My Daughter, the Mechanic


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"Ah, no worries Amy. I'm sure Mick and Sarah will keep her rolling along nicely. And," he said, squeezing her naked bum, "you're looking good. Thanks for the surprise. Been a day of them."

Amy giggled, picked up her clothes, and hurried after Stuart and Tom. Cindy slowly shook her head and watched them go. It was definitely a day of surprises.

"Ok, it's getting late. Who let the dogs out?" she asked, jumping off the bench as a chorus of barking erupted. Alcohol was running freely, and she sensed the crowd was getting rowdy. It was time for the run to the finish. Sarah was head down on the bench, arse up and getting ploughed by a large elderly man who looked like he had a death grip on her hips. Two semi-naked guys were patiently waiting their turns with her, but she had four guys in her queue. She leaned and rested her arms on the bench, letting her tits swing free.

"Righto boys, c'mon and fuck me. Grab my hips and swing my tits." She grunted and threw her head back as yet another cock filled her, left, and was replaced. "Nearly there, Circuit Slut. Race you to the finish!"

Sarah slowly turned her head and gave Cindy a thumbs up. The guy fucking her laughed, "Well, I'm not rushing. I can do this all day."

"No, you won't," yelled Mick from the barbeque. "I'm putting a fifteen minute timer on the rest of you lot. It's Bob's farewell, and these girls will need a break before we get stuck in."

The remaining guys grumbled about the unfairness of it all, but Cindy assured them they'd get a fuck sooner or later that night. Sarah was just glad it was nearly over. If Cindy wanted to keep going, she was happy to let her.

The old guy working on Sarah sighed at Mick's call, but sped up hard and deep. Sarah had to admit, in normal circumstances his would have been a fun cock but she was happy when she felt him come.

"Thanks Slut. Should've fucked you at the beginning so I didn't need to rush." Sarah just waved goodbye. The last two rode her at a leisurely pace, gently stroking her hips and lower back, which she thought was wonderful.

The last few for Cindy was a mixed bag. One guy got turned away because he couldn't get hard and wanted her to give him a blowjob instead, two charged her cunt like a bull at a gate, and the last slowly slid through her until Mick called time. Cindy gave him a quick kiss, then the two women headed back inside.

"That. Was. So. Tiring." Sarah said, shaking her head. "I sort of didn't believe you, but you were right. And I'm aching in all sorts of places I didn't expect to be sore."

"Yep. I really don't like gang bangs for that reason, but you did well. I thought you would have tapped out."

"Gotta say, I thought about it, but I couldn't have left you with the rest. I will sleep soundly tomorrow, though." Sarah stretched and rolled her shoulders. "Ok, so just one thing left. Shall we go?"

"Mmm. Ok, if you're certain. I'll grab the cards." Cindy said, after a long drink of water. "Do you want to go somewhere quiet for a drink after this?"

"Sure, as long as it's somewhere if I fall asleep it doesn't matter."


"Ladies and gentlemen, as you know Bob's retiring and hitting the Super Sedan circuit. One thing he's kept quiet from all of us was he crewed for The James Hunt of F1 fame, back in '78. I have it on reliable authority that Bob, and his crewmates, willingly sacrificed themselves to a hoard of horny women, like us, so James could get some sleep. To honour that day, Bob, and the man who organised this exhibition of debauchery, Mick, will fuck some sweet, young tail bareback. That's us. To be honest, after being soundly fucked by all you studs and studettes, I'm hot for a cumshot. Now," Cindy said, fanning out the playing cards, "Circuit Slut and I thought about the fairest way to choose who gets to fuck who, and we decided low card does me. Because I'm short. Right, bitch?"

Sarah started to give her a thumbs up, but rolled her hand to present a middle finger.

Bob and Mick looked at each other. "Hey, I'm happy with either of you, so sure. Just hope I can meet your expectations," Bob said, chuckling.

"Ok then. Pick a card."

Bob looked at the cards, and at the two naked women, a faint smile on his face. His fingers hovered over the stacked aces, then he pulled the top card off the deck.

'Shit...' thought Sarah.

Cindy drew a sharp breath and tried to hide her nervousness as she shuffled the cards. She presented the deck to Sarah's dad. "Your turn Mick."

"Ten," Mick said, holding up his card.

"Two. So girls, we just jump in? On? I'm ready to just dive in."

Cindy looked over at Sarah, wondering if she should make it the best two out of three. "Circuit Slut, are you ok to let these gentlemen do us doggy? Like, right now?"

