My Day at the Mall Ch. 06

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Ex-Marine finds himself embroiled in a fight for his life.
4.7k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/24/2007
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I awoke to the sun shining in my eyes through the window and a very warm woman on my shoulder. I smiled as I remembered the time we had spent together. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and saw it was about six-thirty. My bladder announced that it wanted my attention. As quietly and gently as I could, I slipped out of bed without waking Maggie and hurried into the bathroom.

I stood there relieving the pressure of my bladder and thinking how strange things had gotten. I was confused about it. Maggie and I had just spent a very wonderful and satisfying night pleasing each other. I also knew that as much as I had liked the sex and as satisfying as it had been, there wasn't the emotional spark with her, not like there had been with Rachel.

Rachel. There was another kettle of fish. My feelings for Rachel were frighteningly strong and yet so clear. I knew, or felt at least, that she wouldn't be willing to leave me for long. I also knew that I would do literally anything to protect her and her sister. I knew in my bones that if the law didn't do the job of protecting her and her sister that I would ensure that they were safe. I didn't know where things were going with her but I didn't plan on waiting too much longer to find out.

As I stood there lost in thought, I felt Maggie's nipples press into my back and her arms came up from behind me to caress my chest, drawing me back from me reverie. "Hello, Lover." Her voice was low and sexy. The piss hard-on that had begun to flag began to regain its firmness.

I turned and pulled her into my arms. "I didn't mean to wake you." I apologized.

"You didn't, my bladder did, so if you are through here..." she smiled at me as I moved aside and she sat on the toilet. As I started to turn and give her some privacy she quickly grabbed my cock and said, "Who said you could go anywhere? I have plans for that in a few minutes." I heard her let her bladder loose as she looked at me.

Her smile let me know the she was well pleased with last night and was anticipating a morning tryst as well. I was more than willing to oblige. I smiled at her and said, "Let me check in with Jerry and Ray and I'll be more than happy to help you out with that."

That met with a moue of disappointment but she let me go. "If you're going to be all responsible I suppose I'll have to be as well. I'll check on the girls and see how they are doing. However, I expect to see you back in here shortly!" She grabbed my tumescent appendage "Do I make myself clear Mister?"

I smiled, snapped to attention and saluting, in my best parade ground voice replied, "AYE, AYE ma'am! Orders received and acknowledged, ma'am!"

She laughed, smacked me on the ass, and said, "Go check on your boys!"

Winking at her, I turned and went back into the bedroom and began to dress. Once I had on a set of fresh pants and a shirt I looked to my weapons and the secure phone. Taking care to check that my weapon was in the same condition I had left it ―loaded and on safety ― I holstered it and headed for the security room.

Ray was sitting at the monitor bank and drinking a cup of coffee when I walked in. "Hiya Boss! Have a good night did you?" The laughter in his voice and the knowing smirk on his face gave the lie to the shadows under his eyes.

I asked, "How are you holding up? Where's Jerry?"

He answered, "I'm okay, and Jerry is catching forty in his room and should be here to spell me for some sleep in about an hour. After we looked around we decided to take turns watching the monitors. This place is set up better than we thought. There are sensors embedded inside the perimeter wall that can pick up motion, heat, and sound for fifty meters on both sides of the wall. In addition, the software on the system is so sophisticated it can tell you how large the target is, biped or quadruped, too. If anyone tries to get in here, we'll know it before they even get close to the outer wall. One man can monitor the whole place from in here and provide adequate warning of intruders. Jerry figures that we can spell each other in here and walking the perimeter and not get burned out on it for a while."

I nodded and said, "Just make sure he figures me into the rotation. I'll stand watch with you both and that should extend our endurance..." As I spoke, the secure line rang. I answered it. "Hello?"

"Wayne? This is Red; I have the name and location of the x-ray machine you asked for. My friend will be expecting you at one o'clock today and will take the pictures for you. He also has an OR and anesthetics if Maggie wants to do things today. He used to be an MD but couldn't deal with losing patients so he went back and got his vet degree. He offered to assist if Maggie chooses to open you up. He is a veterinarian specializing in horses, not a people doctor anymore but the procedure for x-rays is the same."

