My Descent into Slavery Ch. 04


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I heard Sahar shout, "You're not too far off shore for me to shoot you. If you want any hope of surviving, you'll come to shore now. If you attempt to leave, you're dead."

The small motor started up and moved closer. "I'm unarmed," a man shouted as the motor died again.

"Keep your fucking hands in the air. If they go into the boat, you're dead. Get out now, and come to shore."

More time passed.

"Now wrap you arms around that tree. Good boy. Beth, you can get down now."

I carefully dropped from the roof and slowly approached, my gun out, still naked. I found Sahar with three dead bodies, their heads with bloody holes, two alive but wounded and unconscious, bodies, arms and/or shoulders shot up, and a black man with his arms zip tied around a tree. He was watching Sahar fairly closely.

"I told those idiots not to come," he said.

"What's your name?"


"Jamal, why did you tell these other assholes not to come?"

"Because you weren't afraid even though there were three of us and you looked like you knew what you were doing with that knife. I heard this island was used as a training site for some kind of raid in Africa where a bunch of women were freed. Over sixty armed men dead with only a few wounded on the other side. Since you said you'd killed over twenty men and tortured two to death, I assumed you were part of that raid."

"Then why the hell did you come?"

"I was the only one who knew how to operate the boat. They told me they'd kill me if I didn't."

"Do you want to preserve your dick and balls, Jamal?"


"Then pay attention. Don't take your eyes off of what I do."

Jamal nodded.

Sahar zip tied the other two men's hands to two other palm trees, then stretched their legs out. When she started to drag their pants off, they both woke up.

"What are you doing?" the big bald one asked.

"Preparing. Do you remember what I told you I was going to do to you if you got out of your boat?"

The little guy started crying. "Please no," he bawled.

"I am a woman of my word. I don't make promises I don't keep. I told you I was going to cut off your balls and feed them to you. I also told you only death awaited you here if you returned and if you did, you were too stupid to live, yet here you are."

The big guy tried to kick and Sahar calmly shot him in both legs. He stopped kicking and started screaming. She pulled out a knife and sat down on his legs.

"Are you watching, Jamal?"


"Don't take your eyes off or the same thing will happen to you. Watch him, Beth. Tell me if he closes his eyes."

"Okay," I replied. Better than watching Sahar and what she was about to do.

Jamal kept watching, though he winced as bald guy started screaming. Soon his screams were muffled and I glanced at him. He had bloody bits stuffed in his mouth, blood leaking out of his mouth and pulsing out of his groin.

Sahar stood up, and double checked that Jamal was still watching.

"Now you," Sahar said, she said, looking at the smaller man.

Rat face started to kick too, but his legs weren't as long, or as strong. Sahar stomped on one of his knees, breaking it, then stabbing the other leg with her bloody knife. He was screaming and screaming.

"You still watching, Jamal?"

"Yes," he got out, just before he puked all over himself.

Sahar waited for Jamal's paroxysms to stop, then warned him to keep watching. Sahar crouched over the smaller man's legs and she sawed through his male equipment, him screaming the whole time, soon muffled as she filled his mouth up with his body parts.

I think the larger man had already died, or at least fainted from blood loss. He wasn't making noise anymore.

Sahar stood up and came close to Jamal after wiping her knife on rat face's pants.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, and I expect honest answers. If I detect a lie, you'll end up like the other two. Do you understand me?"


"What do you do? What were you doing in these waters when you saw us the other day?"

"Returning from a smuggling run."

"I thought so. How many more men in your little band of smugglers?"

He looked at the other five men, the smallest one now still.

"Four more."

"Will you be in charge now that baldy is dead?"

"Perhaps. There's another fellow who might want to take charge."

"What's your nationality?"


"The other one who might want to take charge?"


"Will the Jamaican be like baldy here, and try to get a little revenge or attempt to rape a couple of who he thinks are helpless women?"

"I don't know. Possibly."

"It sounds as if you better take charge, because if you return, you will die, and it won't be nearly as quickly as these two, or you might want to get out of the smuggling business altogether."

"I'm thinking about it."

