My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 08


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Quite a few people stopped and watched all the naked cyclists as they pedalled by but not one of them said anything.

It felt good riding along, so free. I didn't want it to end. I suppose it helped that the sliding from side to side on the saddle was slowly bringing me to an orgasm. That orgasm hit me at a road junction where there were a couple of cars stopped to let us go by, and to watch us.

As the orgasm hit me I stopped and slid onto the crossbar. The orgasm felt better with the crossbar pressing on my clit.

A bit later we had to stop while Clara had an orgasm. She was a bit behind us and Emma shouted,

"Are you cumming again Clara?"

I'm not sure how many people heard her, and how many understood which meaning of cumming she meant, but 3 or 4 people turned and stared at her.

We were behind all the other naked riders and in danger of losing them and out way. Emma told me that she'd go on and wait for us at the next road junction while I waited for Clara.

When Clara was in a state to continue we pedalled off down the road and found Emma. She told us which way the rest had gone and went after them. We got to another road junction and couldn't see the others anywhere.

"I know where we are," Clara said.

She pointed down one street and told us that their hotel was just down there. Then she said that she didn't want to take the bikes back yet; she said that she wanted to have some more fun on the saddle and flashing people.

I said that I wasn't keen on the last part but I got out voted and we pedalled off away from the hotel.

I have to admit that I was enjoying riding the bike and sliding from one side of the saddle to the other. It felt even better doing it totally naked and outside in the sun. I don't think that anyone was counting how many orgasm we all had, but it was quite a few.

We even pedalled along the sea front. Two youths asked us what we were doing (stupid question). Clara stopped so we had to too and Clara told them about the WNBR and that we'd got lost. All the time the youths were looking up and down our bodies. I got a bit embarrassed and tried leaned forwards on the crossbar so that they couldn't see my pussy. The problem was that the more I leaned forwards, the more pressure I put on my clit.

Eventually Clara said that we were going and we set off again.

We got to the end of that road and went along a pedestrian area. A policeman on foot stopped us. My heart started pounding and I had horrible visions of being in a police cell.

Fortunately he spoke a bit of English and he had heard of the WNBR. Clara asked him which way it was to our hotel and he told us. He wasn't at all upset and was even smiling as we pedalled off.

This time it was Clara that was out voted and we set off back to the bike shop.

The man there seemed a bit pissed that we were late back, but what could he do. It wasn't as if we had any money with us.

We walked back to the hotel and went up to Clara and Emma's room.

It was my last night in Magaluf and Clara and Emma wanted to make it special for me. They got all dressed up and walked me, still naked, back to the villa for me to put on my best outfit. I hadn't taken many clothes with me so my choice was limited.

As it was my last night I didn't care who saw what so I opted for the pink scarf as a skirt, and tight, white spaghetti strapped top.

I'd just about got ready to leave when someone knocked on the door. I hadn't a clue who that could be, but before I could ask who it was, Clara opened the door.

There was a cute looking man wearing white trousers and a white T-shirt. Clara whispered something to him and then let him in.

"What's going on Clara?" I asked.

"Tanya, we've had an amazing time these last few days, a lot of which wouldn't have been possible without you. As a small token of our appreciation we've got this guy here to give you a professional, full body massage."

I didn't know what to say, but Clara didn't give me a chance to say anything. She held my hand and led me into the bedroom and told me to get undressed while she spread a big towel on the bed.

For some reason I didn't get embarrassed as I stripped off and lay on the bed face down. My head was to one side and I saw Emma on the PC, then I saw Ryan in one of the windows. She must have skyped him.

What followed was an amazing massage. I was so relaxed and didn't have a care in the world. When the masseur told me to turn over onto my back I did so without a second thought.

He did my arms, legs and head then moved to my torso. He lightly touched my little tits and nipples, but there was nothing sexual about it. Even when he massaged round my pubes I wasn't thinking about sex, just relaxing.

Then things changed. His hands went back to me chest and he started on my little tits and nipples again. This time he concentrated on my nipples. He pulled and squeezed them for ages and I started to get aroused.

More oil was dripped on my pubes and the man spent ages working all around the outside of my pussy. He seemed to be trying to get behind my pubic bone.

My legs were spread as wide as I could get them as he massaged all around my pussy, slowly getting closer and closer to my clit and vagina. He was teasing me something rotten. I wanted him to touch my clit and finger me but he just kept away from those 2 love points.

Round and round my pussy went his fingers, he was driving me crazy.

Then he did it, his fingers found my clit and he tortured me for ages. I had one orgasm, then another; and his fingers didn't stop. I'm sure that I squirted because I heard Emma ask Clara if I'd peed myself.

