My Cousin Shows Me Around Campus


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Skipper was quiet for a long time. I hoped he was leaning toward saying yes, but I could easily see him saying he didn't want to take the risk. Finally, he said, "Do we date other people and only be a couple when they're not around?" He sounded warmer to the idea.

"No." I didn't want Skipper dating anyone else. I wanted all his love for me. "That wouldn't be fair to them or either one of us. First dates that don't go anywhere would be fine. Probably good so it isn't obvious we don't want to date. But you'd be the only person I'd cuddle with and vice versa."

"But people will figure out we're a couple eventually. What do we do then?"

"I think once we decide we love each other and want to be together forever, we tell our families."

A look of curiosity came to Skipper's face. "And what do you think they'll say?"

"I don't think they'll be surprised. We've always been unusually close. I think Mom will suspect something when I tell her I want to live with you. And while I think they won't be thrilled, I do think they'll want us to be happy and we'll be able to convince them we're happy as a couple."

"How long have you been thinking about this?"

"Not very. I told you I was thinking I wouldn't be happy in the dorms. But I couldn't think of any other options. Then when you said you were going to be looking for a roommate, I started thinking about getting an apartment together. From there, it was a short jump to thinking about us living together."

Skipper nodded his head. "When you first brought up the idea of us living together, I was totally against it. It was completely wrong. But that is what my parents beat into my head. The more we discuss it, the more I like the idea. I've always been afraid of hurting you. That's why I've never let you know how I felt about you. But it's all out there now. I'll hurt you if I say no to living together. And I'm very optimistic we can live together happily. We've spent so much time together. At the lake, we're together so much it's like we live together. I think this can work. Except..."

Everything was going perfectly until that last word. "Except what?"

"What if your parents say no to you dropping out of the dorms and getting an apartment with me?"

I ran through my mind what it would be like if my parents said I should live in the dorms. I'd have a roommate. Skipper would be sharing his apartment. It'd be very hard for us to get any kind of privacy. Neither of us could ask our roommate to disappear for a while. Skipper would have his classes and his friends and I'd have my classes and my friends. We wouldn't be able to spend the day-to-day quality time we needed to make our relationship work.

"We'd miss this opportunity. I'd hope for another one, but it's unlikely to ever come."

Skipper sat up. "The same for me. I really want you to live with me. I'm sure you can convince your parents. You're going to have to do all of the selling as I think it would look best if I was only mildly interested in having you as an apartment mate. I'm in; you're in. There's no point in discussing it more."

I was still concerned about Skipper seeing Allie tomorrow. "Neither of us dates someone until we find out what my parents think of us living together."


"And if they say we can live together, no dating anyone until we move in."

Skipper smiled. "I'll come home for visits as much as I can and hopefully you can come help me decorate the apartment."

I smiled back. "I'd like that."

Skipper scooched to get off the bed. I put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Skipper, last night I asked you to make love to me. You said no. Why?"

"Because you were drunk. And you're my cousin."

"Do you only make love with girls you're committed to?"

"Yes. I'm not interested in hookups."

"Skipper, I feel like we're committed to each other now."

It took a few moments for the import to sink in on Skipper. "Megan, it might not work out. What if your parents say no to us living together?"

"Then this will be my only opportunity to make love to you." I sighed. "Since I first started thinking about sex, I've wanted to make love with you." I reached out and held Skipper's hands. It felt good to be holding hands again. "When we were growing up, did you ever think of making love to me?"

Skipper smiled. "Every summer when we spent the week at the lake, I'd spend all day with you. You'd always wear a bikini and looked oh so sexy. Then at night, I'd jerk off thinking of you. What your tits looked like, how'd they feel, what it'd be like to make love to you." Skippered chuckled. "So, yeah, I've thought of you sexually a few times."

"When I masturbate, I almost always think of the same fantasy. You're the star of it. Would you like to act out my fantasy with me?"

"Sure! What do I do?"

"Get off the bed, strip down to your underwear, and go stand by the door."

As Skipper did as I said, I reached under my shirt, undid my bra, pulled it out of my shirt, and tossed it on the chair. I pulled off my shorts and tossed them on the chair. I looked at Skipper standing by the door. From the way he looked at me, I could tell he wanted to do this as much as I did. I moved to the far side of the bed. I pushed down the cover, pulled up the sheet to my waist, and put my head on the pillow.

