over thirty women in my life, what is your number? Three, maybe four?"

I wasn't going to tell him the true answer: one.

"...does it really matter?" he continued. "Is it important that a certain gender brings you off even though you have little or no regard for them, or is it more important having someone you like and care about do it for you? I think you know my answer to that question."

"Tommy, I was brought up believing certain 'activities' are strictly forbidden..." I said.

Again, he sadly shook his head while saying, "I know, Johnny, you are a very inhibited boy...someone did a number on your head...maybe the church - maybe your parents, it doesn't matter are an adult now - you are free to try new things - to experiment in areas you once considered know I think the world of you - my only wish is for you to allow me to show you life's many the possibilities...for you and I to experiment together and help you reach your full potential."

His hand was moving on my thigh. It felt wonderful. My prick was oozing precum. My heart beat so fast I thought it would burst. Suddenly, his hand brazenly claimed possession of my crotch then his fingers found the outline of my erection and slowly stroked it back and forth - back and forth - back and forth.

"Johnny, it would break my heart if I never see you again...I don't want that to happen but I cannot sit idly by and watch your self-destructive nature..."

"Tommy," I softly said, "...please...what are you saying?"

He suddenly took my hand and pressed it firmly to the bulge in his slacks.

I gasped at his boldness. My body leaped an inch off the stool by the sudden contact and heat emanating from his crotch.

"If you want to take our relationship to the next level I would be thrilled...otherwise I'll have no choice but to break off our friendship!" he said.

He wrapped my fingers around his hard, manly cock - as far as they would go anyway. He then moved my hand back and forth the entire length of his shaft...back and forth...back and forth...when I saw both his hands resting on the bar I realized I was squeezing and stroking my bosses cock on my own volition.


I will never forget that night at 'The Leather Vest' when Johnny freely and willingly caressed my erection thru my slacks. My heart was filled with such sheer joy I had to fight back real tears of happiness.

The initial phase of my plan was about to reach fruition. We would soon be back at my place where he'd be giving me the first of many handjobs. From there, it would be only a matter of time before I'd have him performing other acts for me and his acceptance of his homosexuality would be complete.

Yes, I admit it, I am gay and have known so for a long time.

I am a 'closet queen' - I was brought up in a town where the slightest rumors that you're gay can have nasty and brutal, long-lasting effects. It may be the twenty-first century everywhere else in the world, but time stands still in my old home town. That is precisely why I started a business in the city.

I was attracted to Johnny since the day I hired him. His big, blue eyes; his soft white flesh; his beautiful smile and laugh...he is the cutest little guy I've ever seen! And once I got to know him - how funny and smart he is - the attraction turned into a crush.

I also had a sneaking suspicion the boy might be gay but didn't know it.

There is nothing sadder than a life lived in denial and regret - nothing more miserable and pathetic than a lonely boy suppressing his true personality out of shame and embarrassment and the fear and panic that his 'dirty little secret' might be exposed and he would be mercilessly ridiculed.

I will be his mentor and ease the way for him. Together we will explore his hidden desires to determine his role in the world of gay men and their boys.

One thing I am already sure of: the boy is much too passive and mild to be anything but a natural 'bottom' and 'sub.' I will teach him everything he will need to know about pleasing his man, who of course, will be me.

Sometimes it is a long and arduous journey to unlock and discover a boy's true identity. Not so with Johnny.

That first night at my place when he lowered his slacks and I saw his skimpy, red cotton, string bikini briefs it was like a cry for help. I knew right then what type of boy he wanted to become.

I will use all my powers of persuasion and guile for him to achieve his dream of becoming my personal panty-wearing sissyboy. My hard cock oozes precum every time I picture him wearing diaphanous pink panties and a sheer, pink babydoll nightie. Oh yesssss...


The first couple of weeks are critical in a boy's journey to self-awareness. One mistake and he may relapse into believing he likes girls. It is important to keep him from unnecessary feminine influence. Therefore, I make sure Johnny stays with me every night.

The cute little fucker hemmed-and-hawed until he learned he would be sleeping on the sofa, and not in my bed. He is free to go home in the mornings to shower, change clothes then meet me at work. That will change once I get him over his shyness, and we begin showering together.

I weaned him from liquor, and wine has become our drink of choice. I continue 'dosing' his wine every night with the liquid erectile dysfunction drug that had proved so successful the very first night. He has experienced so many erections while sitting close beside me what other conclusions can he reach other than he is attracted to me.

I reassured him he was fine. That he was a healthy boy with an equally healthy sex drive, and it is perfectly normal for a boy like him to get hard-ons with a man he likes and finds desirable. should have seen the expression on his pretty face when I explained all his erections were because of his sexual attraction to me...hahaha - simply precious!

When it is time for him to masturbate me I tell him, "Open my pants and take out my cock!" The little cutie still blushes a beautiful shade of red!

However, that will change tonight. I will 'suggest' we eliminate the trouble of undressing each other by simply wearing only our undies while we're at home. Plus, I love seeing his tiny boner pushing out the fabric of his cotton boy-panties.

He has finally accepted kissing as a natural byproduct of handling each others dicks. He has nice lips and is a wonderful kisser. Very soon I'll have him kissing something besides my mouth! Heh-heh-heh...

The first time I laid eyes on his dick my heart went out to him. Less than four-inches and rather skinny, the boy never stood a chance at satisfying a girl.

