My Crocheting Little Sister


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Karen rotated her hand, taking away the stop sign. I slowly pulled back. I thought about pulling back only an inch and then pushing forward, but I decided to do long, slow strokes instead. I continued slowly pulling back while looking for a signal from Karen. Nothing.

When I pulled back so far that the head of my cock was close to coming out, I said. "You ready for me to fuck you? You ready for your lesson?"

"No, Mark! I'm your sister. How can you do this to me?"

With pleasure. I pushed slowly forward, again watching for a sign from Karen. The tightness was incredible. I knew I wouldn't last long. But I was going to enjoy the ride as long as it lasted.

I fucked Karen with long, slow strokes. With her not providing any feedback, I didn't feel comfortable fucking her hard. At first, she held her position as I thrust into her, but, eventually, she pushed back as I thrust. I had no idea how it felt for her, but I loved it. I loved every stroke. With my slowness and care, I felt much more like I was making love than I had when I had fucked her pussy. This fuck was a very special one in so many ways.

I started blowing out long breaths as I pushed into her. I was getting close. Again, my groin was pressed fully against Karen's sweet ass. I took a quick breath in and then blew out as I slowly pulled out. Intense pleasure filled my body. Only a few strokes more...

I couldn't resist going a little faster. Each stroke was amazing; incredible. The pleasure was almost overwhelming. This was the best sex I'd ever had.

As I started another stroke, I felt myself go over the tipping point. I kept pushing forward as I felt myself come. I pushed all the way in just as sperm exploded out of my cock into Karen's ass. "Oh, God," I said. "That feels so good. Soooo good."

I held that position as I came and came and came. It was an amazing experience. I felt so good, so satisfied. I had never wanted to fuck Karen's ass, but now I was so happy that I had.

Once I was spent, I reached forward and uncuffed my sister. I didn't want to pull out; I didn't want our fuck to end. I stayed in until I was flaccid.

As I pulled out, I said, "Well, that was some lesson."

Then something completely unexpected happened; something I absolutely didn't see coming. I hadn't expected Karen and I to have anal sex, but it wasn't a big surprise. This was a big surprise.

Karen said, "Yarn."

I looked at Karen in amazement as she sat up. She said, "That was incredible. I've been imagining for weeks what that was going to be like, and it was better than I imagined." She waved her hand in the direction of the bathroom. "Please go wash yourself with soap and warm water. We'll talk when you get back."

I walked to the bathroom in shock. Karen had never said "yarn". Why would she say it after we had anal sex when I had desperately wanted feedback the whole time we were doing it?

I washed my cock; really, my whole crotch. I didn't know why I was doing it, but I assumed that Karen had done lots of research on anal sex, and it was the right thing to do. Washing myself was also a stalling tactic, to give me time to try to figure out what was going on.

When I came back to the bedroom, the cuffs were gone, and Karen was under a quilt that she had thrown on top of the bed. I could see the top of her tits as she lay there waiting for me. The quilt was one she had made, and each square was different. She lifted up the side of the quilt near me and said, "Get under here. I don't want you getting cold." I slipped under the quilt.

Karen and I faced each other. We were both on our sides, with our heads cradled in one hand. She said, "It amazes me how you always get the most subtle hint. I always felt like I had to hit my boyfriends over the head with a frying pan to get them to take a hint."

"I wasn't expecting what we did, but I loved it. I've always loved how it's never the same with you. Did I hurt you back there?"

"Yes, but that's okay. I loved it; I totally loved it."

How could she love it so much if she didn't get off while we were doing it? That made no sense to me. That was something about the game that had always bothered me. "But I didn't make you come."

Karen smiled as she shook her head. "Okay, pay attention. No guy has ever understood this." She lightly touched one place on the bed with her hand. "I like to have orgasms." She lightly touched another part of the bed. "And I like to have sex with guys." She pulled her hands back. "But those are two very different activities for me. I can only have an orgasm in a quiet room where I know I won't be disturbed. After we played our special game, I'd go upstairs and get myself off. The next morning after everyone had left for work, I'd take a hot bath and get myself off again. For days afterward, I'd float on a cloud of sexual bliss. Then I'd start thinking about what we'd do the next time. Eventually, I had to have my next fix."

I chuckled at that.