After my third orgasm his fingers went inside me. They started probing around inside. I think that he was using his middle 2 fingers because I could feel him pressing on both sides of my pussy as well.

The palm of his hand was on my pubic bone and those 2 fingers moved around inside me.

I suddenly realised that my butt was in the air. I was being lifted by my pubic bone while those fingers worked their magic.

I just couldn't take any more and another orgasm hit me; but this one was different. I had total lost control of my whole body and I was giggling.

The convulsions and spasms were amazing, I just couldn't keep still.

The masseur stood back and everyone watched me as I giggled and writhed about on the bed.

Apparently I was like that for about 5 minutes before things started to calm down. When I was able to, I looked round the room, the masseur had gone, Emma and Clara were just stood there and Ryan's face filled the screen. He'd watched it all from over a thousand miles away.

"Hey Ryan! How you doing?" I asked.

"Not as good as you by the looks of it." He said.

"Okay guys stop the lovey, dovey stuff. You'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow. We're taking this little sexpot to have a shower then taking her out for a drink. You sit there and have a wank and watch us get ready." Clara said as she stripped off in front of the webcam.

Emma was also getting naked. They then helped me get up and slowly took me to the shower.

"That was sooo hot." Emma said as they soaped and shampooed me; "I've got to have one of those before we go home."

When we got back into the bedroom Ryan was still on the screen. He was just sitting there with his soft cock laying on the top of his leg.

"Good wank?" Clara asked.

We got dressed with Ryan watching us then Clara said,

"Good night lover boy. Hope to catch up with you again soon. Keep this little lady happy."

With that she switched the PC off and we went out.

We walked to town with me constantly thanking the 2 of them for such a wonderful time.

We had a relatively quiet evening just talking and drinking in cafés and quiet bars.

As we left the last bar it was time to say goodbye to Clara and Emma. I was quite sad, I'd had a great time with them, and done things that I never would have done on my own. I felt that I owed them.

We all promised to keep in touch and I slowly walked back to the villa torn between getting back to Ryan and the fun that I'd had with them.

DAY 24
I woke up and went straight for one last swim.

My flight was early afternoon and I had to pack and get myself to the airport by 12 o'clock. I decided to wear my short tennis skirt and a white, spaghetti strapped top. Okay, I might get a couple of little tents in the front if I got aroused, but I couldn't foresee that until I got to the airport in England and saw Ryan.

I got packed and ready then started thinking about the journey. I was sure that I was going to get bored so I started thinking about what I could do to stop that. I decided that I needed more than my mp3 player and that I would wear all of my jewellery and the constant vibrator, on low. That lot should give me something to think about. I hadn't worn either of the vibrators for days and was missing them.

I stripped naked, put all the above on/in then put the same clothes back on. I looked in the mirror and saw my nipples poking out and could just make out the barbells and chains. I rejected the idea of changing my top as I was sure that my nipples would go down and no one would be staring at me enough to see the jewellery.

I looked down to the hem of my skirt. I could only just see the end of the chain in the mirror. I was happy that I wouldn't have a problem so I did my final checks and waited for the house sitting agent. She arrived on time and took only a few minutes to check the place out and hand me our deposit cheque back.

I then set off to get the bus to the airport.

All went well, and I hadn't had an orgasm, until I got to the security check. It was then that I remembered my jewellery and the vibe. Was I going to get through the arch without triggering the alarm?

I put my bag on the conveyor and mentally crossed my fingers as I was asked to go through the arch.


Shit! The security guard called me over and told me to stand on the 2 foot prints. My heart was pounding. This could be sooo humiliating.

He passed that wand thing that they have along my arms then my legs then he started at my head and moved the wand down. When it got to my nipples the wand alarm went off.

The guard looked at me, then over to a woman security guard. I looked too. She was big, fat and ugly. The thought of her strip-searching me terrified me. What could I do to stop it happening? I suddenly though that if I showed the male guard in front of me my jewellery then he wouldn't need the female guard.

I pulled my top down below my nipples and said,

"Hey, this is what set off the alarm."

The guard did a double take then held the wand in front of my chest again,

"Bueno." The guard said and started moving the wand down as I quickly pulled my top up.

When the wand got in front of my pussy the alarm went off again.

Fuck! I was going to have to show him my pussy. Either that or have to go and get that ugly dyke probing around inside my pussy.

I lifted the hem of my skirt to just above my pubic bone. My body betrayed me again and I automatically slid my feet apart.

The guard did another double take and as he held the wand in front of me again I just prayed that the barbell, stirrup and chain would trigger the alarm and that I could get away with the dyke not delving in and pulling out the vibrator.

