My Descent into Slavery Ch. 13


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As we ate, Master announced, "Normally, Felicity, when someone is the first to see something in the Man Overboard drills, they are rewarded with an orgasm from Beth. Since that would be in conflict with your religion and marriage, I'll donate a thousand dollars to the charity of your choice in your name. Where would you like it to go?"

"Doctors Without Borders," Felicity said. "I admire the work they do for the good of everyone."

"A very worthy choice. Hannah, please see to the transmission of funds tomorrow, please."

"Of course, sir," Hannah said. "Congratulations, Felicity. New sailors very seldom see the fallen first. Good eyes."

"It helped I was topside, having a massage," Felicity said. "Better view from up there."

"What else do we have to announce?" Master asked.

"Yasmine has asked for permission for me to give her a child," Björn said. That didn't take long. "I've discussed it with Lynn and she agreed that there's no reason for Yasmine not to have my child. Yasmine asked if we could have a bonding ceremony to formalize her submission and our decision to have a child together. I'm hoping that some of the other women would help with the planning for such a ceremony and if we could provide a more formalized slave agreement than we have now?"

"I would be happy to help with both of those things," I said. "Do you have a time frame in mind for the ceremony?"

"She would like to have a dress and jewelry befitting the occasion. I would think you have at least until we reach the mainland, as I'll need to purchase those things."

"I'll meet with her and discuss her wishes on the matter. We'll get something set up. Congratulations on your decision to become a father, sir."

"Thank you. I figured I was past the fatherhood stage of my life. It was a complete shock to me when Yasmine asked and when Lynn agreed. I'm a lucky man."

"Yasmine is also lucky to have you as a Master, sir. She was concerned that she might not be able to have children," I said.

"That was one of the things she discussed with you?"

"Yes, sir."

"You told her to come to me?"

"I told her three different ways she could have children, sir. She chose to come to you."

Björn smiled at me.

Lynn said, "I heard that Marilyn is getting pussy licking lessons today?"

"Yes, Mistress," I replied.

"I also heard that a certain slave needs to be punished with forty swats for cumming without permission?" Lynn asked.

"That is also true, Mistress. You can give me my forty swats and then I'll teach Marilyn how to lick cunt."

"Would anyone have a problem with Felicity and I watching?" Dr. Sadiq asked.

"Really?" Master asked, his eyebrows raised. Felicity seemed just as shocked.

"I do have a wife who wouldn't mind if I became more adept at fulfilling my husbandly duties."

I knew the Qur'an did not prohibit oral sex; it just didn't want good Muslims to orgasm from oral sex. It could be used as part of foreplay, not as a goal in and of itself. Muslims missed out on a lot of good things. What might be haram would be witnessing others have sex. I wasn't going to worry about it. Something being haram meant nothing to me. Let him be in charge of his own soul.

"The new slut and I don't have a problem with you both watching. Depending upon who I do the instruction on, Mistress Lynn might have a problem."

"If Sahar doesn't mind, we can use her for the demonstration," Lynn said. "Marilyn can practice on me after the Sadiqs depart."

Sahar said, "They already saw me having sex at our wedding reception. It doesn't make a difference if they see it again a little more closely. It's been several hours since I've felt my wife's tongue on my cunt."

So after dinner, the six of us entered the playroom. Dr. Sadiq and Felicity hadn't seen the playroom before. Previous demonstrations having occurred in Master's cabin. Felicity got a wide eyed look while gazing around the room. Some items she might recognize a purpose for, but unless she frequented BDSM sites in internet porn, it was unlikely she recognized half of it. I set up chairs for four people, inviting Dr. Sadiq and Felicity to have a seat on one side, and Sahar and Marilyn on the other while I was punished. I told Marilyn I wanted her to masturbate. The fact that Felicity and Mahdi could see her do so would jack her humiliation level up a couple notches. She started touching herself. Felicity couldn't help watching her, at least until she had something else to watch.

Lynn put leather cuffs on my ankles and wrists. She fastened my wrists to either side of a bar lowered from the overhead. After attaching my ankle cuffs to bolts in the deck that would keep them spread apart, she raised the bar until I was stretched pretty tightly in an X, with both front and back available to be whipped. Considering both sides could be whipped, made me suspect the whip was going to be what I got. Nor was I disappointed when Lynn pulled out a flogger with a dozen two foot strands of leather dangling from the handle.

