My Boss's Big Celebration

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Secretary joins in as Grant and Gloria's story continues.
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(This is the second chapter of My Boss's Big Surprise, a story I thought I'd finished till an idea for a follow up poofed itself fully formed into my noodle as if by magic. If you haven't read the first yet it would be better if you did.)


Gloria and I had pulled our late shift the previous Thursday to finish the preliminary Michaelson proposal. The following day Gloria took that proposal with her and presented it to the Michaelson group, as well as the bigwigs of our firm. She'd been gone the whole day, meaning that I hadn't heard how it was received. That weekend was a bit of a blur. I was still concerned about the contract, of course, but I was much more preoccupied with the encounter with my boss following our work. To say it was a new experience would be the understatement of the year. I never imagined I'd be so completely topped by a woman sporting by far the largest penis I'd ever seen in the flesh, let alone enjoy the experience so thoroughly, but now it was all I could think about. I had no idea how to make it happen again, but after turning it over in my mind all weekend I decided that I had to try. I fully intended to gauge Gloria's receptiveness once we discussed the contract, but it was already early Monday afternoon and Gloria hadn't so much as brought it up. This strange turn of events troubled me deeply. If she hadn't even mentioned it yet it simply must have gone wrong... right?

I was pulled from this contemplation by the trilling of my desk phone. I answered it quickly, despising the noise it made. Gloria's secretary, Nicole Wilson, was on the other end. I briefly pictured her as she began talking. She was almost nothing like our boss in that she was fairly short at about five two and had dark brown hair unlike Gloria's vibrant red locks. The two do have one thing in common though. They're both stacked. On Nicole it looks almost comical in that her very large breasts seem out of place on such a small frame. Gloria has a very impressive pair, but I'm fairly sure Nicole's are even larger. The rest of her is rather slim, though. Not that I mind. Nicole has a pleasantly small ass, for guys who go for that sort of thing (I do) and aside from her tits she is as lean as any woman you'd run into at a serious gym.

"So you'll be here, then?" the question from Gloria's secretary reminded me that I had more to do than to mindhump her.

"If that's what Gloria needs, then yes," I replied. The gist of the call had been that Gloria was backlogged all day because of her absence from the office on Friday and that she wanted to catch up with me before the day was over. This was great news. I wasn't sure I could initiate the encore I hoped for, but at the very least I could feel out my boss and make a plan. Suddenly rather happy, despite the very real possibility that Gloria had bad news, I hopped up and headed to the break room. I grabbed a soda from the drink machine and a bag of chips from the other. I didn't want to waste too much time, though, so I took my booty back to my desk. The pick me up would surely get me through to the meeting later, I surmised.

I was right about the snack doing the trick as the alarm I set went off. The meeting with Gloria was in five minutes, so I made one last adjustment to my current project, closed everything out and stood. I stretched briefly then made my way to my boss's office. On arrival Nicole greeted me warmly. I returned the gesture and took note of her attire, or at least what I could see. She was dressed in a plan white blouse that, while not sheer, wasn't far off. Under it it was obvious that Nicole wore a black bra and that black bra was filled to the brim with her massive milkers. So much so that I couldn't help but note that the buttons at the chest region were clearly straining. I could even see the fabric of her bra plain as day through an opening in her shirt caused by the tightest buttons. Despite the two layers of fabric between them and me I was still able to make out her thick nipples through the blouse even though her bra was clearly made in a sturdy fashion. It would have to be to support her impressive assets. I did my best not to stare, given her enticing display. Nicole's upper body was all I could see, though, as everything else was hidden behind her desk. Luckily she phoned Gloria while I ogled her, so she didn't notice me lecherously taking in her beauty.

"She'll see you now, Grant," Nicole informed me, her voice like velvet.


I entered Gloria's office and she bade me sit from her position behind her desk. Curiously Gloria wore a very similar blouse to Nicole's, right down to the strained buttons and black bra beneath. I took the seat as offered and eased back into it, doing my best to pass of my quick scoping out of her body as a normal aspect of our greeting.


Gloria allowed my question to hang in the air for a while before finally saying something.

"Out of the freakin' park, Lang," Gloria finally answered the question that had been haunting me for days. She gave a beaming smile, her bright red lips practically shining as she finally filled me in on our success.

"Oh what a relief," I replied. "You had me worried all damned weekend, you know?"

