My Days as a Swim Coach Pt. 01


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My discovery that the items were missing made my erection disappear, and I returned to my coaching duties with a mixture of anxiety and disappointment. My disappointment was short-lived, as when I got home that evening, there was a new Manila envelope on top of my bed. My hands were trembling as I ripped it open and laid the contents on top of my comforter. There were two pairs of identical panties, pink silk g-strings, scented in Prive Rose perfume and soaked with vaginal secretions, the inference being that both of the twins had creamed their undies for me.

There was a new photo for me too. The second picture that they left, was a close-up of them performing simulated oral sex on a banana, and they had taken the time to laminate it. This was much better, as I could jerk off on it and simply wipe it clean. So began a pattern. Every few days the picture and panties would disappear, only to be replaced later that day with two freshly scented pairs, and some new visual jerk-off material.

The twins never asked me for my input the first few times that the photograph was changed. They would sneak into my room, remove the cum-stained eleven by fourteen picture, and replace it with a new one.

Then, to my surprise, a few weeks later, I got a text from Erica offering me three different scenarios for the next photo. I wanted to make sure that it was actually Erica that was texting me, as this was our first communication by cellphone.

"How do I know this is you?" I asked innocently, wary of being set up.

"Recognize me now?" she texted, adding a picture of her performing oral sex on a banana. "Your favorite thing, Coach."

We ended up having an extended texting session, fueled by my raging desire for the twins. It was both inappropriate and lewd, especially once we switched to a group text with Jessica getting involved. Finally, the conversation came around to my three choices for the next photo.

"What are my options, guys?" I texted the twins.

"We are having a slumber party tonight," Erica began. "Would you like a picture of us in our teddy-bear pajamas, our underwear, or some lingerie?"

I knew it was completely inappropriate, but I just couldn't help myself.

"Send me a picture of the two of you in your underwear," I texted, "preferably kissing," I added.

To my surprise, even though they were twins, they gave me no pushback, simply responding by text.

"Whatever you say, Coach Lopez."

The following afternoon, during swim class, I was subjected to the usual combination of sexual harassment, innuendo and inappropriate touching, and had to leave after just a few minutes to compose myself. I contemplated reporting the activities to the school authorities, but as I sat and tried to detail the actual events, they appeared fairly harmless, at least on the part of the girls. In fact, it was my activities of the previous evening that would have resulted in action on part of the authorities, if any.

Sure, Erica had brushed in front of me during the assignment of swim fins, but to the rest of the class it had looked like a fairly innocent encounter, albeit a little too close for comfort. However, in the confined quarters of the equipment room, we were all a little too close for comfort, and nobody could have witnessed her trailing arm brush across the front of my speedo, her beautifully manicured fingertips grazing my nuts as she did so. I jumped involuntarily at the unexpected stimulation, and immediately felt the blood flow into my crotch. This caused my cock to stiffen in my speedos, and elicited a broad smile from me, which I immediately suppressed.

In another incident, after a protracted session in the water, I was on the side of the pool drying off. As I let my towel fall to the floor, the twins descended upon me. Jessica was holding a lint-roller, and pointed to several pieces of white fluff that had gathered on my dark blue speedos, transferred from the white cotton towel that I had used to dry myself.

"I will get that for you, Oscar," she said cheerfully, using the informal salutation that I hated.

As I stood there motionless, partly out of shock and partly to concentrate on preventing an erection, her twin sister Erica joined in, although she used her bare hands to pick off the white fibers from my speedos, stomach and inner thighs. Luckily for me, on this occasion my prolonged immersion in the cool water of the outdoor swimming pool had chilled my genitalia, creating a delayed response to the attentions of the twins. It was only when Erica inexplicably sank to her knees on the poolside tiles to get a closer look at the lint on my thighs, that I felt my cock start to stiffen.

