My Ex Fiancée


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"Adam dear, what are you doing here; you still have two days off." I had never seen or heard of her being the slightest bit conciliatory, let alone calling someone "dear".

"I was just wondering if I could see Mr Turnbull for a moment." I could feel myself blushing from her sympathetic stare.

"He is in-between calls at the moment, I'll just see if it's okay." She slid off her chair and walked to his door knocking then poking her head inside to ask.

I had never seen her standing up and she was quite short which explained the high chair and desk.

She came back with a smile and said, "Mr Turnbull will be with you in a moment. Just take a seat."

She climbed back onto her chair while I sat down. She returned to work then stopped and looked up again. She opened her mouth to say something then stopped; I could almost see the wheels turning in her head as she contemplated continuing. Eventually speaking won out.

"I was left at the altar, at least you have found out in time."

As soon as she said it I think she regretted it. Before I could think of a reply her head was once again bowed and she was back working. Oh well, if I convinced her then the CEO should be easy.

Mr Turnbull came to the door and invited me in. He was a tall man, short cropped curly hair greying at the edges. He kept himself trim and was often seen running in the park at lunch times. He went back to the chair at his desk and motioned for me to sit opposite.

"Adam, I hadn't expected to see you this morning but under the circumstances then perhaps it's good we get the story from you today rather than later in the week."

I sat silent for a moment as Mar. Turnbull shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Argh that is to say umm... If there is anything you would like to tell me."

Mr Turnbull seemed really nervous, which wasn't like him. There wasn't any point delaying.

"I came here to ask you for the rest of the week off as I am dealing with some personal issues at the moment. But as these personal issues do involve other members of the firm and a PR company employed by the firm then I guess you have a right to know."

"Yes! Well I wouldn't have asked otherwise." Mar. Turnbull said defensively.

I took a deep breath and took a moment to clear my throat then started my hatchet job.

"Last night I returned to Sydney from my buck's weekend earlier than planned. I was at one of my groomsmen's house when I received a message from my neighbour concerning noise coming from my apartment. I initially thought he had the wrong number but when he persisted I called the police thinking someone had broken into my apartment and perhaps Georgia was in trouble. The police arrived and entered the apartment where they seized some drugs and found my fiancée tied to the bed with Tom and Karl having sex with her."

I stopped pulled out my handkerchief and dabbed at my eyes and wiped my nose, not that there were any tears but it left the desired impression.

"Oh dear, oh dear." Mr Turnbull muttered as he sat forward at his desk, eager to hear more.

"At first it was thought to be rape but after speaking to the police this morning that has been discounted. Tom, Karl and another of my groomsman Tony are currently being held on drugs charges."

"Oh dear, oh dear, not good for the firm! Not good at all. Umm what has Georgia said about this."

"I don't know I haven't spoken to her since I spoke to the police this morning."

"Oh dear, terrible business, terrible business. It's safe to say we won't be letting those two back through the front doors again. You take as long as you want, give me a call on Monday and we will talk further."

He leaned back in his chair dismissing me seemingly relieved. That's when the full picture became clear to me. I had been walking to the door happy that Tom and Karl were going to be out of a job. I turned and asked a question.

"What about the PR firm?"

Straight away he was like a cat on a hot tin roof again.

"Argh yes.... Well.... There will have to be an internal enquiry about that as Tom and Karl were responsible for the tender process. I'll have a talk to Jeremy, their CEO, and we will sort something out." His face was flushed, he was sweating. He was hiding something!

Given what Eric had told me about Georgia's role with her firm. Also I remembered Tom and Karl laughing about how Mar. Turnbull was taking an "active" role in the tender process. I put two and two together and came up with another guy that had been fucking my fiancée.

I kept walking, he'd keep till later but I was now realizing that short of a tactical nuclear strike I couldn't possibly get back at all the guys that were doing my fiancée.

I caught a taxi to the bakery I was meeting Georgia's parents in; I was early so I ordered a coffee. Taking out my phone I decided to log onto my security system to see whether Georgia was out of bed. She was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and madly texting on her phone. She stopped and went to the bedroom I thought to get dressed but instead she put on some lingerie then her dressing gown back over it. A couple of minutes later she was at the intercom buzzing someone into the building.

