My Daughter, My Lover


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"You're welcome, daddy," she whispered into my ear, causing a chill to go down my back.

As I watched her walk away, I noticed an aching feeling in my pants. I was getting hard...and was in desperate need of a cold shower.

* * *

The evening of my birthday, I met Katie at a restaurant located just a couple of blocks from my apartment. She looked breathtaking. She wore her hair up and was dressed in an elegant black dress with a conservative v-neck.

Once again, we had a fantastic time as Katie effortlessly slipped into her role as the perfect dinner date. While I enjoyed every minute of our dinner, I found myself looking at her in a totally new light. I couldn't help but be physically attracted to the young woman sitting across from me, and I wondered if she could tell. I had no idea what else she had planned to celebrate my birthday and to this point had given me no indication. I decided on the direct approach.

"So, what's this surprise?"

Katie gave me a mischievous grin. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told now, would it?," she replied.

When we left the restaurant, Katie hailed a cab.

"Park Plaza Hotel," she told the driver.

Now I was confused. "The Plaza?"

"Don't worry. I stopped by your place when you were at work and picked up a change of clothes and your toiletry bag. I've taken care of everything."

I was flabbergasted. "Katie, that's really sweet of you, but you didn't have to do all this."

"I wanted to," she replied. "It's your birthday."

We pulled up to the hotel. I'd been there a handful of times to meet clients or have a drink, but had never stayed the night, seeing I lived just minutes away. It was a beautiful hotel that had recently gone through a major renovation. It felt modern now while maintaining its old Boston charm.

"We're already checked in and your stuff is in the room," she said as we walked past the lobby to the elevators.

"You've thought of everything, haven't you?"

"That's my job," she replied as we entered the elevator. "Why do you think I have a full client list?"

The cocktails I had drunk throughout the evening got the best of me, loosening my tongue. "It probably has something to do with how gorgeous and intelligent you are."

I almost cringed after the words came out of my mouth. They were still lingering in the air as the elevator doors opened.

Katie's face turned beat red. "Thanks,'re pretty hot yourself." She immediately laughed as if to cover her remark.

She took my hand and led me down the hall. Stopping at Room 322, she pulled out a key and unlocked the door. The room was decent sized and well-appointed with a clean, modern decor and two queen beds.

"Nice room," I said.

Katie grabbed one of the robes hanging in the closet. "I'm treating you to a night of pampering. But first, I need you to take a hot shower to relax. When you're done, put this on." She handed me the robe.

This certainly piqued my curiosity, but I was a little confused on where this was heading.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

She just gave me a wicked smile and said, "Get in there; that's an order."

I relented and went into the bathroom, confused and excited all at the same time. I stripped out of my clothes, found that my toiletries were all set up, and got into shower. As the hot water cascaded off my skin and the steam rose, I found myself relaxing, any tension in my muscles fading away. When I was finished, I dried off and put on the robe. It then occurred to me that it was the only thing between my naked body and my daughter. I looked at myself in the mirror, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the bathroom. The lights had been dimmed and on the bed furthest from the door was a black satin sheet.

"Katie," I said, staring at the bed, "what exactly do you have planned?"

"Do you remember I told you that I'm a certified masseuse?"

"Yes," I said, a little trepidation in my voice.

"Guys pay a lot of money for me to give them a massage. Ever since our first dinner date, I've been wanting to treat you to one."

I was speechless.

Katie placed a towel on the bed.

"I'll go into the bathroom. Take off your robe, lie face-down on the bed, and cover your lower half with the towel."

I wasn't sure this was a good idea, which is what I told her.

"Dad, I'm really, really good...and you don't have anything I haven't seen before." She smiled and said, "Now get naked so I can get to work." She winked and went into the bathroom.

This was crazy. If I were thinking clearly, I might have gotten dressed and left. But I wasn't thinking clearly. I was lonely, starving for female companionship, and completely caught up in whatever this was. I tossed the robe onto the nearby chair and got situated on the bed.

The satin sheet was cool against my skin, causing a slight shiver to run down my back. I placed the towel over my legs up to my lower back and settled in.

"Ready?" Katie called from the bathroom.

"Ready," I replied.

Katie stepped out of the bathroom wearing a robe. My heart began to race. Jesus Christ, was she naked under there, I thought - half in panic, half in hopeful anticipation.

She must have read the look on my face. With a sly smile, she slowly removed her robe to reveal a white tank top and a pair of very short black shorts. Scantily clad, but not naked. She came up to the side of the bed and squeezed massage oil on her hands, rubbing them quickly together.

"I want you to take a deep breath and relax. I promise; this will be the best massage you've ever had."

