My Buddy, Who is Straight Ch. 01

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His good friend makes a startling confession.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/17/2021
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MY BUDDY, WHO IS STRAIGHT Ch. 01 by K. Nitsua. Copyright 2021 by the author.

The title and situation of this story are based on an anonymous personal ad I saw online. Apologies to the original author who I cannot acknowledge by name. KN

Ray and me, we'd known each other for decades. Our friendship had outlasted our jobs at the company where we'd first met, as well as both our marriages. He was the human equivalent of a favorite shirt or pair of shoes, and I mean that as a compliment--comfortable and reliable, someone who would always be there.

As we moved into early middle age both of our lives had settled into something of a boring routine, for me, anyway. For a while I hadn't seen much of my friend after he began a new relationship. I'd met Linda a couple of times and the three of us had even gone out to dinner once. I liked her and I think she liked me, but when two people are wrapped up in each other three's a crowd. I understood and gave both of them the space they needed.

So it was a bit of a surprise when Ray texted me one day and suggested dinner together. I assumed Linda would be joining us and said as much. His answer was short and to the point.

"She can't make it. Will explain."

Ray and Linda had been inseparable for months, but sooner or later their schedules weren't going to jibe. It was no big deal, so why did he need to explain?

I found out almost as soon as we sat down at a table at one of our favorite burger joints a few days later. The place had recently reopened but was still operating below capacity. Nevertheless we went early to make sure we were suitably distanced from other diners.

Before we had even scanned a menu Ray looked me in the eye.

"You may as well be the first to know, Jase. Linda and I called it quits."

My jaw dropped behind my mask. "Really?" I searched for my next words. "Well, I'm sorry, Ray. That sucks."

"Yeah, it does. Thanks for not asking me why right off the bat."

He lowered his mask. It was nice to see his bearded face.

I shrugged. "None of my business."

"No prying, no asking for the juicy details. You're a good friend."

I blushed. "It's no big deal. Let's order." I signaled our server.

When the beers that we ordered came I dropped my mask too, not without a twinge of nerves. As we drank and ate, though, we began to relax. Soon Ray and I were chatting away like old times, though we continued to avoid the subject of his recently concluded relationship.

By unspoken agreement we both turned down dessert. A while back Ray and I had been regular gym buddies. That had kind of fallen by the wayside when he and Linda got serious, and of course the pandemic descending on us had shut everything down for months. I felt fat and out of shape, and I suspected he did too. I found myself looking at him and hoping exercising together might happen again, and soon.

We fell silent. I was getting ready to rise, shake his hand, and tell him how great it had been to see him again when Ray surprised me.

"Want to come by for a bit? It's still kind of early."

After a moment I said, "Sure, why not."

I followed him in my car to his modest house. Ray flipped on lights as we entered.

"Want another beer?"

I demurred, saying I still had to drive home. Ray said, "Make yourself comfortable. I'm having one more."

He disappeared toward the kitchen while I settled on the couch. My friend was obviously more thrown by his breakup than he cared to admit, at least so far.

Ray came back holding a bottle and a can of something which turned out to be seltzer water for me, a nice gesture. We settled back on the couch and sipped our drinks.

I let the silence settle over us. I suspected that if I did Ray would eventually want to fill it, and I was right. He shifted and cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. At last he said, "So Linda and I broke up. Want to know why?"

I shook my head, raising my palms. "Only if you want to talk about it."

"I do." Still, he paused again. Then the words started coming in a rush. "Me and my big mouth."

"What do you mean?"

"Linda and I, we had a great sex life, if I say so myself." Ray sighed. "I sure miss that.

"One reason why was she loved to talk about sex. So one night we came back from dinner kind of buzzed. Out of the blue she said we should each tell our secret fantasy. Something we'd always wanted to do and never told anyone about."

"Sounds pretty hot."

"You'd think, right? I told her to go first. She said me she'd always had a fantasy about being done by two guys at the same time. I said that was fine as long as one of them was me. We had a laugh about that. Then she asked me what my fantasy was."


By now Ray was definitely uncomfortable. He shifted, looked away and scratched his head. "Okay, here goes. I told her--I told her I'd always wondered what it would feel like to suck a guy's dick."

My jaw dropped. This was the last thing I thought he would say. "Well," I finally managed.

