My Descent into Slavery Ch. 07


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"Thank you," I said. "That was very nice. Don't you want me to take care of you?"

"I'll think about it," Reynard said.

"I'm told I give the best blow jobs and cunt lickings anyone has ever had. Think about that."

Reynard left with a harder dick than when he entered. I texted Sahar again.

A nice vibrator would be nice too, in addition to the iPad.

Since I had nothing better to do, I napped again.


They fed me again at five, shortly before my next semi-massage occurred. My next moisture masseuse was a tiny wisp of a girl who looked like she'd need to stand on a chair to reach all of me. Her name tag said Adelaide.

"You don't need to undress for this," she said, staring at my naked body on the bed.

I told her the same thing I'd told all the others.

"I can kind of relate. I love to go nude around my house, but I'd be horribly embarrassed to be nude in public."

"This isn't all that public," I replied. "It's a hospital of sorts with hospital staff who should be used to looking at nude bodies. Let me ask you a question. All of the people here at the clinic seem to be in the top ten or fifteen percent of physical attractiveness. Are you chosen for your physical beauty or are all the people in Switzerland as attractive as you are?"

"You think I'm attractive?"

"I'd love to have sex with you. I'd love to have sex with any one of you."

Adelaide blushed. A lot of blushers here in the Alps.

"Are you always so forward?"

"Three months ago, I thought I was dead, either from my own hand or killed for trying to escape a slavery I wasn't prepared for. I was staring down the worst life you can possibly imagine. At the last minute, I was saved from that life, but even then, believed the life I'd wanted for myself was over. I feel like I got a reprieve and I should take advantage of it. Life is more fleeting than I might have ever imagined at my age. I suppose you could say that I'd like to take advantage of that reprieve and live my life to the fullest. If I find someone or something I like, shouldn't I at least explore the possibility. I'm not talking about love. I have people I love. I'm only talking about sex. I imagine that you would taste delicious and I'd like to see if you do."

"Please don't. I can't."

"Can't have sex?" I asked.

"Not with you."

"Medical ethics?"

"For one."

"I'm not physically helpless, nor mentally impaired or high. Sex releases endorphins which create a feeling of euphoria and well being. You're not pressuring me for sex. I'm asking for it. Surely making your patients feel good is in the nature of being a superior nurse."

She shook her head. "You're being Sophistic. That's not a realistic argument."

I smiled at her. I'd tried. I'd try again. "Fine. Do your duty. Front or back first."

"I can do the front first since you're already on your back."

I made sure my legs were slightly parted when she put the cream on my legs so she could see the dampness of my sex. She stayed a scrupulous two inches away from my soggy pussy as she rubbed the sweet smelling stuff into my skin.

"What's in that cream?" I asked.

"Aloe, Vitamin E, lanolin, collagen, niacin, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, panthenol, carnauba, avocado sterols, jojoba oil and shea butter, with a small amount of honey extract."

"My skin does feel softer, more moisturized."

She didn't reply. She finished up and stepped back, waiting for the magic cream to do its work before telling me to turn over.

When I turned over, she gasped, "What happened to you?"

"Stingray barb, those human slavery bastards I mentioned. This is what happened if you weren't immediately obedient and pleasing."

Adelaide ran her finger along one of the deepest of the scars. "What happened to the people who did this to you?"

"All dead."

She didn't respond, just started rubbing the cream on. She was very gentle, almost as if she thought they still hurt. They didn't hurt any longer. Even when Sahar had been spanking me, there wasn't additional pain from my scars, just the immediate pain from her hand or paddle.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

She rubbed a little harder. Her hand felt good on my buttocks, applying the stuff to the scarred skin on my buns. I felt like purring.

"Stay on your front for at least fifteen minutes. I'll be back in three hours."

"I won't be going anywhere," I assured her.

Adelaide left and I napped again.


I woke up to Adelaide rubbing more of the magic potion on my legs, starting at my ankles and moving up my legs to my buttocks again. She moved all the way up to my neck. The requisite wait, then turning over onto my back. Starting up my legs again. Her hand got closer and closer to my pussy. I waited until I knew she wouldn't go any closer. I put my hand over hers and watching her eyes for any sign of distress or resistance, moved her hand to my liquid lips. Without saying a word, I rubbed her hand over my puffy labia. She let me do so without a word of protest. I moaned softly when her fingers brushed my clit. Looking at her, I released her hand. She continued to rub my pussy until I whimpered softly and climaxed.

