My Cousin Avi

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Cousins experience their first time together.
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It had been 3 years since we last went home to India. My parents moved to the USA when I was 11. We would return twice a year in our first 4 years but we had not been back in 3 years.

I had been close to my cousins in India and we had a large family. In the USA I always felt a little on the outside. I had friendships but I never felt anyone ever got me as a person. My life was more complex than the ordinary experience of an American teenager. It was almost as though I lived a dual life between my Hindu friends and the life I had with my white friends.

We were staying at my Father's ancestral home with my Grandma. It had been a long time since she had seen me and she showered me with love.

I was just happy to be there and it felt like home. It was somewhere I could be my true self.

After we had recovered from our jetlag we went to visit our cousins.

A few of my older cousins still lived in the village but my young cousins had moved to the city or away for college.

The next day we went to the city and I was excited to meet Avaneesh. We were always close as kids and played together for hours. We were of the same age and this helped us to bond.

"Rupa, how much you have grown?" My aunty greeted with a big hug and kiss on my cheek. She was my Father's sister. She was always warm and welcoming to me.

"Where is Avi?" I asked.

"He is in his bedroom. I can never get him out," she replies.

"Don't worry aunty. I will get him out," I reply.

She lets me head to his room. Avi is sat at the foot of the bed playing Glory.

We exchange a casual "hey" and it feels normal. Like it is not some big event that I am here after 3 years.

I casually sit down on his bed.

"So, you remembered we exist?" He said while looking back for my reaction. His head like a meerkat peeking over the edge of the bed.

"Shut up, dude. Like I can forget your ugly face. Still gives me nightmares," I say with an exaggerated shiver and he laughs.

"Oh, so it is 'dude' now? It used to be 'yaar'. You have gone full ABCD," he says teasing me.

"Shut up," I say as I throw a pillow at his head.

His phone buzzes next to me as it is on charge.

The text notification is from a Sara. The curiosity is too much for me and I open the message.

His passcode is easy to guess. The same one he had for everything. The first 4 digits of pi. He was a nerd and I was glad he hadn't changed.

"Can you come to the library?" The message reads from Sara. It makes me curious and I wonder if they are dating. So I do what every curious cousin would do, I begin to scroll through his previous messages with Sara.

"Hey, why have you gone so quiet?" He asks after a few minutes.

He looks up and I am cradling his phone in my hand.

"What have you got there?" He asks and then realizes I have his phone as a panic comes on his face.

He jumps up in a flash and tries to grapple the phone away from me but I am using my back to keep him away.

I am giggling like crazy as we wrestle over the phone.

I can feel myself backing into him with my ass. It seems harmless in the moment and we have always played in this way with each other. Teasing each other and playing pranks.

All of a sudden I felt something hard poking against my ass. It wasn't his leg or hand. It felt different and I pushed back harder trying to figure out what it was in that curious way.

"What is that?" I asked and then I felt him back away all of a sudden almost like he was embarrassed and then I realized what I had felt.

He awkwardly sat back in his place and was unable to make eye contact with me.

I handed his phone back to him without looking further. The messages seemed innocent enough and it made me slightly curious why he was so protective over his phone but I guess most of us are.

Avi was playing a soccer game now and the silence between us seemed less deafening with the background noise of the game.

It was a game we had played often when I had visited before. We usually played basketball or soccer games. I was better at basketball but he usually got the better of me at soccer. I felt guilty for what happened and wanted to break the ice, "Can I play?" I asked in my soft voice.

He looked back, that awkwardness was hard to hide but he agreed in a slightly surly manner. He blamed me for the awkwardness of him getting a boner. As if I had some magical control over his boner.

He nodded his head and I joined him at the foot of the bed.

As I sat down I glanced down at his crotch just to check his boner was still not alert and it seemed to not be fully flaccid.

Avi was an avid Manchester United fan. He always had been since we were children. He would always wear the United t-shirt everywhere we went. He seemed to have grown out of that habit now but he still picked them on the game.

I would always pick Manchester City usually to annoy him as they were their rivals or something.

I saw a slight grin from him as he saw me pick Manchester City.

"So, is Sara like your girlfriend?" I asked that curiosity still prodding the back of my head.