Karen continued. "Anticipation is really important to me. I'd spend each Thursday thinking about what would happen when you'd get home. I'd model what I was going to wear in front of the mirror in my bedroom. I'd practice what I was going to say. I'd think of the different places where we could go and pick the one I liked best. When you opened the door on Thursday evenings, every one of my nerve endings was on fire with sexual energy."

I smiled. I was very glad she enjoyed playing the game so much. "Did you ever play the game with anyone else?"

"No. How about you?"

"No. I never got the impression that any girl was interested in doing what we did."

"We stumbled into our special role-playing, and I don't think it would have worked any other way. If we had discussed it beforehand, it would have seemed hokey."


"Do you remember telling me how you were disappointed that sex at college wasn't as you imagined it?" I nodded. "It was the same way for me. I had imagined that sex at college would be a lot like our special role-playing." A faraway look came over Karen's face. "Once a week, my boyfriend and I would spend a romantic day together; we'd kiss and cuddle in his room, we'd take our clothes off and cuddle some more, and then we'd make love slowly and leisurely." She held that faraway look for a moment.

I said, "But it wasn't that way."

"No," said Karen with her voice full of disappointment. "After the first time we made love, my first boyfriend wanted to have sex every day. I told him I didn't want to do it that often, that I'd prefer once a week. That wasn't acceptable to him; he constantly pressured me for sex." She sighed. "He tried and tried to make me come. He thought that if he could get me to come, then I'd want to have sex more often. After a while, I was like 'Don't even touch me down there.' Then he suggested I was frigid, which really pissed me off. I could come just fine, but only in the right circumstances. And he was doing nothing to help me get there."

"I'm sorry to hear it."

"I broke up with him after he called me frigid. The second boyfriend was much the same. After dating him for a while, I resigned myself to having sex more often than I'd like. To make things worse, he really wanted us to follow this script for what he considered good boyfriend-girlfriend sex. He wanted me to do oral sex on him, then he'd do oral sex on me, and then we'd make love. I was like, 'No, I don't want to do that. Let's just make love.' He never could accept that I didn't want to follow his script. I don't like doing oral sex on a guy."

I was surprised to hear that. "You don't?"

"No, I don't like the taste. It's a lot of work that does nothing for me."

I laughed. "But you seemed to love it with me!"

Karen sighed. "That was very different. You were my partner in mind-blowing sex that was on my schedule. Then you told me you wanted sex more often, but it was my choice what we did. I could do anything, and I could do nothing. So I picked what I thought would work best for us given the constraints. And I enjoyed it because it was my choice. But I don't enjoy it when I'm pressured into it." Then Karen gave me a sly smile. "I'm looking forward to slipping into your bedroom tomorrow night."

I chuckled. "I'll be looking forward to it all day tomorrow."

"Now where was I? Oh yeah, boyfriend number two. After a while, I couldn't take the frustration anymore, and I broke up with him. When I found myself going down the same path with boyfriend number three, I decided to try something different. I started faking orgasms whenever we'd make love. I'd pretend to come whenever he came in me. And that worked great. We'd cuddle and kiss, which I enjoyed. And then we'd make love, which I enjoyed. And afterward, he felt like an awesome stud for fucking me to an orgasm."

This made me uncomfortable. "That wasn't a good thing to do; being dishonest with your boyfriend like that."

"It made the sex better for both of us. Not one time did he express any doubt about me coming exactly as he came in me. It was a fantasy he fully embraced. I did the same thing with boyfriends four and five, and they loved it too."

I realized that Karen had planned this talk for a while, even before she called to suggest I spend Thanksgiving with my parents. But why?

I said, "And the point of all this?"

"I'm getting there. Boyfriend number five really got off on the idea that he could make me come by fucking me. He bragged to me all the time about it. He thought he was a real studmuffin because I faked orgasms for him. Then I thought, 'Why am I doing this? Why do I keep putting up with mediocre sex? Particularly when I know a guy who'll have great sex with me on my schedule?'"

Suddenly, I began to see Karen's point.

She continued, "For over three years, I've lived a normal life at college. I've had normal boyfriends, and I've had a normal sex life. And it's been a huge disappointment to me. I've decided that I've had enough. I arranged for us to be alone tonight, not so we could do our special role-playing again - as much as I loved it - but to ask if you'd be interested in living with me once I graduate from college."

My mouth fell open. I hadn't seen this coming. Did I want to live with my sister? Be her lover not for just a short period, but for the foreseeable future?