It was an overwhelming visual stimulation, Jessica rolling the lint-brush all over the front of my speedos, as her identical twin knelt before me picking small fibers from my inner thighs. Try as I did to think of things that would delay my erection, every time I looked down I saw Erica's angelic face smiling up at me, her bright blue eyes twinkling with delight, as she wore me down. Jessica finished first, walking away from me with her lint-roller, as her twin remained on her knees.

"You are good to go," Erica finally teased. "Unless there is anything else I can do for you while I am down here."

I could hear the giggles and excited chatter from the girls as I hurriedly excused myself, once again turning my back on the class, to hide my erection. I knew it was just the harmless actions of some bored teenagers, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to control my erection around the girls. However, as I tried to take an impartial view of their behavior, I realized that I had nothing really tangible to report to the authorities.

A few days later, Erica texted me again, right before bedtime. She sent me a graphic photo of her, naked and on her knees, looking up at me with her baby blue eyes.

"Does this remind you of when you made me kneel in front of you by the pool, and beg you for my place on the team?" she texted suggestively.

While this wasn't exactly the way it went down, I had drank a few beers in my room that evening. She had got my juices flowing, and, against my better judgment, I responded.

"Yes, Erica, you dirty bitch. I should have forced you to suck me off that day."

"I thought you were going to, Coach Lopez," she responded, using the unusually respectful salutation. "I was really shocked at first when you told me I could keep my place if I blew you. You knew how much being on the swim team meant to me. Thanks for letting me off with a warning."

"Next time I won't be so magnanimous," I texted ominously, my lust overwhelming my sense of propriety.

I started to wear loose-fitting jogging bottoms whenever I wasn't in the pool, and while this did go someway towards concealing my hard-on, my job required me to wear speedos for several hours a day, and those tiny, form-fitting swimwear clearly telegraphed my intentions, to use my career advisor's words.

Erica and Jessica seemed determined to get me hard, and keep me that way, for the duration of the swim lessons. After their initial efforts to break me down failed, they increased their teasing, eventually involving more members of the swim team, three young blondes who were also of East European descent. The newly added contributors to my sexual torture, were equally skilled in the art of seduction, and the five of them were relentless in their efforts to break me. As soon as they learned of my reaction to Erica's perfume, they all started to wear it. The intoxicating Prive Rose scent was everywhere I turned, permeating my nostrils and causing me to remain erect, long after class was dismissed.

As soon as we exited the pool, the class would assemble by the entrance to the girls' showers, and I would take roster. Once I had established that everyone was accounted for, the girls and I would shower, in our separate facilities, and then we would meet back by the pool, to head back to class as a group.

I would take this opportunity, of five minutes alone in the shower, to jerk-off trying to reduce some of the sexual tension that the girls had induced in me. It never took me more than a few seconds to blow my load, and I would feel much more composed as I got dressed to meet my young charges.

Once I emerged from the shower room, I would be instantly assaulted by the strong aroma of their perfume, favored now by most of the group, as word of my approval of the scent got around. As a young man in my early twenties, I had a extremely short refractory period, and would often feel my cock twitching as it came to life, as I inhaled that wonderful scent.

Once the five of them became indistinguishable to me by scent, I never knew who was approaching me until they came into view.

They enjoyed sneaking up behind me, putting their hands over my eyes, and saying, "Guess who, Oscar?"

Initially, I could tell by their fingernails, as they all favored different lengths. Erica and Jessica always had beautifully manicured nails, their budgets extending to a weekly application of nail extensions. They were particularly hard to tell apart, as they often dressed, smelled and painted their nails, identically. Erica was the more overtly sexual of the two, and sometimes when she snuck up behind me, she would stick her hands deep into the pockets of my jogging bottoms, rest her head on my shoulder, and whisper something wildly inappropriate in my ear.

I should have nipped it in the bud, gone to the authorities and filed a complaint. However, I had let so much improper behavior go by, that I felt like I would have been exposing my inadequacies as a coach and mentor, had I registered my concern, and invited an investigation. So, I laughed it off, which actually encouraged the five of them to increase their sexual harassment. They were fairly well behaved in the classroom setting, but whenever one or more of them were alone with me, their aggressive flirtation was completely out of order.