"Why? Are you jealous?" He quickly responded.

"Ew! Gross! Dude! Come on," I said in surprise as I hit him with my elbow.

He started laughing too and it seemed to break that awkwardness from before.

After a few minutes I asked again, "So, seriously what is going on with you guys?"

He gave me a curious look at my persistence.

"I will tell you about Sara but first you must tell me about your boyfriend. Mutually assured destruction if you rat me out to my parents," he says and it makes me giggle.

"You are such a nerd. I don't have a boyfriend," I reply.

"You expect me to believe someone this...I mean I don't believe it," he stops himself mid sentence before correcting himself and I am even more curious.

"This what? You were going to say something," I asked.

"It was nothing," he began acting shy.

"Avi, just say it. Don't be all weird. I have known you all of my life," I say becoming frustrated.

"Hot. This hot. No one this hot will not have a boyfriend," he finally relented and said in frustration.

It gave me a giggling fit and I fell on my side giggling.

"Ewwww. Dude, you are so gross and weird. I am not hot. What even makes me hot?" I reply through my fit of giggles.

"Stop it. It is not weird. It is just fact. You are hot. It is just an objective fact. You have nice boobs and everything," he says trying to defend himself but digging a bigger hole.

I am aghast at his observation and my giggling stops. My boobs were only B cup. My friends had larger breasts. Most were C cups, a couple of D cups and some even larger.

I can see the concern on his face and I do not want to shame him.

"I don't have a boyfriend. That is the truth and I am not lying. No one thinks I am hot. Well, except you. And no one notices my boobs," I say as I look at the TV due to the awkwardness.

"No one notices your boobs. Well, except me," he says and it makes me giggle once more.

"You are too much Avi," I reply. He could make me laugh in the most unexpected times.

The awkwardness has dissipated and we seem more comfortable.

Just as we are getting comfortable my parents call for me and we must leave. I give Avi an awkward goodbye as I am conscious of my boobs pressing into his chest as we hug.

My days are busy as we visit various family members and long distant cousins of my Mother and Father and old family friends.

It is after a few days my Father tells me that we are staying over for a few days in the City. I thought we would be staying in a hotel but this was out of the question as it would be considered the height of rudeness by our family.

We stayed with Avi and his family. Avi was the most on my wavelength from my cousins and I enjoyed spending time with him. He was in tune with western culture and still had that Indian side. We were similar in our thinking but we were just on different continents.

Avi was out with some friends and I told his mother I just wanted to play on his console. I never fit their expectations as I was a bit tomboyish. I enjoyed playing sports and gaming unlike my other female cousins who were more into dolls as children and now make up and fashion as adults. I preferred jeans and a t-shirt.

I switched on the console when I noticed that his laptop was on the bed and the screensaver was bouncing across the screen.

A sense of curiosity over took me and I decided to check if he was still logged in. To my surprise he was and I was even more shocked to find what he had been doing.

I gasped as I saw the video that had been paused. I was no stranger to porn. I mean every curious teenager has watched porn and I did frequently but who still used their laptop? Surely we all used our phones for porn viewing purposes these modern days to avoid the unnecessary overheating lap.

To my shock he was watching stepsister/stepbrother porn. It just made me more curious and as I delved into his history I noticed that his usual preference was MILF porn despite most of the 'MILFS' being no older than 25.

I heard him come back and speak to his Mom. He rushed over to the room when he heard I was here. I quickly put the laptop back how I found it and went back to holding the controller for the console.

He opened the door in a slightly panicked manner but tried to act relaxed when he saw me casually sitting there.

"Hey, where were you? I started without you," I asked.

"Just at the library," he replied as he closed the lid on his laptop and put it away.

"Were you with Sara?" I asked in a slightly jealous tone without intending it.

"Yeah. She just wanted to go over the assignment," he replied in a flippant manner.

"Are you sure she doesn't want to go over anything else?" I asked in a teasing manner winking at him.

"Come on dude. Stop messing. Let's play," he says as he takes the seat next to me.

We ease into the game and just talk casually about college, friends etc.

I am restless and there is something nagging at the back of my mind about what I discovered before.

