My Cousin Janie Ch. 05


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"I love you, Janie. More than you realize," I said.

"I know baby. I love you too, so very much," she said. She leaned down and began sucking the head of my cock. I leaned back into the pillow enjoying the sensation. Her right hand assisted by stroking the bottom of my shaft. I was in heaven as she pleasured me.

"Baby, that feels so good," I said.

"Mmmmhmmm," she moaned around my cock. Her pace was slow and methodical. She would pause at the top and run her tongue around the head, and through the sensitive slit. She was becoming as adept at pleasuring me as I was her. As wonderful as her mouth was, I was eager to enjoy Janie's wet pussy.

"Baby, come here. I want you on top of me. I want to make love," I said.

"I'm making love to you right now," she smiled.

"Get up here little tiger, or I'll come down there and get you," I smiled.

"Maybe I want you to come get me," she teased. I sat up swiftly and hooked my hands under her arms. I pulled her and rolled her on her back on the bed. She smiled when she hit the bed.

"I don't like that you're so much bigger and stronger than me," she said.

"That's the breaks in life, baby," I said as I knelt between her spread thighs. I guided my cock to her entrance and slowly pushed into her wetness.

"Mmmm, that's one of the breaks in life, too. You feel amazing inside me," she groaned.

"I'm a big fan of you, too," I said as I hit bottom. I pulled back slowly before reentering her. I established a nice slow rhythm as I looked at her. She lifted her legs and put her ankles on my shoulders. I took the opportunity to kiss and enjoy her cute, little feet.

"You know, when you do sweet little things like that, I think that everything will be all right," she said.

"Baby, not now. We can talk later," I said.

"I was just saying. Do you think that's it's just the sex with us," she asked.

"No, of course not. I mean the sex is great, but we have so much more than that."

"I know, but I still just wonder," she said.

"Look, let's put all of this aside for now. Let's just enjoy what we're sharing."

"Okay," she said. She reached and took my hand in hers as I continued thrusting inside her. I just wanted us to make love that morning. We could have a serious conversation afterwards.

I increased my tempo and her response was immediate. I loved hearing her passionate cries as we made love. I wasn't significantly more experienced than Janie, but no girl I'd known compared to her. Our relationship was meant to be. I needed to keep her convinced of that.

"Mmmm, oh that feels so fucking good," she moaned. "I love when you're inside me."

"Me too, baby. We belong together," I said.

"I know, baby," she said. She nodded but the expression on her face showed reluctance. That killed things for me and I pulled out of her. I laid down beside her.

"Hey, what's wrong," Janie asked.

"The way you looked just now killed the mood for me," I explained.

"Baby, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. I've just got a lot on my mind right now. You didn't have to stop. It felt amazing like always," she said.

"Yeah, but it didn't feel like it was right," I said.

"Baby, please. Finish. You need it," she said. Her hand stroked my cock which had already rapidly deflated.

"No, not now. Later. We need to talk these things out, Janie," I said.

"I'm not sure I like the way you said 'Janie'," she said.

"I'm sorry, but we need to decide if we want to try to keep this alive or not," I said. "I'm going to take a shower." I stood from the bed. Her small hand grabbed my wrist.

"Baby, don't walk away from me mad again, please," she said, starting to cry.

I felt like the biggest asshole and turned back to face her. She sat up and moved across the bed. She knelt and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her close to me as she sobbed. I rubbed my hands up and down her bare back trying to soothe her. I don't know how long she cried, time just seemed to slow. I began crying myself. Finally, she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry. You know me, I'm not usually like this. Maybe my period is coming, I don't know," she said trying to smile. She was wiping her eyes with her hands. I reached to get us both a tissue. "I got to you, too?" I blew my nose and nodded.

"The only time I've ever seen you cry was when your Mom and Dad died," she said.

"It's not something I make a habit of," I replied.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm just scared. I just keep falling deeper in love with you and I'm afraid it's never going to work out right," she admitted.

"Janie, baby, please listen to me. It will never fail from a lack of effort on my part. I know how you feel about all of this. But I just need you to understand how important this one thing is to me. Granddad wanted to drill this his whole life. Rick and Dad worked on it for years. It's going great and it's just going to take time to finish it. Then we do whatever the fuck want," I said.

