My Dad, the Pornstar, and Me Pt. 02

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Our stud dad and cuck son come back for another porn shoot.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/19/2022
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What you're about to read is the follow-up to my previous story, "My Dad, the Pornstar, and Me". I recommend reading the older story first to better understand and enjoy this follow-up.

A couple weeks had passed since the very awkward porn video starring my dad and myself. Dad and I had promised each other never to speak of it again, and we had not spoken a word. Mom would have been crushed if she ever found out about what we had done in Van Nuys that day with that sleazy porn director and that slutty porn actress. It was -- and had to be -- in our rear-view mirror so we could go about our lives, moving on like nothing had happened. Still, it was awkward to be around dad for a few days and I know he felt the same about me.

I did not look at porn on my computer at all since the day of the shoot. I knew if I went there, I would be tempted to find the video and that was something I just didn't want to see. Hopefully, the video either didn't get through editing or if it was published, was so unpopular that it was at the bottom of porn sites results.

Dad and I had both agreed -- separately and without each other's knowledge -- to apply for the "model" jobs because of the dire financial situation our family was in. Now, two weeks later, things were starting to turn around. I wound up getting a job at a nearby supermarket that I didn't think I would get. But, more importantly, one of dad's former colleagues had hired him on a freelance basis to do some consulting for his new start-up company. It wasn't full-time and it certainly didn't pay what he was making before, but at least he was doing something, and that was bringing him out of his depression which was a very good thing.

Life in the Burrows family wasn't what it used to be but at least we were back to a period of modest financial stability. The one thousand dollars I had made went to buy some non-perishable food and essentials. I had gotten the job as the stockroom clerk the very next day, so I was able to tell mom (dishonestly) that they had given me a sign-on bonus. Since dad and I agreed not to talk about what had happened, I don't know what he did with the five thousand dollars he had made, but I assume it went to some of the bills we were behind on.

I didn't love the job at the supermarket, but it was a job that I desperately needed and besides, it gave me something to do during the day. Whether my college aspirations would ever come to be was something I couldn't afford to worry about right now.

I worked first shift Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. On those days I would get up early and catch the bus to the supermarket, leaving the car for mom to run errands as she needed while dad took the other car to his friend's company for his freelance job. It was an easy job I have to admit: taking inventory from the back to the aisles as it was needed and keeping track of order trends. The supermarket itself was brand-new and quite busy so I very rarely got to sit down much. When the workday ended and I got home, I was quite tired and ready for dinner before winding down in front of the television with my folks before going to bed. Most of my friends after graduation had gone off to college or joined the military so I didn't really have anyone to hang out with like it used to be -- and that included a girlfriend.

One day at work, we were crazy-busy as the delayed grand-opening sale was in high gear with lots of items on sale. I was constantly back and forth between the aisles and the stockroom as items were flying off the shelf. During that morning, my phone kept going off with a number I didn't recognize. It was a California number but with "unknown" on the caller ID, I assumed it was a robo-call telemarketer, so I ignored it, despite the voice mails that were piling up. Lunch break came and just as I was finally getting to sit down, the phone buzzed again.

"Hello," I said.



"Hi Brad, it's Kelly from Ecstasy Production."

Wow, this was certainly un-expected, and Kelly actually sounded friendly -- quite a change from her curt, New York style a couple weeks ago.

"Oh, hi Kelly," I said looking around to make sure no one was in ear-shot distance.

"Brad, I've been trying to reach you all morning, how have you been?" she asked.

"Oh, good," I replied. "I have a job now so that's why I couldn't answer earlier."

"A job... so what are you doing?" she asked.

"Working in the stockroom at the new Food Land," I told her.

"Stockroom eh," she said. "Well, how would you like to make more money in another video shoot on Friday than you'll make there all week?"

I was taken off-guard. I really wasn't expecting to hear from these people again.

"Brad, are you there?" she asked.

"Yes," I said snapping out of it. "I don't know Kelly; this job is pretty demanding."

Kelly at that point cut me off.

"Brad hon, you were great in your last shoot with us and that video we did is mega popular."

Oh no. She continued...