"So what porn do you like to watch?" I asked in the most casual manner. He was having a sip from his bottle of cola which he spilled over his shirt.

"What?" He finally muttered after almost choking on the cola.

"Come on, dude. I am not going to rat you out. If you tell me, I will tell you," I say with a cheeky smile.

I can see the sweat on his brow as his anxiety rises but he all of a sudden takes a deep breath.

"You first?" He asks.

"You might think this is weird but I like Hentai," I reply.

He seems to physically relax as his body leans back.

"Hentai is not weird. I like it too. But I mainly watch MILF. If you tell anyone I will kill you," he says as the words leave his mouth.

"Likewise," I reply.

We play the game a bit more. I am getting better and it is more competitive between us.

"Have you kissed a boy?" He asked.

"What?" I asked. Now it was my turn to be shocked.

"Have you?" I retorted.

"I don't like boys," he replied and I pinched his leg.

"Have you kissed a girl?" I asked again.

"I asked first," he replied.

"No I have not. Now it is your turn?" I ask.

"No. Not even had the chance," he replies.

"Hmm," I reply as I seem lost in thought.

I am winning 2-0. This is rare between us. Usually he is comfortably beating me but my team is better than him and he seems distracted.

There are 30 minutes left on the game timer which in reality is around 2 minutes.

"If you beat me, you will get your chance. It is a one time deal," I say. I cannot believe my own words as they leave my mouth.

"Ew," he seems to quietly throw out there just in case I am pranking him. But he leans forward and his game switches up a few gears as he scores in his next attack. I notice him glance at me briefly as the goal goes in. It prompts me to swallow the building saliva in my mouth.

I don't want to make it easy for him and I put up a fight as the timer ticks down.

It is minute 85 and he scores again. I feel a little tinge between my legs this time as I feel a sexual tension building.

He looks a little longer this time and I lick my lips involuntarily. He takes a deep breath at this.

The timer is ticking down and there are mere seconds left for him to score.

I back off and even move one of my players out of the way to give him a free run. He manages to score and I lean back in relief but put up the pretence of acting annoyed.

He looks at me sheepishly almost unsure of whether I was joking or not.

"That seemed to motivate you," I say.

"Maybe I was just taking it easy on you," he replies.

"Hmm. Well, now you have a chance to kiss a girl," I say.

"And you have the chance to kiss a boy," he replies.

He looks at me nervously and I am too afraid to look directly at him. I am peering at him from the corner of my eye.

I close my eyes as I feel him come closer and my breathing is shallower as that anticipation builds.

I am frozen when I first feel his soft lips against mine. His lips were softly kissing mine and despite my stiffness he was persistent. Initially he is just pecking my lips as I am frozen stiff.

My body began to relax and I held his hand as I softened my lips and kissed him back.

I could feel his other hand rest on my hip as the kiss grew more intense between us. There was a warm sensual feeling flowing through my body and my hand let go of his to hold his waist for support. Our breathing was heavy.

I was so lost in the kiss that I was not aware his hand had gone under my shirt and was gently teasing the underside of my breasts. My body was filled with hormones and I was feeling a rush I had never experienced before.

Something came over me and I felt a need to kiss him with my tongue. My tongue licked his lips and entered his mouth and I could sense the surprise for him but it did not take him long to wrap his tongue around mine.

Our kiss was deep and passionate and I was almost straddling him.

His hands were gently squeezing my breasts over my bra and he was becoming braver by the second.

As our kiss deepened and we became lost to our emotions he unclipped my bra from the front and groped my breasts.

I had to stop this but instead I moaned into his mouth when I felt him pinch and roll my nipples. My hand pressing down with my palm against his hard erection. I loved knowing I did this to him. I fumbled with the button on his jeans as I tried to release it.

"Beta! Rupa beti!" I heard my aunty shout at us.

That was the moment that we came to our senses and reluctantly broke off the kiss. We were both panting as we looked at each other. Things felt different but we were not willing to acknowledge them.

We waited to gather our breaths and joined the rest of the family for the family meal.

"We cannot get these two away from the computer," my aunty complains. I wondered what she would say if she knew what we had just been doing.

