My Descent into Slavery Ch. 21


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Then Sahar turned me to her and planted a big sloppy kiss on me which I eagerly returned. Damn, that girl could kiss. Okay, we were back to behaving normally, except I was sure she didn't want us wandering around the hotel room nude; not in front of her parents. I supposed I could quit worrying about how I was coming off. They'd accept us for what we were or not at all.

We went straight to the restaurant, and the others had gotten there a few minutes before us. We were directed upstairs. All of the tables were set for four people, but we shoved a couple tables together, so Inez could sit with us, as did Jìngyi.

Before we sat down, I introduced Ahmed and Zainab to each of the other freed slaves, and their spouses or significant others, telling them how long they'd been enslaved, where they were originally from, where and when we recovered them, and in Ateefah's and Maahnoor's case, that they'd had children planted in their bellies by their former owners. In Hannah's and Jìngyi's situation, I explained that they were my friends from the ship, captured with me and had gone through much the same as I had for a month, rescued at the same time. They saw that Hannah was married to Angelique, so knew Sahar and I weren't the only lesbian relationship. I left Delphine's status as more nebulous, just saying she was a friend. A lot of the freed slaves spoke Arabic and could greet and speak to Ahmed and Zainab in their own tongue.

Sahar's parent were surprised at the number of young Muslim women who'd been enslaved. I explained that since Muslims valued purity and virginity in their women, they were more valuable as their owners wanted to be the first to pluck that flower. Their very purity had made them frequent targets for slavery.

My plans to avoid discussing voluntary submission this trip were blown out of the water when I introduced Yasmine, the last of the slaves we freed.

"Beth, you'll be excited to hear I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby."

Even though she said that in English, Sahar's parents got the translation on their devices.

"Where is your husband?" Ahmed asked, in Arabic.

"I don't have a husband," Yasmine responded in the same language. "I have a Master."

"I thought all of these women were freed?" Ahmed asked.

"Yasmine is in voluntary submission to a man. She is naturally submissive, and wished to remain in subservience to someone who was kinder and not as brutal as her former owner. She chose someone on our ship to submit to."

"Why not marry this man she chooses to submit to?"

"He is already married," Yasmine said, understanding the question.

I could see the wheels turning in Ahmed's head. - whore, slut, harlot.

"His wife knows about this relationship and approves of her pregnancy as she could not provide him with a child. It would be similar to Sarah giving her handmaiden, Hagar, to Abraham because she was barren."

Abraham is theoretically the father of Islam as well as Judaism, although Hagar is supposedly a daughter of a pharaoh in Islamic culture, her son, Ishmael, becoming the father of Arabs, eventually settling near Mecca. Well, since the topic was broached.

"I have a Master too. I'm a voluntary submissive," I said.

"What?" Ahmed asked.

"I was in submission to a man before I was enslaved. He granted permission for me to marry Sahar because she helped save me for him in a number of different ways. When I choose to have children, he will be the father. If Sahar chooses to have children, she may choose him to father her children. She hasn't decided yet."

We were heading into uncharted territory now. Not only were we each married to a woman, near unforgivable itself, we were having sex with people other than our spouses, adulterers and fornicators. Stoning was the punishment for such a crime in Islam.

Ahmed was trying to wrap his mind around this new information.

"Have you had sex with this man already?" He asked Sahar.

"I have. I began having sex with men again so that I could join Beth in his bed. Women who had sex with her Master got to spend more time with Beth."

"If you can have sex with a man, why not marry a man?" Ahmed asked.

"I can't love men. Having sex with a man is not the same as loving him. You could have sex with a sheep. Could you love a sheep?" Sahar said.

Treading dangerous waters, Sahar. I hope you know what you're doing.

"My Master was so grateful to Sahar for her help, that not only did he grant me permission to marry her, he gave her control over who I could have sex with except for him. I've been hypnotized to reduce my cravings for sex with others. Sahar has to give me permission to have sex with anyone else," I said.

"Who do you have sex with?" Ahmed asked.

"Anyone Sahar gives me permission to have sex with."

They got fairly quiet after that, not speaking. All the tables were chatty but for ours, which seemed more like a funeral than a meal.

