My Descent into Slavery Ch. 18


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"For sleeping arrangements involving Kadina, she is to sleep next to her slave only, not anyone else. She brought sleep clothes so she doesn't have to sleep nude. We want her to be comfortable and enjoy her first D/s party. Sahar will be going with Beth in order to provide the permission for sex. She may or may not be interested in sex with you. It's her choice. Does anyone have any questions?"

I think the others had done this before. I'd never done anything like this, but it wasn't complicated. Someone was randomly going to get you to fuck and you'd spend the night with them.

I didn't get picked until the second go around, by Shasta, with the fifteenth pick. The first slave she got was Zoe who was taken third. She had one more, and it was the only collar left in the bowl, and it was Lucia. Sahar took a look at the three women I'd be fucking and she said she'd be joining us in bed.

Master got Cindy and Julia. Francesca went to Jerry, along with Delphine, and Belle went to Dan, who also had Rose. Angela went to William, along with Chantelle. I think he'd do okay with them. He'd had lots of exposure to freed slaves.

William told Shasta she could use his bed because there would be five people in it. Shasta led the four of us to Bill's bedroom. I looked at the bed. It looked like an ordinary bed, not bondage furniture.

"Julia and Cindy look an awful lot alike; are they related?" I asked.

Zoe laughed. "You noticed that, did you? They're not related, Cindy and Scott are siblings, and we theorize that Scott started dating Julia because of her similarity to Cindy. They apparently had the hots for each other when they were younger, although nothing ever happened. When we found out about the California law on incest, there was speculation that Scott and Cindy would take advantage and do the deed, but their parents didn't want them fucking no matter what the law said, and they've abided by their parent's prohibition. As she's a slave and Scott is Dominant, he's spanked her naked ass a few times, but Mistress keeps a tight rein on Cindy when Scott's around."

"And you used to date Scott yourself?"

"In college."

"Have you had sex with Cindy and Julia?"

"All the time, Cindy especially since she lives at Brianna's with me. Scott too. I'm more emotionally invested in women, but Scott was and is, a good lover. Sam gave me my first baby, but I'm thinking I might let Scott give me my second. My pussy gets wet thinking of carrying Scott's baby, especially if I got it fucking them together. It's kind of wicked fun fucking husband and wife together, as well as brother and sister. I've had Scott fucking my pussy while Cindy licked me. That's as close as Mistress will let them get to having sex. Julia says that having sex with her husband's old girlfriend is kinky fun as well.'"

"As far as I can tell," Sahar said, "it doesn't take much for a slave to have a wet pussy."

Shasta laughed. "That's been my experience too." I started to undress Shasta, beginning to catalog her pleasure points, second nature to me now.

"And you have one of Scott's children too, Lucia?" I asked.

"Yes, I was also supposed to get pregnant with Sam's child, but when I didn't conceive, we found out about the scarring of my uterus, which prevented an egg from clinging to the wall in most circumstances. I went to Fresno for treatment, and since I was there, and not LA, Scott was going to provide the sperm for IVF treatment. But we ended up having sex, and I became pregnant, the egg attaching to the only smooth part of the wall available. The doctor hoped that with one child, the scarred tissue would stretch and break the cicatrices, and future pregnancies would be easier. So far, no luck on a second child. Might have to resort to IVF again."

"Are the bastards who raped you two all dead?" Sahar asked, stripping herself.

"No, only the shit who ran me off the road," Shasta said.

"Mine were all government soldiers. There's a low level guerrilla war between revolutionaries and the government, but that might be the only way any of them have died," Luca replied. "I wouldn't even know who they were. When they were committing crimes like mine, they wore masks."

"Sweetie, you can't right all the injustices in the world, even if you had the time. Killing someone in the heat of battle, is not the same as plotting to kill them. Plus, I don't think even you, can take on an army."

"Hey, the ones in Fresno. Don't you think they could be encouraged to attack me first so all I'm doing is defending myself?" Sahar asked.

"If you go into a situation loaded for bear, you can hardly say you were just trying to defend yourself, and any more than two or three unarmed wouldn't be good odds either."

"I suppose. I hate for fuckers like that to get away with raping teenagers."

"Shasta, were women the only people you could have sex with after you were raped?"