"Yeah, the views on PornHouse and XRodent are through the roof as are the positive comments. This is our most popular video all year and we've re-couped all the costs with the advertising revenue we're making on those and all the other sites."

Well, so much for my hope that the video would be a dud and sink to the bottom.

"Look Brad," she said. "We want you to do another one for us and this time, we'll triple the pay. That's three thousand dollars in take-home cash. No taxes to pay, it's all yours."

Wow, three thousand dollars! I was making minimum wage here and not working every day so after taxes, that was almost a month's pay.

"So Kelly," I said. "When are you shooting and what do I have to do?"

"We want to shoot this Friday, same time as last time," she answered. "Vince is going to be the director again and this time, it's a storyline where you and your girlfriend are going to visit two older men to ask for an extension on paying back a loan. They agree but the catch is they fuck your girlfriend which you agree. No sex on your part, you get to watch but at the end, you'll need to do something similar to what you did last time. We're still scripting that out but that's why the last video is so popular. I know it wasn't something you knew you had to do, but you cleaned up after that guy so well and its hard finding guys who'll do that. What do you say?"

"I don't know," I told her sincerely.

I really didn't want to do another video -- especially now that I knew people were watching the other one and for all I know, people who knew me and my dad.

"Three thousand dollars Brad. Cash."

My head was racing with what-ifs. This Friday was a day I did have off, but was this really worth it?

"Who will I be working with this time?" I asked.

The last time I asked that, she got snippy but this time, she answered right away.

"Well, we had thought about Shana again, but we had to fire her last week. Long story. The one who'll play your girlfriend is Vicki Boscov, she's been doing this for about a year now and is one of our most popular models. As for the two guys, we really like using amateurs so one of them is this guy Tariq. For the other guy, we're going to use Ronnie again who you'll remember from last time. That guy was great and like you, he got lots of positive comments online. And like you, he was pushing back on me but money talks and he's going to do it. And what about you young man?"

Oh great. Dad, despite having work again was going to make another porn video. I now know I couldn't go through with it.

"C'mon Brad," she said. "Last chance to make an easy three grand."

"Hey Brad."

I looked up and there was my manager poking her head in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt," she said, "but can you in a few minutes run some more paper towels to aisle 9."

"O.K.," I said right into the phone.

"Awesome," I heard Kelly say on the receiving end.

Oops, that O.K. wasn't for Kelly but before I could correct myself, Kelly was already on fire.

"Oh Brad, that's great hon, you're the best. O.K. you know where to find us so be here at 10:00 on Friday and wear something like a polo shirt and khakis. O.K. hon, see you then. Bye."

Click. She hung up.

I wanted to punch myself. I can't believe I had such a slip of the tongue like that and agreed to not agree to this. Should I call her back and re-neg? Kelly would be pissed, and I wouldn't be getting three grand. But this was something I shouldn't... shouldn't... but would do.

The bus ride home after work took forever thanks to typical metro L.A. traffic. Three hours later, I arrived just in time for dinner. Oh, how I really didn't want to see my dad right now.

During dinner dad and I looked at each other with suspicion. Kelly had called me after she had called him, but surely, she told him that they were going to ask me to come back. Hell, for all I know she told him that I had already agreed -- it's not like people in the porn industry are known for good ethics.

"Brad," he said to me once we were all at the table. "How was your day today? You're rather late getting home."

"The day was fine. Busy. We are getting a lot of traffic with the grand opening sale. And I guess all the people going to the grand opening led to all the traffic on the streets which is why I was late getting home."

"Oh," I said to them. "Before I forget, on Friday, I'm going to work to cover for someone who is off."

"Oh honey," mom said. "That's your day off, I guess you don't mind?"

"No mom, I don't and besides, it's more money for me if I take this guy's place on Friday."

Dad looked directly at me. Oh, he knew; I could tell by his expression.

"Oh well," mom signed. "I thought the three of us could enjoy the day to ourselves and maybe have a nice lunch out somewhere. Ron, I guess it'll just be you and me on Friday."

"Actually," dad said. "I have to go in on Friday myself."

"What?" mom said.