"Now, I don't give a fuck about smuggling. What I care about is being left alone. Even if your friends had been successful, you would have died. The man who saved all those women in Africa you heard about, spent hundreds of millions to save them. One of the women he saved was this one. Can you imagine what he might do to anyone who harmed her after he went to the trouble of rescuing her. Your life wouldn't be worth a cent. Regardless, you would have been dead. You have one chance to save your manhood; one only."

"What is it?"

"You tell every fucking lowlife you know that this island is off limits, and if anyone comes here, they can expect to die worse than those two did. You tell them what happens to someone stupid enough to come here. If you don't spread the word, I'll hunt you down when I have the time and finish you off the same as these others. Any questions?"

"No questions."

I heard the sound of a helicopter. As soon as it was overhead, a big spotlight shown down on us. Sahar waved. Shedrick shouted out the door, "You okay down there?"

"Fine. You can land in five minutes," she yelled back. "Beth go to the shelter and stay there. Don't come out until the others leave."

"Okay." I quickly disappeared.

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation. About twenty minutes later I heard the unmistakable sound of a chain gun. Having heard one before, it was instantly recognizable. What the hell had they needed to shoot at? I heard the helicopter leaving the area, the whop, whop, whop, of the blades getting fainter and I rejoined Sahar.

The bodies were all gone, only the blood on the ground remaining.

"What happened after I left?" I asked.

"Shed told me that they were searching various dives around Andros Town. They found out about three men fitting the fuckers description headed out this morning with three other guys. They thought we might need help and headed here.

"I told Jamal he had to lose something for coming tonight and that something was his boat. He didn't say anything as we tossed the five bodies into his boat. The men gave it a big push out and as soon as the boat was about a hundred yards off shore, they riddled the boat with bullets, sinking it out in the water where the sharks could eat the bodies.

"He asked how he was getting back now we sank his boat. I pointed to the helicopter and said, 'That's how you're getting home. Those boys are going to go with you to meet the Jamaican. They're going to ensure he's on board with your little gang staying off this island. If he's not..., well, you might have your path to the top easier than you thought it would be. Remember, if you return, I'll take two days to kill you. You'll wish you could have died as easy as your two friends with their genitals stuffed in their mouths.' Jamal looked at Shed and the others, who told him I was giving him good advice and he'd better listen to it. He didn't say another word before they hauled him away."

"Do you think it's wise leaving him alive since he knows we're here?"

"He won't come back and he might throw the fear of Allah into any other bastards who might think we're easy pickings. I'm sure other trouble makers know where this island is. As long as we keep a fire burning, there's always a chance that we'll get someone coming to check it out, but Miranda is going to ask the Prime Minister of The Bahamas to post official notices with all the ports and marinas that this island is off limits and trespassers will be killed. It will keep the law abiding away and we'll only have to worry about the criminals. Roberta is going to be here tomorrow. We can get a good night's sleep again.

"We shouldn't have any more trouble tonight. Go to bed. Tomorrow is 90 swats three times. If you make it through tomorrow, it's only one more day and I'll lick your pussy."

I went to the dark room and for the first time, I didn't feel a small tremor of fear as I went inside the room.


We slept late again due to the interruption last night. Sahar gave me my ninety swat spanking and I managed to get through it without begging for anything. She made breakfast, which I ate standing up, my ass flame red. Meal and clean up done, it was back to running, Sahar pushing me hard. I was about to drop in exhaustion after three hours. I was probably doing almost the equivalent of a marathon through the vegetation in the sandy soil. We heard another helicopter coming and Sahar stopped us.

"Wait here since you're nude. Give it a half hour and then come back to the shelter."

I nodded and Sahar headed to the landing area set up during the training exercises. I waited approximately a half hour, then slow walked there in case my time estimation was off. When I got there, I saw a helicopter leaving. There was another pile of gear and Roberta and Sahar were standing next to it.

"Feed the fire. It's getting low, then help us carry Roberta's things into the shelter."

I gave Roberta a hug first, then obeyed. I added more wood to the fire and carried Roberta's things to where Sahar was sleeping. There was another sleeping bag, some clothes, Roberta's sniper rifle and another 9MM, more food since we had another person here to feed. There was also a heavy bag like the one for punching on the ship, some weights for lifting and a knotted rope about twenty feet long, plus some other things I didn't recognize. Sahar and Roberta were hanging and installing those things inside the mockup. Sahar took some of the flooring out on the second floor so they could hang the rope on the third floor and have it go to the first floor.