"Well, I wasn't sure how I wanted to present the news, so I kinda left you dangling on purpose."

"Not cool!"

"You'll get over it," I was about to reply, but Gloria's phone went off. She made an excusatory gesture before picking up the receiver. I wasn't exactly fuming, but I did feel put upon. I decided to just let it go, though as Gloria handled her phone call. Based on what was said it seemed as if it were Nicole on the other end. "Yes, this is cause to celebrate," Gloria spoke into the receiver excitedly, "Give us a couple minutes then bring it on in." Finished with the call Gloria returned the receiver to the hook.

"Bring what on in?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that just yet, we've got a touch of business to deal with before all that."


"I told you they were pleased, yes?" I nodded. "Well, they'd like to tell you that themselves. You'll be called upstairs tomorrow afternoon so they can show you their appreciation in person."

"Alright, so far so good."

"It gets better," Gloria gave me a very bright smile at this point, "you'll be seeing the rest of their appreciation starting with your next paycheck."

"Hell yeah!" I pumped my fist. Shortly thereafter there was a knock at the door.

"And I'd like to show you my appreciation in my own special way, if you don't mind," Gloria grinned. She then spoke up, "come in."

The door opened and I turned toward it. Unsurprisingly it was Nicole. I expected her to be carrying a cake or at the very least a box or something, but she had neither. What she did have, however, was a pair of the least professional looking jean shorts you'd ever encounter in an office setting. They were white like her blouse, along with some powder blue accents, but they were so short that I was unconvinced they'd cover her ass, and as Nicole turned to close the door I had my suspicions quickly confirmed at the sight of those shorts riding up on her tight asscheeks.

"Hello Grant, miss," Nicole turned and nodded to each of us in turn.

"Um, Hi," I greeted her a bit nervously. This was a rather unexpected situation.

"So good of you to join us," Gloria greeted her subordinate warmly. "You did remember to bring that present for Lang here, right Nicole?"

Huh, I guess she forgot it after all. I wondered what it was that my boss had gotten me. A gift seemed sort of out of place for just doing one's job, but if this is how she wants to roll I won't stop her.

"I did, miss," came Nicole's casual reply, surprising me at least a little bit.

"Well, don't leave him waiting, dear, out with it." I noted the more informal way Gloria addressed Nicole compared with the rest of her employees, myself included, and found it curious.

"Ummm," was all Nicole said at first, a blush brightening the bridge of her nose as she brought her hands down to the button of the tight little shorts that appeared practically painted on her crotch. I perked up as she worked the button open then pulled the shiny silver zipper down. "Miss Gloria wanted me to give you this, Grant," came Nicole's soft voice, unsure at first, but gaining in confidence as she slipped her right hand into the tiny shorts and pulled out her own rather impressive penis. I was utterly dumbfounded. I'd been working with both these beautiful women for years without ever knowing the truth about them and in the course of just a few days I learned that both of them were hung more impressively than your average porn star, let alone a slightly above average man such as myself. I took in the sight as my mouth watered. Nicole's cock wasn't as big as Gloria's, not by a long shot, but it was still quite impressive at about nine inches and quite aesthetically pleasing, as far as I was concerned, being pleasantly thick and veiny, but not overly so. "Do you, do you like it?" Nicole asked, again sounding a little unsure of herself.

"Of course he does, don't you, Lang?" Gloria declared from behind her desk as she watched the interaction between her employees.

"God yes," I hissed, nodding my head enthusiastically. "It's breathtaking."

"It really is, isn't it?" Gloria agreed. "And what do we do when given such a beautiful cock, Lang?"

"Suck it?" I asked coyly, looking up at Nicole, hope evident in my eyes.

"Exactly," Gloria confirmed. "You'd like that, right Nicole? For Lang here to suck that gorgeous cock of yours?"

"Yes, please," Nicole begged. Still gazing up at her I was taken aback by the look of pure lust on Nicole's face as she stood in front of me expectantly, her penis bobbing in the air between us. Hearing her desire and how it aligned with my own I leaned forward in my chair and took Nicole's rigid member into my mouth. The warm wetness elicited a moan from deep within her throat as I hungrily gobbled half of her cock into my mouth. Nicole's moans continued as I started working my lips up and down her thick, meaty shaft. My skill seem to surprise her, it surprised me as well. The only other cock I'd ever sucked belonged to our boss, but hers was so much larger than Nicole's that I was able to handle this one without any issue whatsoever.