I make sure he is well aware of how small it is. I make a fuss saying "Ooooo, what a cute little clitty!" then I jerk him off using just two fingers and a thumb as opposed to him having to use his whole hand on my manly cock.

My remarks are not intended to be cruel. It is important for a boy like him to understand his limitations. What would be cruel is to allow him to believe the fantasy that he is straight and has a chance at having a satisfying sex life with a female.

I really do love the boy. I want only the best for him even if that means destroying his confidence and self esteem. If his total emasculation is necessary for him to experience his full potential and true happiness - so be it!


Okay, I hate to admit it but I like it when Tommy strokes my dick and makes me cum. His hand feels sooo much better than my own and my orgasms are wayyyy more powerful than when I do it myself.

I still have a problem with the kissing though. I mean, don't you think two guys kissing is kinda queer?

Tommy says "Close your eyes and imagine I'm your girlfriend" and I'll be damned - it works. But it only works until he takes my hand and wraps my fingers around his erection. No amount of fantasy can overcome the sobering fact I am stroking a real man's hard cock while kissing him. Oh well...

The first couple nights we sat on his sofa in the dark while we jerked-off each other. It was easier for me to go through with it. You know, out of sight - out of mind.

On the third night however, he insisted keeping the light on. He said he wanted me to look at his cock while I was playing with it and what do you know - I liked it. It is fascinating watching how much jizz explodes out of his plum-sized cockhead.

Now when I do him, I try to see how high in the air I can make him shoot his load. I swear I once got him to shoot a good 12-inches above his dickhead!


Tommy and I hardly go out anymore. He says I am a wonderful cook and since we both like the same kinds of food why go to restaurants?

And we certainly don't go to bars anymore. Why bother? Tommy likes to wink at me and say, "Why go to a bar when we have everything firmly in our grasp at home?"

I am becoming more comfortable with Tommy and I walking around in our undies but I still think I am at a disadvantage: He wears traditional men's boxers, while I prefer skimpy, string bikini briefs.

It's funny...the two reasons why I chose to buy them in the first place are now the reasons I am self-conscious walking around in front of Tommy.

I like them because they are small and feel sexy underneath my slacks, but now, when I parade around in nothing else, they look and feel kinda girly and faggoty.

I really like them because the crotch looks so full...I mean, my 'package' pushes out the cotton fabric so much it gives me the illusion my dick and balls are much bigger than they are.

The first time I lowered my slacks in front of Tommy he pointed and giggled, "I LOVE your little panties!"

My knee-jerk response was "They're not PANTIES - I buy them in the men's department!"

He smiled and said, "Yeah, sure...whatever you say!"

But the real problem became all the wild pubic hairs sticking out of the waistband. It looked like a real jungle down there and I'll admit this to myself but to no one else: The hair has grown so long and unruly, my flaccid penis almost becomes lost in them.

"Don't you ever shave your crotch?" asked Tommy.

"I am NOT going to put a razor down there!" I shot back.

"Look here!" he said.

He abruptly shoved his boxers to his knees and exposed his penis and hanging scrotum to me. For a brief second I wondered why he was showing his 'junk' to me, but then I noticed I didn't see any hair 'down there' - none, he was totally hairless.

He said, "I have a depilatory cream you can use to get rid of your pubes...and you'll be amazed how much bigger your dick and balls will look when you're bald!"

Okay, so I did it. Getting rid of the pubes around my dick was painless and rather fast. I was apprehensive though when it came to all the hair on my balls. I dabbed a small amount on my scrotum and it stung so it became a time-consuming project before I was totally 'bald' down there.

You know what? Tommy was right. Whenever I get a hard-on now it looks to me like it's at least six-inches!

One night in bed Tommy was caressing my body when he murmured, "It's a real shame."

"What is?" I asked.

"I love running my hands over your body - your flesh is so soft and's a shame you have so much hair on your chest and legs - not to mention the thick bushes under your arms...I'd love it if you would get rid of ALL your body hair!"

His hand was stroking my throbbing prick faster and harder and in the heat of the moment I said, "Yessss, I'll do it," and he rewarded me with yet another fantastic climax.


It has been a week since Tommy and I became 'friends with benefits' and as usual after dinner, we were making out on his sofa. Our undies down to our knees, our hands fondling each others boners and balls.

We were locked in a particularly long and passionate kiss. He abruptly ended the kiss, gazed into my eyes then smiled and lowered his head and took my pulsating prick between his lips.

"Tommy nooo..." I protested, "this is wrong...noooooo..."

He was not to be denied and the waves of pleasure crashing throughout my nether regions was indescribable. My girlfriend had given me a few blowjobs years ago, but apparently she wasn't very good at it because none of them came close to the toe-curling ecstasy Tommy's lips and tongue were giving me.

My will to resist evaporated in two-seconds and I sat back, closed my eyes and reveled in the pleasure of his thick tongue lapping voraciously at my throbbing prick.

This was one time I was glad I had a small penis. He was able to take the entire thing in his mouth and I loved the feel of his lips wrapped tightly around my hot flesh as his head moved up until just the tip was in his mouth then rapidly lowered until I felt his lips against my bare pubis.

The first time Tommy and I gave each other handjobs he'd said: "It is impossible for something to be wrong when it feels this good!"

And now, I wholeheartedly agree with him.

*** To be continued ***

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RustyRoverRustyRoveralmost 6 years ago
Hot Stuff

Looking forward to the next parts. This story really gets me going. I love the reluctance.

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