My Christmas Gift Pt. 02

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A new purchase for my lonely evenings.
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Just a little follow up to my light Christmas short story.

Please enjoy a fictional fantasy journey into urban science fiction.



Sitting alone and bored evenings?

Are you disinterested in hobbies and pastimes?

TV shows silly, books boring, internet unsatisfactory?

We have the revolutionary new lounge chair for you.

Guaranteed full night's entertainment, every night.

End every day fully satisfied and happy.

TV is exciting, and reading is fun.

Phone LOUNGFUN now for an appointment.


The advert popped up on my tablet screen, addressed to me, as I was idly flipping through the latest pictures on my favourite social site. The ad had no fancy graphics, no background, even the text was ordinary. What it lacked in appeal was made up for in the message. My name is Bob. After my re-introduction to sleeping after a similar advert, I was really curious about this new advert.

I had received my new bed before Christmas and enjoyed the benefits of the perfect sleep it has given me. I was so sleep deprived before then that I was tired and fatigued all day long. My work was suffering to the point that I was close to being fired. On the advice of my boss I bought the new bed and that decision changed my life. Instead of losing my job I gained a promotion. He had been promoted to a higher position, and on his recommendation following my renewed work success, I was offered his old job. The new pay helped offset the high cost of the bed.

My sex life hasn't improved as I still have trouble hooking up with suitable females, but at least I am no longer horny and frustrated. The bed has taken care of any hormone build up, allowing me to relax and sleep better. I found myself going to bed really early to start with, but then as time has gone by I was too alert to sleep all night. Not lacking sleep helped greatly with my job and probably with the rest of my life, but now I am staying up later to try becoming tired. This is so boring as I am forced to watch TV, read books and magazines, or cruise the internet. These quickly became boring with their repetitiveness and inane plots and storylines. I started new hobbies, but found my concentration wandering after only a short time.

So this new popup grabbed my curiosity and if what it says is true, a new lounge making everything more interesting, would be great. It was late at night and I thought I could ring them tomorrow night earlier in the evening. Happy with my decision I went to bed, getting another great orgasm as usual.

At work the next afternoon I was reviewing a document with Janine, a member of my staff, when the same advert popped up on my screen. I laughed at how this seemed to be following along the same lines as before. Jan blinked at the sudden intrusion of the advert over the top of our work.

"So Bob, are you looking to buy a new lounge. This one certainly looks interesting."

I watched her reading the screen and only managed to look away after she turned to face me with a curious look. Thinking fast I tried to come up with an explanation, "Err, yes I am. It seems they managed to track me to work. I googled some last night and must have picked up some sort of tracker or something. I'll get IT to check my computer."

She seemed to accept what I said, even though it made no sense to me. Being the boss has its good moments. We went back to our work and successfully reached the end with no further disruptions. I was glad to spend time with her, as I always enjoyed working alongside Jan. She was bright, intelligent and good company. She also had a beautiful face and a fantastic body. It seems that regardless of the type of clothing she wore there was always cleavage on display. Having just spent the better part of an hour alone with her sitting side by side at a computer screen, I was wanting to go to my bed urgently.

After she left my office I realised I had another advantage to being a manager, my own office with a door for privacy. Putting aside my thoughts of being in my bed I got up and closed the door so I could make a phone call in privacy.

"Thank you for calling the Seat Me Service, this is Barbara speaking. How may I assist you?"

Her voice was so sultry and full of sensual appeal, and the same voice I had heard before, "Hi Barbara, this is Bob Smith speaking. I saw an ad for a new lounge chair and wondered if I could get some more information about it."

"Of course Bob. I see here that you already purchased a bed from our sister company, Bed Me Service. How has that been going for you? Has it done what we said it would do? I bet it is fun to sleep on though isn't it, I love using mine at home."

"Yes, it's absolutely fantastic and worked out even better than I could have wished for."

"That's terrific Bob, we love a satisfied customer. We thought you might enjoy this special offer as well. Would you like one of our representatives to visit you? We have a vacancy tonight at 7pm if that is convenient for you?"