After a big inhalation and exhalation, I felt Katie's small, soft hands make contact with my skin; I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. She ran her hands up the center of my back to my neck, out to my shoulders, and down along the sides. Beginning at the small of my back, she massaged up on either side of my spine with firm, even pressure, then down along the sides again. She then reversed direction for two passes before beginning to find and work out knots I didn't know I had between my shoulder blades. It felt amazing. Katie wasn't lying; she was really good.

Her hands glided along my back using a variety of strokes to find and relieve pressure points, while alternating between slow probing with her fingers and quick, short strokes with her thumbs. Along my lower back she applied localized pressure with the heel of her palms with surprising strength, and long strokes with her forearms. I let my mind go blank as I focused on the sensation of Katie's skillful hands on my skin.

Next, with the towel still covering my lower half, Katie applied pressure directly onto my glutes, which sent a wave of release down my legs. I'd gotten a number of massages over the years but no one had ever done that before; it felt incredible. I had no idea I had so much tension built up in my ass muscles!

I felt Katie climb onto the foot of the bed, rub more lotion into her hands, and then glide up my right leg - first up to the back of my knee, then up my thigh, stopping a few inches short of my ass. As she worked up and down one leg and then the other, my body tingled under her touch. As she applied pressure against my tight hamstrings, I moaned involuntarily. I could've lay there all night with this kind of attention.

Katie slid silently off the bed and came up alongside me. Taking hold of the towel, she said, "Roll onto your back please."

My body felt heavy as I lifted myself up and rolled over. Katie replaced the towel over my lower body, placed a soft pillow under my head and a small one under my ass, lifting my pelvis a few inches off the bed. She then placed two small pillows under my calves so that my my legs were spread about 18 inches apart. I felt like I was floating over the bed and was completely relaxed.

Katie placed the massage oil near my left foot then climbed onto the bed and between my legs. Seeing my beautiful, scantily clad daughter kneeling between my spread legs caused an involuntary stirring. I could see my cock beginning to throb under the towel, and if I could see it, so could she, though her face didn't betray a thing.

She leaned forward and placed one hand on my belly.

"Breathe deeply," she said softly.

I did, and heard her take a breath with me.

"Fill your lungs from the bottom up; now exhale through your mouth."

Her hand was hot against my belly as we breathed deeply together - - until we fell into a slow, steady rhythm. I opened my eyes as we continued to breath in concert. Katie's gaze was fixed on me, a calm but intense look on her face. She poured oil in the palm of one hand, then rubbed them slowly together. Then she slid her hands from my belly up to my chest, then down along the sides. Her strokes were slow and soft as she repeated the motion, this time gliding over my nipples. I took in a sharp breath, surprised by how sensitive they were to her touch. She slid her hands up my chest again, then spread her fingers as each in turn grazed my now hardening nipples. I felt my cock stir once again under the towel. All the while, her expression remained neutral.

Katie placed her hands on my left leg and kneaded her way up my thigh, inching closer and closer to my crotch, but stopping short. She then repeated the motion on my right leg; all the while my level of arousal continued to heighten. While I wasn't hard, the bulge under the towel left little doubt of the effect she was having on me. Katie placed her hands on both of my legs and slowly caressed her way along my inner thighs, pushing the towel up in the process, until my manhood was barely covered.

I felt paralyzed as Katie looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, then watched helplessly as she lifted the towel away from my body. I looked down at my semi-erect penis, the thickening shaft falling to one side. Katie looked down at my manhood for the first time, smiled slightly, then continued to massage up my thighs until she reached the crease where my legs met my groin area.

She spoke in a hushed, almost reverent tone as her hands caressed the crease, causing me to have chills. "May I touch you?"

At this point, there was no way I could refuse. That time had come and gone. "Yes," I croaked.

Katie leaned back on her hands, lifted her legs over mine, then slid closer so that the back of her knees were over my thighs. Having her sex - though clothed - so close to mine created an intimacy between us unlike anything I'd felt for my daughter before. She took the bottle of massage oil and poured it directly onto my crotch as I moaned in response. Katie massaged alongside my penis, tracing along the balls and shaft, all the while it continued to throb, growing with each beat of my heart. Using a slow, steady motion, she worked along the connecting bone and muscles, and as she did, I felt all of my apprehension fall away.

"That's good," she said. "Keep breathing. Relax."

Next, Katie massaged above the shaft on the pubic bone. Rocking her hand over that place while applying a consistent pressure, causing the shaft to harden so that I was almost fully erect. I looked at Katie's face, and while she maintained her air of professionalism, I could see the desire in her eyes. We had crossed another threshold, and at the moment I didn't care.

I tried to concentrate, focusing on the incredible pleasure my daughter was giving me, her soft hands making love to my manhood. Katie slowly moved down to the scrotum, caressing my balls, gently pulling and kneading them. Then, pulling them away from my body, she formed a circle with the forefinger and thumb of one hand, holding my balls taut away from my body while caressing around and in between my testicles with her other hand. It felt heavenly, unlike anything I could have even imagined just a short time ago.