It was probably her parents, but why the lingerie? She skipped to the doorway, opened the door and there was the fourth fucker. My other groomsmen Geoff. Georgia stood on her tip toes pouting for a kiss but he dodged her and moved inside. I switched to the living area camera as they moved inside; he seemed to be trying to keep some distance between himself and Georgia. It was like watching two boxers in the ring scoping each other out. Georgia being the aggressive one trying to corner her opponent to land a telling blows while Geoff danced away. Geoff had the advantage of being able to use furniture as a shield. Eventually Georgia sat down on the lounge and Geoff took up a position in the chair opposite. I couldn't hear what they were saying; being in a busy public place I didn't have the sound up.

It appeared that Georgia had turned on the water works, her head was buried in her hands and her shoulders were trembling. Geoff was undecided he half stood then sat back down but it got too much for him and he moved next to her and put his arm around her. She threw herself on him arms around his neck and head buried into his shoulder. I looked up and made sure her parents hadn't arrived and when I looked back the scene had changed subtly.

Her head was still pressed against his shoulder but one of her arms was no longer around his neck but in his lap and her hand appeared to be rubbing his crutch. Within ninety seconds she had has cock out and was slurping on it like it as her favourite ice cream. Right then I felt a little sorry for Georgia she obviously had a mental illness. Just then there was a tap on the glass of the window I had sat next to and Georgia's father waved as he made his way to the door. Pushing through the crowd of people waiting for their coffee Jack sauntered to the table, he was alone. I stood and shook his hand then we both sat down.

"Your wife not coming?" I asked.

"No, after reading CBD I thought it would be better if I came alone. Janice's blood pressure has been high lately so I left her at home." He said while signally the waitress for a coffee.

"Yes, you're probably right."

"Now Adam, does that little libellous shit have this story right! Because I think you should sue his arse off!"

"Jack, taking action would cost a lot of money, keep it in the newspapers and is unlikely to succeed as it's true."

"What do.....?" The waitress arrived with his coffee so he waited until she had left. "What do you mean it's true?"

"Last night the police raided my apartment after a noise complaint and found my best man and a groomsmen having sex with Georgia in our bed." I said quietly.

"They must have forced her or drugged her or something!" He was trying to stay calm.

"Initially they thought it was rape however it appears that it wasn't."

"Don't be ridiculous! This is ludicrous! My daughter would ever do such a thing!" Calmness had gone out the window and he was almost foaming at the mouth.

"I'm sorry Jack but pictures don't lie. The weddings off."

"Bullshit!" That was the first time I had heard him swear. "People doctor photo's all the time!"

Jack was a "seeing is believing" kind of guy, I didn't want to hurt him but I wasn't going to be the bad guy here. I grabbed my phone and swiped the screen, opening the browser I found the security feed again. Things had progressed Georgia was laying on the lounge with one leg hanging off. Geoff was on top of her rutting for all he as worth. I turned the screen to Jack; he studied it for a moment.

"That means nothing; it was probably staged with an actress!" He put my phone face down on the table.

"It's a live feed from my apartment, this is happening right now."

"What kind of sick fuck are you? I'm so glad Doris wasn't here for your deranged fantasies! When I tell Georgia she won't touch you with a ten foot pole." he was starting to rise from his seat.

"Sit the fuck down Jack!" I yelled making everybody in the bakery turn towards us. He sat down with a stunned look on his face. I know I had never sworn in front of him before, let alone at him.

"Give me your phone," he was unmoved. "Now Jack!" He gave me his phone.

I went through the contacts and found Georgia's number; I pushed the call button then turned over my phone that had been face down on the table. On screen the action had stopped as Georgia reached for her phone on the coffee table.

Jack turned the phone over as he deflated before my eyes; he was suddenly very old and frail.

"I'm really sorry Jack but you had to know. The weddings off, I hope you don't lose too many deposits but three weeks out I'd say you will. You and Janice don't deserve it but I can't go through with this."