They started to put a lot of effort into looking and dressing alike, and coupled with the fact that the five of them were always heavily spritzed in my favorite Prive Rose perfume, made it even harder for me to focus on my job. All five of them had light blonde hair, and blue eyes, which made distinguishing them from a distance fairly difficult. However, they apparently had a team meeting, because one day they all showed up at the pool wearing the exact same hairstyle, in almost identical shades. They all had mid-length nail extensions too, in the same beautiful shade of peach.

In addition to creating some confusion as to their identity as I tried to instruct them, it became increasingly difficult to apportion blame, as they elevated the extent of their harassment of me. On more than one occasion, in the confined space of the equipment room, one of the young girls groped me. Several times I accused the wrong person, only to have them appear twenty feet away, with an innocent look on their face, questioning why I would suggest such a thing.

Even though there was a uniform for the swim team, the five also began to push the boundaries by wearing one-piece swimsuits that were too small, and tucking the material that covered their buttocks between them, thus creating a thong. They only did this when we were alone, and it became tiresome to constantly chastise them about it, so I eventually stopped. They would also ensure that their nipples were erect around me, by rubbing ice cubes on their breasts.

Again, I should have taken control, but I was already fighting a losing battle against my raging libido, and I was utilizing most of my energy trying not to get discovered with an erection.

They were wearing me down, just as they had worn Garcia down. There was only so much I could take, and after being sexually harassed all day at the pool, I would return home to find a new laminated photo, and some silky panties on my bed. I couldn't wait to unveil the new image and sniff the twins' panties, scented as they were with that intoxicating scent, a combination of Prive Rose and the juices of young pussy.

On top of that, they texted me every night, right before bedtime. Tonight it was a fresh assault, and after a few questions about whether I liked their latest photo, Erica started in on me.

"Are you going to jerk off on us again, Coach?" she texted.

Even though I knew that they were referring to me beating off and coming on their photo, their suggestive tone was driving me nuts, and I took my cock out, intending to masturbate as I sent them lewd texts.

"I am going to blow my load all over your pretty little faces," I texted, just before I ejaculated on their latest photo.

The second I came, I was full of regret. I had got caught up in the moment, fueled by pure unadulterated lust, and I had put myself in a very compromising position. As I re-read our entire text-exchange history, I shuddered at my lack of judgment. Not only had I engaged in an inappropriate conversation with my students, but I had acknowledged a quid pro quo arrangement with Erica, in which I had offered her a place on the swim team, in exchange for a blowjob. Even though this had never happened, I had put myself in an unnecessarily vulnerable position, for no reason.

"I have to go guys," I texted, trying to inject some sense of normalcy into our exchange. "See you in class tomorrow."

"Oh, someone is suddenly trying to be Mr. Professional," Jessica texted, making a mockery of our student-teacher dynamic.

"Did you just come, Mr. Lopez?" Erica added, using an emoji of an eggplant to add emphasis to the fact that our conversation had been highly sexualized.

I put down my phone in disgust at how foolish I had been, and while the twins continued to harass and taunt me for several hours, I stopped responding.

I always felt that the overt sexual harassment that the five subjected me to, would culminate in some kind of work-related sanction, or rebuke. I just never imagined that it would be me on the defensive. However, the day after I texted that I was going to blow my load all over their pretty faces, Erica and Jessica waited around after swim practice and approached me.

"Can we talk, Oscar?" they said almost in unison.

"Of course, ladies," I said, trying to be professional, but with lewd thoughts of a two-girl blowjob on my mind.

"In your office, Oscar," Jessica added, taking the lead role.

It was with some trepidation that I led them into my office. Nearly everywhere else that we interacted had multiple security cameras, but my office was without such intrusive measures, for privacy reasons. As soon as we got inside, Jessica closed, and to my astonishment, locked the door.

"We really shouldn't do that," I said, my trembling voice eroding what little authority I still had over these rebellious twins.

"Oh, you won't want any intrusions, trust us," Erica added confidently. "Sit, Oscar."