"I'm afraid so honey," he said to her while looking over at me. "One of Dan's investors is coming by, and Dan asked me to give a key presentation. I'll be gone much of the day, so we'll have to take a raincheck."

My naïve mother could not sense the uncomfortable tension between her husband and her son who were both lying to her.

After dinner, I helped mom with the dishes while dad retired to the living room. As she finished up in the kitchen, I took out the trash, walking past him to the back door.

"We need to talk," he said quietly as I passed him.

I looked over my shoulder at him.

"But not right now," he whispered.

Tuesday and Wednesday came and went. When Thursday came around, dad walked outside with me as I was heading to the bus stop up the road.

"Tomorrow morning," he said. "You and I will walk out of the house at the same time, but you will walk on to the bus stop. I'll drive around the corner and will pick you up. We'll be in traffic long enough to talk about what we've gotten ourselves into."

All I could say in response was say "o.k."

I didn't sleep much Thursday and I doubt my dad was sleeping any better down the hall. What had we gotten ourselves into? Trouble, that's what. But we needed the extra income.

The next morning, dad spent a much longer time in the shower and getting ready than he usually did. Having been in the military, he was usually a couple minutes in the shower and a couple more dressed before out the door but today was different. When he came down, he was dressed his Sunday best in a suit, something I hadn't seen him wear since my sister's wedding.

"Well, don't you look handsome?" Mom said as he came downstairs and joined us at the breakfast table for a quick bite and cup of coffee.

She reached up to kiss him and they smiled at each other like newlyweds. Oh, if only she knew!

I left at my usual time with dad right behind me. Mom waved bye to us both and then shut the door behind her. I went to the sidewalk and turned left as always. I did not look back at dad -- we both knew what we had to do, and I would await him a few blocks away at the bus stop.

A couple hours later, we came into Van Nuys and proceeded to the hidden porn studio inside the run-down, forgotten shopping center. The long drive in the traffic gave us plenty of time to air our grievances at each other, question each other's motives and finally, accept the fact that we had both gotten into this on our own free wills and would have to deal with the consequences, if and when it got to that point. We knew what we had to do today and agreed to act as normal as possible and get through it.

"O.K.," dad said, as we pulled into the parking lot. "I'm going to drop you at the door and then take my time getting parked, so they won't think we came here together."

I nodded and got out a few storefronts away from the one we were going to just in case there were hidden cameras watching. And a good thing too because before I could ring the caller, the door opened and there was Kelly who apparently had been waiting for me.

"Brad my man," she said, extending her arms out to give me a hug.

This was the woman who a couple weeks ago had the personality of a rock and the welcoming skills of an ice storm.

"Come on in," she said as entered, and she closed the door behind me. "You're a little early but I'll take you on back where the crew's getting set up."

Down the dark, cigarette-scented hall we went to a different room than where I was last time. Kelly led me in and there was Vince.

"There he is, my star cuck-boy," Vince said.


"Hey buddy," he continued. "Seriously, you were incredible in that last video. You wouldn't believe how successful that thing has been and its largely because of you. I'm really happy you agreed to come back for a second round."

All I could manage to say was a timid thank you. It was embarrassing enough in itself but here I was in a room with the camera guys and another guy and was being called out as a cuck-boy.

"Brad," Vince said. "I want to introduce you to Tariq. Tariq will be in the shoot today."

What could we do other than shake each other's hands? Tariq looked to be in his early 50s so a little younger than dad. He was of Middle-Eastern heritage and like dad, was dressed to the nines in a nice suit and tie.

"Knock, knock," a female voice said behind me.

Walking into the room was... Oh my! It was Kristi Alexander who was a senior when I was a freshman in high school. I was madly in love with her four years ago, but she was the most beautiful, popular girl in school and always had a football player boyfriend, so she never noticed me and probably didn't even know I existed. What was she doing here?

"Hey Vicki," Vince said.


"Vicki," he continued. "Meet Brad and Brad, meet the very lovely, Vicki Boscov. You two get to be girlfriend and boyfriend today but unfortunately Brad, Vicki gets to play with Tariq and Ronnie."