"So, you going to get up and leave now, Jase? Maybe take a swing at me?" Ray's expression didn't match his fighting words. It must have cost him a lot to tell me this.

"Of course not. It's just---well, I never would have guessed you were, well, gay."

Now his eyes flashed. "Fuck you, I'm not. Ask Linda." He looked sad again. "If you can find her. You can guess what happened. She freaked. Walked out. Said she wasn't into bi or queer stuff. All those diseases. Which was bullshit. It isn't like I've ever actually done anything with a guy. Just thought about it."

He shook his head. "That's what you get for being honest."

"Well, Ray, it is a lot to wrap your head around. I'm still trying myself."

"I've got to admit, since we broke up and I'm not getting any, I've been thinking about it more than ever." He gave me a long look. "How'd you like a free blow job?"

Caught by surprise, I sputtered. "Me? Hell no. I'm not into doing stuff with other guys. Not at all." I had to end this conversation, and said the first thing that came into my head.

"There's this gay guy at work. We're kind of friendly. Maybe he'd let you suck his dick."

I was half joking, but Ray's eyes lit up. "Could you ask him?"

My gay co-worker Frank was a pretty cool guy. Even he was momentarily at a loss for words, though, when I made my pitch at lunch a few days later.

"Wait, what?" he said, putting down his coffee cup with a thunk and staring at me. "You have a straight buddy. Who wants to suck cock. Mine."

When he put it like that it did sound totally lame. "I know, it's weird. Let's forget the whole thing."

"Hold on." Frank folded his well-manicured hands in front of him and pursed his lips in thought. "Your friend--he's, like, okay? Not crazy?"

"I've wondered a little lately, but no."


"We wouldn't be talking if he wasn't. He's completely healthy."

"Good-looking?" I should have figured this would be important to Frank, who, I had to admit, was attractive--trim, fit and well-dressed. I was tempted to search my phone for a photo of Ray but decided against it.

"He's fine. Salt and pepper hair and beard. You wouldn't run away screaming if you saw him on the street."

Frank laughed. "Well, that's a start." He looked thoughtful. "I really wouldn't have to do anything?"

"Nothing but unzip. All he wants is your cock. You'll be his first."

"Hmm. Sounds kind of kinky." Frank grinned. "I like kinky." He shrugged his shoulders. "What the fuck, I'll do it."

"So I'm sorry to spring this on you last minute," I said to Frank that Saturday night. We were standing in Ray's driveway. "All I can say is, he must be a bit nervous."

Frank shrugged. "Hey, I'm here, aren't I? It's okay. Not the first time I've been watched."

When I'd called Ray to tell him that I'd found someone to help him with his experiment, he'd floored me by asking me to stay while it happened.

"Why, Ray? Don't you want some privacy?"

"I'd just feel better if you were there."

Not only did my buddy want to suck his first cock, he wanted me to watch him do it. I certainly didn't know him as well as I thought I did.

"Well, no time like the present," Frank said. "Let's do this."

We walked up to Ray's front door and rang the bell. He must have been watching from the window, because the door opened right away.

"Ray, Frank. Frank, Ray." They shook hands. I shot Ray a discreet look. He seemed okay.

"Come on in."

We walked into his living room. I felt more than ever like a useless appendage. Frank seemed cool, though, with a slight smile on his face.

"Either of you guys want something to drink?" Ray asked.

I shook my head, and Frank said, "I'm good."

For a few seconds the three of us stood around like idiots. Frank took charge. "Over here okay?" he said, indicating the couch.

Ray said, "Sure."

"I'm going to get a little more comfortable." A few quick movements and Frank's shoes were on the floor and his jeans on the couch. He turned back around. Ray and I gaped at the bulge in the front of his boxer briefs. Frank sat, spread his legs and smiled an invitation.

"Okay, fella, I'm all yours."

For an instant I thought Ray was going to chicken out and call the whole thing off. Then he walked forward a few steps and fell to his knees on the carpet in front of Frank. I thought about turning around and waiting somewhere else in the house, but my feet didn't move. I realized with a shock that I wanted to watch this happen.

I retreated a few steps backward, not taking my eyes off the other two. Ray had gotten a hold of the waistband of Frank's underwear and was looking up at him. Frank nodded and Ray tugged them down his thighs. Frank's cock sprang up, long and hard. I just had time to register that it was cut before the conical purplish head disappeared into Ray's mouth. Ray held it in there for a moment, then sank quickly down until his nose was pressed into Frank's neatly trimmed pubes. He choked and quickly came back up for air, gasping and blowing spittle.