I closed my eyes and said in my most sultry voice, "It's during our annual vacation at the lake." A warm shiver of delight flowed through me as I began picturing my fantasy. "It's in the afternoon. Everyone is in the lake house, taking a break. I'm tired so I decide to go upstairs and take a nap. I'm hot and sweaty, so I only have the sheet on me like this. I'm drifting off but not quite asleep."

I had pictured this in my head so many times. It had always excited me, but the excitement was even stronger now that it was finally going to happen. My nipples were so erect that their pressing into my shirt was almost painful. My heart was beating faster.

"I hear the bedroom door open and close." I stopped. I heard Skipper open and close the door. "I hear someone crossing the room." I heard Skipper's footsteps crossing the room to the bed. "The sheet is lifted and someone slides into the bed with me." Skipper was soon behind me. "I know it's you. I pretend to be asleep but I'm wide awake."

I was lying on my left side with my body leaning back toward Skipper. I felt him scooch close to me, our bodies only inches apart. I could feel the flush of desire spreading across my neck and chest. I longed for Skipper to touch me; to nibble on my neck.

"I roll onto my back" - which I did - "and I hear you breathing. I can tell you're excited. I can tell you want to touch me." My eyes were still closed. I was barely touching Skipper with my left shoulder. "You gently put your hand on my stomach." I waited until I felt a soft touch to the right of my belly button, just below the bottom of my shirt. "You put your hand under my shirt." I felt Skipper's fingers slip under my shirt. I was wearing a thin shirt that gave little resistance to his hand. He slowly slid his hand back and forth across my stomach, moving higher and higher while pushing my shirt up and up.

"When I flip on my side, you push your hand even further up my shirt." I rolled onto my left side as Skipper moved his hand to under my right tit. "You hold your hand there for a while. You think I'm asleep. You're afraid of waking me. But you can't resist touching my tit. You slowly move your hand toward it." Skipper moved his hand slowly back and forth across my chest in the small space between my boobs. My nipples were so hard now that they ached. I needed them to be pinched or squeezed. Soon... "And then you finally put your hand on it." Skipper's hand cupped my right tit. I almost came right there. I had wanted Skipper all these years, fantasizing about him touching me and he finally was.

When Skipper lightly squeezed my nipple, I let out a small moan. Oh god, it felt so great. For so many years I had wanted him to touch me like this. For so many summers at the lake, I had imagined what this would feel like. For so many days at the lake, his innocent touches of me had made me jump in the lake because I was worried about only getting part of my swimsuit wet. For so many nights at the lake, I had moaned his name and hoped that he'd come check on me. For so many times, I had gone to bed wishing he'd join me. Now, he was in bed with me, touching me, making me feel better than I had ever imagined.

I lay there for a while and let Skipper explore my tit. He was very gentle and subtle as if he was trying to not wake me. He moved his hand slowly back and forth along the bottom of my tit. Sometimes, he'd come up and lightly rub my nipple between two of his fingers. My heart was thumping in my chest and my mouth was dry.

"I decide to let you know I'm awake. We have to be quiet as everyone is downstairs. I reach back and touch your cock with my hand." I rolled my shoulder back toward Skipper while slipping my arm under the sheet. I reached downward while touching Skipper's stomach until I felt his hard cock in his underwear. There was a wet spot under the elastic. I stroked my hand up and down the length of his cock as Skipper slid his hand over to my left tit and palmed it. I stifled another moan. He pushed my shirt steadily higher and higher to give him freer access. I lightly panted. I slipped my hand inside Skipper's underwear, feeling the skin of his hard cock for the first time. It felt so big in my hand. I knew that soon it would be inside of me, filling me, giving me the pleasure I had wanted for so long.

Without my prompting, Skipper moved his hand slowly down my chest. It was the next part of my fantasy and it was like he could read my mind. His hand reached the top of my panties and then slid down my crotch until it covered my pussy. I was so hot there.

Skipper stroked the front of my panties, running a finger through my cleft with each stroke. I panted out my pleasure. I continued stroking his cock. Some pre-cum had leaked out and I used that to moisten his entire cock. Skipper stroked my pussy in time with me running my hand up his cock.

Then Skipper moved his hand upward. He brought it up to my stomach, slid it inside my panties, and moved it further down until his fingers parted my pussy lips. I stopped stroking on his cock to savor the feeling of him touching me for the first time. I was so wet that his fingers easily glided down the inside of my pussy. Soon, his hand had covered my pussy and Skipper resumed his stroking. My eyes flew open. The pleasure was too intense to keep them closed any longer.