Adelaide removed her hand and tasted me. Then she finished the rest of my front. "Thank you," I whispered before she left. She shook her head and disappeared.


At 11:30, when Adelaide reappeared, the hospital was quiet; most people were probably asleep. Since I had absolutely nothing else to do, I was stroking myself, so intently, I didn't notice Adelaide standing at the door. I orgasmed, then continued shoving two fingers inside me while rubbing the pearl, going for another one, all napped out and desperate. The first I knew that Adelaide was there was when I heard the door close and the lock click. I turned to see her standing there, apparently conflicted, because she wasn't moving, merely staring at me jilling myself. She apparently came to some decision, because she began removing her clothes, slowly, still hesitant, perhaps waiting to see if I would protest or say anything.

I said nothing, but stopped stroking, hoping something more than fingers were in the offing. When Adelaide was naked, I held out my hand for her and she stepped up and took mine.

"I want to taste you," I said.

She nodded and climbed into the bed with me. I pulled her into my arms and we kissed, her kisses soft and tentative. I brushed her neck and whispered, "I want to make you scream. Keep a pillow handy when you orgasm."

Adelaide shivered, and I started to kiss my way down her tiny frame, exploring, finding her triggers. I'd found most of them, not associated with her neatly trimmed pussy, in the first ten minutes before I even touched her there. Ten minutes later, she was whimpering in her need. Ten minutes after that, she was desperately pulling my face against her wet core with one hand, when I took her over the edge. Her other hand had my pillow jammed into her mouth. I kept her orgasm going as long as I could, then eased her down, still teasing, but lightly, letting her tremors slowly ebb.

My mouth returned to her face and she kissed me desperately, kissing her fluids, tasting herself. We kissed a few more minutes, then I pushed down lightly on her shoulders. I didn't force Adelaide down, merely made my desires known. She gave me one last kiss on the lips, then licked her way down my body. When she began licking my pussy, I realized I was probably the first woman she'd ever had sex with. Her inexperience was revealing, though she showed an avid regard for my pleasure. I moaned softly during my first orgasm, stroking her head, letting her know how much I appreciated her efforts. Pleased she'd given me one, Adelaide went for another, and this one came easier for her. When she sought a third, I pulled her up.

"You've done well. That's enough. You should probably do what you came here for."

I used my sheet to wipe the sheen of my pleasure from her face. She smiled. Adelaide got up and quickly dressed and unlocked the door. She started spreading the cream on my skin. When she reached my sex, she inserted a couple fingers and quickly gave me another orgasm, then continued as if nothing had happened. I turned over after the cream soaked into my skin, and she completed my back. Adelaide left, never having spoken a word to me during the whole encounter. I slept like a baby.


Reynard was back the next morning. He put the cream on me, and even though he stood like he was impassively doing only what he was supposed to do, his fingers found my leaking cunt and briefly sent me over the moon, both front and back. He said nothing to me but the basic commands of 'turn over' and 'wait fifteen minutes'. I didn't get breakfast. Undergoing anesthesia with food in your tummy is never a good thing.

An hour after Reynard left, Josefina was there to help me get on a gurney to take me to surgery. It was the first time I'd put the hospital gown on since taking it off.

The anesthesiologist put me into that twilight dream state where an orgasm would have felt wonderful, then I slipped away into darkness.

When I came to, I was lying on my stomach and my back hurt. It wasn't excruciating, still foggy from the anesthesia, but a definite reminder of why I was here in the first place.

"Hello, Beth," Sahar said. She was standing beside my bed, looking so beautiful.

"Hey, love. Good to see you again."

"I'm going to tell the nurse you're awake."


She bent down and kissed my cheek, then disappeared from my sight. A couple minutes later, Josefina was looking down at me, Sahar standing behind her.

"How are you doing?" Josefina asked. "Any nausea, pain?"

"No nausea, mild to medium pain, all on my back, bottom and my thighs. How did the surgery go?"