"Wow, that would be great. Please make the appointment and I will expect your rep tonight. This prompt service to your customers really is a welcome change to what I normally experience elsewhere."

Barbara giggled leaving me the impression of jiggling boobs popping out of a tight sweater, "Thank you Bob, we aim to please our customers. My manager will be happy to hear of your positive appraisal of our service," I heard a few keyboard clicks and she continued, "Right then Bob, I have made the appointment and confirmed it to your phone. You should be getting my message," a ding sounded from my phone, and heard her giggle as she must have heard it as well, "any moment. Oops, should have said 'about now', shouldn't I," followed by another jiggling giggle.

"Thank you so much Barbara. Will it be you visiting me? I would love the chance to meet you, you sound so lovely over the phone."

Another of her giggles, I really would talk to her all day just to hear them, "Oh Bob, you are a flirt. I'm just the telephone girl here at our office. I think you'll see Helen tonight, she's our senior representative. Perhaps she came to your place last time," more keyboard clicks, "yes, it was her you met about the bed. That should make it so much easier dealing with a familiar face. Is there anything else you would like to know?"

"No I think that's all for now. I'll look forward to seeing Helen again and save my questions for tonight. Thank you Barbara."

"Thank you Bob for you inquiry. Have a nice day."

She disconnected leaving me in a bit of dream state as I recalled what I could about Helen, 167 centimetres of pure sex appeal. The remainder of my workday dragged as I waited for it to end. For possibly the first time since my promotion I was first out the door, normally I am last to leave the office. This was noticed, but who cares when it is a rare occurrence and my mind was on other things. I raced as fast as possible, getting more excited every moment. I wolfed down my dinner and even had time for a quick shower before the appointment time.

Right on the moment that the clock showed 7pm my front door bell rang, and there was Helen. The effect on me was much the same as the last time, with me being stunned by her appearance. Again it was the tight red dress that failed to hide her magnificent figure. I recovered faster this time though, giving my ego a boost, and invited her inside. Her smile was wide, reaching her eyes which sparkled. Following her to the living room I was positive her hips were swaying more than last time. I felt like one of those cartoon characters whose eyes zoom out when looking at a sexy woman. I heard Helen giggle softly as though she had heard my thoughts.

Settling on opposite chairs she got out the paperwork and a fabric sample folder.

"Bob, it really is wonderful to be able to meet with you again. I heard how much you're enjoying your bed. All of us who work for the group of companies have one, and we all just love using it. I personally find it is great for my stamina, I can just keep going and going for a long time," getting another giggle.

This time I could see the effect of her giggles as her boobs jiggled, making me think of what Barbara would look like. These thoughts were making me wish I could take a minute and go to bed and find some relief. Helen gave out a chuckle and shifted a little bit on her chair. My eyes almost bulged out as her dress was pulled towards her hips. I was now getting a better view of her cleavage including the edge of black lace of her bras. I was then hard pressed as to where I should be looking as her dress had also ridden higher on her thighs. Not remarkable in itself except this dress had a very long slit up the front to allow her leg movement while walking. This slit had been pulled higher as well and I could clearly see the crotch of her black panties. They appeared to be damp and adhering to the contours of her crotch. I could clearly make out her slit and labia shapes in the material. This company sure knew how to make a sales pitch.

I did drag my eyes back up to her own, finding her face displaying a huge smirk knowing exactly what I had been looking at. I wasn't going to complain, in fact I was trying hard to flirt a little more except my brain was wallowing too far in the gutter. I made a silly remark which fortunately she found funny.

"After your visit tonight I'm really going to need my bed to help me sleep."

She laughed making it seem like genuine mirth, as she responded, "I know what you mean Bob. I think my bed will get a workout tonight from me as well."