"When you tied me down to the bed on our honeymoon night," Sahar said, standing up, "I wasn't sure I got the appeal to you. I thought it was only to control me, but you enjoyed seeing me in this position, didn't you?"

"Very much," I replied. "Not only do you look helpless, you were helpless and I could see and get to every part of you."

Sahar moved to me and started stroking my body, feeling my breasts, my taut nubbins, sliding a finger or two through my slit. I gasped, feeling helpless and my cunt started flooding. I could feel my juices running down my legs.

"You can give her one orgasm before her punishment, Sahar," Lynn said.

"What happens if I give her more?" Sahar asked.

"Beth gets ten more strokes for every orgasm more than one."

Sahar grinned at me. "My lovely slut wife, are you ready to cum?"

"Yes," I moaned. "Make me cum."

She held me tight in her left arm, jammed her tongue down my throat and three fingers up my sopping pussy. Bitch made me cum just like that. I was in heat. She didn't stop. Oh, fuck, I was going to cum again. I tried to hold back, but Sahar was relentless until I orgasmed again, dancing like a puppet on her fingers.

"That's for tying me down," she said.

"I'd do it again in an instant. I loved making you cum like that."

"What did she do?" Dr. Sadiq asked.

"After giving me this marvelous back rub, she tied me spread-eagled on the bed, licked me for what had to be an hour before she let me cum, then continued playing with me in all manner of ways until I'd orgasmed well over thirty times. I was exhausted when she released me, I'd cum so hard. I just curled up and went to sleep."

I smiled at her. "You deserved it, my love. You've given me so much."

"Now we're up to fifty," Lynn said, "twenty-five to your back, twenty-five to the front. I'm going to start out lighter than I did before your capture, Beth."

"It's not necessary, Mistress Lynn. In order to get more than one orgasm a day from my slave driving wife, I had to get one hundred strokes of a paddle three times in one day. Sahar does not have a light hand. I felt every one of them for hours. I think this will be a cake walk in comparison."

"Okay, if you say so."

I got twenty-five well spaced out over my back, butt and thighs. The whip stung, but the sting was brief and didn't linger. She wasn't even close to breaking skin. Marilyn came twice as I was whipped. Felicity seemed excited. I think the only reason she wasn't fingering herself is she grabbed the edges of her chair and clung to them for dear life.

I let Lynn get up to seventeen or eighteen, I wasn't counting, and said, "Please, Mistress, I'm begging you..." And the look on Sahar's face was priceless. I swear she might have killed me if I continued as she thought. "Please get this over with so I can lick my wife's cunt."

"You're going to pay for that later," she said.

"Will you tie me down to the bed and give me thirty orgasms. You told me I would always get one less orgasm than you did. You fell asleep instead. I can't depend on you at all."

Lynn snickered. Sahar glared at me for a few seconds, then broke into a laugh. "You slutty bitch."

"That's why I'm training Marilyn to be a slut. We can't depend on anyone else to do a good job. Keep masturbating, Marilyn, you're slowing down."

"Doesn't that whipping hurt?" Marilyn asked, speeding up her stroking.

"Not as much as you might think," I replied. "It's possible I might cum from it although it's been a while since I was whipped, instead of spanked or paddled."

There was a small puddle on Marilyn's chair under her pussy, and she climaxed again while jilling herself faster. Lynn finished my whipping with strokes to my breasts and cunt. None of them were enough to make me orgasm, though the last one, just missing my clit, came close. I was released. I stretched a little to shake off the tightness in my shoulders.

Master had a mat in the playroom and I invited all of them to bring their chairs and place them around the mat. Lynn took Sahar's since she was going to lie down for my demonstration. I helped her off with her clothes, kissing the skin revealed as they came off.

"Pay attention, Felicity. Even if you never lick a woman, a lot of what I will explain can also be used on a man. I've been led to believe that the Qur'an doesn't prohibit oral sex completely, but discourages oral sex to completion. Sex for Muslims is a blessed activity between men and women, strengthening the family bond. While sex doesn't have to result in procreation, it's considered the primary purpose, so elements of sex not leading to procreation are discouraged, such as anal sex or the use of sex toys. It might also be why homosexual activity is considered haram, because homosexual sex can never result in procreation.