"I couldn't have sex with anyone. I guess I'd be like Kadina. Sex with women is wrong, and I didn't want nothing to do with men. I went through a lot of batteries."

"But here you are with four women," I said. "What changed?"

"I started out with my own submissive, a man, Sean. Scott was originally going to get him for Julia and Lisa because he guilty he don't let them fuck other men. Figured it would be easier if he in control of both sides of the fucking. But Julia convinced me to take him instead, that if I was in charge and he did everything I say, might be able to have sex again. When it started, I only let Sean lick me, not even use his hands. Then I ride him, his hands still confined so he can't touch me. I'm in total control.

"I had to see a sex therapist before I could actually let him touch me and we could have regular sex. My mama fuck him, too. First she raise me by herself after my father gone, then I get pregnant, and she has to raise Cedric while I work. She never get to date, go out, meet another man, so I let Sean fuck her. We kind of engaged, but I still get nervous thinking of a man having more control of me, and I think mama won't fuck him anymore if Sean is my husband, so I keep putting it off. Only real reason I want to be married is so Cedric have a daddy, but Sean like his daddy already. Cedric loves him and Sean is very good to him. Maybe if I want to have another kid, I'll finally tie the knot.

"Back then, I still think sex with women a sin, but watching all them horny fuckers have sex all the time, I figured I'd try it. They good people, be real good to me. It's hard thinkin' good people be sinners. Julia says it ain't queer if I mostly into men, and only let women lick me, but I eventually started licking back, and I don't feel different. I don't feel like I'm lesbian, even though I'll occasionally have sex with one. I enjoy men, mostly Sean, but I like the others too. I'd do anything for Mr. Thornhill for the help he give me. I take to Dominating Julia and Lisa too, even though they're the bosses, and Dominants fuck slaves. That's what they're there for. Not like I'm datin' women, just fuckin' 'em cause they slaves. You a shrink, what do you think?"

"I've never thought of lesbian sex as a sin, even if it wasn't done for love. I think people are the way God made them. Some like men, some women, some both. Why put a label on it. Isn't loving someone, anyone, better than hate, and intolerance, and bigotry, killing and crime, and rape and slavery? That we need more love in the world, of any kind, rather than less? That if we spent more time loving our neighbors, and less time hating them, the world would be better for it? Maybe I'm lucky, but on my ship, everyone seems to genuinely care for and love one another, and I've never been anywhere where I felt better about the people I'm with, more loved or more cared for. No one purposely hurts anyone else. If you tried, you'd be booted off. It's like a family."

"It's the same way at Brianna's," Zoe said. "No one seems jealous. We try to help one another all the time. Life seems shitty enough already, you don't need shit at home. You need love, and it really doesn't matter where it comes from."

"I agree," Lucia said. "Everyone there is my family."

"It's the same way at Scott's. I didn't know much about white folks growin' up. Didn't know many, didn't hang around the ones I did know. I'm suspicious if one nice to me. It's like 'what you talkin' to me for. Hang around with your own kind, not me.' They made me a part of their family, their business, put me in charge, pay me a decent salary, a share of the profits. If they racists at all, I can't tell. Of course, having a white woman lick my black pussy make up for a lot," Shasta said. "Which one of you sluts is going to lick it first."

"Let Beth do it," Sahar said. "Brianna spanked Monique's ass because she can't lick pussy as well as Beth does."

"You're joking?" Zoe said. "You did a lick off with Monique and won?"

I laughed. "I did. Fine, I'll lick Shasta's fine black pussy first if one or both of you two, takes care of my wife, then I'll give you a sample. We have the whole night. Mistress Shasta, if you want a good orgasm, I want you to wait until you're ready to beg before you tell me to make you cum. Any old slut can make you cum in five minutes, but it takes a slut like me to make it last thirty minutes."

"Fine. Take all the time you need."

The whole house heard Shasta scream. She also squirted. She was on the fifth plateau.


After Shasta's orgasm, Sahar wanted to have sex with her. I think the fact that two of the women I was with had been raped and experienced some of what she'd gone through was part of her interest. The weak who needed protection were always Sahar's forte. Shasta herself was too limp to lick her back, but Sahar wasn't dialed into a sixty-nine every time she had sex. After mopping up as much fluid as I could from Shasta's orgasm, I gave first Lucia, then Zoe a four plateau orgasm, taking much less time because slave sluts are so orgasmic.