"In addition to running and swimming, you're going to do more work on your upper body strength. Before you leave, I want you to be able to go up and down that rope like a monkey."

"Can you do it?"

"Not like a monkey, but I can do it," Sahar said.

Sahar grasped the knotted rope and climbed to the top. Not exactly like a monkey, but she got to the top rather quickly. Sahar made me try and I got up about five feet. Roberta did it and she also made it to the top, though she took a brief rest break about three quarters of the way up. They also installed a bar that could be used as a chin up bar and some handle looking things which could be used for pushups.

Roberta and Sahar got undressed and Sahar told me to do as many chin ups as I could do. If I couldn't pull up, I could just hang from the bar as long as I could. While I did that, Sahar and Roberta started making out. Eventually, they got into a sixty-nine and gave each other several lovely looking orgasms. For the first time in a long time, I could feel my pussy moisten watching them.

Eventually, I needed to drop off the bar. I'd managed one pull-up, then managed to hang there for ten minutes before I couldn't hold onto the bars anymore.

I reached down towards my pussy. Sahar suddenly jumped up, startling Roberta.

"Go ahead, touch your cunt. You know what will happen to you if you do."

I hastily pulled my hand away. "If you want to touch your cunt, wait until you've earned it. Two more spankings. In fact, it's past time for the next one. Over my lap and you'd better not beg for anything, or it's back to fifty for you again and another four days minimum before you can touch yourself."

"What's going on?" Roberta asked.

"I'll explain later," Sahar said. "I'm trying to break Beth of some bad habits. She hasn't been tremendously successful to this point. It's been a month and she's done four days worth of work to get where she's at today. She keeps backsliding. Get over my lap, Beth."

I draped myself over Sahar's lap and she gave me a hard ninety swat spanking. I screamed, cried, whimpered and groaned, but I didn't beg.

"Go work the heavy bag, Beth. I want you to keep hitting it with your hands until you can't hold your arms up anymore."

I did as I was told and Sahar and Roberta continued having sex. I started crying but kept hitting the bag until I couldn't hold my arms up. Sahar told Roberta she could give me a massage, but under no circumstances was she to touch my cunt or give me an orgasm.

Roberta did, and I let myself melt under her hands. My ass wasn't even sore anymore when she rubbed it. I didn't have an orgasm, but I had meaningful physical contact with another person.

While Roberta rubbed me, she informed us of all that had happened while we've been gone.

"Let's see, Miranda stayed for about a week after you left. Hannah, Jìngyi and Farah were gone to Switzerland for about three weeks. The doc up there was good. Their backs look great. They caught up to us in Oman. Then it was on to Dubai, Karachi, and Mumbai, which is where I flew out of to get here. I took a commercial flight to London, another to New York, then Thornhill's private jet to Miami, where I caught the helicopter ride. Richard is still on board. He's a nice lad. The women love him.

"Hannah has started to resume her duties. Richard and Delphine are still helping her out. Both Hannah and Jìngyi spent a lot of time with Professor Kline in Switzerland, seeing him every day. He went back home when they returned to the ship, but he is still doing video sessions with them once a week. Hannah seems a little more submissive to me. Richard thinks it's a lingering effect of her captivity.

"The crew is doing well except without any of Joshua's slaves on board, no one is getting rewarded every day. It's a good thing we're all so friendly now. Someone is usually sleeping with someone else."

"How is Joshua doing?" I asked.

"He seems out of sorts. Depressed, I'd guess you'd say. Most nights, he doesn't bother having anyone in his bed. Maybe once a week or so, he'll clear his pipes."

That sounded like Master. I wish I could be healed and join him again. I wondered if I'd ever be normal again. I couldn't even manage to get my cunt licked.

"How are the marriages and babies doing?" I asked.