I resumed slowly gliding my hand up and down Skipper's cock while he gently massaged the inside of my pussy. For several minutes, we lay there pleasuring each other. I closed my eyes again and focused on the sensations. Skipper moved closer to me so he could reach better and I could feel his hot breath on my right shoulder. I rocked my hips to push my pussy into his hand on every stroke. I was holding my arm at an awkward angle to keep a hold of his cock, but I loved the feel of it sliding through my hand as Skipper stroked my pussy.

In my fantasy, Skipper and I had moved quickly to fucking. I preferred going slow like this. I rolled onto my back and spread my legs to give Skipper better access to my pussy. Skipper moved closer to me, resting his chin on my shoulder as he moved his hand deeper into my panties. Skipper made wide, slow circles inside my pussy lips with his finger. The intensity of my pleasure went up another level.

Suddenly, I felt Skipper kiss me lightly on my cheek. Several strokes and another light kiss. I turned my head toward Skipper and we kissed our first true kiss. He continued stroking me as we lazily kissed. I felt his tongue touch my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. I swirled my tongue around his and then kissed him. Another tongue swirl followed by another kiss. His finger was now staying close to my clit as its circles were smaller and faster, pushing me closer and closer to coming. Skipper moved forward and we were kissing more hungrily as I pressed harder and harder into his hand.

Then I couldn't take it anymore. I broke off the kisses to tilt my head backward and moan. I was getting so close.

Skipper whispered into my ear, "You have to be quiet, Megan. Everyone is downstairs and they mustn't hear us."

I knew we were in Skipper's apartment and not at a house at the lake, but part of my mind embraced the fantasy; that both of our families were close by and we had to be quiet as we pleasured each other.

I knew I was about to come. I turned to Skipper and kissed him again; a long, passionate lip-lock as he pushed me closer and closer. And then I couldn't kiss anymore. My body stiffened as a tidal wave of pleasure swept over me. Coming had never felt this intense before. I wanted to moan. I wanted to call out. But it was so much better pretending both of our families were close by.

Skipper nuzzled me with his nose as he continued to work my clit with his finger. I put my hand on his arm to tell him to stop; that his job was done.

I whispered, "That was incredible."

Skipper kissed me softly as he pulled his hand out of my panties. I ran my left hand across his chest. I slowly gathered myself, appreciative of what had happened but excited about what was going to happen next. Skipper rolled onto his back, pulled down his underwear, and tossed them aside. I did the same. I was ready to make love with Skipper.

I had expected Skipper to move between my legs, to take me missionary-style. I was surprised when he rolled me onto my left side so I was facing away from him. Skipper whispered to me. "I want you, Megan. I want you like I've never wanted a woman before." I raised my hand and brought it to the back of his head. "I want to make love to you, but we have to do so very quietly." I ran my fingers through his hair. "What if your parents hear us? We'd be in big trouble. Same thing if my parents hear us. Lauren would certainly tell on us." He was driving me wild. "No one must find out about us. This is our secret."

I turned my head back and pushed his head toward me. We kissed. We sealed the agreement that this would be our secret with a kiss. And another one. And a lustful third. As we kissed, Skipper moved his hand to my butt. He rubbed my butt cheek, squeezing and kneading. He pushed my top leg forward, twisting me away so I had to stop kissing and was facing away from him. I felt his cock sliding between my pussy lips. He pulled back and made another short stroke along my pussy while positioning my body. Then I felt the head of his cock enter me. I twisted my head and looked at Skipper out of the corner of my eye as his cock slipped further and further into me. His hardness filled me more and more, stretching me in wonderful ways. He felt so big inside of me. He continued pushing into me until I felt his crotch press against my butt and I knew he was completely inside of me.

Skipper's hand was on my waist and then he slid it up to my chest while pulling me to him. He whispered directly into my ear, "No sounds, Megan." He pulled back and thrust into me. God, it felt incredible. I had fantasized about this happening for years and the reality was so much better. Another pullback and another thrust. I had always pictured Skipper fucking me missionary, but that would make the bed squeak and the headboard slam into the wall. As Skipper was thrusting parallel with the bed, there was hardly any bed movement. We made almost no sound. No family members imaginarily close by would hear Skipper taking me.