"Most sex relies on stimulating the man's penis and the woman's clitoris. Oral sex is designed to do the same thing, stimulation of those two sexual organs to result in climax. But that ignores all of the other erogenous zones on the body, and there are many. All of your skin is an erogenous zone, which is why my back rub on my wedding night helped prepare Sahar for all the pleasure to follow.

"By this time, I know Sahar's body better than I know my own. I'll show you how I search for all the sensitive bits that help me build to an orgasm in a moment, but pay attention as I run my fingertips all over her skin. Listen to her breathing, listen for sounds she makes, watch her body for signs of twitching or muscle tightening, the puckering of her nipples, the flowering of her vulva, any flushing. All of those things are road signs to learn what is pleasing to the person you're having sex with."

I lightly stroked all over Sahar's body, hitting good spots and bad, indifferent areas she didn't respond to. I watched them for recognition of what I was showing them. They all seemed to be catching on. Even Lynn was paying attention and I knew she'd seen this a half dozen times before.

I then asked them what places on Sahar she'd seemed to respond to the most favorably.

"Her earlobes." "Where her neck and shoulder meet." "Her nipples." "The bottom of her breasts." "Sahar's inner thighs." "Her clit." "Her G-spot." "Her bottom crevice," Felicity said. What she really meant was her anus, but she knew what it was and didn't want to blurt it out. They'd spotted most of them, but most of them were easy to spot if you lingered.

"The one you didn't see was right here above her hips. It almost, but doesn't quite tickle, and Sahar likes this, especially if I kiss or bite it gently."

I demonstrated and pointed out how her nipples puckered when I touched it.

"Now you can just use your hands and search out all that stuff, but even though you learn what you need, it's no fun."

So I did the same thing all over again, kissing, touching, licking, sucking, nipping, and even blowing on the same spots on her body, getting the same reactions, but in a much more fun way. Sahar was getting worked up.

"The second important thing is that even though I can get Sahar to climax within a few minutes by playing with some of these erogenous zones I've discovered, that climax is ordinary. It's not special. Anyone could give her that climax. It's even possible to climax during a rape if your rapist knows what he's doing. To be good at this, it has to be special. So let's say, I've got four really good places to caress, tease, please and otherwise make Sahar climax. I don't want her to yet. This is why I tied her to our bed on our wedding night, so I got to be in charge of when she climaxed.

"I'll stimulate her close to an orgasm, then stop doing what got her close. I want to maintain her arousal, but let it ebb a little. So I might then stimulate four other things to keep her aroused, but not enough to make her cum. If her g-spot, clit, nipple and anus were all trigger points for her orgasm, I might shift to her ear lobes, the bottom of her breasts, her inner thighs and that spot on her hips. I'll kiss, caress, tease, please, those other areas, keeping her on edge, but not letting her release. As her need wanes, and I go back to the trigger points again, she usually will pass her old orgasm point, and go to a higher level. If I do that several times, instead of climaxing on level one, she might be on level four or five now before she climaxes. It will be a more powerful, longer lasting, more erotically charged orgasm. I can usually get Sahar to squirt if I do that long enough. Since I don't want to clean that up, I won't do it, but it's possible.

"The same thing with a man and his cock. You find the things that really make his cock twitch, but stay away from doing those things until you want him to orgasm, and Doctor, if you want that extraordinary orgasm, you can't order your slave to make you cum. You'll need to surrender your orgasm to her. Even if all she does is finally get you real close, then mounts your cock to finish you off instead of using her mouth, Felicity needs to be in control. Master usually orders me to make him cum before he begs, but before that happens, I've got him right where I wanted him. He usually can't stay seated. His hips are bucking up into my mouth, it feels so incredible, almost like the top of his cock is blowing off. Now watch me put this all together, without explanation."

I didn't delay it for too long. I'd already played around with Sahar for half an hour. She was probably less primed than I'd normally want, but even though she didn't scream, they gyrations she made as she climaxed were pretty special to me. I ended up with half a face full of girl cum.

Before Mahdi and Felicity left, I told them they should practice on one another to set the lessons in their memories.

"You really love Sahar, don't you?" Mahdi asked.

"I really do."

"And you love your Master just as much?"

"Even Steven. I adore both of them with all my being. It's like your children. You can't have favorites. You have to love them all equally. I would say I love Master and Sahar equally, with one other just a tiny bit below them, then the others just below that."