He was crying he didn't speak just simply nodded. He wiped his eyes collected himself then asked in a whisper.

"Have you told her yet?"

"No, she was asleep when I left this morning to meet the policeman in charge of the case."

"Sweet Jesus! She doesn't know you know and... And she is with the guy again?"

"It's not the same guy; those two are on drug charges that are other groomsmen."

"Ohm no." He was crying again.

"Come on Jack, let's get out of here and go for a walk in the park. We both need some fresh air."

I left money on the table for the coffee and we left. We walked for half an hour, talked about everything but Georgia. He had calmed down and wanted to go home so we walked to a taxi rank.

"When are you going to tell her?" Jack asked.

"When she gets a free moment!" It was hard not to be bitter.

Jack turned away.

"Part of me still loves her Jack. Part of me thinks this is a nightmare that I will wake up from and everything will be just as it was. That is what is making me feel so terrible because the rest of me wants to kill her and all the men who have every touched her."

"Can you let me know before you do because I will come and pick her up, take her home."

There were tears again; a father can't stop loving his daughter.

"Yeah sure Jack, I'll let you know."

We shook hands awkwardly and he got into the first cab at the rank. I turned and continued walking, plotting my next move.

I found a quiet spot in the park and check my CCTV feed again. The action had stopped, Georgia had her dressing gown on again and Geoff was tying his shoe laces. He really was a dumb bastard! He was engaged to the daughter of one of Australia's richest women. Penny Rhine-Hill was the daughter of Jackie Rhine-Hill who part owned with a Chinese consortium three of the biggest iron ore mines in The Pilbara region of Western Australia along with one of the richest gold and copper deposits ever discovered in Australia. She now featured on the list of the world's richest women with an estimated wealth of six billion dollars.

Granted Penny wasn't a stunner, she was generously proportioned. Not completely obese but very well rounded. Her face had chubby cheeks that almost glowed bright red if she exerted herself or got tipsy and it was topped off with a shock of curly red hair that could best be described as unruly. After saying all that she was a great girl, tremendous fun to be around and she was smitten with Geoff. You can marry more money in five minutes than you can make in a lifetime, was one of my father's favourite sayings.

I mightn't be able to get Geoff charged with anything but I was pretty sure I could fuck up his impending nuptials if Penny got a look at my security footage. Geoff worked for her family company too so I'd say that would end his job as well. That had my revenge pretty well covered except for my boss but I had a plan for that too. I just had to get Georgia's co-operation and I think I had something to ensure she catered for my needs.

Heading home I was very curious to find out how Georgia was going to approach our situation. When I got home Georgia was gone, I hadn't expected that but it put off the looming confrontation a bit longer. It also gave me time to put together a highlight reel for Penny.

Geoff's conversation with Georgia when he arrived had also been interesting; he had been sent over by Karl and Tom's lawyers to see what she had told the police. A charge of interfering with a witness sprung to mind but there wasn't much point, I'm sure Penny would think up some far more hideous punishments.

He kept pressing her about the drugs and what she had told the police. She said she only told them about the "rape." Geoff told Georgia that the boys weren't being charged with rape, only with possession and dealing in drugs. That's when she had slumped down on the lounge and he had moved to comfort her. So now she knew that that the "rape" defines was useless, that was probably why she had left the apartment.

I was fixing some dinner for myself about 5 pm when the apartment door opened. I could hear the click of high heels on the timber floor and into the living area walked Georgia and one of her bridesmaids Shelley. It appeared the plan was safety in numbers. They saw me in the kitchen area and made a bee line for me, when she got closer Georgia opened her arms to give me a hug and said.

"Adam! Darling! We're have you been we have been so worried!"

She sniffled as if she was holding back tears. I didn't return the embrace, keeping my arms by my side. I tried to keep my voice even.

"I've been busy talking to the police, my boss and your father."

Georgia stiffened, she had been caught off guard but she bravely battled on.

"Shelley's come over to explain how they spiked my drinks last night at the hen's night and I got kicked out of the night club. Tom and Karl were there and offered to take me home and that's when they took advantage of me."

She tried to embrace me again but I stepped back.

