My Buddy's Daughter


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"I'm the same age you are," I replied.

"I'm not marrying my daughter," he shot back.

"That's good," I said, "since marrying your daughter is illegal."

"You know what I mean," Beck responded.

"No, I'm not sure I do," I said. "I hoped you be happy for us." Beck hung up on me.

The reaction from our friends was 180 degrees opposite the reaction from Michelle's parents. We made the announcement to them a week after the swim at a dinner that had already been scheduled at Beth's and Chris's new house. In her typically caustic fashion, Angie said, "Well, Ian, she's trading up from the guys she's dated since I've known her."

"And from the ones you've set me up with," Michelle shot back.

After dinner, Rachel, Michelle's oldest friend in Columbus, took me aside. "Michelle asked me never to mention this, but I'm sure it doesn't matter now," she said. "Last October, about a month after you two came out as a couple at D'Shawna's and Will's, we had lunch together. She told me then she was sure you were 'the one.'"

The opposition from Michelle's parents, however, continued. Michelle had to suffer through a long call from Yvonne about how she had been planning Michelle's wedding since Michelle was a little girl and now Michelle was taking all that away from her. Michelle only became more determined, and I became even more committed to her.

We set the wedding for late July. Neither of us are religious. We rented a large room at a downtown hotel where a Municipal Court judge would perform the wedding and we would have the reception. We really wanted a nude wedding and reception, but we'd invited Michelle's family (although we knew they might not come), some of her high school friends from Cincinnati, and all my partners. A nude wedding was out of the question.

Our solution to this problem was, we thought, elegant. The wedding was at for noon on a Saturday. That would take only a few minutes. The official reception would beat the same place until 4:00 p.m. We had the hotel primed to insist that everyone leave by 4:00. That was important because the unofficial reception at D'Shawna and Will's house began at five. Only Beth and Chris, Angie and Chad, and Rachel and Jack were invited. The unofficial reception would be nude.

The wedding happened. Beck, Yvonne, and some of Michelle's uncles, aunts, and cousins attended. Beck agreed, at the last minute, to "give Michelle away." Yvonne refused to speak to me. Michelle's family left well before the official reception was over. That was a bit painful.

The unofficial reception was, on the other hand, pure joy. There was a lot of laughing, hugging, dancing, eating, and drinking. Around 9:00 p.m., Beth got everyone's attention. "You may not know this," she announced, "but, according to an act of the General Assembly in 1804, a marriage is not deemed effective in Ohio until it has been consummated and the consummation is witnessed by someone not a member of either the bride or groom's families." Beth was making this all up. "None of us are family members," she said, looking at Michelle and me, "so this is the perfect time to make the marriage legally effective." She turned and pulled a cushion from a lounge chair onto the patio. Turning back to us, Beth said, "you can do it here or we can all squeeze into a bedroom."

"Better do it out here," Will shouted.

I looked at Michelle. I was surprised that she looked excited. Rachel started clapping her hands and chanting "fuck, fuck, fuck." Everyone else took up the chant.

Michelle looked at me. Smiling, she said, "I think they want to watch us make love."

"Are you up for this?" I asked. Maybe it was the drink, but the idea excited me.

"I think so," Michelle replied. "You?"

"I'm up for doing anything with you," I said.

"That's how I feel too," Michelle replied. "Let's give them a show."

Michelle and I started kissing. She grasped my dick and started stroking it. I put a hand between her thighs and began stroking her. The physical stimulation was good. That we were doing it in front of our naked friends made it even better.

I was hard and Michelle was wet when she broke away from me. Swishing her bare ass seductively, she walked over to the cushion. She lay on her back with her legs spread. Our friends began to applaud. I went to the cushion, squatted down, and positioned myself above Michelle, resting on my knees and forearms. The look on Michelle's face was sexier than I'd ever seen before. "Please," she said. I lowered my hips down and moved them forward. Michelle used a hand to guide me into her.