"Bueno." The guard said and I dropped my skirt. I held the big sigh of relief until he waved me on passed him.

The next 'incident' was in the departure lounge. It was quite busy in there and I managed to get a seat on one of those rows of horrible plastic chairs. It was on the end but one seat of a row with another row facing me. I sat there with my bag on my lap and listening to my music.

After a few minutes the woman on the end seat got up and left. Shortly after, the man on the end seat opposite left as well. Within seconds the seats were taken by a young couple. The guy sat next to me and the girl opposite him. As the girl sat down I noticed that she was wearing a top that left a few inches of skin visible between her top and her black leggings.

I thought nothing of it until out of the corner of my eye I saw her shuffle down in the seat and uncross her legs. She then opened her legs just like men and girls do if they are wearing trousers.

No big deal; until I heard the guy next to me sigh. I turned and looked at him and saw that he had a big grin on his face and was looking directly at the girl's crotch.

I looked over to her to see what he was looking at and saw that her leggings were quite see-through and that she wasn't wearing any knickers. I could see every detail of her pussy.

I looked again and saw that the leggings were made of the same material as the woolly tights that I used to wear when I went to school. I'd never seen leggings made like that, but there again, I'd never looked at leggings in the shops for years.

The girl caught me looking. She didn't close her legs, instead she smiled at me. I smiled back and then did something really stupid. I slid down in my seat, opened my legs and put my bag on the floor between my feet. I couldn't see my pussy, but the girl sure as hell could. She licked her lips then moved her eyes from my pussy to her man. She did this over and over until he got the message and leaned forward and looked back at my pussy.

I suddenly felt really embarrassed, but I didn't move. Not even when the man directly opposite me looked at my pussy as well. I felt my AF quickly rise and I started to cum; right there in the airport departure lounge.

I managed to keep quiet, but I couldn't keep still. My movements must have attracted the attention of the next guy opposite because he too started staring at me.

As soon as I was able, I got up and went to the toilet. I'd had enough humiliation for one day.

I cleaned myself up and wandered around until my flight was called.

As I was waiting I realised that as soon as I told Ryan about that girl he'd have me going round all the shops looking for leggings that were small enough for me, and that would be see-through like hers were. I was sure that Ryan would want me to be exposed like that girl was.

As bad look would have it I ended up behind that girl as we walked out to the plane. She wasn't at all bothered that I, and anyone else who cared to look, could see right through those leggings to her bare butt and the valley between her cheeks.

Thankfully she sat further down the plane than I did.

When I sat down on the plane my skirt was up above my butt leaving my bare butt on the seat. I hoped that the wet patch what was bound to appear would be a small one and that no one would notice. I kept my bag on my lap all the way back to England.

As I sat there in the window seat I stared at the clouds going by and started thinking about Ryan saying that I was an exhibitionist. Okay, a lot of people saw my little tits and pussy, but every time could be put into 3 categories. The first was by accident and the second was alcohol. If I'd been completely sober there was no way that I would have done those things. The third category was me being horny. Surely anything that I did when I was horny doesn't count; well, not in my mind; so no, I think that Ryan's got it wrong, I am not an exhibitionist.

The vibration of the aircraft and vibe purring away inside me had the inevitable effect and about half way through the journey I realised that I was about to cum. I fought hard to stay quiet and still but the pained expressions on my face attracted the attention of the middle-aged woman sitting next to me and she asked me if I was okay.

I lied and told her that I had a bit of a headache.

After the plane landed and everyone started to get up and leave I looked down at the seat and saw a little wet patch. If Ryan had been with me it would have been a big wet patch.

I was so impatient when I was waiting for my case to appear on the conveyor in arrivals. At one point I ran to the toilet and squeezed the vibe out and hoped that we could find somewhere quiet for Ryan to fuck me quite soon.

When my case finally arrived I almost ran through customs and started looking for Ryan. As soon as I saw him I ran straight to him, let go of my case at his feet, and jumped up onto him. My arms went round his neck and my legs went round his waist. As I kissed him I felt his hand on my bare butt as he held me there. The end of his fingers found my pussy and pressed on my clit. I nearly came, right there in the arrivals area.

When I finally broke the kiss Ryan let me slowly slide down to the ground. His hands were still on my bare butt and as I slid down I felt my skirt stay above his hands. I was too happy to care about my exposure.

We went to the station and caught the train home. As soon as the train left the station we both went to the toilet (fortunately it was a disabled toilet) and Ryan gave me his special 'welcome home' present.

Needless to say that Ryan and I didn't get much sleep that night, and Ryan woke me up next morning by fucking me from behind. I was so happy being back in my own bed with Ryan.

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