'Fuckfuckfuckfuck...' Sarah slowly nodded and leaned against the bench, presenting her arse to her father. Her emotional side screamed at her to call it off, remove her helmet and tell everyone it was just an elaborate joke. Her slightly less logical side countered with that her dad had seen her getting fucked by over a dozen guys and a couple of women, and his cock would be just one more in a long chain.

"Uhh, well it looks like she's ready for one more dick, so let's go!" Cindy positioned herself next to Sarah and mouthed, 'Are you sure?'

Sarah shrugged and nodded once. All her remaining energy had flowed out of her with the pick of the card. She was too tired to care. It was just one more dick, one more penis intruding into her body. Did it really matter if it was the one that created her in the first place? Nearly two hours had gone by since they started the night, and that was enough. She was over it.

Cindy sighed. If Sarah was ok, then she couldn't say anything. She looked over her shoulder at Bob, "Hard or slow, big guy. However you want, as long as you play with my tits."

"Fine by me, but I love watching boobs swing in time with my rhythm. Dunno why." He rubbed his cock against Cindy and reached around to squeeze a boob. "God, it's been ages since I've done this. Hope I remember what to do."

"I'm sure you'll remember. It's just like riding a bike, and I'm the bike," Cindy said.

Bob laughed, which turned into a deep, hacking cough. "Oh, excuse me. Yeah, my willy is remembering what to do." He turned to Mick. "You know, the last time I had sex with an audience was in Hunt's hotel. Not a bad way to bookend my career. Thanks Mick."

"Well, I can't take all the credit. It was Sarah's hairbrained idea." He gently ran a hand over Sarah's arse. "I thought the dressed up car, videos, and these two as grid girls would be fine, but she insisted on going way over the top."

"Certainly different. Gonna have to thank her big time for this when I see her."

"Yeah, I guess she'll be out... later." Mick patted Sarah's hip and stepped back. "You know what? You don't need to be gas bagging to me when there's a hot girl waiting for you. I'll, uh, step out. Cindy and umm, Jax have made me an offer I can't refuse for later. Err, Jax can help you. You know, two birds are better than one?"

Sarah slowly looked over her shoulder at her dad, who gave her a quick smile and nodded toward Bob. "It's all good Circuit Slut. Give your friends a hand. I'll go grab Bob a fresh stubbie. He'll need it."

"C'mon Slut, yeah, give Bob a hand. He may need some help finding the right hole." Cindy had seen the exasperated look Mick had given Sarah, and the shake of his head as he trudged away. He knew. No doubt about it, he knew he had been about to ream his daughter. She wasn't sure if Sarah had noticed but she thought she had to keep her friend busy and looking in their direction.

Sarah pushed herself up and ran her fingers over Bob. He had two fingers rotating inside Cindy's vagina, and one hand on his dick. That was coming to attention, and she could see Cindy was going to be happy. She reached around and gently massaged his balls, making him groan happily.

"Bloody hell, girls. You make a good team." With that, he rubbed his cock against Cindy's vagina, then pushed. "Yeah, that's some good pussy."

Cindy moaned in appreciation of his dick. He wasn't long, but he was thick and he was hard. She rolled her hips, trying to get him to touch everywhere inside her. He responded by slowly pumping her, the lube from the others helping smooth the ride. Sarah moved to Cindy's side, one hand playing with her nipple, the other scratching Bob's backside. Cindy sighed and placed an arm around Sarah's leg, high enough to press against her labia.

Bob reached out to Sarah and hovered his hand over her boob. "May I?"

She looked around, and not seeing her dad, nodded. Bob slid his rough hand under her top and cupped her breast. "You both have great bodies. Different, but both fantastic. Thank you." he rasped, trying to hold back another round of coughs.

Sarah closed her eyes and tilted her hips so she could rub herself on Cindy's arm. It wasn't much, but after being a fuck toy for the night, the ability to find her own pleasure points was nice. Cindy felt the same. She held tightly onto Sarah's leg so she could rub and pinch her clit.

Bob didn't care. Two young women were here to give him a good time, and just because he was last in a long line didn't matter. He had the privilege of cumming directly into a cunt, just like in the old days when safety wasn't such a big concern.

"Fucking hell, this is nice. I... urrg... Yeah." Cindy had used her muscles to squeeze him as he pushed forward, and relaxed as he withdrew. The sensation had the desired effect and Bob hit her cervix with a short, sharp burst of sperm.