"Oh fuck, you two look so hot right now," Gloria called from behind her desk. Nicole and I glanced sidelong at her and noted with little surprise that she'd hiked up her skirt and pulled her own cock out to play. Seeing her massive womanhood again caused in me a sudden bout of cock hunger. Luckily I already had my lips wrapped around Nicole's own beast so I zealously attacked it harder, forcing myself down upon it till I buried my nose in the dark curly bush of pubes she kept neatly trimmed just above her shaft, the head of her cock now a decent way down my gullet. At this point I tried fluttering my throat muscles in an attempt to mimic the trick Gloria pulled on me last Thursday.

"Ohh fuck, that's OHHH!" Nicole panted as my oral assault pulled her near to orgasm so quickly. Hearing the effect it had on her I did it some more and I felt her knees buckle and most of her weight come to rest on me as she leaned forward before shoving me away, pulling her cock from my throat in one swift motion in the process. "Holy! where did you even learn that?"

A loud guffaw erupted from Gloria's desk. "You did the throat thing, didn't you?" she slapped her desk hard as she continued laughing. I nodded sheepishly.

"Well whatever it is you two are laughing about there'll be no more of that," Nicole insisted. I don't want to bust just yet.

"Well how about you change things up then?" Gloria suggested. "Lang here loves it in the ass," she turned to me "don't you, pet?" I found that the combination of formal and informal terms Gloria used for me endeared me to her further.

Nicole looked at me wryly and all I could do was sheepishly nod once again, verifying Gloria's insinuation. "Oh, I'm gonna have to try that then," Nicole swore, "switch places with me?" she asked. I dutifully hopped up off the chair before the secretary took my place.

"Heads up," Gloria called. I turned in time to see her lightly toss her bottle of lube towards her secretary. Nicole deftly caught it, opened the top and coated herself in one fluid motion as I watched intently. Looking to get this going ASAP I practically threw my shirt off and dropped my pants equally quickly as Nicole worked the lube into her veiny monster.

"Alright baby, have a seat," Nicole requested politely as she held her cock standing straight up. I turned my back to her and carefully positioned myself over her rigid womanhood. Facing Gloria now I gave her a nervous smile as Nicole placed her free hand on the small of my back and used it to guide me while her right hand held her cock steady. Gloria returned my smile with a lustful gaze of her own. I felt Nicole's left hand moving to my hip insistently so I followed the direction she gave, slowly lowering myself till I felt the head of her penis make contact with my puckered anus. "Ohh yeah, baby, let me inside," Nicole pleaded. Wanting to keep only the second beautiful woman with a stiff penis that I knew happy I eased myself down farther, feeling the head of Nicole's penis slip inside of me. Much like the experience of performing fellatio on her, I found taking Nicole's cock into my ass to be a fairly easy endeavor despite hers technically being a rather large penis. I ducked my head down and focused on doing just that, slowly taking the secretary's cock deeper and deeper into my ass. At this point Nicole placed both her hands on my hips, no longer needing to guide herself, and pulled me down toward her as I sat on her soft thighs.

"Oh fuck, that's nice, Nicole," I sighed as I settled into her lap, her cock wedged fully inside of me. At this point I sat up and to my surprise I saw Gloria sitting on the edge of her desk right in front of me. "Oh, well, hell-OH!" I moaned as Nicole squeezed my hips tightly and started rolling me in her lap, smacking the head of her cock right into my prostate in so doing.

"Hey there, Lang," Gloria teased playfully. "Liking your present so far?" she asked with a wide lopsided grin. A nod was all I could manage as Nicole massaged my insides with her rigid member. "I've got another present for you right here," Gloria squeezed the base of her cock tightly indicating the second gift she wished to give. "What do you say to talking it from both ends, honey?"