He gave me the model number of the machine for Maggie. "Also, I wanted to let you know that a lot of powerful people are hollering about your arrest of Winslow. I don't know what all our boy was up to but he has some top-level people scared shitless and doing their best to either get him out of the jam he's in or running for cover."

I grimaced at the news. "Thanks, Red. I have a feeling that he is connected with some very unsavory people and it could get hotter than you anticipated..."

"You finish that sentence you son of a bitch and I'll come there and kick your ass myself! I've never backed out on you before and I'm not backing out on you now! I just wanted you to be aware that there are a lot of very heavy hitters interested in this one." The anger and hurt in his voice were palpable.

I sighed wearily. "I know you've never backed out, Red, and I just meant that I'd understand if you needed to distance yourself to protect the Mall. Anyway, what can you tell me about the Syrian I shot? How the hell did the bastard even get into the country?"

I could hear the frown in Red's voice. "He came in on a diplomatic passport under an assumed name. The Saudi consulate is denying any involvement with him but his alias is listed as an attaché assigned directly to the ambassador himself. They are scrambling to cover their asses as hard as they can and are calling in favors by the busload in Washington to do damage control on this."

"Fuck me! Tell me no one is asking to have me extradited to Saudi to stand trial for murder." I could see those bastards in D.C caving in a heartbeat for oil concessions.

"Oh no, not at all. In fact, the Saudis want to congratulate you. They are saying that they have been looking quietly for their missing attaché and simply had not informed the FBI that he was missing yet. They want everyone to ignore the fact that he's supposedly been missing for nearly a year." Red's amusement was evident in his voice. We were both of the opinion that the Saudis were no more our allies than the PLO, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah were.

"As long as I don't have to worry about some Federal prick serving me up to a foreign court for execution, I don't care. Give me the address for the x-ray." I wrote it down as he read it off and handed it to Ray. He opened a browser and called up and printed a map to the place from here.

"Tell Mel I'll call her later today. Oh, and ask her to check with the lab at the hospital and see if they can tell us what drugs they were using on the girl. Dr. Kirkland says knowing that may help her treat Becca more effectively." I hoped they would have some answers soon.

"I can answer part of that one for you. She left a message with me to give you this list. She will be coming there tomorrow to take your depositions. She wants all of your statements on record in case anything goes wrong. She'll be arriving at noon by helicopter. She'll also have a Care package from me; it's just a few things that will make your stay there a little more pleasant. She's also bringing out one of her cousins to help watch over the girls. I don't know which one."

Red spelled out the names of several drugs and I wrote them down. I recognized one of them. It was commonly used as a truth serum ―thiopental sodium― more commonly know as sodium pentothal. Used properly it is an anesthetic; it also reduces one's ability to resist interrogation by lowering one's cognitive functions and inhibitions. It also has the side affect of rendering the patient susceptible to suggestion when used in combination with other drugs. When used improperly, it can kill you.

As I was writing, Maggie came in and I handed the paper to her. There were actually two lists, one with the drugs that had been present in Becca's blood and the other of drugs found in Winslow's home. Maggie grimaced as she read the list and began fuming as she read.

"The bastards were lucky they didn't kill her. Ask Red to have Lance, um... Dr. Piper, to send her blood-work report to my email. I can access it online and see what else was going on with her." Maggie's voice was cold with anger.

I relayed her message to Red and we hung up. I looked at her and asked, "What do these drugs mean for Becca? What were they trying to do?"

Maggie sighed. "The drugs individually are dangerous. Several are experimental. The ones I recognize coupled with the hormones released during her torture are going to make her ― or should I say change her ― into a dependant personality. They were supposedly abandoned by the military as being too dangerous to use. The one I'm most concerned about, Priathomazine Glycol, was developed for interrogation during the first Gulf War. The military never used it because it was determined to have too many negative side-effects. I heard rumors that the CIA was still researching it but I can't confirm that."