I was left wondering what she was talking about until she moved her eyes downwards indicating my own crotch. I glanced down to see my hard cock being prominently displayed. In my excitement tonight I had forgotten to put on underwear and only had loose shorts of thin material. It was still warm weather so I had dressed to keep cooler. I felt embarrassed at my display, but as she was not complaining I let my worries subside. I even separated my knees more, allowing my cock to poke out more. She smiled and after raising her eyebrows, then giving me a wink she went back to serious work mode, even though her knees separated a bit more and her crotch looked moister. My eyes could have been deceiving me, but it looked like a drip was forming on a fold in her panties beneath where her slit was showing. I decided to check the chair surface after she left in case she left some moisture, or even some odour of her fluids, behind for me.

She went on to explain the features of the chair and how it was custom designed and built to suit me. Like the bed it had genetically tailored nanobots that interacted only with me. The chair would come originally as a single, but with some adaptive program changes it will fit and respond to more people if I ever desired. I would find that whatever activity I was doing whilst sitting in the chair would be enhanced. I would find that activity far more entertaining and interesting. She could not say exactly how this would happen as it depended on each individual and their responses. The nanobot technology adapted to meet your personality. The only example she told me about was that watching a car race and how the chair made you feel you were in the car, then gave me a warning.

"Bob, it is most important that you read through the User Manual first, before you try using the chair. It produces very real sensations as though whatever is being watched or read is actually happening to you. So read the instructions fully so you know what to do. You can vary the impact certain things have on you before you get caught in that situation. Okay sweetie?"

I nodded in agreement that I would do exactly that, after all who doesn't agree to anything a really ultra-sexy woman tells you.

I signed up, selected the upholstery style and pattern from her samples, then paid my deposit. I was already a customer so I didn't need to fill out any of the multitude of paperwork like last time, or give a sample of my DNA. As we stood up at the end, she came to me and briefly hugged me adding a quick kiss to my cheek.

"Bob, it has been lovely seeing you again, and I hope we can get together again in the future. It would really be nice if it was for more than just a sales pitch."

I had put my arms around her in response to her hug and I enjoyed the kiss. My brain frizzled when she said she would like to see me outside of her work, but then it all went belly up with her next comment.

"But not to be, unfortunately. The company has a strict non fraternising rule. We can flirt and have some innocent fun, but no dating or serious contact. Such a shame because you seem like a really great guy. Even Barb likes you, and she has only talked on the phone to you."

I felt disheartened, like someone had taken away my favourite toy, as I followed her to the door and let her out. Her last comment was all business as she advised that the technical department would be in contact about delivery and setting up the chair. With that she was gone and after a moment of disappointment I went quickly to my bedroom, stripping off my clothing along the way. By the time I arrived and laid down my cock was more than ready for some attention. It was ready multiple times before I managed to sleep.


It was over a week before I got the message that my chair would be delivered the next Saturday morning. It had the usual palaver of having someone there to receive it, and they would definitely be there as early as possible between 7am and 1pm. I waited home and they definitely turned up as specified, at 12:55pm. Two men delivered it and I thought they could have been the same as before, but I wasn't taking that much interest in them. The chair was in two parts and they just put them in the living room and left. I am no furniture maker, and although it looked obvious that one part was the seat and the other was the back of the chair, I didn't want to risk doing it wrong.

It was just as well as a few minutes later the door bell chimed, and I was overjoyed that Cynthia was the technician. She was 172 centimetres of sex appeal, with some of her covered in a sexy light blue dress. This company seemed to only employ women of abundant sex appeal. Blonde with those jiggling boobs showing in her cleavage, and her hips and butt displayed to perfection. I got another treat to a showing of them as she went straight to work putting the chair together, commenting it was good I hadn't tried to do it. There are specific connections to be made between the parts.

Watching her work I had to comment on the appearance of the chair, "Cynthia, I hate to say anything negative, but the chair isn't the same as the sample covering I chose. It's a dull grey, bland covering. She turned to face me as much as she could as she continued putting connections together, giving me a fantastic view of her abundant cleavage.

"That's right Bob, this is like the bed. The base is the 'behind the scenes' operating system, and the cover to go over it is the client interface," she continued working as her head glanced across at a sealed package on the coffee table, "Have a look in that package, it's okay to unseal it."