"What others?" Marilyn asked. "Do you know who her Master is?"

"Doesn't she know?" Felicity asked.

"Not yet. We need to be sure."

"You gave us a great deal of trust, didn't you?" Mahdi asked.

"We had to. You figured it out yourself. At first we wondered if we should all become your patients."

"Why?" Felicity said.

"Patient confidentiality," Mahdi and I replied. I added, "But that wouldn't have applied to you, Felicity, so we just had to take a chance."

They left, and I went to monitor Marilyn as she practiced on Lynn. From what I could tell, Darla would have a wonderful time tonight. Marilyn was marvelously slutty. So much so, I let her lick Sahar to another orgasm.

"When you can lick that well even though you're getting fucked or spanked, you'll be the perfect slut," I told Marilyn. She'd also be the perfect slave.

After Marilyn went back to her room to fuck Darla all night, Sahar and I went to Master's cabin and she got fucked in the ass without any assistance from me. She'd done it a couple times now with me and it was time to see if she enjoyed it without me dining on her pussy. I licked Miranda to a couple orgasms instead, making her scream into a pillow.


I finally got fucked the following morning. I didn't have permission to cum each of the four times I did, so I knew I would get punished again. At morning muster, Thomas won Employee of the Day. I asked him to tell me if Marilyn showed any improvement sucking cock from the other day in the limo.

"She hasn't had a cock sucking lesson yet, but a lot of her cunt licking lesson applies to cocks too, and I'd like to know if she makes the leap on her own without the lesson."

"What if I want to fuck her?"

"You can still fuck her. Stop her sucking before you orgasm, then shaft her. You get one orgasm; just don't orgasm in her mouth if you want your one orgasm to be in her cunt. She'll take care of you after exercise this morning."

Dave's name was drawn for fuck toy for the night. Yeah, she'd definitely need a cock sucking lesson for today. Someone about the same size as Dave. Pedro was probably the best fit. Art was probably thicker, though the same length. Chaney was Chaney. On the other hand, when I was running around the ship begging to be fucked, Chaney had refused me. I still hadn't figured out why no one had fucked me then. Chaney it was, even though he was a little longer.

For our PT, Marilyn and I got twenty pound packs again, and started out at a slightly higher pace than yesterday. Felicity started at the same pace for a mile, told to increase her speed by one push of the button each mile and do a total of six, two more miles than yesterday. Doctor Sadiq was watching again this morning. Didn't he trust his wife around us, or did he like watching a couple naked women exercising. It wasn't to be.

"Come on, Doc. No point in you just sitting around," Sahar said. "This other treadmill is open. You wouldn't want your wife fucking you into the ground, would you? Get on it and give me four miles. You can expect to do the weight work later as well."

"I'm not dressed for exercise." He was dressed in a dress shirt and slacks.

"Not my problem. We have a laundry. Tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be dressed properly or you can find some other place to hang out. You might want to call and reserve a massage later, you'll need it."

So Doctor Sadiq began exercising right beside us. Sahar told him to walk as far as his wife did, and try to keep pace with her. While Marilyn and I walked, then ran, Sahar went and worked the heavy bag until she found someone to spar. It was Art. Their sparring looked brutal.

"You put on some weight while your ribs were healing, Art. You're getting pudgy and slow," Sahar said after knocking him down with a vicious combination. "If you don't get in shape again, I'm going to mop the floor with you. You're winded. More endurance work."

She helped him up from the mat and they went at it again. Art had a huge weight and reach advantage. He tried using them. Sahar slipped everything he tried.

"What the fuck are you doing now? I've never seen you using that shit before."

"Aikido. Richard showed me some stuff. I can keep doing this all day until you tire yourself out."


He tried attacking again and ended up on the mat, staring up at her.

"Come on, Art. You get me on the ground and I'll let you fuck me," Sahar said.

He tried. He didn't get to fuck her.

Two hours later, we were working weights for an hour, exercises designed to work the core, stomach and back muscle groups.

"Why aren't we working our arms again," Felicity panted.

"After heavy exercise, it takes about three days for those muscles to recover. You need to give those muscles a rest for a few days from anything but mild exercise. These exercises will help your Kegel muscles so your pussy is nice and tight for a cock. Sluts want to have tight pussies for their lovers, don't you, Beth?"