Katie lifted my balls out of the way and massaged down to my perineum, located halfway between the testicles and anus. I knew of this spot, but no sexual partner had ever given it any attention. Katie used a circular motion to massage that most sensitive area and I couldn't help but moan aloud, the sensation almost too much to process.

"Breathe," she whispered. "It will help you stay in control."

I tried to do as Katie said, even as she gently pushed inward on the spot with her finger, massaging my prostate from the outside. Fuck, it felt so amazing. My cock was throbbing, the skin so tight I thought I was going to explode in a million pieces. I couldn't remember ever being so hard in my life.

Finally, Katie placed her right hand at the base of my cock. She stared intently at it as it throbbed in her hand, then looked up to meet my gaze. We shared something in that moment I can't explain. I don't know if I ever will be able to put what I was feeling into words as I watched my beautiful daughter take hold my manhood. Katie squeezed me at the base, then slowly, agonizingly, pulled up along the thick, hard shaft until her hand slid off. She then took her left hand and did the same, squeezing me at the base, then stroking up the shaft in a deliberate motion until her hand was completely off. This continued for some time as Katie squeezed and stroked up my shaft, alternating hands. I closed my eyes and focused as the powerful sensations emanating from my manhood coursed through my body.

After a while, she changed direction - alternating her hands sliding down from the tip to the base. Soon my pelvis began to rise involuntarily with each stroke. Katie slowed her rhythm and asked me to re-focus on breathing deeply and fully. I tried, relaxing the tension in my belly and glutes. After about a minute, I again felt calm, though still at a heightened state of arousal. Once I relaxed, Katie took me between both of her hands and rubbed them slowly back and forth, as if to start a fire. She continued this motion while slowly picking up her tempo - like a locomotive picking up steam - until my entire body buzzed with tingling electricity.

Perhaps sensing I might explode any second, Katie slowed her massage to a halt, lightly caressing the shaft with her fingertips, almost tickling me. Finally, after my cock softened, Katie began stroking me, her palms on either side of the shaft, until I was hard. She then cupped the engorged head in her palm and turned her wrist as if juicing an orange while she jacked off the head.

"OhmyGod," I groaned.

"Keeping breathing," she said in a soft voice. ""

Every four breaths, she alternated hands, cupping the head and turning her wrist in a steady juicing motion. I looked into Katie's eyes as we breathed as one, her hands steady and unrelenting, the pressure building. My fingers and toes began to have pins and needles as I felt the blood rushing away from my extremities, save for one. Katie slowed her rhythm, then moved to my testicles, caressing them, gliding her forearm over them in long strokes.

My daughter began to slowly stroke my cock with her right hand while her left continued to massage my balls. Her fist stopped short of the sensitive head as it moved up and down, focusing instead on massaging the length of my thick shaft. I became lost in her green eyes as we continued to breathe together. Her small fist slid up and down my cock in a slow, steady rhythm and I could feel my body begin to tense, the waves of pleasure approaching.

Katie sensed it as well. "Breathe deeply...from your belly."

I focused, willing my muscles to relax as Katie switched hands - her left now stroking my shaft while the right caressed and fondled my balls. Up and down, she stroked; slowly, steadily building. Katie held me in her hands as I surrendered myself to this almost incomprehensible pleasure. Up and down, up and down. My body was building again, my hands and feet tingling, my heart pounding. Up and down, up and down. I began to moan with each exhale.

Katie slowed her rhythm and softened her grip, while at the same time massaging the perineum with increasing pressure. The effect was almost instantaneous as my impending orgasm subsided. Fuck, she was going to be the end of me.

Squeezing the base of my cock with her left hand, making it hard and engorged once again, Katie began slowly stroking me with her right hand. Within seconds, my aching cock was again fully erect. I opened my eyes, which had been shut while I enjoyed my daughter's unmatched skills, and saw her staring intently at my cock as she pleasured me. She must have felt my eyes on her because she looked up and gave me a faint but knowing smile.

I felt my pelvis begin to rise to meet her fist as I tried to regain control of my body. I relaxed, sinking into the mattress as my heart began to pound hard in my chest. Katie eased her tempo as she changed her stroke, going back to alternating hands, starting at the tip and stroking down to the base. Down...switch...down...switch...down...switch. I had lost count how many times my insatiable daughter had brought me to the edge. Had it been six times? Eight?