"The surgery went well. Doctor Rochat had to remove the cicatrices that had formed at the scarring sites, then replace the skin from those sites with new skin, also taken from your back, bottom and the sides of your thighs using what is called split-thickness skin grafts. This removes the top layer of skin, but only part of the second layer. She tried to remove small skin sections from the donor sites, and to keep everything on your back so you could lie down on your front side without too much discomfort, rather than have both the front and back sore. This means you will be more comfortable lying on your stomach and standing, than lying on your back or sitting. We've applied dressings to the wound sites which need to be kept dry.

"I've got a full set of aftercare instructions, which I will get to, but you can expect us to be looking after you for the next week. We'll be monitoring for signs of infection and graft rejection. You'll be on pain meds. Try to take them before the pain becomes too bad. You'll also be on antibiotics. A couple warnings. You'll want to protect the graft sites from sun for several months; no regular baths or showers for two weeks. We'll sponge bath unaffected areas to keep you from getting too ripe.

"We'll show Sahar how to change your dressings before you're released as you won't be able to change them yourself. We'll be using a different cream for you now, with more antibiotic properties, but we still want to keep your skin flexible and keep it from drying out. We want you to do some mild exercising and walking, but nothing strenuous which may cause your skin to stretch. Mild movement helps prevent the skin from contracting and other cicatrices to form. Any questions thus far?"

"No. I read some of the brochures I was given. No English language TV or any books or magazines kept me bored and reading anything I could get my hands on."

"Would you like us to get you some English books or magazines?"

"Sahar, did you pick up the iPad I asked for?"

"I got everything you asked for." Oh, good. That meant she brought me a vibrator.

"I think all I need now is the hospital's wifi password," I said. "I can access my Netflix account for movies and my library for books."

She wrote down the guest password. "I'll leave you alone for now. I'll check back after lunch to see how the pain is."

"Thank you, Josefine."

After she left, I asked how Sahar and Nicole enjoyed their last night together.

"It was fine. I missed having you there. I think Nicole wished she could stay longer, but I reminded her we would be here for quite some time and she was welcome to stay every time she came back. She thought we'd have found someone else before she was back and I told her the only permanent people in our life in Switzerland were each other. Anybody else would be just as temporary as she was. I think she was a little upset to think she was nothing more than casual sex, but not enough she wouldn't be back."

I laughed. "I could use an orgasm now. The pain is returning, but I'd prefer an orgasm to pain killers."

"Your new toy?" Sahar asked.

"Since I can't lie on my back and I'll be getting lunch soon; it's probably for the best."

That's how the lunch orderly found us, with Sahar fucking me with my new vibrator. I stood up to eat, that being more comfortable than sitting. I was conscious of my fluids leaking down my legs as I stood.


Josefine was back after lunch.

"How's the pain?"

"Not bad."

"People are usually requesting another pain pill around now."

"I went with orgasms instead," I said, holding up my vibrator. "That and subspace."

Josefine blushed. What was with all the blushing? She had to ask, "What's subspace?"

"It's a state of mind, a way of dealing with pain a submissive goes into to suppress her pain or discomfort, and perhaps convert some of it to pleasure."

"Did you learn to do that with your captors?"

"I learned that before I was captured. The slavers didn't actually want me in subspace. They wanted me to feel everything in excruciating detail."


Reynard was back around three to put the new cream on my wounds, change my dressings, and walk me around a little. When I attempted to do my walking without clothes, he said that the other patients might not appreciate my nudity as much as he did, so I put on panties and my hospital gown. We only walked around the hospital corridors. He didn't want me going too far in case I got tired. After having my ass worked off for a couple months in The Bahamas, a stroll around the hospital was a cake walk. Sahar went with us, noting where we walked so she could walk with me at other times.

When we got back to my room, and Reynard was getting me situated back in my bed, Sahar asked, "Have you fucked him yet?"

"Not yet," I replied, "but I'm hopeful. He has a nice cock. I grabbed it through his clothes. He did finger me to a couple orgasms, however."

Of course, our conversation flustered Reynard no end. He blushed again and eyed the two of us as if we were succubi incarnate.

"Good. Did it take long?"