I did as told to find folded material in my chosen chair cover. It felt smooth to my touch and almost like I was caressing a woman's bare skin. What I thought of as a very tactile experience. The experience was very similar to the first time I touched sheet for my bed. The fabric was like a live being wanting to cuddle me. I stood still as the sensations from the fabric made me feel more horny than watching Cynthia. A touch on my forearm broke me from the spell to find a smiling Cynthia standing in front of me.

"A wonderful feeling isn't it. My chair at home makes me feel like that every time I sit in it. Like returning to the arms of a lover," a shiver went through her body and her face took on a look of ecstasy, "Ooh, just thinking about it sends shivers up my spine."

Her eyes opened to see me smiling as I had been concentrating on the visible effects of her shivering. That cleavage really spoke volumes to me. She noticed my cock poking out in my shorts which raised a huge smile on her lips.

"Mm, nice one Bob. Shame about our company policy."

"Yes, I've heard about that. We just have to do and enjoy what we can."

She smiled back at me and returned to business mode, "Right, I just have to fit the chair cover and I'm all done. Just give me a minute to do this."

If it was possible, my cock got bigger and harder, pushing the front of my shorts further into the room. Cynthia was making certain that the cover was very well fitted to the chair base. I stood there mesmerised as she started bending at the hips facing away from me, giving a great view of her tightly clad arse and thighs. If that dress rode up any further her butt cheeks would have been doing a peak-a-boo game with me. Her next spot was on the other side of the chair bending similarly but giving me a wonderful gift of her full cleavage. The dress neckline was fully strained as her bust tried to escape its confines. I could only guess that if the fabric was a little looser to start with, her nipples would have plopped out. Her movements set off her hanging boobs wriggling, making me salivate in lust. She moved to a third position squatting down to the side of the chair giving me a likeable profile. Her dress rode up her thighs until her panties should have been visible at the sides.

I thought to myself it was unfortunate she had kept her knees locked together. Her last effort was on the opposite side of the chair, but this time she was facing more towards me as she squatted to make some corrections to the chair cover. I couldn't see what she was doing as it looked fine to me, but I was enjoying the spectacle of her body too much to worry about the chair. This time her knees separated giving me a perfect view up her dress to see her pubic area. She was wearing pale blue panties matching her dress. To start with I thought they were dark blue until I noticed that they were wet and see through, her labia shape visible. It seemed she was as turned on as I was.

She had tried to hide her face from me as she was fussing around the chair, but every now and again I caught her smile. Her attention must have been on me because I inadvertently twitched my cock which was obvious in my shorts, and she stiffened when I did this. As she relaxed I heard a quiet moan, and liquid was now dripping from her crotch. I was astounded at how these women involved were so caught up in displaying themselves to me. I had never met anyone like them, so into exhibitionism. It was fantastic. I was sad when she stood and stated that the installation was completed and she had to go. She placed another sheet of paper on the coffee table asking me to sign it that I was satisfied with the service. I was disappointed that I had to turn away to do this as she went about tidying up and storing her tools and folders. A booklet was left on the table.

Her last words as she packed up were just like Helen's had been, "Now Bob, make sure you read this manual all the way through. It's important that you know how to make your experience the best possible. This chair will produce lifelike sensations for everything showing on the TV, the book you're reading, or any other activity whilst sitting. It is vital you know how to control those sensations. Okay?"

I nodded in agreement, although I was still in lala-land after her sexy display.

She led the way to the door, but before leaving she gave me a hug, holding to me for a full minute. I returned the hug and even the kiss to the cheek she gave me. As we were separating her hands ran down my sides as though she was trying to memorise the feel of me. With a last sad smile she left, leaving me standing there watching her swaying hips leave the property. I closed the door and as I walked back to the living room I felt a lump in my left pocket. It was a lovely surprise to find a light blue G-string had been left there. I ran the wet material between my fingers and then brought it up to my nose, loving the scent of woman on it. I was smiling as I entered the living room to see my new chair waiting for me.