"Like what," she asked.

"See how many countries we can visit, get married, have kids, grow old together, whatever we want," I said. "But stay together and never give up on one another."

"I want to believe you," she said.

"Then believe me, baby," I replied. "I'm telling you, if you give me some time to finish it, I'll walk away."

"All right, baby. I'm sorry, I just worry that I'll end up like Liz and Mom," she said.

"You won't, baby. I promise."

"Okay," she said. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my head down, before she kissed me. "Forget the shower for a bit, huh?"


January turned to February and things seemed to settle back down for the two of us. I often thought that the adjustment to a much larger university was partly to blame. I certainly didn't want to entertain her other doubts. She seemed to get adjusted and acted like she was enjoying herself. Janie had a couple classes with Candy from high school and they connected since it was the first semester for both at a new school. Janie brought her by the office one day.

"How's your semester going," I asked Candy.

"Okay, so far," Candy replied. "I still haven't found a job yet. I need to find one pretty quick."

I looked to Janie, who grinned at me. I realized I'd been set up.

"How about you come to work with us," I suggested.

"Could I," Candy asked with a big smile.

"Yes. You can start right away," I said. Rachel walked into my office. "Rachel, this is you and Steve's new assistant, Candy Carter," I said.

"I didn't know we needed an assistant, but thanks," Rachel replied shaking Candy's hand. They walked out together.

"And what was that all about," I asked Janie as she closed the door. She walked back over to my desk and sat on top of it.

"That was me making an executive decision," she replied.

"Oh, was it, now," I asked with a smile.

"Yes. The way I see it, if we have more help, then there's no need for these 12 and 13 hour days that go on around here," Janie said confidently.

"There's still things that have to be done, baby," I replied.

"Yes, and we'll all start sharing them better," she said firmly.

"Okay, but don't plan on hiring more people. We're going to be a little cramped, as it is," I said.

"That's true. I've already talked to the landlord. He's got a bigger office around the block," she said confidently. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.

"You should really talk to me about these things," I said.

"I talked to Roxanne. You know she's the real boss. She only lets you and Daddy think you're in charge," she smiled.

"You're probably right," I said.

"No doubt, I'm right," Janie replied.


The second week of February, the drillers hit total depth on all five wells. The well logs were impressive on every one of them. The Stevie well was located in the northeastern portion of the Circle J, in an area we expected the sandstone to thin out, or even disappear. We were surprised to learn that it had stayed fairly constant compared to the Roxanne and Shelley wells further to the west. When we had it flow tested, the Stevie was yielding 8,500 barrels a day. Thankfully, Rick and Shelley were finally back from Europe.

"What do you think, son," Rick asked over the phone.

"I think we should see if we can lease a few more sections to the north," I replied. Janie, Steve, Rachel, Candy and I were all seated around the phone with me. Rick and Roxanne were on the other end.

"I think you're right. I'll get Bobby to go talk to them and see if he can work something out," Rick said. "It's gonna be tougher, though. There's a lot of different mineral and surface owners over there. And word is getting out."

"Yes sir, I know, but if that's what we're seeing, we need to make sure we've found the northern extent. The basement granite must not be as shallow as we thought," I replied.

"No, I guess it isn't. I'm looking at the logs now. You know about the granite wash play down south right," Rick asked.

"Yes, I do."

"I'm thinking this might be similar, son. If we can hook into some of those channels that might have trapped a little oil we'll make some good wells," he said.

"I think we might have found some good wells already," I said. The four looking across the conference room table at me were all quiet, thankfully.

"Oh, okay son, what about the other four," Rick asked.

"You sitting down?"

"Yeah, I am," he said. His tone told me he was studying the well logs.

"The Shelley was the disappointment," I said.

"Oh," he asked cautiously.

"Yeah, fucking 18,000 barrels a day!"

"Holy Jesus," he said.

"Yeah, the other three were all over 20,000 with the Janie at almost 25," I said. The four of us in our office all knew and our excitement had dimmed a little. I heard Roxanne gasp on the other end.

"Damn, son. That's just unbelievable," Rick said.

"Yes sir, it is."

"Son, we gotta start raising some capital pretty fast to get some production equipment bought and some gathering lines built," Rick said.

"Yes sir, we do," I agreed.