I asked, "How would this work? Would we get an apartment together?"

"I was thinking we'd buy a house together, a two-bedroom place. If we pool our inheritances from Grandma, we'd have enough for the down payment."

I nodded my head. "That makes a lot of sense. I hate spending so much on rent and having nothing to show for it. I'm getting tired of apartment life. I've been thinking of buying a place, but I can't afford it on my own. Getting a house with you would seem very reasonable."

"I'd love a small two-story house with the bedrooms on the second floor."

So after we played the game, she could have her quiet time in her bedroom while I was down on the first floor.

Karen lowered her voice conspiratorially, "Grandma once told me that we were her favorite grandchildren and that she hoped the money she'd leave us would get us off to a happy post-college life." Karen winked.

Grandma knew? No, she couldn't have known. Karen and I had been smart and had always acted like normal siblings around anyone else. Nobody knew. And there was no way she could know that Karen and I would decide to get back together after three years of seeing other people. It was just one of those generic well-wishings that Karen was incorrectly interpreting, right? Right?

I decided to change the subject. "Would you do most of the cooking?" I'd love to regularly eat her fantastic cooking.

"We're going to share the housework. If I do most of the cooking, you'll have to do other things to make up for it."

"If you do most of the cooking, I won't complain when you convert the living room into a crafting room."

Karen opened her mouth to agree, and then she closed it again. She finally said, "We'll work out the details later. What I want us to do now is to agree to the idea of living together." I started to open my mouth, but Karen put her finger over it to shush me. "I'll understand if you want to have a girlfriend. All I ask is that you do our special role-playing once a week."

I was very surprised by her last two statements. Did I want to have a girlfriend and secretly have fun with Karen on the side? I turned it over in my mind. It didn't appeal to me. I was a one-woman guy and didn't want to hide things from my girlfriend. What I wanted was Karen and only Karen. "I'd love to live with you. And I want you - and only you - as my girlfriend."

A look of relief came over Karen. "Great!" she said happily. She then grabbed my cock. "I'm going to spend all of winter break at home this year."

I smiled as she stroked my cock. "That sounds good. Maybe I could sleep over here the whole time you're home. You know, being with family is really important to me."

Karen's voice got lower and huskier. "And I'll spend Spring Break at home, getting a feel for the housing market." My cock was expanding rapidly.

"That seems wise."

Karen practically purred, "What would you think of spending occasional weekends during my spring semester in small towns near my school?" My cock was hard and ready for action.

"Towns that have museums with handcrafted items, or shops that sell handcrafted items?"

Karen threw back the quilt while pushing me onto my back. "Towns exactly like that." Karen straddled me, holding my cock so it pointed straight up in the air. "While we're doing yarn time, there's one last thing I want to do. I've always faced away from you when we've made love. I want to make love while I face you."

A warm feeling flowed over me. "I'd like that a lot."

"I think I'm wet enough that I won't need any lube. But we'll need to go slow." Karen guided my cock to her pussy. "Let me do everything at first."


My cock's head was inside of Karen. She exhaled as she slowly impaled herself on the first few inches and then stopped. She said, "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you. You make sex so memorable."

That brought a smile. Karen lowered herself another inch and stopped. "I love being in charge with you, deciding exactly what we'll do and where. Making every time different." She lowered herself until her crotch was pressed against mine. She leaned back so she was sitting straight up. She looked like a queen. "And we're not going to do anal every time. Okay?"

I smiled. "Okay."

Karen leaned forward. There was a mantle above her bed where she kept her favorite craft projects. She grabbed the mantle with both hands for balance. Karen slowly raised and lowered herself, gently fucking me. Her tits wobbled in a small circle. I reached up and cupped them. "These are so awesome."

Karen chuckled. "Guys," she said in mock disgust. "They always think tits are toys."

I laughed and then played with Karen's right nipple. "They're not?"

Karen dropped her hands down to my shoulders and used her arms to help bounce herself on my cock. "No. They're for feeding babies." A wicked smile came to her face. "And for convincing guys to make babies." She closed her eyes. "This feels so good. Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!"

I dropped my hands to my side, and we fucked like that for a little while. I loved fucking Karen. She was beautiful, and the sex was uninhibited fun. But it was also special in so many ways. We were forging a deep, private bond; something far deeper than I had ever experienced with any other woman.

Karen reached up and grabbed the mantle again. "Help me, please."