"Really? Is that what happened Shelley?" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, just like Georgia said, it was just a bit of fun that got out of hand!"

"And did you spike her coffee before she fucked Geoff this morning!"

Oh, it was delicious, Shelley's mouth hung open as she tried to comprehend what I had just said. Georgia took a step back as if I had struck her; she looked wildly between Shelley and me trying to think of something to say. Shelley found her voice first.

"You're on your own now girlfriend." she spat as she turned and walked to the front door.

Georgia tried to grab her to keep her there but Shelley shrugged her off, hitting her with a parting salvo.

"I knew you were a party girl but I didn't realize you were such a slapper!"

The door slammed and Georgia and I were alone. She turned towards me once more; she was crying now; well blubbering would be a better description. Mumbling how sorry she was and how I should have stayed with her this morning and it wouldn't have happened. Why does it always have to be someone else's fault?

"Will you please just shut up?" I yelled, "Do you really think I care about you excuses and lies?"

"But I was drunk and this morning I was upset and it's only two times. I'll be good please."

"You really are pathetic!" I took a long pull to finish a beer I'd opened earlier. "It's only two times?" I tried to imitate Tom's deep voice. "God, I've missed your arse," then George's "It's missed you too Tom!"

Once again there was a shocked look on Georgia's face.

"But... But...But how did?" Obviously her tongue had been overworked the night before.

"Do you remember when you moved in and I explained about the security system, and the cameras?"

"Yes, but you said you didn't use them."

"I don't, but they still run twenty four seven. I thought the police might want a copy for evidence of your rape but unfortunately it only proved you were a lying skanky slut."

The tears were flowing for real now, a steady stream trickling down and dripping off her face. She was on her haunches leaning against the wall. She looked pathetic really. Small, sad and pathetic. I decided then I would ask the sergeant to forget about the false statement charges, but I wouldn't tell her that until I got to the bottom of why she did it. That's if she even knew!

I walked over, lifted Georgia up to her feet and helped her to the kitchen table. She tried to cling to me but I moved away grabbed two beers out of the fridge and sat down opposite her. Opening the beers I placed one in front of her and took a sip from my own.

"I want you to know, we are finished! Okay?"

She nodded her head.

"The policeman wanted to know if I wanted him to charge you for making a false statement. I have to let him know by 6 pm tonight. So you have half an hour to answer my questions with the truth and I will tell him to forget about you."

"Please Adam don't I..." I cut her off.

"Answer my questions or wait for the police!"

She nodded her head, picked up the beer I had got for her and took a long drink.

"A friend in the city tells me you have been sleeping with your boss. Is that true?"

Georgia nodded her head again, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.

"For how long?"

"About nine months." she said sniffling loudly.

"You have only been there ten! For fucks sake why?"

"I was recruited as part of a new "strike team". We were supposed to be the spear head of a push into the corporate market." Georgia sniffed, "My boss, Jeremy, called me in to his office after a month, he wasn't happy." She sniffled again. "We had tendered for three corporate clients and missed each one."

Georgia stopped and had another drink. Her sniffing was driving me crazy so I reached back to a sideboard and grabbed a box of tissues; she blew her nose loudly then continued.

"Jim said he felt I wasn't contributing enough to the team effort. I told him I was putting in more hours than the others. He had come around his desk and stood in front of me. He said I had been employed because of my considerable assets and that it was time I put them on display. He then started unbuttoning my blouse."

"Right! That's unambiguous sexual harassment! Why did you stand for that?"

"It's alright for you! You're the wonder kid! Youngest guy ever to get a million dollar bonus! I was on my third job in two years I wanted to make my mark." The tears were forgotten as her anger showed through.

"By fucking your boss? That's one way to get a reputation but not a good one!"

"My pussy and mouth got them four big accounts!" I couldn't believe she was bragging about being a corporate whore.

"And now they will dump you on your arse and you will have to start turning tricks for real!"

"I don't think so; Jeremy wanted some back up so I had to secretly tape some of the encounters. I kept copies to cover myself!"

Now that was interesting, if I could get a copy of her and Mr Turnbull then I might be able to fuck that prick up.