My body began to tingle again as my breathing became more labored. I looked up to see Katie's green eyes on me. She was breathing in time with me. Both of her hands were on my manhood now, stoking the length of the shaft. Up, down, up, down. I started to feel light-head, seeing stars out of the corner of my eyes as I continued to breath in through my nose, out through my mouth, my exhalations becoming stronger with each stroke. In, out, in, out. Katie's tempo quickened slightly and I let out a groan of pleasure. My heart began to beat so hard I thought I could hear it outside of my chest; my hands and feet again felt like pins and needles as I involuntarily raised my pelvis off the bed as my orgasm approached slowly, but with a weight I couldn't fathom. I groaned loudly with each exhalation. In, out, in, out. I had reached the point of no return. In out in out. My beautiful daughter. My wife's daughter. My Katie was making me come harder than I'd ever come in my life.

As the first of the powerful spasms wracked my body, I growled like and animal.


Katie's and my eyes stayed locked on each other as I began spurting my ejaculate high into the air, landing on my chest, arms, and abdomen. Katie kept her tempo, hard and steady, as wave after wave crashed over my convulsing body, my cock continuing to spurt line after line all over the bed, a waterfall of spunk pooling on Katie's hands still gripping my cock. I stayed hard as she eased her tempo but continued coaxing every last ounce out of me. Even after I had no more cum to give, my body continued to spasm until finally, mercifully, Katie released me, resting her hands on my inner thighs as she helped me gain control of my breathing, easing me down from the most incredible sexual high of my life.

We didn't speak for almost for a while. When I finally did say something, it was with a raspy voice, "I...I don't know what to say...except thank you."

Katie, who was glistening with sweat and looked as spent as I felt said, "You're welcome, daddy. I love you."

It was then that I noticed I had tears welling up in my eyes. "I love you."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is the worst news a father can receive, except for her death, that she is a prostitute. It means that in reality she is headed for a lifetime, almost assuredly short, of daily minute by minute pain and degradation as a woman and human being. People are not made or meant to undergo the dehumanizing effects of allowing complete strangers into the intimate areas of their bodies, again and again for money. Prostitutes sometimes attempt to delude themselves that they are okay through a type of mental self-preservation, but most take to drugs and alcohol to attempt to escape their crushing circumstances. The news that your daughter is a prostitute is a sentence, and means she is destined for a broken horrible life, usually under the influence of evil and corrupt people, and means you have failed as a father. I would rather she be diagnosed with cancer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The best story I have read so far .

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
One of the BEST I have read

Awesome story.... Great writing...

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 7 years ago

That massage was so well written I could feel it. A perfect use of words to transport the reader to another reality. Well done, Mr. Reardon!

I find the one commentator's negative "high-class hooker" comment to be a spurious argument at best. The father went looking to hire an escort. When he found out it was his daughter, while certainly being shocked about it, how can he condemn her for doing something he was willing to hire another young woman to do? Is his daughter less (or perhaps more) deserving of respect, than the other young ladies he was willing to hire? Also, he certainly can't condemn her clients for doing something he, himself, was looking to do.

Plus, while hookers and escorts are both sex workers, there IS a distinction between the two. Hookers only care for one thing, and that is to get their clients to cum as quickly as possible, so they can move on to the next, with no emotions involved. However, high-class hookers and escorts are essentially different from regular hookers in that you are paying for their time and attention and not to simply get your rocks off. That is why they are more expensive. Escorts offer companionship, in addition to any sex acts that may or may not be involved. There is more of an interpersonal, if not emotional, interaction with their clients. If you pay them for an hour, choose to have sex right away and cum in two minutes, you still have their attention and companionship for the other fifty-eight minutes. You truly are paying for their time and not just a sex act.

Calling Katie an "escort" versus calling her a "high-class hooker" is just a matter of semantics, with the commentator using "high-class hooker" as a supposedly more derogatory term for the same thing.

I find it amusing that the commentator moralized about the daughter being "a high-class hooker", yet had no problems with her having incestuous sex with her father. So, I guess in his or her mind, it is OK to have sex with your dad, just as long as you don't ask him for money afterwards. ;-)

Personally, I thought the father's emotional reactions sounded realistic. There was no need to go on and on with the father continually thrashing himself mentally about the situation. If he was that into proper societal mores, he wouldn't have been looking for paid sex to begin with.

It was also nice to read an error-free and grammatically correct story on Lit for a change.

I am genuinely looking forward to reading the next two installments of this wonderful story.

La_TortueLa_Tortueover 7 years ago
A Great Beginning

I loved it, but with one disappointment. I have never had, and almost certainly never will have, a hand job as exquisite as the one you describe. I am forced to wonder how many men who read this will show it to their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, as an instruction manual to be studied, learned and acted upon.

As for any negative comments that may have been posted, this is fiction, fantasy, and it is the author's story which will go wherever and however the author chooses. It isn't meant to reflect real life, just the author's mind. If every story had to be the way one particular 'anonymous' seems to want then there would be a lot of boring work on here.

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