My Corruption Pt. 02


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And what if it was all out of my hands? What if she was going to get it one way or the other?


I gulped, throat juddering as I tried to swallow, yet there was no moisture left in my mouth to do so adequately. She loomed, a low rumble growling from her chest, yet it was impossible to liken her to any other creature in the world. My cock throbbed inside her and I panted, pulling back from the edge, even if she forced me to think of the present moment and not anything that, somehow, may have stopped me from cumming.


I groaned and rocked my hips, yet my entire lower body rolled with the grip she had on my legs. My hands, trembling, came up, but it was oddly as if they were disconnected from me, as if I was watching my own body move without my direction from a great distance away.

Oh, but I felt everything, I most certainly did. Especially as the alien ground all the way down on me and climaxed -- for it was most certainly another one in the terrifying shudders and ripples that ran through her body. From head to toe, her body shook with the power of it and there was nothing a mere, weak human such as me could do but go along with it, moment by moment.

Maybe that'd been my fate all along. Maybe I'd never been supposed to stand up against her, not in any way. Maybe there was a higher power controlling everything and my only fate was to fall before her.

She crooned and rocked slower, that delicious slickness encasing my cock completely, her sex hot and tight. It felt like she was gripping me, something rippling and pulling up the length of my cock. It didn't feel like any pussy I'd ever been inside before and yet I didn't know how to think of anything else in that moment, whimpering, groaning, letting my body, slowly but surely, fall prey to the whims of someone so much greater than me.

I gave in. Nobody would ever know, not as my breath left my body in a gasp, a breathy exhalation that slipped by my lips smoothly, too smoothly. Everything was easy, somehow, but maybe that was because I didn't dare do anything against her.

The pleasure was too much, much too much, even after she rocked and humped again, rising and falling on my cock like she knew she was getting to me. I moaned aloud, a tiny sound, and shuddered in place, my hands up and my fingers twitching as if I thought I could stop her. Of course, I didn't touch her. Any touching there came from the alien and not me.

At least, that was what I would tell anyone that ever found out. But I had no intention whatsoever of letting anyone know -- if I even survived the experience. If I didn't tell, after all, the alien wasn't going to run off talking to anyone about what had happened there.

That was the only thing I clung to as my cock trembled, a reverberation rolling through, which I could not repress. I let out a sharp, breathless cry as I broke, the heated pleasure of ejaculation rolling through me.

I slipped away. Nothing else existed, but my orgasm felt all the stronger for my fear, the horrific knowledge that I was aiding the alien cause, even if I did not know how she was going to take things forward from there. I moaned and whined, a high-pitched sound bursting from my nose, yet I was locked down there, forced to unwillingly join her in climax.

It wasn't my fault, that's what I told myself, even as my body traitorously spent my seed into her heated sex, the pussy that clenched and pulled around me. I tried to hold back, even then, turning back when the point of no return had already been passed, that part of me that knew something bad was going to happen snarling and heaving in the back of mind.

But it had not been strong enough, oh no. Not in the slightest as her claws scraped over the floor and she hunkered down over me, draining me of every single drop of seed I had to give her. I moaned aloud, eyes watering, but the alien stayed right where she was. If I had not known she was a clone, I would have thought it was something she'd done before. Maybe aliens didn't need to have that actual experience when instinct was as strong as it was.

Or maybe... Maybe I did know what would happen. There had been one part of the text that I'd been translating, before my eyes had grown too heavy and aching to linger in the lab any longer. I took a shuddering breath, cum trickling out faintly around the base of my cock, where our bodies joined. Or, more specifically, where the alien took my cock into her body. There should never have been any question as to who was in control there.

There was no equality. And there never would be.

For what I'd been translating seemed to talk about something to do with impregnation. That made sense, of course, but the creature, in the end, seemed to be one that would specialise in hunting humans. I had pieced together fragments -- and, of course, hoped I was wrong about it.

Oh, how I hoped I was wrong. For I had been weak and unable to stop myself from spilling my seed, even if there was no way to tell if the alien had been impregnated or not. If she had been impregnated, I may well have doomed humanity.

All for the sake of one orgasm that I simply had not been able to hold back on. Who else could lay that claim to treacherous fame? I'd held back for so very long and had not been able to do anything about my body, the needs of it, breaking at the point where I needed to be the strongest I'd ever been.

And now what had I done? The alien perched on top of me, the pressure of her legs caging me in impossible to sink away from. Tears built in the corners of my eyes and I trembled, hardly daring to bear witness to my own horror.

It was not something I should ever have been proud of. I never would be. Not with all that came to pass...

The alien let out a rattling croon, like a broken purr, and stroked her claw, the sharp edge, across my cheek. I didn't even gasp as a line of pain burned across my skin.

I'll quit... I'll leave... She'll never be able to get to me again.

Alas, the alien still had plans for me.

And I wasn't going anywhere.

AmethystMareAmethystMare4 months agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to take on mostly anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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