Our servers told us to help ourselves to the salad bar and they'd be bringing the meat shortly. Everyone went downstairs and got some salad. Fifteen minutes later, they started bringing around skewers of meat and slicing off as much or little as you wanted of each kind. Other than warning her parents when they were serving a pork product, there was no conversation between us and her parents.

Finally, Sahar had enough.

"You don't understand what being a slave has done to us," Sahar said to her parents.

"What has it done to you?" Zainab asked.

She stood up and proclaimed loudly, "By a show of hands, how many of you women are Muslim?"

She asked in English as the common language of us all, save her parents. Hibbah, Ateefah, Farah, Yasmine, Maahnoor and Sahar raised their hands.

"Keep your hand raised if you were a virgin when you were captured."

They all kept their hands up.

"Keep your hand up if you like fucking every day."

No hands dropped.

"Keep your hand up if you like being fucked in the ass," Sahar said.

All hands remained raised.

"Keep your hand raised if you like sucking cocks," Sahar said.

Everyone's hand remained up.

"How many of you would be fucking people other than your spouse if your husband or boyfriend had no trouble with it and you weren't hypnotized into feeling sick if you thought about it?"

No one's hand dropped.

"Would it matter if it was a man or a woman?"

They had to answer that one. They all said no.

"How many of you would fuck two or more people at once if your husband or spouse had no problem with it?"

All hands remained up.

"How many of you had to be hypnotized to keep you from fucking around on your spouse or boyfriend?"

Only Sahar and Yasmine lowered their hands. She told the others to lower their hands.

Switching back to Arabic. "That's what slavery has done to everyone of us good Muslim girls. All virgins, raised in the faith. All of us now enjoy every kind of sex. Yasmine wasn't hypnotized because she obeys her Master, and won't have sex without his permission. I'm not hypnotized because Beth doesn't care if I have sex with others, because she does too. Do not presume to judge us.

"Mother would be exactly the same if it had happened to her, and there were men taken captive as well. Don't think you wouldn't be sucking a cock or taking it up the ass if you'd been enslaved, Father. Everyone breaks eventually. Beth bit off the cocks of a couple of her first rapists. By the end of it, she was begging everyone to fuck her. They put a ring gag in her mouth so she couldn't close it, wide enough for men to shove their cocks into her mouth. She was spoon fed shit, then men would piss into her open mouth to wash it down. You have no control of what is done to you and how you feel after you're freed. We're all still in counseling, trying to deal with our trauma."

She switched back to English. "Inez, would you like to join Beth and me in our bed tonight?" Her parents could still see the translation. They looked at each other.

Inez looked at Sahar's parents, then back to Sahar. "I'd love to join you tonight."

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to it."

Sahar sat down. Conversation gradually resumed at the other tables. It remained fairly quiet at ours, except Jìngyi and Inez were chatting away.

"You're putting it all out there, love," I softly said, a brief kiss to her cheek.

"We are what we are. If I have to alter my behavior for them to tolerate me, I'm not being true to myself. I'm a lesbian killer, and I'm going to quit apologizing for it."

"They're your parents. I'll follow your lead. You do what seems right to you."

She kissed me back. Except for the tension now, it was a very good meal.

The limo was quiet on the way back. Even Sahar's parents weren't taking to each other, but I had no clue as to how much they conversed about things and what kinds of things they talked about normally. Maybe they were quiet all the time.

When we arrived back at the hotel, Inez came in with us. Ahmed went to their room, but Zainab remained with us. Inez and Sahar sat on the couch with me, wondering what her mother wanted.

"Tell me about your submission," she asked me.

"I was looking for a topic for my doctoral thesis, and there was an ad in the paper where a Dominant was asking for someone to go on an around the world cruise as his submissive. I didn't realize at the time that I was a true submissive, but the ad intrigued me, and it was an opportunity to study the topic fully. I applied for the position and was accepted.

"In the process, I've learned a great deal about myself and other submissives. I enjoy being one, serving another individual. I've developed a survey for people to take to determine if they're submissive, Dominant, or neither."

"Is Sahar submissive?"

"Not even close. She's not Dominant either, although she's on the Dominant end of neutral. I think her own experiences as a slave won't let her order other people around. It offends her. She could probably order me around but won't. I prefer a male Dominant anyway."