"It is not just here. Even at home, Rupa, is locked in her room playing the Fortnite, you know," My Mother chimes in as Avi giggles at the idea of me playing Fortnite.

"Mom, I don't play Fortnite anymore," I reply.

"Fortnite! Shortnite! It is all the same to us," she says and the adults enjoy a chuckle.

Avi and I exchange an awkward glance in each other's direction. We want to laugh at our parents but there is a sexual tension brewing between us.

The rest of the evening we are kept away from his room as we watch a Bollywood movie which finishes late.

My parents are in the guest room and to my surprise Avi's mom orders him to sleep on the sofa and I am given his bed.

That night I struggle to sleep. My body has a restless energy about it. It feels like I have unfinished business with Avi and I began to wonder where things could have gone if we had not been interrupted. I felt a yearning ache between my legs.

It was long past midnight when I felt my phone buzz.

"Are you awake?" The message from Avi.

"Yes," my speedy reply. Not really opening up a conversation.

"What are you thinking about?" I quickly followed up.

"Our kiss," the reply and the awkwardness was not there in text.

"Me too," I replied. My nerves making it hard for me to say much more.

"What are you wearing in my bed?" He asks and this feels so so wrong.

But I reply, "Just a t-shirt and panties." I reply and despite it being wrong I can't but help sexualise what I am wearing.

"I will never be able to sleep in that bed again knowing you were half naked in there," he replies and I have little grin to myself.

I sit up and remove my t-shirt.

"I am just in my panties now. I have had to take off my t-shirt. Will it be easier to sleep now?" I ask.

"My dick will be too hard sleep every time I think of you in just your panties. Just like it is now," he replies and I know what he is doing.

"Interesting. Does it help if I take off my panties?" I slide off my panties as I wonder what he will do next.

"I am stroking my cock as I think about your naked body in my bed," he replies.

"My pussy is so wet thinking about your hard cock. My juices are dripping on your bed sheets. Oops!" I reply.

I send him a short hentai video of a teen getting railed from Bible Black.

He sends me one back from Dropout.

My pussy is so wet as I slowly rub my clit.

"Don't talk," I text him.

I call him. I want him to hear me cum.

He answers breathing heavily. I can hear him shuffling as he pumps his cock hard under the covers.

"Uh, uh, uh," I moan as I use one hand to rub my clit and the other is pinching and rolling my nipple.

"Fuck! Fuck!" I moan a little louder than I intend to in this crowded house.

The sounds of my gushing pussy can be heard on the phone.

"Uff! Uh!," I finally let out as I climax. I can hear him grunting in the other room as he also cums.

The next morning at the breakfast table we act as though nothing has happened.

I can't believe what we have done and think it is better to forget it. This is wrong on so many levels but it is thrilling and exciting.

Our parents have plans to go shopping in the City. Well our Mothers do and our Fathers are forced to tag along.

This left me and Avi home alone.

Avi said we should play the basketball game against each other.

This was a game where I was more competitive player and Avi did not have so much of an advantage.

"Why don't we make it fun?" He says.

"How?" I ask.

"Strip basketball," he replies.

I know he is being serious but I can't help but giggle.

"You want to play strip basketball with your cousin? Very taboo," I say.

"We all have our kinks," he says as he gives me a 'I know what you did last night' look. There is a rouge on my cheeks at being reminded of last night.

We agreed that 5 points would be when the other person strips.

Avi always picked whatever team Lebron James was playing for so he picked LA Lakers. I was a hometown girl and always picked the New York Knicks.

It was obvious he had not played the game in some time and I quickly scored three nets to get passed the first 5 point milestone.

He looked at me nervously as I mulled over what to pick.

"I think the t-shirt should come off first," I said as I looked at his body.

He looked nervous as he stripped off his t-shirt. He wasn't fit but not fat either.

We played again and this time I eased off a little to let him get a few buckets. He looked at me eagerly once he scored his points.

I looked down at my shirt and he nodded. I removed it effortlessly and flung it on the bed. I was trying to play it cool but I knew my nipples were stiff in my black bra and I was beginning to feel horny.

I was enjoying his sneaky glances as we tried to play once more. I never really had attention from boys until this point and there was a tingly sensation as we played.