As disconcerting as it was to have an eighteen year old directing my movements, I complied and sat on my chair. Jessica pulled a large legal folder out of her backpack and laid it on the desk.

"You have been a naughty boy, Oscar," she said dismissively, "and we have the pictures to prove it."

My heart skipped a beat, as they laid out an assortment of color photographs and documents, showing me in a very unfavorable light. They appeared to have been a combination of pictures taken from various cell phones, screen-shots from security cameras around the campus, and some handwritten statements, signed by the five.

They were arranged in some kind of chronological order, which actually did a great job of depicting the gradual increase of the unwanted behavior, and made me look guilty as sin.

The first pictures, taken on the day of our introductory meeting, from a variety of angles showed me stood in front of my desk, with a very awkward look on my face. Erica is stood just in front of me, looking innocently towards me, as I attempt to cover my genital area with a clipboard. The next picture, taken from one side of the classroom, shows me turning to one side, having given up the protection of the clipboard. My erection is clearly visible in my jeans, right before I lower my ass to my seat. My face is flushed bright red, bearing a look of bewilderment, and totally unbecoming of a teaching professional. There was a statement that accompanied these two photos, written and signed by Jessica.

"On our very first day of class, Coach Lopez asked my twin sister to join him in front of his desk. After checking her out for a few moments, he handed her his clipboard, and flashed his erection to the entire class, before sitting down at his desk."

Even though this was a total fabrication, and a complete distortion of the truth, the fact that I had an erection in class was undeniable, and totally indefensible. So began a pattern of incriminating photos of me, taken completely out of context, with accompanying signed, written statements, that served to bury me.

There were several photos that had been taken in my bedroom. The first one showed my unmade bed, the comforter pulled back to expose a pair of silky pink panties. A statement signed by Erica was attached to it.

"Coach Lopez asked me to fetch his stopwatch from his bedroom. I found a pair of my panties that had been stolen from my backpack earlier that day, lying in clear view in his unmade bed."

The next picture, presumably taken the following morning, showed the same pair of pink panties lying on top of my pillow, covered in semen.

"My stolen panties after one night with Coach Lopez," the statement read.

I could feel a sense of despair as I pored through the rest of the incriminating evidence. There was a picture pulled from the security camera footage in the equipment room, of me standing in my speedos uncomfortably close to Erica, as she grazed my nuts with her trailing hand. Unbeknownst to me, she had affected a scared face, as she looked up at me in a way that suggested she was being threatened. I, on the other hand am smiling broadly, apparently enjoying the attention of my young student.

There was a photo of the five, standing in a line with the rear of their swimsuits tucked between their buttocks. The accompanying statement, signed by all five of them, accused me of sexualizing their uniforms, by requiring these demeaning alterations. Furthermore, the statement said that I forced them to wait in the cold until their nipples hardened. There was photographic evidence to back this up, taken on the day that they had used the ice cubes to arouse themselves.

The next picture showed Erica kneeling before me on the cold tiles, adjacent to the pool. Jessica, who had been using a lint-roller to remove the towel fibers from my speedos, would have provided some context to the photograph, had she still been visible. However, taken as it was right after she walked away from me, it appeared as if I was either forcing Erica to kneel before me, or as the statement alleged, asking her to justify her position on the swim team, the inference being that she could keep it, if she was willing to blow me. This particular allegation was further backed up by several screenshots of our text exchange, in which I freely admitted the quid pro quo arrangement.

The picture of Erica stood behind me with her hands in the pockets of my jogging bottoms, was attached to a statement that made another indefensible allegation.

"If I got cold, Coach Lopez would instruct me to warm my hands up using his pockets."

I felt sick to my stomach, as I pored through the damning evidence against me. Even though it was manufactured, it was seemingly incontrovertible. I was going to lose my job for sure, have my teaching credential permanently revoked, and possibly face criminal charges. I was only twenty-one years old, and lacked the physical presence, or street-smarts to survive a stint in prison. My voice was trembling when I finally found the courage to speak.