I brought my hands up and gripped her ass. I began pulling and pushing her up and down my cock, making her bounces much bigger. I raised my hips as she came down, slamming my cock into her.

"God, yes," Karen panted. "Fuck me. Fuck me like that."

It was much better fucking her while facing her, getting to see the pleasure on her face. She was enjoying our fuck as much as I was.

At one point, I decided to change the position my hands were in. I let go of Karen's butt and brought my hands in front of Karen. I then grabbed her hands that were on my chest and laced her fingers in mine. Karen leaned forward, pushing my hands into the bed beside my head. She fucked me like that for a while, her tits swinging wildly above my chest. Then she raised my hands so they were straight up from my elbows while shifting so she was sitting straight up. She bounced quickly up and down while moaning, "Oh, Oh, Oh."

The pleasure just kept building. I knew I was going to come soon. I let go of Karen's hands and grabbed her ass again. I bounced her hard while thrusting my hips, slamming my cock as hard as I could into her. I muttered, "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm getting close."

"Come for me, Mark. Fill me up."

That encouragement drove me over the line. I felt myself coming; sperm exploded out of my balls and into Karen as pleasure swept over me. Karen slowed her bounces as I steadily pumped cum into her. And then she leaned forward, collapsing onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her.

Karen said, "That was..."

"Perfect. It was perfect to me." I didn't love Karen. Or more correctly, I didn't just love Karen. I had loved her before. I felt like saying I loved Karen was too small, too limiting. Perfect was the only label for our relationship that felt right.

I continued to hold Karen as we slowly caught our breaths. Karen said, "I like this. Maybe tomorrow night when I slip into your room, I'll stay."

"I'd like that." I'd like that a lot. I felt so good to hold her against me.

We stayed like that for a while, enjoying being so close. Karen said in a voice full of emotion, "You're the only guy who's ever truly respected me."

I lightly kissed the top of her head. "How can I not respect someone who's so awesome?" I squeezed her.

We held that position for a few moments more, and then Karen said, "You should go. We'll both need to be downstairs when Mom and Dad get home."

Karen rolled off me, grabbed the towel, and pressed it to her crotch. I grabbed the other end and wiped my crotch. I got dressed as Karen watched me. I sat next to her as I tied my shoes. When I was done, Karen said to me, "You make me very, very happy, Mark."

Karen leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. She had never kissed me on the lips before. The kiss was full of passion and promise. When she pulled away, she gave me a brief smile before saying, "Unyarn."

I jumped off the bed. I turned on Karen with my finger pointing angrily at her. She had her knees pulled up high and her face down. I said loudly, "I hope you've finally learned, Karen. No sister should dress like that around her brother." Karen seemed to shrink as she cowered. "Don't do it again, or I'll really rip you in two."

I stormed over to the table, grabbed my book, stormed out of the room, and slammed the door. In the hallway, I laughed silently. Everything was perfect.

Author's Notes:
* A huge thanks to my editor Tigersman and the others who contributed to this story: haplessfool, footlovin69, TM, Zoomie69, Katie, and AwkwardMD
* Please vote and comment! They are my only "payment" for this story
* If you liked the story, you should read my extended Author's Notes here
* If you find any typos or grammar problems, please PM them to me, and I will post a cleaned-up version of this story
* If you send me a PM, please have a valid email address on your LitE account so I can reply back if I choose
* I have several other stories similar to this one. Click here to read them.

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Merrily_We_GoMerrily_We_Go5 minutes ago

Wish I could give this more than 5 stars

- maybe 10? 15?

northcountry4northcountry4about 1 month ago

One of my very favorite Lit stories. Extremely well-written and heartwarming. And the character you created in Karen was enchanting. The chemistry, trust, and love between the two were delightful.

Enjoyed the story so much. Thanks.

Coochielover71Coochielover71about 2 months ago

Very good story but I would have liked more then again I always do.

hornyolderwomanhornyolderwoman2 months ago

Superb plot and characterisation!

Truly erotic and inspirational, it's the best literotica story I have ever read.

All the very best with your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The author said that they were on the fence about whether to put a warning at the start of the story or not and that they are glad they didn't because no one has complained about it.

Well this is me complaining about it. If you want to post a disclaimer, post one. If you aren't going to post a disclaimer, then don't post about choosing not to post one. I refuse to read this story specifically because of this not disclaimer disclaimer.

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