By this time, it was rather late, but Sahar and I had a quick two orgasm sixty-nine to top off my day before we went to sleep. When I asked her if she wanted more, she said she got me all the time and didn't mind sharing her good fortune with others. There were some very loose limbs entangled in the sheets as we nodded off. I slept in the wet spot, since none of us knew where to find linens to change the sheets. I gave Shasta another nice orgasm in the morning, though not as good as last night's, since we didn't have the time. The others did a daisy chain while they waited for Shasta to cum.

We got up and showered, washing the sticky girl cum off. Shasta and Sahar dressed, the slaves remained naked as we hadn't been given further orders since ordered to strip. We went back to the patio, where another buffet was set up, serving breakfast food. Master ordered me to get something for myself and sit in his lap. As soon as I did, his hands were all over me. He fed me my breakfast, taking his time, frequently flavoring my food with some of my pussy juice. A bite of food, and lick his fingers.

"Who screamed last night?" Master asked.

"My Dominant for the night, Shasta, Master."

"Did you have a good time last night?"

"Yes, sir, though I wouldn't mind a good stiff fucking from you. I like my pussy but a thick prick really floats my boat."

"How about a good stiff fucking from me, Jerry and Dan, my little three hole slut, since it's the last sex you'll get for three days after your markings today?"

"Be still my beating heart, sir. Those are three substantially meaty cocks. It sounds like fun. Will you be in my cunt, Master?"

"Indeed I will. Since Jerry sampled your mouth last night, he wanted your cunt or ass this morning. I gave him your ass. Dan will take your throat."

"He does know I can't give him a full Beth Special if I'm a fuck sandwich, doesn't he, sir?"

"I'm sure he realizes your movements will be limited."

"Did you enjoy Julia and Cindy, Master?"

"They were very good. Did you know Cindy is Scott's sister, so I was fucking his sister and his wife?"

"I found out last night. I asked because they looked so much alike, I thought they might be related, sir."

"Mark that in the strange column."

"Do you know how Kadina did, sir?"

"William said that after he had sex with both Angela and Chantelle, he left the women alone and went to sleep in another bedroom. He didn't want her waking up with a man in the room."

"I knew he'd be good for her. Sir, if it's all right with you, I'd like to speak to her briefly before we fuck?"

"That's fine. Jerry is just sitting down to eat. You should also say quick goodbyes to your sister slaves and a few others. Francesca and Belle have a flight this afternoon. Only Björn, Lynn, Yasmine, Kadina, Angela, you, Sahar and I are going to Brianna's; the rest are leaving after breakfast."

I quickly said my goodbyes to the others. It would probably be several months before I'd see my sister slaves again. Perhaps on my way back to Florida, I'd stop and see them. There was hugging and kissing and a few tears.

Angela, Yasmine and Kadina were sitting together, eating breakfast. Angela and Yasmine were naked and rather animated, talking about Yasmine's planned markings, and what Angela would like to get. Kadina was dressed and quiet.

"Mistress, may I please speak to you in private?"

"Of course."

We found a quiet corner of the patio where we could chat without being overheard.

"How are you doing, Mistress? Did you have any problems last night?"

"No. Mr. Thornhill even left. I was alone with Chantelle and Angela, then Chantelle had to get up early to help with the breakfast, so I was alone with Angela. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I wanted her between my legs, kissing and licking me."

"It surprised me that you admitted you loved Angela last night, Mistress."

"It surprised me also. It sort of popped out. Yet, as soon as I said it, I knew it was true."

"And this bothers you because of the Muslim prohibition towards lesbian sex?"

"I wanted to see my parents again. I know I was a difficult daughter, but they think me dead. They may want me dead if I admit to them I love another woman."

"It will be hard for them, Mistress, no question. If I may make a suggestion, it is that you don't face them alone. You have shared experiences with the other freed slaves. Think about how best to present the information to them, and have the other Arabic speaking slaves there to support you; Fatima, Yasmine, Maahnoor, Farah and Sahar. I would tell them that it was Muslim men who captured you, other men who raped you for four years, and Angela was the only one who showed you love and kindness. That four years of rape by evil men, is not conducive to having feelings of love or affection for any man and to imagine having a child with one makes your blood run cold. Fatima was very forceful in explaining what happened to Maahnoor when she met her parents. Sahar was ready to kill her father when he slapped Maahnoor, she was so angry, and that was even before she'd had sex with a woman herself. If they cannot understand, Sahar would love to show them what your slavery was about. She'd have your father sucking a cock in no time."