We made love much like we did our first night together. I felt, and I think Michelle did too, that doing this in front of our friends was a declaration of our passion for each other. It was also a lot hotter than my words can convey. We were slow and loving, wanting to savor each other and our mutual exhibitionism. I was vaguely aware of bare feet circled around us. Mostly, I was aware of Michelle: what I was doing for her, what she was doing for me, and how incredibly beautiful she looked. We worked ourselves up the way we had that first night. Our first orgasms as a married couple were the best we'd yet had.

I stayed in Michelle for a time after we came. Our friends were clapping. Michelle whispered in my ear, "Damn! I like making love with people watching us." I had enjoyed it too. Michelle was THE woman for me.

We left on our honeymoon the next day. On the recommendation of people at the swims, we went to St. Martin in the Caribbean. Years earlier, there had been a nude resort on Orient Bay. It was destroyed by a storm, and, for a variety of reasons, rebuilding was delayed several years. The new resort had opened the previous fall. We were told it was less rustic than the previous resort.

The resort had its own shop and restaurant, meaning that we never had to be clothed unless we wanted to. Michelle and I didn't want to. Most guests were my age or older, but everyone went nude and there was a strong spirit of friendliness and community between the guests and with the staff. There was another couple on honeymoon, Sheila and Gareth. They were English and about ten years older than Michelle.

Michelle, I, Sheila, and Gareth swiftly became resort friends. We had arrived the same day as them, and were leaving the same day, ten days on. Our third day there, we all decided to get dressed and go into Phillipsburg, the largest town, which was on the Dutch side. Unfortunately, we unwittingly timed our trip to coincide with the arrival of two cruise ships. We tried to deal with the crowd for about an hour before Sheila said, with her marvelous accent, "Balls to this. Let's go back and get naked."

We were in chairs on the beach when minibuses began dropping off cruise ship passengers who wanted to see, at least, a nude beach. It was fascinating to us to watch their varied reactions to the nude people on the beach, which included us. I felt like we were on display for the cruise ship people. That was a pleasant feeling. We also watched a few cruise ship folks strip off. From the tan lines, it appeared most were having their first nude beach experiences. Some immediately lay on the beach and stayed there. A few marched around proudly, enjoying their freedom and sense of doing something naughty.

We were still laughing about, and in some cases at, the cruise ship folks when we had dinner in the resort's restaurant that night. The restaurant's food was better than average, and the drinks were good. Its primary appeal was that we could eat and drink here in the nude. None of the patrons wore anything, only the staff.

After a long dinner, we went back to Sheila and Gareth's chalet. Their unit was away from the beach, behind another row of chalets, and in a corner of the resort. It was the most secluded unit.

We sat on the patio in front of their unit talking. I was in one lounge with Michelle lying on top of me. Gareth was in the other lounge chair with Sheila straddling him, sitting on his thighs. Sheila suddenly said, "Is it just me, or did watching the cruise ship people come to the beach and strip off get anyone else horny? I know we see each other nude all day, but we're nudists. There's something very arousing, to me at least, about watching people who don't usually go nude undress in public."

"If that got you excited," Gareth asked, "why didn't you do something about it?"

"Oh, I'm still horny," Sheila said in her wonderful accent.

"Are you going to do anything about it now, love?" Gareth asked.

"I can," Sheila replied. She cupped Gareth's balls in one hand and began stroking his shaft with her other.

Michelle started to get up off me, saying "we'll give you two some privacy."

"We don't mind an audience," Sheila replied.

"In fact, we rather enjoy it," Gareth added.

Michelle and I had talked several times about making love in front of our friends on our wedding night. We both enjoyed that a lot and wanted to do something like it again.

"Do we have to just watch?" Michelle asked.

"Lord no," Sheila replied. "If we inspire you to copulate, we'll take that as a compliment."

Michelle began stroking my dick. We kissed. I put a hand between her legs. Sheila had gotten Gareth hard. She slid up his body until she was straddling his groin. She stood partway up, grabbed his dick, and held it in position as she lowered herself on to it. That was very arousing to see. Michelle and I were torn between watching Sheila and Gareth, on one hand, or pleasuring each other. Our desire for each other prevailed.