Maggie ran her hand through her hair. "The most notable documented side-effect is the induced psychological dependence on a given person. The infliction of either pain or pleasure during the course of the drugs effect ties the subject's pain and pleasure centers to that person. From the levels that they found I'd say she hadn't had more than a dose or two. I'll need a biopsy sample from her liver to tell for sure."

I was glad that at that moment Winslow was far away because I would have killed him on the spot, slowly. "Is there any way to reverse the effects of the drug? I mean is there a counter agent to it?"

Maggie frowned as she spoke. "The only ones who could answer that question work in Spook Central. CIA could tell you, or maybe NSA, or DIA. But since we aren't supposed to be developing mind-control drugs in violation of international law and agreements they are not likely to be forthcoming. In fact they may try to shut us down from treating Becca at all to protect their secret formula. That Arab had to get the juice he was using from somewhere and they either already know where or they are going to want to find out very badly."

I chuckled grimly, "The only one who can answer their questions now is Winslow. I think I'll have Red drop a few hints to some of his contacts that they should start asking Winslow about his guests. With any luck the CIA or Homeland Security, or somebody, will take Winslow out for us and we can get back to our lives."

Maggie shocked me with her next statement and it brought me to instant erection with the image it conjured in my minds eye. "If I didn't think it was a bad idea or if I knew their preferences from before the drugs I wouldn't mind being the focus of one or both of those hot little girls." Maggie's face was set in an almost feral grin.

I looked at Maggie and said, "Well aren't you just full of surprises."

Maggie licked her lips and said, "I like sex any way I can get it. I'll never give up men but I love the touch of a woman as well. I'd have to be dead not to see how sexy those two are. I won't do anything while I'm treating them but as soon as I can talk to Rachel and find out if there is any interest, I plan to hand their treatment over to a friend of mine who will be better able to help them cope with what has been done to them. Then I'll see if she is interested in having some fun with us."

"You are just full of surprises, Maggie. I think I like the way your mind works though," I said with a grin.

Maggie nodded. She looked at the map that Ray had printed up and asked, "Where is this?"

I told her, "You'll be seeing it for yourself in a little while. Red found a Vet that has an x-ray machine we can use for my knee. That map is directions from here to there. It won't matter that it's a veterinary x-ray machine, will it?"

She frowned, shook her head and said "If it's the model I think it is we could x-ray a horse on the thing so getting a few shots of your knee should be a piece of cake."

"Red said he specialized in horses so it's probably the one you think it is." I said as she nodded her head.

"When is the meeting?" she asked.

"We'll need to be there at one so we need to leave here about eleven-thirty." I looked at her and watched a wide grin spread across her face.

"That means I have time for my morning orgasm and a short nap!" She grabbed my belt and pulled me back to the bedrooms as Ray's laughter rang throughout the house.


After another vigorous romp wherein Maggie demonstrated that she was indeed ready for marathon sessions in my bed, Maggie and I took a short nap. After showering we went to the kitchen to get something to eat about an hour before we had to leave. Ray was sleeping and Jerry was manning the security room.

"If the pictures are good, how long will this put me out of commission?" I asked her as we drank our coffee.

She had a thoughtful look on her face and after a moment said, "If everything goes well you'll be off the knee two, maybe three days, on a cane for a week and wear a brace for maybe a month. Then you'd be up and at 'em after that. You'll need to strengthen the knee again and take it as slow as we can. Try too hard and the knee won't heal properly. The longer you have before you stress the knee, the better for you. If I have to do any serious repairs while I'm in there you're in trouble. It could take a couple of months. Depending on how bad it is. I don't think it's that bad based on the exam I gave you but without the x-ray I can't really say for certain."

I nodded and said, "In that case we need to rearrange things a bit."

She looked at me with a question in her eyes. I smiled. "I'm going to arrange for a friend to meet us on the way to the Doc's office. He lives a little further north than we are going so it should be no problem. If I'm down for a while I'll need someone to pick up the slack. Jerry, Ray and I are good but we'll wear down after a while. Mel is bringing some help and Bear will make us golden."

Maggie looked at me and asked, "Who's Bear?"