"Why did you not marry your Dominant?"

"He's already married. His wife is also his submissive. He asked me to marry him before he got married. I told him he should marry her instead, that she'd be better for him as a wife than I would. It was enough for me that he loved me and wished to keep me as his submissive."

"How is your submission any different than being a slave?"

"Because I have a choice. I have what is called a safe word, with which I can stop anything from happening. If Master doesn't stop, then anything he is currently doing might be considered a crime. If he told me to eat shit, or drink piss, I would say my safe word and it's over. I would not be compelled to obey with beatings. If I refused to have sex, he couldn't rape me. Most of the things I allow him to do are pre-determined. We set the boundaries of my submission before I started."

"Are you ever punished?" Zainab asked.

"Frequently, but my punishments are never harsh, and are usually a prelude to sex, which I enjoy. As part of my submission, I frequently enjoy twelve or more orgasms per day, unless orgasm denial itself is my punishment."

"A dozen orgasms?" Inez said. "You're kidding?"

"Or more. I'm not kidding at all. When I was first freed, even though I wanted lots of sex, I didn't enjoy it, frequently not having any orgasms. Sex had become like eating or breathing, something I needed to do, but reflexively, not for pleasure. That was what Sahar and others gave back to me as part of my treatment, my enjoyment. Being submissive makes me very orgasmic. I'm easily aroused and climax quite easily. I'm punished most often for cumming without permission. If I'm with my Master, he controls my orgasms. Sahar may have as many orgasms as she wishes. Master doesn't control what I do for her, though he may limit what she may give me."

"What kinds of punishments do you get?" Inez asked.

"Spankings or paddling of my bottom, whipping, bondage, confinement, orgasm denial, forced orgasms, all of which I agreed to before my submission started."

"Whipping? Doesn't that hurt?" Inez asked.

"It's not like Master uses a bullwhip, trying to take my skin off. It's usually with a light flogger, which will sting, as opposed to hurt. I've orgasmed during a whipping. It's erotic as well as painful. Master isn't allowed to leave any marks or scars from my punishment. If my bottom is spanked, I can usually sit down within ten to twenty minutes, the redness fades within a couple of hours. Punishment is part of the sensual experience of submitting. I hurt more after heavy exercise than I do after most punishments. Orgasms are usually given before, during, or after a punishment to make it more enjoyable."

"I heard Yasmine say she has markings from her Master. Do you have markings too?" Zainab asked.

"I do, both a tattoo and piercings. Sahar designed the tattoo because Master wanted her to enjoy what I looked like as well."

"May I see them?"

"I will have to remove all of my clothes," I said. "You will likely be embarrassed."

"Are you embarrassed?" Zainab asked.

"Very little embarrasses me any more. I'm nude most of the time. I've had sex in front of other people. My punishments are often conducted publicly while I'm naked. I'm used to it. I will remove my clothes if you wish. When I do, you will see that I'm aroused. I'm aroused most of the time. One of my piercings rubs on my clitoris"


I took off my clothes and moved closer to Zainab so she could see more closely. As I expected, she blushed, but she inspected everything without actually touching me.

"I've heard that tattoos are not accepted in Muslim culture all the time. Is that true?" I asked as I stood before her.

"It depends upon the tattoo and the other aspects of the culture, if tattoos were accepted before conversion to Islam."

"Will you be able to accept Sahar and me, or will you need to shun us?"

"I'm not sure. Ahmed believes we should break ties with you, but he wanted more information. He will speak to the Imam. I don't know what he'll say."

"I was hoping we didn't have to unload all of this information on you all at once. We thought a little at a time, but honestly, this is the way we are now. I suppose it's best if you know it all now, so we don't become accustomed to seeing you on occasion, then find you'd need to break all contact with us because of something else you learned. We mostly wanted you to know Sahar was alive. We will always be open to contact. We know that most of our lives now are haram. We hoped, more than anything, that you could accept us as we are, but if the necessities of your faith preclude that, we understand."

Zainab looked at Sahar, her youngest daughter.

"Regardless of what the Imam says, I may stay in contact with you, even if I can't visit."

"We would like that."