Michelle was soon riding me in one lounger as Sheila rode Gareth a couple of feet away in the other. At that moment, I couldn't think of anything better than to be making love with Michelle, outdoors on a warm Caribbean night, with our new friends making love next to us.

I became oblivious to Sheila and Gareth, and everything else except Michelle. She was always stunningly beautiful. However, her beauty was magnified beyond description when she engaged in intercourse. Having her on top afforded me visual stimulation which supplemented the direct physical stimulation she was providing. Her sounds, movements, facial expressions made me confident I was making her happy too.

I was vaguely aware of Sheila's noises as she came. That seemed like several minutes before Michelle and I did. I say each orgasm with Michelle was the "best ever," but each one has seemed better than the ones before. After Michelle came, she fell forward onto my chest. I held her and we kissed.

While we were kissing, Sheila said, "that was bloody beautiful!"

To our shock, a strange male voice said, "very entertaining."

Michelle rolled to my side. We looked in the direction of the voice. Three older nude couples standing about a yard away from the patio. I was fairly sure the resort didn't allow sex out in the open. I was relieved some when one of the women said, "it's nice to see people who know how to really enjoy such a nice night in such a wonderful locale."

The three couples walked away. "Sorry," Gareth said. "You seemed too involved to warn you."

"How long were they there?" I asked.

"I think they were there when we came," Sheila replied. "I assume they saw us both."

"I hope they enjoyed it," Michelle said. All four of us started laughing, slowly at first but soon uncontrollably.

Michelle and I did some other things with Sheila and Gareth on St. Martin. We stayed in touch with them. Over the coming years we would visit them in England, they would visit us in Ohio, and we would take joint trips to many warm places.

Shortly after our return to Columbus, we had dinner with our friends. Of course, we recounted our honeymoon experiences. "You seem to enjoy being watched having sex," D'Shawna commented.

"We do," Michelle admitted.

"A colleague was saying there's somewhere you can do that around here," Will said. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Come on Ian," Will added, "you know doctors can be some of the kinkiest folks out there." That conversation also led to adventures.

I have heard people say that their partners changed after they got married. I don't think we have. If anything, my love and admiration for Michelle have increased. We have disagreements, but never fights like I experienced with Julia. We talk things out. Sometimes, I persuade Michelle. More often, Michelle persuades me. That isn't, usually, me compromising. It is Michelle convincing me that her view is better than mine. The longer I live with her, the more she impresses me.

Yvonne and Beck figured out that Michelle and I weren't breaking up soon, although I'm sure they held the hope for at least a couple of years. Michelle started talking to them by phone at least weekly, although Yvonne still wouldn't talk to me. Beck started talking to me again when he was sure Yvonne wouldn't know he had. Beck was, I think, resigned to the idea that Michelle and I loved each other deeply.

About a year after our wedding, we bought a house in a nice part of Delaware County. The best feature was an inground pool in a secluded backyard. We added a hot tub large enough for eight and began taking our turn hosting our friends for our nude get togethers.

Just under three years into our marriage, Michelle began talking about children. I wasn't enthused about having a child at age 52. However, it was very important to Michelle. As usual, she persuaded me that her view was better than mine. She went off birth control and we made love at every opportunity.

It was the December after our third anniversary when we confirmed that Michelle was pregnant. She was ecstatic. I still had doubts but kept those to myself. We continued our nude lifestyle even after Michelle started showing.

Of course, we and our friends continued to go to the Iroquois Forest nude beach as often as possible. For at least a year, Michelle had been unsuccessfully inviting Yvonne and Beck to join us. Since she had gotten pregnant, Michelle talked to her parents more often. I made a point of being out of listening range during those calls.

It was a Thursday night in May. Michelle was about seven months along. She finished a call with her parents and walked into the study where I was reading. I looked up. Despite, or because of, the pregnancy, Michelle looked more beautiful than ever. "That was different," she said without preamble.

What?" I asked.

"Well," she replied, "I was talking to Mom and Dad. We're going to the beach Saturday, so I invited them like I always do."

"Waste of effort," I commented. "What was different?"

"They're coming!" Michelle replied.

"Coming where?" I asked.