"Except for my father sucking a cock, your suggestion has merit." She smiled to show she understood.

"I was being somewhat whimsical. Sahar would definitely do it, but it's not a good way to change minds. If I may ask, how did your discussion with Dr. Sadiq go? I suspect this is one of the topics you might have discussed with him."

"He was surprisingly understanding. I expected him to quote the Qur'an and inform me of the great sins I'd committed. He encouraged me to seek guidance from Allah through prayer, and said he did not believe the sins committed as a slave would weigh in Allah's judgment. When I discussed the lack of feelings I had for men and the feelings I had for women, he said he understood the reasons for my antipathy towards men, but all he encouraged was that I give myself time to heal before making a decision."

"I believe that even as devout as Dr. Sadiq is, he is still a doctor of the mind, Mistress, and must advise to the benefit of the mental health of his patients. He knows and understands the reasons that Maahnoor committed adultery. He was not ready to condemn her for her sins, as they were more the sins of the men who turned her into a slave. Before hypnotizing Maahnoor and Ateefah, he wanted to be sure that they loved their husbands and hadn't married out of desperation because they were with child. If they had not, he would have recommended they seek divorce and find someone they loved as their husband. Physical and mental trauma are not magically erased by the devoutness of the petitioner to Allah for guidance. It's the reason he's a psychiatrist. People suffer mental pain and illness, just as they suffer physical pain and illness. Both need to be treated for the good of the patient. I do not think he believes you should deny yourself forever if your feelings don't change.

"At the current time, you don't necessarily have to admit to your love for Angela. As I said to you before, everything you did was forced upon you. It was unnatural and as you heal, you may find your feelings changing again. The kindness and understanding of loving men may cause you to rethink your sexual preferences. You may continue having feelings for Angela, as no more than your submissive, but find yourself feeling love towards others. Time will be the arbiter of your true feelings as you gain distance from your trauma. You might wish to say no more to your parents than that Angela did not realize your status, and has agreed to be your servant to atone for her sins. That might be enough for now. If you ever choose to make the relationship more permanent, then might be the time to tell your parents. For now, hope they understand you weren't responsible for your slavery and all that happened as a result."

"Thank you, Beth. You ease my mind once again."

"It's sort of my job, Mistress. Well, that and licking your pussy."

She smiled again. She had a lovely smile. "Chantelle said it was you who caused the scream last night. For a moment, it sounded like a scream of pain, and I became fearful. Chantelle told me it was a just a very loud, very great orgasm, and it was probably you who gave it."

"I was responsible, Mistress. When I serve another, I like to know I'm doing a good job. A scream helps me determine I've done my job. Most of my frequent lovers know to keep a pillow handy to muffle their cries. Hopefully, I can make you scream like that someday. I never enjoyed any of the sex at Mahmoud's, as much as I was forced to beg for it. When one is finally freed, they should be able to experience what great sex is like, and not what is forced on you. May I hug you, Mistress?"

"You may."

I gave her a brief kiss on the cheek to go with the hug. I went to find my Master to receive my three hole fucking.


I found myself in Bill's bed for the second time, this time with three horny guys and not four ripe cunts. Dan was an older fellow, Scott's father, so in his fifties, but he looked in good shape and I learned he'd been in construction all of his life. I expected him to have a little less vigor than Master or Jerry, but he surprised me. I don't know why it should, as he had his own slave to take care of and keep satisfied. Sahar was with me, to grant me permission to have sex with two of the three Dominants. Jerry's wife/slave, Reneè, and Dan's wife/slave, Sandy, were observing me take it in all three holes until Dan ordered Sandy to take care of my wife. Then she knelt between my wife's strong legs and licked her to orgasm after orgasm, even as I went through mine.

Once again, I was struck by the handsomeness of my Master, facing him as he fucked my liquid cunt, happy he no longer felt the need to hide his love from me. Jerry lubed up my rear entry, then gently pushed past the gate and filled me up, both cocks stretching me so exquisitely, so close, so big, so full.