Vicki giggled at his crude humor as she waved hi to me and then winked at Tariq who looked at her with a mix of nervousness and lust. This was so crazy. Kristi/Vicki was the kind of girl that was always on the honor roll and had the looks, personality, and the family prestige to only go up in life. And now, four years later, she was acting in porn in a seedy amateur studio, hidden in a dilapidated Van Nuys strip mall?

"Yo," Vince said picking up his smart phone. "Great, the code is 1234. Come on back to studio three."

"That was Ronnie the other stud; he just arrived," Vince said.

A couple minutes later, dad entered the room, and we all sat down to review what was going to happen this afternoon. The set had been arranged to resemble a basic office with two executive desks, two chairs in the center and to the side, a small loveseat. All of us had received the loose script by email and knew what we had to do. It was a harder shoot than last time, and we had to cut and re-shoot the dialog scenes but here's what ultimately took place...

Kristi/Vicki and I walked into the (fake) office and while she stood over by the door, I approached dad and Tariq who were sitting at their desks.

"Thanks for coming by," Tariq said. "I hope you have the balance for your over-due loan?"

"Well sirs," I said. "I would like to talk to you about that."

"We're listening," Tariq said as he sat back in the chair and propped his feet up on the desk.

I was nervous anyway so that played perfectly into my role as the weakling.

"I've fallen onto some hard times and lost my job," I told them.

"We don't care; you owe us ten grand," dad said.

"Please sirs," I said. "I hope to have a new job soon and can pay off the loan in the next couple of weeks. Can I please have an extension?"

"You're already a month late," dad said.

"I know and I'm sorry," I replied.

Dad turned to Tariq. They looked at each other, looked over at the door where Kristi/Vicki stood in her low-cut blouse, short miniskirt, and high heels. They then looked back at each other and nodded.

"Sit down and pull up the chair," Tariq told me which I obeyed.

"You know..." he continued. "There is a way that you could temporarily pay us back for our generosity?"

"How," I replied, "I literally don't have any money."

Dad and Tariq pulled up to the edge of their desks and dad waved his finger at me to come up closer to them.

"Your girlfriend over there is really pretty," dad said. Oh, his acting was terrible.

"Um... thank you sir, she's a really nice girl. I love her a lot," I said.

Tariq took over: "I'll bet Ronnie and I could have a lot of fun with her? What do you think?"

I gulped. "You mean..."

"Yeah," Tariq said, looking back and forth at Kristi/Vicki. "Yeah, we mean just that."

I got up and walked over to Kristi/Vicki.

"Honey?" I said to her. She looked at me like "what?"

"Honey, they will give us an extension, but they want to... They want too..." I then whispered, "They want to have sex with you."

Kristi/Vicki exclaimed, "they want to have sex with me?"

She looked over at them and then the camera moved back and forth between the three of them looking at each other.

"Well," she said walking away from me. "I'm going to do it. Maybe they can give me the satisfaction you can't."

She then walked over to their desks where they both stood up and walked over -- one on each side of her. She took them both by the hand and led them over to the loveseat where dad and Tariq sat down and she joined them, straddling both of their laps as she took her turns kissing them while they started to fondle her long legs and her breasts under her blouse. I was instantly jealous. My 60-year-old father and this slightly younger Tariq guy -- neither of whom were all that handsome -- were making out and feeling up the girl I had fantasized about when I was a budding high school freshman. The camera guys got closer as Tariq moved one hand up her short skirt and the other into her pink, satin panties.

For the next scene, dad and Tariq were completely naked, laying opposite each other on the loveseat with their legs intertwined and their crotches adjacent. Neither were comfortable getting into this scene, but they loosened up as Kristi/Vicki seductively shed her blouse and then turning around to bend over for their eyes, slipped down her panties below her miniskirt before she turned back around and got on her knees in front of their combined crotches.

In no time at all, dad's pale white penis and Tariq's olive colored one came to life as she held one in each hand and took her time licking them to full erection status. I stood in the corner looking at them with a sad expression which the third camera man was capturing while the other two were zooming in close as she encircled the heads of their penises with her tongue, lapped at the entrance to their urethras and while they oohed and ahhed, started to suck them individually and then, held their penises together and brought them both into her mouth for some double deep-throating.