"To the beach, Saturday, to be with us and our friends," she answered.

"No," I said in amazement. I must have misunderstood her.

"Really," Michelle said. "My parents are going to a nude beach with us." I wasn't sure if that was good or recipe for disaster.

Yvonne and Beck pulled into our driveway just after 8:00 a.m. that Saturday. I loaded a cooler of food and drinks into the trunk of my car, and they sat in the back seat while we drove to D'Shawna and Will's house where everyone was meeting. Michelle re-introduced them to D'Shawna, Will, Beth, Chris, and Rachel; and introduced them to Rachel's current boyfriend Rob. Angie had taken a job in Phoenix and Chad had drifted away.

We took my car to the Forest with just Michelle, her parents, and me in it. For the first time since I married Michelle, Yvonne spoke to me; but not much. Beck tried to be conversational, asking questions about the beach. I let Michelle give the answers.

We led Yvonne and Beck on the mile hike from the parking to the beach. It was late morning, and a glorious day. A lot of people were already at the beach, all of them nude. At her first sight of the beach, Yvonne stopped in her tracks and exclaimed "my God!"

D'Shawna, Will, Rachel, and Rob had beaten us there and had already undressed. We put our stuff next to theirs. There were a few awkward moments as Michelle and I hesitated to strip naked in front of her parents. That was broken when Beth and Chris came onto the beach and dropped their things by ours. Beth asked, "why the hell are you guys still dressed?" Beth and Chris began undressing which somehow made it easier for Michelle and me.

Beck and Yvonne kept swimsuits on. That wasn't prohibited, it was an unofficial beach after all. Being the only people clothed, they drew attention to themselves. Yvonne was silent while the rest of us talked. After a while, Beth said she and Chris were going to walk the beach. Michelle and I went along. Michelle was the only pregnant woman at the beach that day. She drew a lot of looks, but she'd done that before she got pregnant too. We walked together, holding hands.

It probably took us fifteen minutes to walk the length of the beach and start back. My attention split between the shimmering water of the lake and the incredibly beautiful woman walking with me. We were, maybe, a hundred yards from the rest of our group when Michelle said, "Oh... My... GOD!"

"What?" I asked.

"Mom and Dad are naked!" Michelle replied. I knew that wasn't correct. I looked towards where our things were. Damn. I didn't see anyone in a swimsuit, only bare skin. As we got closer, I saw Michelle's superior vision had been accurate. Yvonne and Beck were both naked!

Beth and Chris kept walking, but Michelle and I stopped. We needed to adjust to the shock of seeing her parents in the nude. Yvonne and Beck saw us and walked to us. I must admit it was even stranger with them standing nude only inches away.

"This really feels great!" Beck said enthusiastically.

Yvonne looked at her daughter, then at me. She took a step towards me and gave me a bare hug. While she was holding me, she said, "I'm sorry. I got a lot of things wrong." Yvonne let go of me and took Beck's hand. Together, they walked back to the rest of our friends.

After a few silent seconds, Michelle smiled and said, "Mom feels good naked, doesn't she?"

"Yes," I said, "but nowhere near as good as you do."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This is a lovely, touching, love story with nudity an important but almost irrelevant part. The nudity serves, however as a filter and the couple's exhibitionist tendencies sweeten the pot. Loved every word.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story.. it was

very refreshing to hear a great love story on this site... Loved it! Thanks for sharing...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

As a long time nudist and a retired, divorced male, I was very comfortable with the premise of the story. The sexual adventures were woven expertly into the story. They didn't need to be graphic to get the point across. I could only wish to find someone like Michelle to share my life as comfortably as she and her love. I would enjoy another story expanding how their lives together blossomed. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A rare feel good story. So many positive vibes being with such a close group of friends. With so much nudity you managed to keep the eroticism as an undercurrent. I was disappointed that the sex was so vanilla, especially when performing for their friends.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Super great story, well writen. Only a few gramaticle mistakes and two words joined together. Who cares. It's a feel good story with a great subject line.

Made this old 84 year old man feel good on his 84th birthday. 5 Stars and 2 thumbs Up.

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