"You remember Randy Roberts, don't you?"

"Yes sir, he was one of Dad's buddies from 'Nam," I replied.

"Yep, that's him. He's been with CPG working the North Sea the last 15 years, but he retired and moved back home."

"Good for him," I said.

"Well, he called me last night and was wondering if we had some deals we could work on together. I guess retirement isn't sitting too well with him, so I told him about this one. He's a good engineer, and I think he'd be perfect for getting this going for us. He said he just needed something to do and wasn't worried about money," Rick said.

"Dad always said he was a good guy." I looked around the room and got only shrugs. "I guess we're all okay with it."

"Okay, I'll tell him. He's really chomping at the bit. All right, I want you all to have a few days off while the new rig locations are finished," Rick offered.

"Yes sir. I think everybody would take that," I said.

"You all want to go skiing?"

I looked around the table and I got four vigorous nods.

"I'd say that's an affirmative, Rick."

"Okay, be at the airport tomorrow morning. Roxie will call you back later with the exact time," he said.

"Sounds good. Thanks, Rick."

"Naw, thank you all. I took off for Europe for a month and y'all drilled 100,000 barrels of new production," he laughed. "Talk to you later."

I hung up the phone and we all smiled at one another.

"This will be great," Rachel said.

"Yeah, I can't wait. The weather was awful at Christmas," Janie added.


On the drive to the airport the next day, Janie and I talked. Rachel and Steve were meeting us at the airport, as were Candy and another friend from high school, Pete.

"This is the only part of the business I like," she said.

"It is a nice perk," I agreed. "So, you're really feeling better about things?"

"Yes, I think so. I mean I still have some doubts, but I feel better than I did a month ago."

"Okay. I understand," I said.

"It's just when you gave me this ring, it really made me think."

"I know and I've been thinking that I should have waited. Why don't you give it back to me and I'll keep it until later," I said.

"Over my dead body," she replied.

"Baby, I'm sorry it made you think, I just wanted you to know what you meant to me."

"I know, this just made it seem more permanent," she said.

"Do you not want it to be?"

"Yes, I do. I just worry. You keep saying just a couple years. What then? Will there be something else to chase," she asked.

"No, I've told you that. Besides, I could live another 100 years and never find anything like this again," I said.

"So, you'll be filthy rich and that will be enough?"

"Baby, it's just not the money," I said.

"You keep saying that, but what will be enough," she asked. I'd finally learned the true value of my parent's estate a couple weeks before. All told it was worth just short of $65 million dollars. Janie had taken the news soberly and commented that I was working too much.

"I don't know, babe. I need to finish this one."

"All right," she said, quietly.

"What could I say that would make you happy," I asked.


"Yes," I said.

"You saying, 'I've sold it all and lets run away together'."

"That simple," I asked.

"Yes. That simple."

"It's not mine to sell," I offered.

"It will be."

"That might be a while in the future," I added.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Why do you say that," I asked.

"Daddy isn't going to be around much longer, I can already feel it. Why do you think he's bringing that other guy in," she asked me.

"I know, but Roxanne still owns a quarter of the company," I said.

"Baby, she's ready to leave. She's only still here because of you. She bought a house in Hawai'i when she was there last summer," Janie said.

"I didn't know that," I replied.

"You don't know a lot of things."

"Well, thanks," I said.

"It's true," Janie insisted.

"Okay, so it is."

"Sorry, that was bitchy," she said. "You just get in your own world sometimes and don't pay attention to things right in front of you."

"Baby, it's okay. I just have to finish this, please will you let me," I asked.

"Yeah, I suppose. I'm sorry, I just don't fit into it."

"You've been doing great," I offered.

"You can train a monkey to do a lot of things."

"I understand. You don't have to help if you're that miserable," I said.

"No, I promised you I would."

"Just think about it," I continued.

"No, I'll keep doing it, or I'll be starting to live my Mom's life already."


She just looked at me as we pulled into the airport parking lot. I grabbed our bags and we walked to the hanger where the Lear jet was. Rachel, Steve, Candy and Pete were waiting on us.

We arrived in Jackson early enough that we able to hit the slopes. Janie had a great time as she always did when we went skiing. We met up later for dinner with everyone else, before retiring back to the lodge. The girls excused themselves to freshen up, while Steve, Pete and I enjoyed a scotch. The ladies returned and Janie took my hand leading me to our suite. Once inside she hugged me and we kissed.