"There we go. Just what I wanted," sighed Cindy. She waited until he fell out, then placed a leg on the bench. Opening herself, she squeezed her pelvic muscles and globs of white goo ran down her leg. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is all for the night. Thanks to all who've had us, and Bob - have a great retirement. See ya!"

Amid the applause and protests about them leaving, Sarah and Cindy waved and scampered back to the factory.

"Fuck. That was close. Do you think he knows?" Sarah said, removing her helmet.

"Not sure. Couldn't really tell," Cindy lied. "Still, all in all, that was a good night. Thanks again for stepping in. I don't think I could have done that alone. I'd still be there."

Sarah waved away the thanks. "No dramas. Well, not many. Thank you. You'd better go, and I'd better make an appearance. Catch up at your place in say, a half hour?"

"Sounds good. If I don't answer the door, use the spare key. I'll probably be asleep in the shower."


"This is a nice factory Dad. I actually think the floor space is more than the other joint, and having the mezzanine is a bonus." Sarah took a sip of her coffee and grimaced. "Need to improve the coffee though."

"Glad you like it, as your name's going on the title as well."

"What? No way, why?"

"We own it outright, and if your Supercar job doesn't come off, you'll need somewhere to run your own workshop. This will make a good impression with potential clients. Besides," he said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Your mum will think twice about trying to get her grubby mitts on the place if she knows you have a financial interest."

"Wow, thanks. I didn't expect this."

"No worries. I need to look after my little girl. Well, I need to try to look after her, even if she does some dumb arse things at times."

"Oh. Ah, you know, don't you?"

Mick nodded.

"And you're not mad? When did you realise?"

Mick put his cup down and pursed his lips. Sighing, he said, "I'm not mad, but I'm not particularly happy. Especially when I realised what I was about to do when I was about two inches away from... you. I knew right at the start it wasn't Jax up there. You may look similar, but you don't carry yourself the same way. I just thought it was someone else you three had asked to cover for her. Never in a million years did I think I was watching my daughter getting done by my friends."


Mick flicked his hand up and away. "What's done is done. Cindy and Jax saw me the following day and explained what happened. You should have told me, Sarah Jane. I understand your warped logic, and in a perverse way it makes sense. But still... I was nearly about to have sex with my own daughter!"

"We really tried to avoid that. We thought we had it sussed so you were lined up with Cindy." Sarah wiped a sniffle from her nose. "How'd you figure it out? And why did you let it keep going?"

Mick reached over the table and held his daughter's hands. "Not too many women have a Ford logo and two gold cups tattooed on their hip. The makeup was nearly gone. That's when I definitely knew. As to why I didn't put the brakes on? Well, it was a bit late for that, and if I called you out, then everyone would know. I guess that's why the helmet?"

"Yup. I'm ok with Circuit Slut's bit's being shared online, but I didn't want me to be associated with it. It's hard enough being taken seriously around the track without that image hanging over me."

"A little bit more thought would have solved that completely. Nevermind," he said, kissing her hand, "you did it for the right reasons, helping your friends. Your heart is in the right place, even your head is a bit screwy. Mind you, it's going to be hard to edit you out of all the video I took, and harder to edit the images out of my brain."

"Thanks Dad, especially for not going ballistic. Maybe just pretend I'm Jax. I promise that was the first and only time I'll do anything like that. And I know both girls want to say sorry."

"Yeah, they did say that. Well, as long as you don't do a Renee Gracie and fund your racing via Onlyfans, I'll be happy. Ok?"

"Ok. You do know Cind and Jax have just started a page there? Been running about a month now without any publicity, and they've made about 5k. That's where that video of the fuck machine went up."

"Really? Huh. Didn't realise that."

"I'm sure they'll give you a free link. They reckon they could hit the big time with some decent three-way action. I think they want to talk to you about that."



"Shush. I'm thinking."

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Newt0351Newt03519 months ago

Great story loved how you handled everything.

sirhugssirhugs9 months ago
So not what I expected

but so great.

I was a bit surprised that in spite of the title, you avoided incest...but you did not need it.

yowseryowser9 months ago


Rousing, sparkling wit, preposterous, hilarious.

'Lava lamp boobies'. A 1962 Vauxhall Velox. Shop-talk banter and tool-ambidexterity.


HargaHarga9 months ago

1st time reading your stuff and it was really good. Highly improbable but very fun. I like that it was a somewhat realistic account of what the 2 girls where experiencing. Especially with the anticipation of Poppy and her dad maybe doing it. I actually signed my relief when her father backed away. I know alot of authors would have went there but you didn't. Well done. 5*

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