I smiled sadly and said, "Brian 'Bear' Wilcox was a corporal in our old unit during our time in Afghanistan. He was too close to an incendiary round when it went off. He had some moderate burns on his right arm and his neck and face. He recovered quickly and healed nicely but the powers above didn't think that he fit the 'image' they were trying to project for the war and ordered a medical discharge. After all none of our boys are being hurt, right? He has three-hundred acres of near virgin forest land that he lives on just north of our destination. If I can reach him, he should be able to meet us there."

Maggie nodded as I made the call. We were in luck and Bear was home. He agreed to meet me at the Doc's office ready for war and a long stay. I didn't tell him what was going on over the phone and he didn't ask any questions other than if I needed help. Bear is really good like that.

Maggie and I let Jerry know where we were going to be and how long we expected to be gone before we packed up and left. An hour and ten minutes later we pulled into an empty lot at the vet's office. Bradley Thayer was a small, thin man in his late thirties or early forties. At what appeared to be five-feet eight-inches tall he packed a solidly built one hundred and fifty pounds on his small frame. As we approached the building he stepped out and approached the Jeep we were driving. My eyes narrowed as I watched the tree line over his shoulder.

As I opened the door he held out a hand and said, "Hello, I'm Brad Thayer and you must be Wayne and Maggie. Our mutual friend did an admirable job of describing you. He also said to tell you 'The sun in the East is setting softly', whatever that is supposed to mean."

I smiled grimly at him and said "That little phrase means I don't have to shoot you. We are dealing with terrorists and torturers and I am taking no chances with my people."

Thayer blanched and asked, "Wha...?"

I looked at him and asked, "What did Red tell you?"

He shook his head in confusion. "He said a friend of his and a doctor needed to take an x-ray and because some unsavory people were watching for them that it had to be off the books so they couldn't go to a regular hospital."

Maggie nodded and said, "As far as it goes he told you the truth. We are part of a protective detail protecting a witness who was subjected to torture. She is now in protective custody. Wayne here rescued her yesterday but needs his knee taken care of so he can continue to effectively protect her. We won't be getting more help and I am going to try to treat him now. But I need to see what I'm working with and what I need to do to treat him."

I looked at him and said, "If you want out, say so now and we're gone. After this there is no backing out. Telling anyone at all about what happens here today could get you tortured and killed. They won't hesitate to torture and drug you to ask questions you won't have any answers to. You need to be aware of the risks to you before you agree."

Thayer looked shaken for a moment and then I watched as the resolve coalesced on his face. "I'm not trained for covert stuff but I can keep my mouth shut. No one but us knows you are here. I'm supposed to be on vacation for another two weeks so no one is going to come around. I have a fully stocked O.R. and can administer the anesthetics myself as well as assist if you need it. You can call me Brad, by the way. "

I smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate your help."

Maggie smiled and said, "Let's go see what we need to do."

Thayer unlocked the door, but before he could open it a man in a ghillie suit stepped out where Maggie and Brad could see them. I already had my pistol trained on the man. He slowly laid the M4 carbine he carried down and as he stood he pulled the hood of the suit away revealing his face.

I smiled, "I wasn't expecting you quite so soon Bear. How the hell are you? What were you doing across the road?" I holstered my pistol and waved him over.

Bear picked up his rifle and sprinted over to us. "I'm watching your backside as usual Wayne. We need to take this inside; there has been an unusual amount of air traffic around here today."

Brad keyed a remote on his key ring and an entire section of what appeared to be a solid wall began to slide aside revealing a covered pass-through to the inner paddocks of his clinic. "Pull your Jeep in there and they won't be able to see anything. The trees in back are high enough they can't see into the paddocks except from directly above."

Maggie took the keys from me, climbed into the Jeep and pulled into the pass-through. We followed the Jeep and as soon as we cleared the door it began to close. Brad walked over to a door and unlocked it. He held the door for Maggie and me and locked it behind Bear.

He led us into a small room and handed Maggie a smock. "Put this on and help him get on the table in the next room. I'll warm up the machine and then be in to take the pictures you need. Bear, if you need to talk to Wayne it'll take about twenty minutes for the systems to boot up and cycle. After that it'll take about fifteen minutes to take the x-rays she needs."