"I can't wait to go again tomorrow," she said.

"Yeah, me too."

She looked up at me. "What are you thinking about?"

"Making love to you," I smiled.

"Mmmm, I love that thought," she said. She reached down to pull up my sweater and undershirt. I helped her get it over my head. She unbuckled my belt, pulling my jeans and boxers down. I stepped out of them and she directed me to the big chair in the corner. I sat down and she knelt between my legs. She smiled and leaned in to kiss my cock.

"I've been a little shit the last few weeks," she said.

"Baby, no. You haven't been a little shit," I replied. "I know what you're going through. I hate it, but we're going to be fine. I promise."

"I know baby. Just lean back and let me suck your cock until you can't stand it," she smiled devilishly.

"Okay," I smiled back.

Her hand had been stoking me and I was ready for her. She took me in her mouth, slowly sucking me. Her hands cupped my balls and she rolled them back and forth with her fingers. Her head bobbed up and down on me, drawing me in deeper with each stroke. It was a wonderful sensation feeling her suck me like that. I wrapped my fingers lightly in her hair as she continued. She looked up and blinked her green eyes as she continued sucking.

I heard the ceiling creak and looked up. It was very rhythmic. I looked back down at Janie as she released my cock.

"Their first time," she smiled.


"Uh huh," she said as started sucking me again. My only thought besides how good I was feeling was that I hoped Rachel and Steve were enjoying themselves upstairs.

"Let's go get on the bed. I want to pleasure you, too," I said.

My cock slipped from her mouth once again. "Nope. You always make it about me. Tonight, is just about you," she said.

I nodded as she resumed sucking me. It felt so damn good. I ran my fingers through her hair and rubbed her head as her mouth worked me. She was making it all about me.

"I want you to do something special to me tonight," she said.

"What's that, baby?"

"The one thing we've never done," she smiled.

"Are you ready for that," I asked.

"I think so. I've gotten some advice from a reputable source," she smiled.

"Yeah, I can imagine," I smiled.

"You'll always be the first for that baby," she smiled.

"Yes, I will. Let's get you ready then," I said.

"You love that don't you," she asked.

"I do," I replied. I slowly undressed her taking my time to kiss her and caress her. She'd said tonight was all about me, but it was still going to be about her. The love and passion I felt for her would not let it be any other way. I directed her to the bed and got her on her hands and knees. I grabbed some pillows for her to rest on. I looked in my bag and pulled out a little bottle I'd brought just in case.

"I feel pretty vulnerable like this," she said as I knelt behind her.

"No need to feel that way," I said. "I'll be gentle with you, like always."

"Uh huh," she said. "A guy I knew back east suggested this one night. I was like, no, I don't think so."

"You had to bring something home to me intact," I laughed just before my tongue moved through her puffy pussy lips. She tasted so fucking good.

"Oh, that's nice. But this is supposed to be about you, baby," she insisted.

"I'm not going to do your sweet little butt without making you feel good, first," I said. "That would seem like punishment."

"It should be, I've been a selfish bitch the last month," she said. My tongue continued working through her wet folds, but ventured up further towards her little pucker. She gasped when my tongue flicked across it. "I'm glad I came in here earlier and to get ready for this. You're diving right in."

"Yeah," I groaned as my tongue probed her opening. I pushed the tip of my tongue against her and she yielded slightly.

"Eeeee," she said. "That makes me tingle all over. You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you?"

"Pretty much," I said. My tongue broke contact with her little hole for just a brief moment. I continued probing her with my tongue, but I needed to start using my fingers. I grabbed the lube and put a little drop on my finger. I rubbed it around on Janie's sensitive back passage, massaging it in. I resumed licking her pussy as my finger worked her tight, little pucker.

I added additional lube and started inside with my index finger. To my surprise and hers, it slipped in very easily. I pulled it back out to add more lube and swirled my finger around inside her, spreading the lube around. She was adjusting to the sensation of my finger inside her as I continued to lick her wet sex. I added more lube and then my middle finger joined in. It took a moment for her to yield, but she did and my fingers worked their way in her to the knuckle.