As he slowly fucked me, Skipper kissed the side of my face closest to him. I loved the feeling of being kissed and fucked at the same time. I turned my head and we kissed as he continued sliding in and out of me. We broke the kissing to breathe and then we kissed some more. This was so much better than any of my prior times - acting out the fantasy, the kisses, the overwhelming feeling of love between us. When that kiss ended, Skipper started fucking me hard. I faced away from him, focusing on the pleasure making love gave to me. It felt so perfect, being wrapped in Skipper's arm as he quietly took me over and over again.

I closed my eyes and pictured us making love on my bed in the last lake house we had stayed at. I wanted to moan out my pleasure but I stifled it. This was our secret. People wouldn't understand how right it was for my cousin to make love to me. It felt perfect to me. I could feel a sweet, delicious heat rising within me. Skipper was fucking me hard now and my body echoed his unbridled lust.

I felt Skipper suddenly slow and then I felt his cock throb within me. Throb and pulse. I felt a hot spurt deep inside of me and I knew Skipper was coming. Skipper stopped moving. I turned my head and we kissed as he continued spurting inside of me. I felt a warm glow all over. We were lovers now. We may never make love again but in this one moment, we were as close as a man and a woman can ever be. And that could never be taken away from me.

Skipper pulled back and began kissing the back of my neck as he rubbed my chest. I reached back and ran my fingers through his hair. I felt Skipper's cock shrink inside of me. We were done. It had been great but now it was over.

"That was amazing, Megan. I've always wanted you, but I had never realized how much I wanted you until I held you in my arms. You make me so happy."

I turned to face Skipper and kissed him. "You make me so happy, too."

We kissed some slow, dreamy kisses.

Skipper finally said, "I'd like to do it again..."

"But I've got a long drive ahead of me."

"And I've a major paper to finish."

We quickly dressed and headed toward the front door. Skipper got me a fresh cup of water to go with the crackers. I kissed him and said, "I love you, Skipper. Until next time."

Skipper kissed me back. "I love you, too. Until next time."

Skipper opened the door and we went to my car. As I got in, Skipper said, "Be convincing with your parents. You were certainly convincing to me."

And I drove off

* * * *

A week later, Mom came into my bedroom. "Your dad and I have talked it over with your aunt and uncle. As Skipper doesn't have a roommate lined up yet for next year, we all think it'd be fine for you two to share an apartment."

I tried to suppress my excitement. "That's great. I think my grades will be much better living with Skipper. I'll give the university notice that I'm not going to be living in the dorms." I turned toward my computer and pulled up at the university's website. I turned back to Mom. "While I'm at, would it be okay if I started classes this summer instead of waiting for the fall?"

Author's Notes:
* A huge thanks to my editor Tigersman and my beta-readers Anomic, Zoomie69, and AwkwardMD
* Please vote and comment! They are my only "payment" for this story
* If you liked the story, you should read my extended Author's Notes
* If you find any typos or grammar problems, please PM them to me and I will post a cleaned up version of this story
* If you send me a PM, please have a valid email address on your LitE account so I can reply back if I choose
* I have several other stories similar to this one. Click here to read them.

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TwistedOne66TwistedOne6615 days ago

I'm trying to come up with new compliments for your different stories but I'm not as witty... Thanks for posting this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Again I found out a lot more about free speech and other what have yous than I did about the characters. The male was a little better in this story but not much. I think most people call the arguing you're talking about debate? Talking about something you don't really care about just to try to be right. Imagine a life where you're trying to one up your partner all the time and saying that's your favorite thing. I know more about this than you neener neener neener has never ended in a life lasting anything.

Coochielover71Coochielover71about 2 months ago

Great story. Loved the last line!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Chapter 2- Megan moves into Skipper's apartment. After her parents leave, once they have moved all of Megan's belongings in, Megan and Skipper begin to kiss. Their kissing becomes more intense after they take off all of their clothes. Megan and Skipper begin fucking and continue to do so while Megan completes her undergraduate degree and Skipper completes his undergraduate and master's Degrees. They move to another state and get married quietly and have no further contact with their families. Megan quits taking her birth control pills. Megan and Skipper fuck constantly and Megan gets pregnant. They have their first baby boy nine months later. Skipper has an excellent high-paying job that allows Megan to stay home with their baby. Skipper and Megan fuck constantly and Skipper impregnates Megan seven more times. Megan gives birth to four baby daughters and three more baby sons.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Now4 months ago

Where do they end up?

Loved this, though!

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