"I'm sure he'll love it," Nicole piped up from behind me. She then awkwardly hop dragged the chair forward several inches, driving her cock deeper inside me as she did. I let out a few dull grunts as her cockhead slammed against my prostate a couple more times, precum pouring from my cock now. The chair finally in position Nicole scooted forward a bit, her ass literally on the edge of her seat. Much closer to Gloria now I leaned forward and engulfed the cock she offered me. Fairly experienced at this task thanks to the crash course of the past half a week I was able to take the first eight inches of my boss's monster straight into my mouth and throat. "Fuck, Grant, you're good at that," Nicole commended from her rearward vantage point. "You're not even letting the cock in your ass distract you." At this point Nicole stood, slamming her thick womanhood hard into my ass as she lifted me up with her. Being thrown into a new position, as well as the force of Nicole's standing thrust took me by surprise, shoving me towards my boss still seated before me. In so doing Nicole more or less shoved my mouth down the remaining half a foot or more of Gloria's massive cock.

My throat was beyond full at this point and I can tell you for sure Gloria was happy with the new arrangement as she grabbed me roughly by the back of the neck and gave several short thrusts, sawing the length of her cock in and out of my stuffed throat. Noting the tears streaming down my cheeks Gloria let go of the back of my head after a final surge and I pulled away, the entire length of her overwhelming cock pulling free of my throat with a wet schlup. I fell forward into Gloria's lap as I gasped for breath. Nicole didn't let up at all though and I felt her hips slapping hard into my ass as she moaned her approval.

"Ohh fuck, I'm getting close," I heard Nicole almost scream behind me. Her fingers dug into my asscheeks forcefully as she did.

"Unload it into his asshole," I heard Gloria above me order her secretary. I don't know how it was even possible, but Nicole began railing my poor anus even harder at our boss's lewd urging, but only for a moment before she slammed herself home one final time and began emptying her semen into me. I couldn't help but squeal like a little bitch in heat as she did. It felt warm, wet, sticky and heavenly as Nicole dumped load after load of scalding hot cum into me before ultimately running dry.

"Wow, you've sure got a nice ass, Grant," Nicole complimented as she tenderly caressed it after gently pulling herself out. Without her thick cock plugging me shut I could feel her semen begin seeping out of my loose butthole. A very small part of me was disgusted by the feeling, but so much more of me relished the obscene sensation.

"Well, one down," Gloria stated matter-of-factly. "Think you got it in you, Lang?"

I craned my neck and looked up at my boss, "I... I don't think so, ma'am."

"No matter," Gloria stated as she stood, unceremoniously shoving me off of her. "Ohh, oops," she apologized as I caught myself. "Well, if you're not, then..." Gloria let the half sentence hang as she slipped behind her desk and made a grand gesture of sitting, as if on a throne. " about the two of you suck my girlcock?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Nicole called enthusiastically.

I decided to take a short breather as Nicole dropped to her knees in front of Gloria and began servicing her. In just a few moments, though, I couldn't help but get turned on by the noises Nicole was making as she sucked on our boss's cock. I made my way around and enjoyed the sight of the smaller woman sucking off the larger one before taking my place on my knees next to her.

"Here you go," the beautiful secretary said politely as she held Gloria's massive cock out towards me. I wrapped both of my hands around the thick piece of meat, the left at the base and the right a few inches up, as I thanked her for her generosity. Then I simply wolfed down the enticing cock I held reverently in my hands. In no time I was working myself up and down Gloria's huge penis, my lips moving from about the nine inch mark to thirteen and back again. Being so far down Gloria's member of course meant I wasn't able to breathe, so I only kept it up for about half a minute before pulling myself off and handing it back to Nicole. Tagging back in she started an up and down motion of her own, hers going from about the seven inch mark to ten. I briefly felt a swell of pride upon comparing our techniques and results. After a few more moments Nicole pulled herself off, but instead of handing it back she started licking Gloria's cock from base to head. This seemed like fun so I joined her, the two of us on opposite sides as we licked the full length of Gloria's massive penis while we both looked up at her.

"Very nice, you two," Gloria called down to the busy pair between her legs. The two of us demurely thanked her for her praise before getting back to the task of licking her beautiful shaft. "Hey Lang," I gave my boss an inquisitive look as I gazed past the swollen head of her cock and into her eyes. "Think you can take a little more today or is that ass of yours tapped out?"

In all honesty I was feeling pretty solidly fucked. Nicole isn't as well equipped as Gloria, but boy can she put what she has to use. On the other hand I didn't want to leave Gloria unsatisfied and I also knew damn well she'd make me feel great for the trouble. "Pretty spent, boss," I answered "but I can manage for you if you'd like me to."