Frank smiled. "Easy, man. Take your time." He spread his legs wider and flung his outstretched arms over the back of the couch.

Ray made some jerky movements up and down the shaft. Frank drew in his breath sharply. "Watch the teeth, guy," he hissed.

Ray made a noise which sounded like "sorry," came up for a bite of air and went back to work. After a while he got a rhythm going. Frank's head fell back onto the couch and his jaw went slack. He looked down at Ray's bobbing head and murmured, "Nice. That's it, man. Suck it."

For a first-time cocksucker Ray seemed to get the hang of it pretty fast. He took Frank down to the root again, not choking this time, and held his whole cock in his mouth while Frank moaned approval. He tugged at Frank's balls, then gave himself a break by releasing him and teasing the slick and engorged head with his flickering tongue, licking up the precum flowing from its opening.

By now my gay friend was sighing with pleasure, his head thrown back and his eyes closed. "Fuck yeah, man. Keep sucking my dick. Don't stop."

I watched in silent fascination as my straight buddy gave his first blowjob. I couldn't look away. In all the years I'd known Ray I'd never had an inkling of this side of him.

I felt an ache in my nether regions. My own cock had hardened and was pressing painfully against the front of my pants. Apparently my body liked what my eyes were seeing. By now I was past being surprised by anything that was happening on this amazing evening.

"Getting close, buddy," Frank said through gritted teeth. "Going to blow my load. You sure you want that?"

"Mm hmm," Ray replied, bobbing his head up and down even faster.

"You asked for it...Oh God...Oh fuck...Here it comes!" Frank shouted, thrusting his hips upward, his hands clamping down on the back of Ray's head. The living room was filled with animal noises, grunts and gasps from Frank, gurgles and muffled moans from Ray. I saw the base of Frank's organ pulsing as it pumped sperm into Ray's mouth. Ray's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, trying to keep up with the gusher pouring down his throat.

After what seemed like eons but was probably just a few minutes Frank relaxed his grip on Ray's head. He heaved a tremendous sigh, his entire body going limp. Ray released Frank's softening organ from his mouth and straightened up, still on his knees. He was breathing hard, his face red and eyes watering.

Frank opened his eyes and smiled. "Thanks man. That was awesome."

Ray said nothing. He stood up and left the room. A moment later we heard running water in the distance.

Frank didn't move. I let my eyes rest for a moment on his cock, which really was a prize specimen, even soft. I'd sure gotten Ray a nice one for his first time.

"Jase." Frank's voice snapped me out of it. I blushed at the thought he'd seen me checking him out, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Is he okay? Was I too rough? Maybe I shouldn't have cum in his mouth."

"You were fine." A thought crossed my mind. "He might be freaking out a little. I mean, this was his first time. Maybe you should go. I'll stick around and make sure he's okay."

Frank was already pulling up his boxers and retrieving his pants. After he'd stepped into his shoes he turned to me, the by now familiar grin on his face.

"So how are you? No trauma from witnessing your first gay sexual encounter?"

I shrugged and smiled weakly. "It was... interesting."

He laughed. "So diplomatic. Well, sorry to run. Tell your bud he's a fabulous cocksucker. I can't believe it was his first time." He winked. "If he wants another go, I'm totally on board."

It wasn't until the front door slammed that I heard movement from behind me. Ray emerged, his hair back in place and his face its normal color. He looked fine, but a bit embarrassed.

We stood gazing at each other. I broke the silence.

"So, how was it?"

A slow smile spread across Ray's face.

"I want to do it again."


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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Loved the story. Loved the buddy watching. My first time I had two friends watch.

mgroccomgroccoabout 1 year ago

Loved it…hot and perfect. I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Got hard wanting to watch it all. Wanted to be the first time next all the way


LipstickonmydickLipstickonmydickover 1 year ago

An entertaining read. I laughed at that last line. Thanks for sharing.

Ken NitsuaKen Nitsuaover 2 years agoAuthor

To “anonymous” who didn’t like the dialogue about masks and vaccines: the story is set in the present, so such things are a fact of life right now. Sorry if that’s a turn off….

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