Zainab went to her room, Inez, Sahar and I went to ours. I tried to make sure we didn't make too much noise. No point in rubbing their noses in it.


After a repetition of last night's activities, I gave Inez my survey, although I'd need to go back to the ship to run it through my matrix.

When she took it, she asked, "Do you think I'm submissive?"

"You're curious about it, asked a lot of questions, but that may be an inquisitive mind instead of submissiveness. It's possible."

She handed it back to me when she finished.

"Just out of curiosity," I asked, "if it turns out that you're submissive, would you like to be hooked up with an experienced male Dominant?"


"No, my Master has four submissives already. He feels like he's tapped out. I can't tell you who it is, but it's someone in The Bahamas."

"Four? My God. He must be a Superman. Would I have to move to The Bahamas?"

"You wouldn't have to, but you might want to. He would probably want you to quit your job so you'd be more available; be able to go there for a week or so at a time. He's wealthy enough to support you. You might consider giving your boyfriend a choice of tying the knot, or you're out of there. If he's not serious by now, maybe he never will be."

"You think I could do what you're doing, the punishments and all?"

"We could test it for a day on my ship. There are both male and female Dominants aboard. Yasmine's Master or his wife, my Mistress, in my Master's absence. She's who punishes me when I've earned a punishment my Master can't provide for some reason."

"I'll think about it before I have to bring you back."

Ahmed and Zainab were all packed by the time we exited our room clothed. Neither of them packed the swimsuits they'd worn. Ahmed stared at Inez, then at us. I couldn't help him. Religious faith was not something you could argue with. It's why it wasn't a good topic at parties. You weren't going to change anyone's mind by arguing it. Ahmed had a lifetime of belief backing his faith. Absent some huge trauma, he wasn't going to change his mind.

Sahar greeted her parents in Arabic, wishing them a good morning. Zainab responded, Ahmed did not. Sahar ignored it. She knew what we were dealing with even more than I did.

We went into Perkins for breakfast, getting whatever we wished, and buying Zainab and Ahmed cinnamon rolls. Ahmed liked his as much as he liked the key lime pie, though he was less effusive with his praise considering our sinful status. We had to get to the airport extra early because it was an international flight. I bowed again to say goodbye. Zainab hugged Sahar, Ahmed didn't.

"I hope to see you again," Sahar said. "If not, I understand."

We returned to the hotel and checked out, grabbing everything, figuring if we were delaying our departure, we could do it on the ship as well as the hotel. As soon as I got on board, I stripped off and told Inez to do the same.

I wondered if she'd comply given I still didn't know if she was submissive, but she took off everything and hung it in the storage locker by the gangway. She was blushing and had goose bumps, but she got naked. Mmm. I took her to Master's cabin where she and Sahar started having sex again while I went into my room and entered her survey into my database and ran it through the matrix.

Not the most submissive person on board, but definitely in the submissive range. I texted Master and asked if we could delay our departure for a couple of days.


I may have found a submissive for Prime Minister Minnick. Would like to have Lynn or Björn explore limits of her submission, train her properly, and perhaps introduce her to the PM.

Who is it?

Our limousine driver.

Is she cute?

Cute enough both Sahar and I fucked her.

How did the visit with Sahar's parents go?

It went relatively well until they found out we were both having sex outside of our marriage and I was a submissive to a male. That popped the balloon for sure. Her father, especially, took umbrage. Being in a lesbian relationship was bad enough, but being adulterers and harlots made it worse.

Very well. You may delay your departure, but expect to be punished when I see you.

Yes, Master.

I called Hannah and told her to engage the limo services for a couple more days. We were delaying our departure and even if we weren't driving anywhere, I needed Inez for submissive training. Hannah laughed.

"I'll let Björn know we're not leaving yet."

"I'll tell him. I'm bringing a naked slave up to his cabin for a day's worth of indoctrination."

Returning to Master's cabin, I watched Inez giving Sahar an excellent orgasm. She was picking up on this girl on girl stuff quickly.

"Not bad, bitch," Sahar said after her orgasm abated. "You're a fast learner."

Inez grinned at me with Sahar's fluids coating her from nose to chin. "You want to go next?"

"That depends. Do you want to know how your survey came out?"