"The marriages are doing fairly well. Doctor Sadiq is doing video group sessions with all of them in your absence, and also keeping up with Maahnoor's hypnosis. Oh, and we found Ateefah's parents. They met the ship in Karachi. They were somewhat upset that Ateefah didn't marry a Muslim, but were gratified she could still practice her faith. They heard about the slave training facility where Ateefah was trained in the news. She told them her former owner had impregnated her and she was fortunate she found a good man who was still willing to marry her and take care of her and her child. I think they accepted she was content, and won't cause any problems for her in the future, but Joshua recommended they always see them someplace other than the village where she grew up.

"The children are doing well. They get a lot of attention from all of the women. Hibbah and Jake appear to be becoming attached to one another. I don't know how it will end up, but they spend a lot of time together. Fatima and Edgar are spending more time together. I don't know if Pierre and Edgar have fucked Fatima together yet, but Pierre is sometimes in Fatima's room when she entertains Edgar. I think there's a good chance that they might get married. It's certainly headed that way.

"I know some of the slaves sold before we closed down the human trafficking ring have been found and the owners arrested. Madame Jade was arrested and her bordellos closed down. Sergei hasn't been arrested, but he's Persona non Grata in every major country in the world, and they did remove any other slaves he had. They're investigating to see if he killed any of his slaves, so he may still end up arrested. The only reason he isn't already is because he's a close personal friend of Putin. He'd better lick Putin's ass to keep on his good side, or he's history.

"So what's going on here? Why are you smacking Beth?" Roberta asked.

Sahar explained what she was doing and why. She said I'd been suicidal just before leaving the ship.

"You mean Beth has only had four orgasms the whole time she was here and they were all by masturbation?"

"Yes, once when she reached fifty, one when she hit sixty, seventy and eighty. She'll get her fifth tonight if she gets through her last ninety swat spanking."

"Damn, that's got to be hard for Beth. She used to get that many in an hour," Roberta said.

"That's part of the reason I'm working her so hard. I don't want her to have the time or the energy for sex. Help her take her mind off of it. I'm also hoping that building her up physically helps strengthen her emotionally. Exercise and learning to kill helped me overcome my issues. I realize we're not the same, but we have similarities. Hopefully, it's incentive to get through her ninety tonight. I wish she would. If she can get through a hundred each tomorrow, I can lick her to an orgasm. I want to taste her again."

"Do you think you're suicidal now?" Roberta asked me.

I thought about that. I hadn't stopped to consider how I felt. Part of it was I wasn't given much time to feel anything. But I also recognized I felt stronger than I had. While I hadn't gotten more orgasms while I was here under the rules. I was getting them, and the first was the hardest to get. I'd been stuck on fifty, sixty and seventy a long time. I got through my eighty day spanking in one day, and now I was nearly done with ninety and I could have an orgasm two nights in a row. I'd gotten through the guard's quarters and the dark room.

"I don't think so," I replied. "I'm not cured by any stretch, but I don't believe I'm suicidal anymore. I think it helped that we were attacked yesterday and I saw how Sahar handled it. I felt safer than I have and recognized the strength and bravery Sahar exhibited. It made me feel stronger myself. I thought I might be able to get to where she is."

"That's good. You don't mean to become the killer she is, do you?"

"No, just as strong as she is. As unwilling to bow down to another and not shake in fear."

"Does that mean you'll never be submissive again?"

"I don't know. Possibly. But submission is a choice I can make. No one ever made me be a submissive. I chose that for myself. I might be able to choose it again, as long as it still remains a choice. When I was first rescued, I was like Fatima. I didn't feel as if I had a choice. That I had to be submissive, and not just to Joshua, but to any man who ordered me around. That's what was done to me there.

"If I reach the point I feel I can make a voluntary choice, and not be something I'm required to do, I may be able to make the choice again. That's one of the reasons Sahar spanks me. So I quit begging like a slave. It's still hard. Each time the number increases, and the spanking lasts longer, it's harder to fight my conditioning, and not beg. Beg to be fucked or to do anything to get the spanking to stop. I wouldn't have thought of using the same conditioning that made me a slave to break me of begging, but it does seem to be working, however slowly it's occurring."

"It's time to eat," Sahar said.

"I brought a treat for you both," Roberta said. "I heard you've been mostly heating up canned goods. I brought three big juicy steaks and some salad. It has to get eaten today, but at least it's one day with decent food, right?"