"No, I was ready. I doubted it took him more than a couple minutes. He did it once when I was on my back and again when I was on my stomach, then again this morning before surgery."

"When you do fuck her," Sahar said, "be gentle with my fiancée. I'll hurt you if you hurt her."

"You don't care if I have sex with your fiancée?" Reynard asked.

"We will always fuck other people in our marriage. As long as she loves me, I don't care who she has sex with."

Of course, he didn't know I had a Master that I needed to answer to. No matter who else I had sex with, he would always be the primary partner Sahar had to share me with. She knew the temporary ones meant nothing. Joshua was the important one who would be part of her life as he'd be a huge part of mine. Reynard was a blip compared to that. With the permission of my lover, Reynard was one step closer to being a full sexual partner, and not some furtive fingerer. Although with Sahar standing beside me, a fingering is all I got. He blushed again as Sahar watched him pleasure me. A vibrator is nice, but I like the human touch as well.

After Reynard left, I lay on my stomach setting up my new iPad. Fortunately, all my previous settings were stored in the cloud, so it was relatively easy to set it up. I had to download a few of the apps I already owned, but that wasn't time consuming. I didn't need all of them, only a few which would help me wile away a few hours, maybe a couple games, Netflix and Libby. Sahar took me for another walk afterward. It was twice as long as the one I had with Reynard. When we returned to my room, Sahar and I got into a sixty-nine, with her on the bottom to save mine. That's the way my food deliverer found us when they brought my supper. After Sahar dressed, I kissed her and told her I'd see her tomorrow. She nodded politely to my food server as she left.

My server didn't say anything as she gave me my food. I smiled cheerily and declined the pain pill she brought. One more pill I managed to avoid.

"Orgasms are a great alternative to Vicodin," I said. "A Tylenol should be sufficient for now."

Adelaide was back at ten. "I'm going to walk you around the hospital," she said.

"What's the temperature outside? Any chance of walking out there?"

"It's around ten degrees Celsius."

I did a quick calculation. Roughly fifty Fahrenheit. Having spent much of the last few years of my life in Florida or the tropics, probably too cold for me. "Coat weather, then. Not the kind of weather I want to walk around outside in a hospital gown."

"Not really," Adelaide said. "They have a lovely little greenhouse outside which is perfect when the sun is out, but this time of night, it will be too cool."

We took a nice little stroll around the hospital. I walked twice as far as I'd gone with Sahar.

"You're quite fit," Adelaide said. "You're walking much further than I'd expect for the day of your surgery."

"I spent much of the last couple months running ten to twenty miles a day and swimming several miles. I was trying to purge myself of my demons. My fiancée drove me pretty hard. Made it more difficult to think of how horrible my life had become."

"You have a fiancée?"


"You don't have a ring. I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?

"For having sex with you. I hope he can forgive me."

"It's not a he, it's a she, and there's nothing to forgive. We just got engaged before I came to Switzerland. Haven't had time to look for rings. She was having sex with someone else last night. We have an open relationship. In fact, I'd like her to have sex with you at some point."

Adelaide stopped in open mouthed shock. "Walk with me, Adelaide. I'll explain."

I told her about my submissive relationship to a man, though not who, that he was married, but his wife accepted our relationship, and that I could never marry him. "Given I won't marry any other man and am perfectly content in the company of a woman, I'm going to marry Sahar. She knows about my other relationship. She accepts it and is perfectly willing to live with what I can give her. She too, is an ex-slave, freed from an involuntary captivity. She understands my needs, sexually, physically, emotionally, and is happy for all I can give her. We're not jealous of the other people in our lives. I think that this works out for both of us. She's watched and joined me in sex with several others, both men and women, since we were engaged. She would enjoy sex with you and I'd consider it a gift to her if you had sex with her as well."

"You're certain?"

I pulled out my phone and called her. "Hello, Beth," Sahar answered.

"I'm about to have sex with a young woman named Adelaide. She's extremely attractive. Would you like to see?"

"Of course."

I switched to FaceTime and showed Adelaide standing there in her diminutive glory. I also showed Adelaide what Sahar looked like, lying in bed naked. Adelaide blushed again.

"You're right, she's cute."

"She works evenings, but after I get out of the hospital, perhaps she can join us one day."